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Schizophrenia Research 157 (2014) 19–25

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Frontal cortex control dysfunction related to long-term suicide risk in

recent-onset schizophrenia
Michael J. Minzenberg a,b,⁎, Tyler A. Lesh c, Tara A. Niendam c, Jong H. Yoon e,f,
Remy N. Rhoades a,b, Cameron S. Carter c,d
Department of Psychiatry, University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine, San Francisco, CA, United States
Veterans Affairs Medical Center, San Francisco, CA, United States
Department of Psychiatry, University of California, Davis School of Medicine, Sacramento, CA, United States
Center for Neuroscience, University of California, Davis, CA, United States
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Stanford School of Medicine, Palo Alto, CA, United States
VA Palo Alto Health Care System, Palo Alto, CA, United States

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Objective: Suicide is highly-prevalent and the most serious outcome in schizophrenia, yet the disturbances in
Received 25 March 2014 neural system functions that confer suicide risk remain obscure. Circuits operated by the prefrontal cortex
Received in revised form 23 May 2014 (PFC) are altered in psychotic disorders, and various PFC changes are observed in post-mortem studies of com-
Accepted 27 May 2014 pleted suicide. We tested whether PFC activity during goal-representation (an important component of cognitive
Available online 24 June 2014
control) relates to long-term suicide risk in recent-onset schizophrenia.
Method: 35 patients with recent-onset of DSM-IV-TR-defined schizophrenia (SZ) were evaluated for long-term
suicide risk (using the Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale) and functional MRI during cognitive control
Suicide task performance. Group-level regression models associating control-related brain activation with suicide risk
Cognitive control controlled for depression, psychosis and impulsivity.
fMRI Results: Within this group, past suicidal ideation was associated with lower activation with goal-representation
Frontal cortex demands in multiple PFC sectors. Among those with past suicidal ideation (n = 18), reported suicidal behavior
was associated with lower control-related activation in premotor cortex ipsilateral to the active primary motor
Conclusions: This study provides unique evidence that suicide risk directly relates to PFC-based circuit dysfunction
during goal-representation, in a major mental illness with significant suicide rates. Among those with suicidal
ideation, the overt expression in suicidal behavior may stem from impairments in premotor cortex support of
action-planning as an expression of control. Further work should address how PFC-based control function changes
with risk over time, whether this brain–behavior relationship is specific to schizophrenia, and address its potential
utility as a biomarker for interventions to mitigate suicide risk.
Published by Elsevier B.V.

1. Introduction 2002). In schizophrenia, the risk for suicidal ideation, behavior and com-
pleted suicide is particularly high early in the illness course (Dutta et al.,
Suicide is a major public health problem worldwide. It is a leading 2010; Pompili et al., 2011; Nielssen et al., 2012), though suicide risk
cause of death, among the most common causes of death for young remains elevated for many years after a single suicide attempt (Dutta
people, including young adults (Nock et al., 2008; Hawton and van et al., 2010).
Heeringen, 2009), and confers an enormous public health impact Despite the increasing attention to clinical risk factors for suicide,
(United States. Public Health Service: Office of the Surgeon General., how brain dysfunction confers this risk remains unclear. Post-mortem
1999; United States. Public Health Service, 2001; Goldsmith et al., studies of suicide victims reveal many serotonergic disturbances in the
lateral and medial PFC (reviewed in Mann, 2003). These findings are
generally independent of co-morbid depression history, or psychiatric
diagnosis per se. These studies suggest that the lateral and medial PFC
⁎ Corresponding author at: Outpatient Mental Health, 116C, San Francisco Veterans
Affairs Medical Center, 4150 Clement Street, San Francisco, CA 94121, United States.
are key loci of serotonergic dysfunction associated with suicide.
Tel.: +1 415 221 4810x6554. Nonetheless, it remains unclear how disrupted PFC-based circuit
E-mail address: (M.J. Minzenberg). operation contributes to suicide risk in at-risk populations. The major
0920-9964/Published by Elsevier B.V.
20 M.J. Minzenberg et al. / Schizophrenia Research 157 (2014) 19–25

