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Gender & Race: Is Workplace Free from Discrimination?

Written by: Alan Rex C. Godio Jr.

In every society there are norms and taboo. Norms are rules for every individuals
telling should or should not people do. (Hecter, 2001) Taboo is the things that are
against society. But, what if? Norms and taboos are against in some certain part or
group of a society? Every company has its common goal. As well as, a company is a
group of people with different gender, race, culture, and belief. Being different from one
another does not lead to a failure, being different will not hinder the company to reach
its goal. However, these differences leads them to be treated unfairly because of their
age, gender, race, and color. These action called discrimination. It is affect individual
and society on how they will be viewed by others. This paper will assess if workplace is
free from discrimination.

Do workplaces are free from discrimination? No, discrimination still exist and
people have a long way to alter it. Some companies do give an equal chance for any
individual to be part of company. In fact, statistics shows that there is a progress of
women in a workforce. (PSA, 2021) In Philippines, Filipino women that are manager
have high shares leads the country ranked 5 th in year 2019 as the highest manager
women share. (ILO, 2019) In addition to that, overseas Filipino workers (OWFs) are
mostly women with 60.2%. (Statista, 2022) The progress in giving all individuals an
equal chance in workforce is increasing.

However, there is some factors where discrimination in workforce is still

experience. Salary is the regular payment of the employee receive. This is the money in
return of them performance. However, Gender and Racial discrimination affect it in a
way some people are paid less because of their age, race, and gender. In a study,
women's average daily wage was 13.9% lower than men's average daily wage. (PSA,
2019) The races also affect the payment the employee receive. In a study, young men
Asian-American with no college degree is paid more than the half of black men
received. (Oh, 2022) In another study, comparing the full-time income of White people
and Asian-American people. White men has the higher income compare to the white
women, due of gender discrimination. As well as, white men has the higher income
compare to Asian-American men because of racial discrimination. (US Census and
Bureau) The wage gap is affected because of the race and gender even though it does
not affect the performance of the employee.

Another problem is the employment rate that is affected by gender and race. In a
study of Philippine Statistics and Authority, Filipino men employment rate is 62.5%
compared to the women employment rate with 37.5%. Globally, labor for participation of
women is under 47% compare to the men with 72%. (ILO, 2021) Women had been
treated differently affecting their participation in workforce. Many women are brilliant,
innovative, and smart that haven’t given a chance because of their sex. In races, the
black people unemployment rate is 104% higher than Asian people. (BLS, 2016) These
unfair treatment for people is might due of limited access to the education and few job
opportunity in some countries. 1.83 million Of Filipino population work abroad to seek
opportunities around the world. (PSA, 2021)

Unequal treatment inside the workplace is also affected by race and gender of
people. More than half of men who experienced violence and harassment suffered
psychological harassment and 47% of women reported the same. (World Risk Pol,
2021) In the same survey, 13% of working Filipino women experienced sexual
harassment. For Filipino OFWs some of them experience abused especially those who
works as a maid. In Middle East, some of them suffer beatings and sexual abuse. As
well as, in other countries such as Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, they are jailed for running
away. (Paddock, 2006) In United States, over 61% experienced workplace

Amid these ongoing issues, companies and organizations should take active
steps to combat gender and racial discrimination in the workplace. Many companies are
implementing an anti-discrimination policy, which clearly states that employees will not
be discriminated against based on their gender, race, or any other characteristic.
However, some companies neglect this rule. As well as, people should provide
employees with education and training on diversity and inclusivity. This will help them
understand the importance and value of including members of different genders and
races in their workplaces.
In Philippines, Gender and Development or GAD program batting that women
should have an equal right to the men this is to achieve the vision of a gender-
responsive society when both parties equally contribute. Also, The Philippines “Bill of
Rights in the 1987 Constitution” aimed to give an equal protection for Filipino and
prohibits any discrimination.

In conclusion, to look back in the question, do workplace free from

discrimination? The answer would be no, gender and racial discrimination remain
significant issues in the workplace. While they have been around for many years, they
should not be tolerated in any form. Companies and organizations should take active
steps to combat discrimination, such as implementing policies and providing education
and training. Everyone deserves to be treated fairly and equally, regardless of their
gender, race or any other characteristic. The workplace should be a place where people
can develop their potential, and discrimination should not be a barrier to that. People
should continuously fight for that until it achieved. In a Filipino saying, “Malayo pa, pero
malayo na”

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