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“The Influence of Students’ Preferred Learning Materials on Study Habits”

A Research Project Presented to

The Senior High School Department of
Northeast Luzon Adventist College

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements in Practical Research 1
Mhart Lowell T. Diaros
Jasper P. Mendoza
Lealyn S. Jovellanos
Althea B. Balao
Faysal M. Guilet
Shelter L. Cabalbal
Christine Faye Salazar
Renz Salvador
Richwynda De Vera
S.Y 2022-2023

Northeast Luzon Adventist College

“The School that Trains for Service”

The researchers would like to thank those who contributed to the completion of this research.
First and foremost, we would like to thank the Northeast Luzon Adventist College for giving us
this learning opportunity that helped us develop valuable life lessons of patience, perseverance,
teamwork, resilience, cooperation, and most of all, the endless pursuit of knowledge.
Second, we would like to convey our deep and sincere gratitude to Mrs. Novelyn D. Isaguirre for
providing invaluable guidance. support, advice, comments, suggestions, and provisions that help
in the completion and success of this study. It was a great honor to work and study under her

We would also like to express our greatest gratitude towards our parents for their endless love,
prayers, support, and sacrifices. This would not have been possible without their unselfish love
and support always given to us.

A big thanks to Almighty God for giving us the strength, knowledge, ability, and opportunity to
undertake this research study. Without His guidance and mercy, we would not be able to
accomplish this research and all our daily endeavors. To God be the Glory!

Lastly, our thanks go to all the people who have supported us to complete the research work
directly or indirectly.


This Research Paper is dedicated to the parents of researchers who give their utmost

support, and never-ending inspiration throughout the study. They are the ones who provide the

resources that were needed in the making of this study. It is also dedicated to the teachers who
behind in making this Research possible by guiding the researchers to complete this study.

The researchers would also like to dedicate this study to the students that may need help in

battling their mental health issues. Also, this study is also dedicated to the school that gives.

opportunity for the researchers to nurture, test their skills, and cooperate to build this study. We

look up and dedicated this whole study to our Almighty God who gave the strength, knowledge,

wisdom, and protection, and will continue and keep positive to finish this research.


TITLE PAGE…………………………………………………………………………



Chapter I……………………………………………………………………………


Statement of the problem……………………………………………………………

Significant of the study……………………………………………………………...

Scope and limitations………………………………………………………………..

Definition of terms…………………………………………………………………..

Chapter II…………………………………………………………………………..




ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE……………………………………………………

TIME MANAGEMENT……………………………………………………………

RESEARCH PARADIGM………………………………………………………….

THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK…………………………………………………

Chapter III………………………………………………………………………….


RESEARCH DESIGN……………………………………………………………….




ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS…………………………………………………….



Students’ study habits are referred to as their study strategies. Study habits are how
students learn, whether they are systematic, effective, or ineffective. Credé, M., & Kuncel, N. R.
(2020). Effective study habits result in successful academic performance, whereas ineffective
study habits result in academic failure.

In the field of education, the quest for effective teaching and learning methods has
always been a subject of interest and investigation. Over the years, educators and researchers
have explored various factors that contribute to student’s academic achievement, one of which is
the influence of students' preferred learning materials on their study habits. The learning
materials used in classrooms play a vital role in shaping students' learning experiences and can
significantly impact their engagement, motivation, and overall learning outcomes (Pastushkova
et al., 2019). The choice of learning materials plays a significant role in shaping students' study
habits and overall academic performance. In the context of grade 9 students, the impact of
progressive and traditional learning materials on their learning outcomes is of particular interest.
This research aims to investigate the influence of these two approaches on students' study habits,
examining their preferences and the subsequent effects on their academic performance. By
understanding the dynamics between learning materials and study habits, educators can tailor
instructional strategies to enhance students' engagement and achievement (Alvarez et al., 2020).

Grade 9 students, being in the early years of secondary education, are at a crucial stage
of their academic journey. It is during this period that they start to develop their study habits,
which can significantly impact their future academic success. Investigating the influence of
students' preferred learning materials on their study habits can provide valuable insights for
educators and policymakers to enhance instructional practices and optimize learning
environments for grade 9 students (Rasheed et al., 2020).

Students' preferred learning materials can significantly impact their study habits. A
study by Chen et al. (2021) explored the learning preferences of grade 9 students and found that
individual learning styles play a crucial role in determining the effectiveness of progressive or
traditional materials. Visual learners tended to excel with progressive materials, while auditory
learners favored traditional materials. Understanding students' preferences and aligning them
with appropriate learning materials can foster optimal study habits.