cognitive neuroscience models of PFC function generally posit superordi- 2. Experimental/materials and methods
nate control processes, which support cognitive processes as diverse as
attention, behavior, decision-making, thought/language, and emotion- 2.1. Subjects
regulation. These models include a role for lateral PFC subregions
(especially dorsolateral PFC, or DLPFC) in goal-representation via the The study was conducted at the Imaging Research Center at the
encoding and use of rules or strategies for decision-making, thereby University of California — Davis Medical Center. All procedures were
biasing processing of attention, perception and action, to influence approved by the UC Davis School of Medicine Institutional Review
motor output via striato-thalamic circuits (Miller and Cohen, 2001; Board. Inclusion criteria included age 18–50 years, right-handedness
Koechlin et al., 2003). In contrast, the posterior medial PFC monitors (by Edinburgh Handedness Inventory), and diagnosis of 295.X (by
conflict between goals and tasks (Botvinick et al., 2001) and other DSM-IV-TR). Exclusion criteria included neurological illness (including
mismatches between the individual's status and goals, such as negative head injury with loss of consciousness), uncorrectable visual problems
affect and pain (Schackman et al., 2011). In these conditions, the medial or peripheral motor disturbance, full-scale IQ b 80 (by Wechsler
PFC signals to the DLPFC the need to bolster control to optimize goal Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence), active substance abuse or depen-
attainment. dence in the 6 months prior to study, significant uncontrolled medical
Other closely-linked frontal cortical regions represent goal-relevant illness, and previously-known incompatibility with MRI procedures.
information, including rostral PFC, which represents hierarchical as- All included subjects tested negative for illicit drugs in the urine at all
pects of complex rules and actions (Badre, 2008); and rostral medial study visits. After complete description of the study to the subjects,
PFC sectors (e.g. dorsomedial and ventromedial PFC), which represent written informed consent was obtained.
self-referential aspects and valuate environmental stimuli. Disturbances All patients were recruited from the UCD Early Diagnosis and Pre-
in elements of these interacting networks may then manifest clinically ventive Treatment (of Psychosis) research clinic, as clinically-stable out-
as disturbances of the control of thought, behavior or emotion, observed patients, with onset of psychotic symptoms within 2 years of study, and
as suicidal ideation or behavior. Considering that cognitive control per- no hospitalizations or changes in medication regimen for at least two
formance is associated with serotonergic gene variation (Strobel et al., months prior to study. The frequencies of prescribed medications at
2007), frontal-based control processes may link serotonergic dysfunc- study were antipsychotics (n = 32), anticonvulsants (n = 4) and anti-
tion to suicide. depressants (n = 6). None were receiving lithium or clozapine. Patients
PFC-based cognitive control disturbances may therefore represent were assessed with the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV-TR.
an important mechanism underlying suicide risk. Cognitive control- Diagnosticians were masters/doctoral-level, SCID-trained clinicians,
related medial and lateral PFC dysfunction is well-established in schizo- with demonstrated reliability, defined by ≥ .80 intraclass correlation-
phrenia (Minzenberg et al., 2009; Lesh et al., 2011, 2013), including in coefficient (ICC) for continuous measures and kappa ≥ .70 for categori-
the first-episode (Yoon et al., 2008). Schizophrenia outpatients with cal measures. All diagnoses were confirmed via consensus conference,
past suicide attempts also have increased volumes of inferior PFC and monthly reliability interviews to prevent drift. Based upon 10
white matter relative to those without suicide attempts (Rusch et al., sessions during the course of this study, diagnostic reliability for the
2008), as well as decreased orbitofrontal gray matter density (Aguilar SCID was kappa ≥ 0.8, and for symptom total scores ICCs were ≥0.76.
et al., 2008), and relatively higher-risk schizophrenia patients exhibit A subset of the present sample was previously reported for AX-CPT
altered effective connectivity between the left-hemisphere posterior task-related fMRI effects compared to a healthy comparison group
cingulate cortex and medial PFC, relative to lower-risk patients (not focused on suicide risk), in Lesh et al. (2013). The present study
and healthy controls (Zhang et al., 2013). Schizophrenia patients represents a secondary analysis drawn from a subset of that sample,
with past suicide attempts also have increased right amygdala to specifically test relationships of brain function to suicide risk.
volume (Spoletini et al., 2011), which could in principle be associat-
ed with altered ascending influence on PFC circuit function. In addi- 2.2. Clinical measures
tion, decreased fractional anisotropy in the cingulum bundle is
observed in suicidal traumatic brain-injured patients (Yurgelun- 2.2.1. Clinical measure of suicide risk — description and rationale
Todd et al., 2011). More diagnostically-heterogeneous populations Suicide risk was rated with the Columbia Scale for the Rating of Sui-
with past suicide attempts show functional disturbances in medial cide Severity (C-SSRS), a relatively brief, yet comprehensive, structured
and lateral PFC sectors during varied cognitive tasks (Audenaert interview-based instrument with good validity and internal reliability
et al., 2002; Amen et al., 2009; Jollant et al., 2010; Reisch et al., in 3 multi-site studies with diverse clinical populations (Posner et al.,
2010). These studies, while preliminary, suggest that patients with 2011). This scale is comprised of three subscales. Suicidal Ideation (SI)
suicidal behavior exhibit dysfunction of PFC-based circuits during is an ordinal subscale containing items including the wish to be dead,
complex cognition, and may be impaired over and above those the specificity of these thoughts, including whether they are “active”,
patients who share other clinical features (e.g. diagnosis or other with intent and plan. Intensity of Ideation (II) considers the frequency,
symptoms). duration, controllability, deterrents and reasons for thoughts of suicide.
We therefore tested the hypothesis that PFC-based circuit function Suicidal Behavior (SB) is a nominal subscale that categorizes past actual,
with explicit control demands directly relates to suicide risk, in schizo- interrupted and aborted attempts to die, and preparatory acts, and for
phrenia patients who are early in the illness course, when this risk is actual attempts, the potential or actual lethality or medical damage
particularly elevated. We employed an emerging clinical standard sustained in the attempt(s). Items on each subscale are associated
for suicide risk assessment, the Columbia Suicide Severity Rating with future suicidal behavior and/or completed suicide (Posner et al.,
Scale (Posner et al., 2011). Critically, in the analyses we accounted for 2011). SI items are rated on a yes/no basis, II items on a 1–5 scale, and
major symptom domains previously identified as clinical risk factors SB as yes/no, with counts of actual, interrupted and aborted attempts.
for suicide in schizophrenia, including depression, psychosis and impul- We used the following criteria to stratify patients in each group on
sivity. This allowed tests of the direct relationships of frontal circuit dys- each of the two non-continuous C-SSRS subscales (SI and SB): for SI,
function to suicide risk, which are not simply accounted for by these the presence of any past suicidal ideation (i.e. positive on any SI item),
clinical risk factors. Additionally, in the model of past suicidal behavior versus no past suicidal ideation; and for SB, the presence of any past be-
to brain dysfunction, we analyzed only those subjects who were posi- havior that can be considered the initiation of deliberate self-harm with
tive for past suicidal ideation, allowing us to potentially disambiguate intent to die as the critical discrete threshold (i.e., a positive response to
brain function associated with overt behavior from that associated actual attempt, interrupted attempt, or aborted attempt). For SB, we
with ideation. considered positive responses that were restricted to Non-Suicidal
M.J. Minzenberg et al. / Schizophrenia Research 157 (2014) 19–25 21

