Quizzes Summary BP 344

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1 What is the full title of RA 9266?

2 The architect who is directly and professionally responsible for the total design of the project for the client and who shall assume the civil liability for the plans

3 Who nominates persons for each position in the PRBArch

A certificate bearing a registration number signifying that the individual has succesfully passed the licensure examination and is registered to practice his/her profession as

5 An architect who is professionally and academically qualified and with exceptional or recognized expertise or specialization in any branch of Architecture

6 How much of the owners, shareholders, etc. of architectural corporations must be registered and licensed architects

7 does the consulting architect assume any civil liability under the Civil Code?

8 A document which contains the norms and principles governing the practice of the profession of architecture in the highest standards of ethical conduct

9 A duly notarized written contract stipulating the scope of services and guaranteeing the compensation for such services that the architect will render

10 The term "Architectural company" is synonymous to?

11 The intellectual property rights retained by an architect over any architectural documents/work that he/she prepares unless there is a written stipulation to the contrary

12 Documents which define all aspects of professional service, prescribes minimum basic fees and establishes the rights and obligations of both the architect and the client.

13 who shall prepare the syllabi for the licensure exams?

14 Who shall develop the CPD program for architects

15 Does the architect have the right to control the construction of any building that only partly reproduces his design?

16 The proprietary rights to an architectural work by a person who commisions the architect

17 How often must the Certificate of Registration be renewed?

18 Can PRBArch members be reappointed when their term expires?

19 Can foreigners take the Philippine Licensure examination for architects

20 Foreign nationals need a temporary or special permit to practice architecture in the Philippines. Where can this psecial permit be obtained?

21 to pass the licensure exam, what scores must the examinee get?

22 They represents the architect's initial assessment of a project's soundnessgenerally using researched, processed, and validated secondary data

23 Which method of selection is appropriate for monumental projects?

In comparative selection, this is the step where the selection committee may visit past projects of a prospective architect and check with references such as past client
and/or financial institutions

In this service, the archiect determines the adequate size and appropriate configuration for a proposed project considering the use, allocation, and interface of spaces for
given studies

26 Which term does not belong?

27 This technique is applied in the cost management process to minimize the negative effect of simplified operations associated with many cost-reduction programs

28 In comparative selection, during which step does the client issue the ToR for the project?

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