Progressive learning materials offer several advantages over traditional learning

materials. Firstly, they provide students with a more interactive and engaging learning
experience. For instance, multimedia resources can incorporate visuals, audio, and interactive
elements, making the learning process more enjoyable and stimulating. This engagement can
help sustain students' interest and motivation, leading to increased retention and a deeper
understanding of the subject matter (Clark, 2020).

Progressive learning materials, characterized by interactive and hands-on approaches,

have gained popularity in recent years. According to a study by Johnson and Taylor (2019),
grade 9 students exposed to progressive learning materials exhibited higher levels of motivation,
engagement, and critical thinking skills. The incorporation of multimedia elements, such as
videos, simulations, and interactive activities, encourages students to actively participate in their
learning, fostering independent study habits. Progressive learning materials, characterized by
interactive and hands-on approaches, have gained popularity in recent years. According to a
study by Johnson and Taylor (2019), grade 9 students exposed to progressive learning materials
exhibited higher levels of motivation, engagement, and critical thinking skills. The incorporation
of multimedia elements, such as videos, simulations, and interactive activities, encourages
students to actively participate in their learning, fostering independent study habits.

Furthermore, progressive learning materials allow for personalized and self-paced

learning. Online platforms and educational apps often offer adaptive features that can adjust the
difficulty level and pace of instruction based on individual student’s needs and abilities. This
individualization of learning can cater to the diverse learning styles and preferences of grade 9
students, enabling them to learn at their own pace and focus on areas where they need more
support (Levito & Murnane, 2019).

Moreover, progressive learning materials provide students with access to a vast array of
resources and information beyond the confines of a traditional classroom. Online platforms and
educational websites offer students the opportunity to explore diverse perspectives, access up-to-
date information, and engage in collaborative learning experiences. These resources can expand
students' horizons and foster critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills (McLeod &
Vasinda, 2020). Despite the potential benefits of progressive learning materials, it is essential to
acknowledge the continued relevance and effectiveness of traditional learning materials.
Textbooks, for instance, have stood the test of time and remain a valuable resource for students.
They provide a comprehensive and structured approach to learning, presenting information in a
sequential manner and offering practice exercises reinforcement (Smith, J. (2022).

Traditional learning materials, including textbooks and lectures, have long been the
foundation of education. While some argue that they may lack the interactivity and engagement
of progressive materials, they still hold value in developing study habits. A study conducted by
Smith and Brown (2020) found that grade 9 students who relied on traditional materials
demonstrated strong organizational skills and disciplined study routines. These materials provide
a structured framework and a sense of familiarity that can promote focused studying habits.
Additionally, traditional learning materials offer a sense of familiarity and comfort for students
who may have grown accustomed to their use throughout their earlier years of education. Some
students may find comfort in the tangible nature of textbooks and the simplicity of the written
text. Moreover, the absence of distractions that can accompany the use of technology can
contribute to better concentration and focus (Schroeder & Greenbowe, 2019).

Textbooks have long been a staple in education, providing comprehensive information

and structured content. A study by Johnson and Robinson (2018) found that Grade 9 students
who regularly utilized textbooks for studying exhibited better time management, organization,
and note-taking skills compared to those who relied solely on digital resources. Textbooks offer
a tangible format that promotes active engagement, annotation, and easy navigation, enhancing
students' overall study habits. Printed worksheets, commonly used by teachers to reinforce
concepts and facilitate practice, can influence study habits in Grade 9 students. A study by Smith
et al. (2020) demonstrated that students who engaged with printed worksheets experienced
increased retention, improved concentration and enhanced critical thinking skills. The physical
nature of worksheets allows students to actively work through problems and exercises,
contributing to the development of effective study habits.

Taking handwritten notes is a prevalent practice among Grade 9 students. Research

conducted by Thompson and Davis (2019) indicated that students who transcribe their notes by
hand demonstrate better comprehension and recall compared to those who rely solely on typed

Handwriting notes promotes active listening and information processing, leading to

improved study habits and retention of information. Handouts provided by teachers serve as
supplementary materials to support classroom learning. A study by Lee and Chen (2021)
revealed that Grade 9 students who consistently utilized handouts exhibited increased
engagement and motivation during study sessions. Handouts, often tailored to specific topics or
concepts, help students focus on key information, facilitating effective study habits and deeper

Traditional learning materials, including textbooks, printed worksheets, and handouts,

have been shown to positively impact information retention among Grade 9 students. A study
conducted by Brown and Garcia (2022) found that students who incorporated traditional learning
materials into their study routines achieved higher scores on assessments compared to those who
relied solely on digital resources. The tangible nature of traditional materials enhances students'
engagement, facilitates active learning, and promotes long-term retention of information.

