Bubbles Curriculum Sheet

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Curriculum Planning Form


Matching Skills Motor Imitation Requesting Skills Receptive Skills Labeling Skills Conversation Skills Other Skills
Mands Intraverbals
Match identical Imitate gross Request for *Respond to name Use words/sign to Describe what a Compliance with
items (bubble motor action “copy bubbles/wand when called label an item bubble looks like directions
bottles that are me” or “do this” – when they are *Receptive ID (“What is this?”) (Bubbles are
exactly the same, try 1 step and 2 present bubbles and wand round, clear) Waiting
big and little step instructions (“find the wand”) Label the
wands) (screw/unscrew cap, Request missing *Follow simple one- color/shape of the Ready, set , _____ Sharing and taking
blow with different items - bubbles step directions bottle/wand (blow) turns
Match non bubble blowers, show when only wand is (Blow the bubble,
different ways to
identical items present or wand pop the bubble, Label what the Answer wh_ Playing appropriate
wave wand, pop the
(bubbles to when only bubbles put wand in) student/ teacher questions with bubbles
bubble, put wand in
bubbles, wands to bubble container, tap is present * Follow simple two is doing (“where are the (keeping liquid in
wands) bubble container, step directions bubbles?” “what do container, etc)
pick up wand, tap Spontaneously (“Blow a bubble Label parts of we do with
Matching picture wand on table) request bubbles and then give the bubbles (container, bubbles?” “who is Count the bubbles
to object (take *Form “o” with the bubbles to top, wand) blowing the you blow.
pictures of the mouth to be able Request the Johnny”) bubbles?” “who’s
bottles, wands, to blow teacher to : *Follow Verbally label turn is next?”) Step by step on
etc) *Imitate the sign  Get bubbles discriminatory attributes of the how to use
for bubbles  Open bubbles instructions (“blow liquid (“feels wet”) Answer yes or no bubbles,
Sort by color *Observational  Blow bubbles a bubble with a questions (“do you (take out, open
(different bubble imitation - “do  Give me red wand”) Attributes of the drink the container, take
containers or that” or “do what bubbles container bubbles?”, “do you wand, place in
different wands) he is doing” (copy Show me: (hard soft, wet pour out the bubbles, pull out
another’s actions Request for “my  what you blow dry, big little, bubbles?”) blow, put back in
with wand) turn”  what you do cold) put top on give to
*Imitate action of with bubbles Ask if they like neighbor)
bubbles (bubble up Request using  what you pop the bubbles/want
- child goes up, gesture/sign/one with your more of the
bubble go down - word/sentences finger bubbles.
child goes down)

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