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Name: Lealyn Serante Jovellanos Date Submitted: April 17,2023 Score _________

1. Give examples or practical applications demonstrating Charles’s law and Gay Lusac’s laws:

Charles Law is an Ideal Gas Law that establishes a relation between volume and temperature at
constant pressure. In other words, according to Charles’s law definition; the volume of a gas
increases with an increase in temperature at constant pressure and vice versa. Jaques Charles’s
law is also known as the Law Of Volumes.

1.Hot Air Balloon

2. Bursting of a Deodorant

3.Bakery Products

4.Turkey Pop-Up Timer

5.Opening of a Soda Can

6.Helium Balloon on Cold Day

2. A sample of gas has a volume of 1.80L at an unknown temperature. However, when it was
submerged in an ice bath with a temperature of 0 ◦C, its volume was reduced to 1.57 L. What was
the initial temperature of the gas? Express your answers in Kelvin and in degrees Celsius.

V 1= 1.80L V 2= 1.57L

T1=? T 2= O◦C K= 0◦C + 273 = 273K

1.80L 1.57L (1.80)(273) = (1.57)(T 1)

T1 273K 491.4 = (1.57) (T1) = T1= 312.9 or 313K
1.57 1.57

3. A gas container is initially at 47 mm Hg and 77 K (liquid nitrogen temperature.) What will the
pressure be when the container warms up to room temperature of 25 ˚C?

P1= 47mmHg P 2=?

T1= 77K T 2= 25◦C K= 25◦C + 273 = 298K

47mmHg P2 (47)(298) = (77)(P2)
77K 298K 14006 = (77) (P2) = P2 = 181.8 0r 1.82mmHg
77 77
4. A gas thermometer measures temperature by measuring the pressure of a gas inside the fixed
volume container. A thermometer reads a pressure of 248 kPa at 0 ˚C. What is the temperature
when the thermometer reads a pressure of 345 kPa?

5. A gas has a pressure of 699.0 mm Hg at 40.0 ˚C. What is the temperature at standard pressure (1
atm = 760 mmHg)?

6.. List three variables that commonly affect the properties of gases.

Thus, gases are generally concerned with the relations among three properties, namely mass,
pressure, and volume.


Is it good to put a reasonable amount of pressure on yourself as a form of motivation to complete all
your activities? Support your answers using examples!

We face enough stress in life without putting more on ourselves, but that's exactly what many of us do, in one way or another, sometimes
without even realizing it. The first step toward easing off yourself is to realize when you might be making things harder on yourself
unnecessarily. Without blaming yourself, why not learn what you can do to stop the self-sabotage and be your own strongest ally in stress
relief? Here are some of the best ways to make the most of your life and cut down on self-imposed stress.

1. Lead a Balanced Life

2. Think Like an Optimistic, not a Pessimist.

3. Allow Yourself to Feel, Then Feel Better

4. Accept Your Weaknesses, and Everyone Else's

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