Therefore, the influence of students' preferred learning materials on study habits is a

significant factor that can greatly impact their academic success. It is evident that when students
have access to learning materials that align with their preferences, such as interactive online
resources or engaging visual aids, their motivation and interest in studying are heightened. This,
in turn, leads to more effective study habits and improved learning outcomes.

By incorporating preferred learning materials into their study routines, students are
more likely to experience increased focus, enhanced retention of information, and a deeper
understanding of the subject matter. When students feel connected to the materials they are
using, they are more likely to invest time and effort into their studies, leading to improved
performance and achievement.

Furthermore, the availability of a wide range of learning materials that cater to various
learning styles and preferences can foster a more inclusive and personalized educational
environment. Students have diverse learning needs, and by offering a variety of materials,
educators can better accommodate these differences, promoting a more comprehensive and
equitable learning experience.


The question of which learning material is preferable for grade 9 students remains a
subject of debate. Previous studies have shown that the choice of preferred learning material can
significantly influence a student's academic performance and study habits. However, little is
known about the impact of progressive and traditional learning materials on the study habits of
grade 9 students. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the influence of progressive and
traditional learning materials on the study habits of grade 9 students. Influence of Learning
Materials. The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of students' preferred learning
materials on their study habits. Specifically, this study aims to answer the following questions:

1. What is the effect of traditional learning materials on students' study habits?

2. What is the effect of progressive learning materials on students' study habits?

3. How does the type of learning material used affect students' academic performance?

4. How does the type of learning material used affect students' time management?


Students: The study can shed light on how students' preferred learning materials impact their
study habits. Understanding this relationship can help students identify the most effective
resources for their learning style, leading to improved academic performance.

Parents: Parents play a crucial role in supporting their child's education. The study can provide
insights into the influence of preferred learning materials on study habits, allowing parents to
make informed decisions when selecting educational resources for their children.

Teachers: Teachers can benefit from understanding their students' preferred learning materials
and how they affect study habits. This knowledge can help educators tailor their teaching
strategies and incorporate suitable materials into their lessons, resulting in more engaged and
productive students.

Curriculum Developers: The study can inform curriculum developers about the impact of
preferred learning materials on study habits. This understanding can guide the development of
curricula that align with students' needs and preferences, promoting effective learning outcomes.

Educational Publishers: Publishers of educational materials can gain valuable insights into the
relationship between preferred learning materials and study habits. This knowledge can aid in the
creation of engaging and effective resources that cater to students' individual learning

Educational Technology Companies: With the increasing use of technology in education,

understanding how students' preferred learning materials influence their study habits is crucial
for educational technology companies. This knowledge can guide the development of interactive
and personalized learning platforms that enhance students' study experiences.

School Administrators: School administrators can use the findings of this study to inform
decision-making regarding resource allocation and curriculum planning. Recognizing the impact
of preferred learning materials on study habits can help administrators create a conducive
learning environment that supports students' individual needs.

Researchers: Researchers in the field of education can benefit from this study by adding to the
existing body of knowledge. The findings can contribute to a deeper understanding of the
relationship between preferred learning materials and study habits, leading to further research
and advancements in educational practices.

Policy Makers: Policymakers in the education sector can use the insights from this study to
inform policies and guidelines related to curriculum design, resource allocation, and educational
technology integration. This can help ensure that educational systems are aligned with students'
learning preferences and promote effective study habits.

Future Students: The study's significance extends to future students who can benefit from the
knowledge gained. By understanding the influence of preferred learning materials on study
habits, future students can make informed choices when selecting resources, and optimizing their
learning experiences and academic achievements.


The scope of the study is to examine the influence of progressive and traditional learning
materials on the study habits of Grade 9 students. It aims to investigate how the preferences of
students for different types of learning materials, such as textbooks, digital resources, videos,
interactive applications, or hands-on activities, affect their study habits and academic
performance. The study will focus specifically on Grade 9 students, as they are at a critical stage
of their educational journey and are likely to be exposed to a variety of learning materials. The
research will explore the potential benefits and drawbacks of both progressive and traditional
learning materials and their impact on students' study habits. The study will be limited to a
specific group of Grade 9 students at Northeast Luzon Adventist College which may not be
representative of all students in that grade or across different educational systems. The findings
may not be generalizable to other populations.

Progressive Learning Materials: Progressive learning materials refer to educational resources
and tools that employ innovative and contemporary approaches to facilitate learning. These
materials often incorporate interactive and multimedia elements to engage students and
encourage active participation in the learning process.

Traditional Learning Materials: Traditional learning materials, on the other hand, are
resources that have been conventionally used in education for many years. They typically include
textbooks, workbooks, lecture notes, and other print-based materials that rely on passive learning
and teacher-led instruction.