Self-Injurious Behavior and/or Preparatory Acts or Behavior, as not make a “target” response (two-choice button-press) to the probe letter
meeting this criterion. The target subgroups in the SI and SB models X, only when it follows the cue letter A. All other stimuli require a non-
were then dummy-coded as e.g. “SI-positive” or “SI-negative”. In target response, including trials with probe letter Y, and trials in which
contrast, the II subscale contains items that are rated in a continuous the probe letter X is preceded by any letter other than A (collectively re-
manner and therefore were summed to establish a subscale total score ferred to as B Cues). Trials with target cue–probe pairings (e.g., AX)
for neuroimaging analyses. occur with high frequency (70%) to establish the pre-potent tendency
Both past overt suicidal behavior and lifetime “worst-point” suicidal for the subject to make a target response to the probe letter X. The
ideation were targeted on the basis of the following evidence. Overt major goal-representation demand occurs with B-Cues, in which sub-
suicidal and self-injurious behavior represents a proximal risk factor jects must represent and use the proper rule to overcome the trained
(or prelude to) eventual completed suicide for many individuals, as pre-potent tendency to make a “target” response to probe letter X.
those who survive a suicide attempt subsequently remain at elevated Performance measures included accuracy and reaction time (RT) in
risk for completion for many years (Owens et al., 2002). However, each task condition (cue–probe pairs), and the decrement (“cost”) in
many who complete suicide do so in a first attempt, and suicidal idea- accuracy and RT on BX trials compared to AX trials (see Table 1).
tion even in the absence of overt suicidal behavior is a strong risk factor
for eventual completion, especially at the “worst-point”, the time in the
2.4. Functional neuroimaging
patient's life in which they experienced the most intense desire to com-
mit suicide (Beck et al., 1999; Joiner et al., 2003). These observations
2.4.1. Acquisition and pre-processing
suggest that suicidal ideation in the absence of associated overt self-
fMRI was conducted on a 1.5 T GE scanner and BOLD contrast was
injurious behavior is an important risk factor, as it may herald future
acquired during single-shot, echo-planar imaging (EPI), using a T2*-
completed suicide without any interim suicide attempts prior to death.
weighted sequence and whole-brain coverage. The parameters of
We also evaluated the major symptom domains in schizophrenia
the EPI sequence were TR 2000 ms, TE 40 ms, flip angle 90°, FOV 220
that contribute to suicide risk, including psychosis (Scale for the
× 220 mm, with 24 contiguous slices, each 4.0 mm isotropic voxel
Assessment of Positive Symptoms, SAPS), depression, with an instru-
size, matrix size 64 × 64 (from 80 mm above to 16 mm below the ante-
ment validated for psychotic illness (Calgary Depression Scale, CDS),
rior commissure–posterior commissure plane). Preprocessing was con-
and trait impulsivity (Barratt Impulsivity Scale, 11th version, BIS-11).
ducted using SPM8, including 6-parameter linear motion correction
All symptom measures were obtained within two weeks of MRI.
(spatial alignment to the first scan in each time-series), co-registration
to the subject's co-planar T2 image, normalization to the standard
MNI template (non-linear warping, using parameters derived from the
2.3. AX version of the Continuous Performance Task (AX-CPT)
subject's co-planar T2 image), intensity normalization and smoothing
with an 8 mm kernel. All subjects had cumulative head movement
fMRI was conducted while subjects performed the AX version of the
less than one voxel in each dimension.
Continuous Performance task (AX-CPT), a widely used cognitive control
task (Yoon et al., 2008). This task involves presentation of a “Cue” letter
that provides the rule which guides the subsequent stimulus-response 2.4.2. Modeling of the BOLD signal and inferential statistics
mapping to the Probe letter stimulus. The cue letter is presented for a We modeled task-related events by convolving the canonical hemo-
0.5 second duration, followed by a 3.5 second delay, and then the dynamic response function (HRF) with a series of delta functions, placed
Probe letter is shown for a duration of 0.5 s, and finally a 9.5 second at onset of each Cue and Probe event. Only correct trials were entered
inter-trial interval (total trial duration 14 s). Subjects are instructed to into statistical contrasts, to emphasize on-task trials. Scan-to-scan

