Food Waste

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Food Waste :

Food is a valuable and precious resource, but it is often wasted in the world. According to
the United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), one third of all food produced
worldwide is lost or wasted every year. This is a serious problem because not only are
valuable resources wasted, but it also contributes to climate change by emitting greenhouse
gases during food production and disposal.
There are some ways to stop this waste:
1.Meal planning: Planning meals and making a shopping list can help buy only what is
needed. In addition, by planning meals, leftovers can also be planned for use in other meals.
2.Buy only what you need: When making the shopping list, it is recommended to buy only
what is needed. Avoid buying in large quantities or excess, as this can lead to food spoilage
before it is consumed.
3.Learn to store food properly: Knowing how to store food properly can help prolong its
shelf life. Some foods can be refrigerated, while others can be frozen.
4.Make use of leftovers: Leftovers can be used to create new meals and reduce food waste.
They can also be used in meal preps for work or school.
5.Donate unused food: If you have unused food that is still safe to eat, consider donating it
to a local charity organization. Many organizations accept donations of non-perishable and
fresh foods.
In conclusion, food waste is a major problem worldwide, but there are measures that can
be taken to prevent it. Meal planning, buying only what is needed, proper food storage,
making use of leftovers, and donating unused food are all effective ways to reduce food
waste and care for our planet.

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