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NIM: 2030104026

Class: TBI 5A

Public Speaking


A. Introduction
To be announcer of a new in a radio or television needs a certain skill. Not
only have you to be good at reading aloud but also at interacting with your listener(s).
you have to be aware of your pronunciation and be communicative in delivering the
news as if you are talking to your audience face to face about certain topic(s)
B. Preparation

Here are some suggestions from McManus and Smart (1971) you can use to
plan your news reading activity.

1. whenever possible, read the text over first silently

2. try to think of its meaning and imagine how it should sound
3. hold the text (paper) far enough up to force your chin up, but not so far as to hide
your face. Hold it out from your body.
4. use the punctuation for pausing and for taking a breath
5. take a big breath before you begin, don't stop in the middle of a phrase.
6. suit the tone of your voice to the passage and try to capture the feeling of the text
without over-dramatising it.
7. practice raising your eyes form the text occasionally.
C. Useful Expressions
1. Greetings:
 Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi WabarakatuhuH
 Good Morning/ Afternoon/Evening
2. Introducing the Program and Presenter:
 You are watching Metro News with me.......
 Welcome back to English News Service. I'm..... Bringing you to the top
news of the week.
 I'm.........coming to you with the latest news in VOA news.
 I will be accompanying you 30 Minutes to go with the latest issue of the
week In Indonesia Now on Metro TV
3. Introducing Headlines
 Today's edition will include....
 Here are the headlines
 Today's headlines are... After these messages, will be right back with the
details. Stay tuned.
4. Breaking
 After these messages, will be right back with the details stay tune
 We'll be back right after the commercial breaks. Stay with us.
5. Ending
 This concludes today's edition of English Club News Service.
 I'm... Thanking you for watching us.....
 Have a nice weekend.
 Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
D. Practice

The following selections are examples of many kinds of texts Work in pairs and share
your ideas for better results.

Text News Reading

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

You are watching Metro News with me ILFANI ADIRA. Today's edition will include
about Flood in Banten. Floodwater Floodwaters soaked residential areas and a number of
school buildings in Lebak, Banten, and Tuesday afternoon. The students had to take off their
footwear to go to school. It’s been raining heavily for three days. Activities of residents and
students are disrupted, one of them is at State High School 1 Rangkasbitung, Lebak, Banten.

Flooding as high as 30 to 50 cm makes students have to walk in puddles to school

barefoot, although the students are still eager to learn. Until last night the rain still poured on
rangkasbitung area, Lebak Banten, residents expect the waterway system to be repaired soon.

I'm ILFANI ADIRA Thanks you for watching us Metro News. Assalamualaikum
warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Anda Metro News bersama saya ILFANI ADIRA, edisi hari ini akan mencakup
tentang banjir di Banten. Banjir merendam tempat tinggal warna serta beberapa bangunan
sekolah di Lebak Banten, pada hari Selasa sore. Para murid akhirnya harus melepaskan
sepatu untuk berangkat sekolah. Hujan deras yang terjadi selama 3 hari membuat kegiatan
warga dan murid terganggu. Salah satunya terjadi di Sekolam Menengah Negeri 1
Rangkasbitung, Lebak, Banten.

Banjir dengan ketinggian 30-50 cm membuat murid harus menerjang genangan air ke
sekolah tanpa sepatu. Namun para murid tetap semangat untuk belajar. Sampai malam tadi,
hujan masih terjadi di wilayah Rangkasbitung, Lebak, Banten. Warga berharap agar sistem
saluran air diperbaiki segera.

Saya ILFANI ADIRA terimakasih telah menonton Metro News dengan kami.
Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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