Table 1
Demographic and clinical characteristics, and task performance in schizophrenia group (n = 35).

Measure SI− (n = 17) SI+ (n = 18) SI+/SB− (n = 10) SI+/SB+ (n = 8)

Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD

Age 21.5 3.2 21.6 4.0 20.6 2.1 23.8 6.0

Sex (% M) 14 (80%) 15 (83%) 7 (70%) 5 (63%)
IQ 99 10 105 14 106 15 104 11
Personal educ 12.3 1.7 13.3 2.1 12.4 1.3 15.2 2.4
Parental educ 14.1 4.2 15.6 3.1 16.6 3.2 13.6 1.7
C-SSRS: II total 0 0 13.4⁎⁎ 8.1 10.9 5.6 18.5⁎⁎⁎ 10.1
SAPS total 12.0 14.0 13.4 15.1 14.5 14.4 11.0 17.5
CDS total 0.5 1.0 2.3⁎ 3.2 1.9 2.2 3.2 4.8
BIS-11 total 51.2 10.1 52.9 9.1 54.5 9.3 50.0 8.4
AX accuracy (%) 94.8 4.9 94.1 7.1 93.1 8.4 96.0 3.0
AY accuracy (%) 86.4 15.6 83.7 19.5 85.5 21.5 80.0 15.9
BX accuracy (%) 80.1 20.8 86.4 14.2 86.8 16.3 85.5 10.2
BY accuracy (%) 97.3 5.6 95.0 8.9 97.1 4.3 91.0 14.0
Accuracy Cost (%) 14.7 16.8 7.7 12.7 6.3 14.6 10.5 8.2
AX RT (ms) 644 122 626 107 632 116 614 95
AY RT (ms) 822 119 795 149 781 146 823 165
BX RT (ms) 766 166 746 191 736 193 767 205
BY RT (ms) 674 120 693 154 677 142 726 187
RT Cost (ms) 123 92 120 105 104 102 152 113