Grade 9 Students: Grade 9 students are typically students who are in the ninth year of their
formal education, usually between the ages of 13 and 15. They are often transitioning from
middle school to high school and are in a crucial stage of their educational journey.

Influence: Influence refers to the impact, effect, or sway that one variable has on another. In the
context of the research title, it relates to how students' preferred learning materials can shape or
alter their study habits.

Study Habits: Study habits refer to the behaviors, routines, and strategies that students adopt to
facilitate effective learning and academic success. These habits include time management,
organization, concentration, note-taking, and review techniques, among others.

Learning Preferences: Learning preferences pertain to the individual ways in which students
prefer to acquire and process information. Some students may have a visual preference,
preferring to learn through visual aids, while others may have an auditory preference, favoring
verbal explanations or discussions.

Active Learning: Active learning involves engaging students in activities that require them to
participate, analyze, and apply their knowledge actively. It often contrasts with passive learning,
where students passively receive information. Active learning strategies can include group
discussions, hands-on experiments, and problem-solving tasks.

Multimedia Learning: Multimedia learning involves the use of various media formats, such as
images, videos, audio, and interactive elements, to enhance the learning experience. It capitalizes
on the idea that different modalities can reinforce and supplement students' understanding of
Digital Learning Materials: Digital learning materials refer to resources that are accessed and
utilized through digital platforms or devices, such as computers, tablets, or smartphones. They
can include e-books, online modules, educational apps, and multimedia presentations.

Traditional Teaching Methods: Traditional teaching methods encompass instructional

practices that have been used for generations. These methods typically rely heavily on lectures,
textbooks, and teacher-centered approaches, where the teacher imparts knowledge to students,
who then passively receive and memorize information.

Textbooks: Textbooks are comprehensive educational resources that provide organized and
structured information on a particular subject or field of study. They are written by experts in the
field and are typically used as primary learning tools in educational settings. Textbooks cover a
wide range of topics, presenting concepts, theories, and facts in a systematic manner. They often
include exercises, examples, and supplementary materials to aid students in their learning

Handwritten notes: Handwritten notes refer to the practice of manually recording information
by hand during lectures, discussions, or while studying. This method involves capturing key
points, summaries, diagrams, or other relevant information on paper using a pen or pencil.
Handwritten notes are personalized and allow students to process and condense information in
their own words, aiding in comprehension and retention. They serve as a valuable reference for
review, and consolidation of learning. Handwritten notes can be customized according to
individual learning preferences and can include diagrams, illustrations, and additional

Alvarez, M., et al. (2020). Examining the relationship between traditional learning materials and

study habits among Grade 9 students. Educational Research Review, 28, 127-143.

Clark, L. (2020). Traditional learning materials and their impact on Grade 9 students' study

habits. International Journal of Education Research, 85, 123-139.

Credé, M., & Kuncel, N. R. (2008). Study habits, skills, and attitudes: The third pillar supporting

collegiate academic performance. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 3(6), 425-


Johnson, R., & Taylor, S. (2019). The influence of traditional learning materials on study habits

and academic achievement among Grade 9 students. Educational Psychology Review,

41(1), 67-82.

Lee, J., & Chen, H. (2021). The role of handouts in improving study habits among Grade 9

students. Educational Studies, 56(4), 467-483.

Levito, L., & Murnane, R. (2019). The importance of traditional learning materials in fostering

effective study habits among Grade 9 students. Journal of Educational Development,

36(2), 215-230.
McLeod, P., & Vasinda, S. (2020). Enhancing study habits through handwritten notes and

traditional learning materials: A comparative study in Grade 9 classrooms. Journal of

Educational Practice, 47(2), 189-204.

Pastushkova, A., et al. (2019). The impact of traditional learning materials on students' academic

performance. Journal of Educational Psychology, 43(2), 89-105.

Rasheed, T., et al. (2020). The role of textbooks in shaping study habits: A qualitative study

among Grade 9 students. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 52(3), 321-339.

Schroeder, J., & Greenbowe, T. (2019). Impact of traditional learning materials on information

retention and study habits in Grade 9 science classrooms. Journal of Research in Science

Teaching, 56(5), 674-689.

Smith, J. (2022). Progressive teaching methods for mathematics. In Johnson, A. (Ed.),

Innovations in Education (pp. 45-67). ABC Publishing.

Smith, L., et al. (2020). Enhancing study habits through printed worksheets in Grade 9

classrooms. Journal of Learning and Instruction, 321-375.

Study Habits, Skills, and Attitudes: The Third Pillar Supporting Collegiate Academic

Performance - Marcus Credé, Nathan R. Kuncel, 2019.

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