IQ, Intelligence Quotient (WASI 2-scale), C-SSRS, Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale, SI, Suicidal Ideation subscale, II, Intensity of Ideation subscale, SB, Suicidal Behavior subscale, SAPS,
Scale for the Assessment of Positive Symptoms, CDS, Calgary Depression Scale, BIS-11, Barratt Impulsivity Scale, 11th version, AX-CPT, AX version of Continuous Performance Task. See
Experimental/materials and methods section for definition of individual task conditions.
⁎ p b 0.05.
⁎⁎ p b 0.005.
⁎⁎⁎ p b 0.10.
22 M.J. Minzenberg et al. / Schizophrenia Research 157 (2014) 19–25

movement (in 6 dimensions) was entered as nuisance regressors. To 3. Results

evaluate goal-representation, neural responses were contrasted be-
tween [High-control Cues (B Cues) minus Low-control Cues (A Cues)]. 3.1. Clinical measures
These were conducted as voxel-wise, fixed-effects analysis at the
subject-level, then random-effects analysis at the group-level. The Please see Table 1 for subject demographic and clinical characteristics.
group-level regression model for each task contrast included total scores
on scales for Depression (Calgary Depression Scale), Impulsivity (Barratt 3.2. Neuroimaging results
Impulsivity Scale, 11th version), and Psychosis (SAPS), and either A)
C-SSRS II subscale totals, B) SI+ vs. SI−, or C) SB+ vs. SB− variables, Table 2 and Figs. 1–3 show the results of group-level contrasts indi-
in parallel analyses. Each reported contrast is for SI, II or SB, showing cating brain regions where the three subscales of suicide risk were sig-
brain regions where task-related BOLD signal change during goal- nificantly associated with brain activity during goal-representation,
representation is significantly related to SI, II or SB, each controlling for independent of depression, psychosis or impulsivity. Suicidal Ideation
depression, impulsivity and psychosis. The model that evaluated SB was (Table 2 and Fig. 1) was inversely related to neural activity during
conducted on the 18-patient subsample who reported past suicidal goal-representation in three major clusters. The first was centered on
ideation, in order to evaluate how suicidal behavior relates to brain medial frontal sectors, including the pregenual anterior cingulate gyrus
dysfunction, beyond that of suicidal ideation alone. Eight of these and adjacent ventromedial PFC, extending to bilateral ventrolateral
18 SI+ patients (44%) reported past suicidal behavior. For the determina- PFC. A second cluster was centered on the left rostral pole, extending
tion of statistical significance at the group-level, we conducted a Monte into the ipsilateral left dorsomedial PFC. A third major cluster was ob-
Carlo simulation, using the Alpha-Sim program in AFNI. Contrast maps served in the right dorsal anterior cingulate gyrus. The Intensity of Idea-
were first masked to the frontal cortex (derived from PickAtlas library) tion scores (Table 2 and Fig. 2) were significantly inversely associated
and thresholded at p b 0.005, and the simulation then returned cluster with an overlapping set of frontal regions, including a large, bilateral
sizes that comprise the empirically-determined statistical threshold of midline PFC cluster which included dorsomedial and pregenual PFC.
p b 0.05. The cluster-thresholds in the contrast maps were as follows However, in addition, several lateral PFC regions were observed, includ-
for each model: SI, 32 voxels (256 mm3), II, 31 voxels (248 mm3) and ing bilateral DLPFC and VLPFC, right rostrolateral PFC, and right supple-
SB, 30 voxels (240 mm3). mentary motor area. For each of these clusters, the test statistics were

Table 2
Frontal brain regions with a significant association of neural activity during goal-representation with long-term suicide risk in recent-onset schizophrenia.

Brain region Brodmann area Volume (mm3) Peak t score Peak coordinates

Suicidal Ideation
Left superior frontal gyrus 9 2200 3.84 −22, 40, 38
3.74 −16, 54, 40
Left medial frontal gyrus 9 3.73 −4, 40, 28
Right middle frontal gyrus 10 528 3.72 34, 54, 4
Left medial frontal gyrus 10 1152 3.48 −12, 44, 14
3.40 −2, 55, 12
3.36 −12, 48, 12
Right medial frontal gyrus 10 1624 3.40 6, 50, 10
3.32 15, 42, 15
Right dorsal anterior cingulate gyrus 24 440 3.38 10, 0, 44
32 3.37 15, 4, 42

Intensity of Ideation
Left superior frontal gyrus 9 6184 5.10 −26, 50, 40
4.53 −20, 42, 38
4.28 −20, 52, 38
4.10 −8, 54, 40
Left medial frontal gyrus 10 4.00 −12, 48, 12
Left middle frontal gyrus 6 968 4.57 −26, −12, 58
4.48 −30, −8, 50
Right dorsal anterior cingulate gyrus 32 920 4.52 16, 8, 40
4.29 15, 4, 42
Right middle frontal gyrus 10 712 4.21 36, 56, 4
Right dorsal anterior cingulate gyrus 32 2200 4.18 6, 46, 12
Right superior frontal gyrus 6 896 4.13 24, −6, 58
Left medial frontal gyrus 6 1448 4.04 −8, −14, 62
4.04 −8, 0, 50
32 3.74 −10, 10, 52
Right precentral gyrus 6 1224 3.80 38, −8, 38
3.57 48, −5, 32
Left inferior frontal gyrus 44 352 3.77 −42, 8, 10
Right superior frontal gyrus 8 256 3.59 24, 42, 52
Left middle frontal gyrus 9 456 3.55 −36, 8, 40
Right dorsal anterior cingulate gyrus 32 464 3.50 4, 32, 30
Right middle frontal gyrus 9 560 3.33 34, 26, 40
Right inferior frontal gyrus 45 248 3.09 48, 24, 8

Suicidal Behavior
Left middle frontal gyrus (dorsal premotor cortex) 6 280 4.58 −16, −10, 66
M.J. Minzenberg et al. / Schizophrenia Research 157 (2014) 19–25 23

Fig. 1. SPM depicting frontal brain regions where lower activation during goal-representation is associated with lifetime worst-point suicidal ideation in recent-onset schizophrenia. Map
rendered at p b 0.005 and frontal clusters corrected to p b 0.05.

negative in sign, indicating that higher suicide risk scores were associat- the rule-representation that supports this function mediated by
ed with relatively lower goal-related activity. With the Suicidal Behavior frontal-based networks, may lead to repeated goal-failure as a contrib-
scale (Table 2 and Fig. 3), among those subjects who reported past sui- utor to suicidal thoughts in patients with schizophrenia.
cidal ideation, additional positive past report of suicidal behavior was In schizophrenia patients such as the sample under study, disrup-
inversely associated with brain activation during goal-representation tions in goal-representation may lead to failures to select the thoughts,
in the left dorsal premotor cortex, ipsilateral to primary motor cortex emotions, and behaviors necessary to attain these goals. These cognitive
that was active during task performance. failures could have a cumulative effect over time, leading to suicidal
thoughts and behaviors, perhaps in a manner analogous to how chronic
4. Discussion unremitting depression or physical pain culminates in suicidal thoughts
and behaviors in other clinical populations. In contrast, a more time-
This study represents a first effort to test a contemporary model of independent scenario could be manifest as isolated “moments in time”
prefrontal cortical function, derived from a cognitive neuroscience per- when the profound lack of experienced self-efficacy of thoughts, emo-
spective, to understand how frontal dysfunction may underpin suicide tions or behaviors (due to PFC dysfunction) triggers suicidal thoughts
risk in patients with schizophrenia. We found several frontal sectors or actions, perhaps in an automatic, associative manner. While these
that showed strong relationships between neural activity and measures might also occur with less severely ill populations (e.g. those with anx-
of suicide risk. Importantly, these associations were independent of the iety disorders) under certain (typically highly stressful) circumstances,
major established clinical risk factors for suicide in these groups, includ- schizophrenia patients may be relatively less capable of “unselecting”
ing depression, impulsivity and psychosis, which themselves are associ- these thoughts or actions as an expression of intact self-regulation.
ated with disturbed brain function. It therefore appears that the present While this account is somewhat speculative, these various phenomena
findings identify brain dysfunction that directly relates to suicide risk in (e.g. stress-response, self-regulation and agency) are also distinctly
these patients. related to control processes, and highly-dependent on the PFC
The schizophrenia group showed clear associations of suicidal (Haggard, 2005; Maier et al., 2006; Arnsten, 2011). Heterogeneity in
ideation with impaired goal-representation in several frontal regions the PFC regions/circuits subserving these psychological functions
that have been implicated in both a meta-analysis of functional neuro- could then form the basis for considerable clinical variation in suicide
imaging studies of PFC-dependent task performance by schizophrenia phenomenology observed across disorders as diverse as psychotic
patients (Minzenberg et al., 2009), as well as in a recent paper from disorders, late-life depression, chronic pain, personality disorders and
our group that reported a subset of the present sample, in comparison impulse control disorders.
to a matched healthy control group (Lesh et al., 2013). These results Interestingly, the analysis restricted to patients with past suicidal
suggest that the failure to maintain a proper context for action, with ideation revealed that past suicidal behavior was specifically associated
24 M.J. Minzenberg et al. / Schizophrenia Research 157 (2014) 19–25

Fig. 2. SPM depicting frontal brain regions where lower activation during goal-representation is associated with lifetime worst-point intensity of suicidal ideation in recent-onset
schizophrenia. Map rendered at p b 0.005 and frontal clusters corrected to p b 0.05.

with impaired control-related activity in dorsal premotor cortex, above

that of suicidal ideation alone. Premotor cortex subserves complex
aspects of action control, such as planning, selection and online control
of action (Scott, 2004; Chouinard and Paus, 2006; Hoshi and Tanji,
2007). This suggests that, among those who experience conscious
thoughts of suicide, an important threshold for conversion to overt
suicide-related behavior may be disturbances in premotor mediation
of these higher-order aspects of action control. Premotor function
could then constitute a specific anatomic target for the remediation
of overt suicidal behavior, as distinct from interventions that target
suicidal ideation.
The present results also demonstrate more generally that testing
sophisticated models of PFC function in severely ill clinical populations
at risk for suicide is tractable, with potential to develop candidate
biomarkers to study novel interventions to mitigate suicide risk. There
is preliminary evidence that suicide risk may be lower with lithium
treatment in bipolar disorder (Baldessarini and Tondo, 2008) and cloza-
pine treatment in schizophrenia (Meltzer et al., 2003); however, even
for promising pharmacological (or psychological (Brown et al., 2005))
treatments, it remains essentially unknown what the neurobiological
mechanism might be that confers protection against suicide, especially
at the level of neural system function. The present study is limited in
the capacity to evaluate potential psychotropic medication effects on
the brain–behavior relationships observed here, though it is worth
mentioning that none of the patients were taking either lithium or clo-
zapine (at or prior to study). The issue of how lithium and clozapine
Fig. 3. SPM depicting region in left dorsal premotor cortex where lower activation during
might act to mitigate suicide risk and whether other medications
goal-representation is associated with lifetime suicidal behavior in recent-onset (such as other atypical antipsychotics, and antidepressants) affect sui-
schizophrenia. Map rendered at p b 0.005 and frontal cluster corrected to p b 0.05. cide risk are important questions that warrant further study. Knowledge
M.J. Minzenberg et al. / Schizophrenia Research 157 (2014) 19–25 25

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Role of funding source schizophrenia: mechanisms and meaning. Neuropsychopharmacology 36 (1),
This work was supported by an American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Young
Lesh, T.A., Westphal, A.J., Niendam, T.A., Yoon, J.H., Minzenberg, M.J., Ragland, J.D.,
Investigator Award, and the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation Grant # 2009045, both to
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MJM, and MH059883 to CSC.
prefrontal cortex dysfunction in first episode schizophrenia. Neuroimaging Clin. N. Am.
2, 590–599.
Contributors Maier, S.F., Amat, J., Baratta, M.V., Paul, E., Watkins, L.R., 2006. Behavioral control, the
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