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Level Up Your SEO Weekly: The SEO Pub

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Formatting / Writing / Text Manipulation

Summarize that.
Summarize this as a bulleted list: [PASTED TEXT]
Expand on that topic (or expand on [TOPIC, #4, the first option, etc.])
Explain that in simpler terms.
Make the answers longer.
Rewrite that but include the terms [TERM1], [TERM2], and [TERM3]
Rewrite that but exclude the terms [TERM1], [TERM2], and [TERM3].
Rewrite this sentence including the term [TERM]
Correct the grammar in this text: [COPY AND PASTE TEXT]
How many characters is this: [COPY AND PASTE TEXT]
Rewrite this and make it more catchy: [PASTED TEXT]
Entities / SEO / Keyword Research / Schema
Extract the entities from this text and list them in a chart with their salience score: [PASTED TEXT]
Provide a list of synonyms for each of those entities.
List the above entities in a table. In the first column, list the entities. In the second column, list related concepts to e
Give me synonyms for these terms in a chart: [TERM1], [TERM2], [TERM3], etc.
What are the important entities that should be included in a document about [TOPIC]. Put them in a chart and list th
Cluster the following keywords based on relevancy: [PASTED LIST OF KEYWORDS]
Cluster the following keywords: [KEYWORDS] into the following categories [LIST OF CATEGORIES]
Organize this list of keywords by search intent: [PASTED LIST OF KEYWORDS]
Provide the 10 nearest semantically associated questions to [QUESTION].
Answer the following in an NLP friendly format: [QUESTION]?
What are frequently asked questions about [TOPIC]?
Make the answers longer and use common synonyms for the entities.
Write a meta description for webpage about [TOPIC].
Shorten that to 170 characters.
Write a meta description for a webpage about [TOPIC] starting with a question as a hook.
Write ten title tag ideas for a webpage about [TOPIC].
Create json FAQ for the questions above.
Create json article for a webpage about "[TOPIC]". Name the above entities using SameAs in th
Generate a regular expression that matches any of the following terms: [TERMS]
Generate the .htaccess rewrite rules to 301-redirect [URL] to [URL] on the same domain.
Generate a robots.txt rules to block the crawl of a subdirectory call [SUBDIRECTORY] but allow the crawling of eve
In an NLP friendly way...
Some specific entity types to us

Content Generation / Topic Building

What are some frequently asked questions about [TOPIC]?
Write a response to this question. [QUESTION] Start the first sentence by turning the question into a statement.
Write some simple tips for someone who wants to get started [TOPIC] in a bulleted list.
What are some simple steps to get started creating a [TOPIC]?
Write about who would benefit from using a [TOPIC].
List the benefits of using a [TOPIC].
Write about the benefits of using a [TOPIC].
List the ways someone could best utilize a [TOPIC].
Explain what [TOPIC] is?
Describe what [TOPIC] is to someone who is brand new to the topic.
Provide the 10 nearest semantically associated questions to [QUESTION].
Answer the following in an NLP friendly format: [QUESTION]?
In an NLP friendly way, write FAQs related to [TOPIC].
What are frequently asked questions about [TOPIC]?
What are the main pain points for [TOPIC]?
What are popular topics written about for [TOPIC]?
What are popular terms associated with [TOPIC]?
Give me 20 semantically relevant, but unique topics under the main category of [TOPIC]
Create a content brief for an article about [TOPIC] (or an article titled [TITLE])
You are now SOMEBRAND, one of the world's leading [INSERT WHAT THE BRAND DOES]. I will now begin to tea
Keeping in mind everything you have learned about acting as SOMEBRAND, I want you to write 7 social media pos
Create an email sequence for someone who may be interested in [TOPIC]
Input " "
Draft a response to this email explaining why it is a bad/good idea: [PASTED TEXT]
Teach meto[TOPIC]
I'm going feed you some data in multiple chunks. After I supply each chunk in "" you will simply acknowledge tha

Can you explain what these UTM parameters mean? [PASTE URL]
Tones I Like to Use
Stephen Covey
Brian Tracy
Malcolm Gladwell
Peter Coyote
Sam Kinison
Experimenting With

Great for a webpage that interests you but you do not want to read the whole thing.

Useful when you have a snippet you want to turn into a heading.
This one is not always the most reliable, but I expect it will improve.
Useful for when creating title tags, meta descriptions, and Tweets.
This one can really make your content more engaging / sales oriented.

Copy and paste the text off a webpage for this one.

epts to each entity.

and list their importance.

I have been getting better meta descriptions by not giving it the

character limitation until the next step. It will usually write for 250 or so
Creates a good call to action at the beginning of a meta description.

Could also copy and paste a list of FAQ questions for this if needed.
I have had to refine this one a lot. It will sometimes include additional code. Needs more work.

ng of everything else within the domain.

You can add this to prompts and ChatGPT will often use more closely
related entities in the output.
event-based entities
idea-based entities
location-based entities
people-based entities
emotion-based entities
concept-based entities

This one is really good for capturing featured snippets.

Can use topic or article title. This one works best if you go through several prompts before to generate title tags, me

This prompt can be modified as necessary to train ChatGPT to act in a certain way. Besides training it to act as a sp
Example of how you can use the persona once it is trained.

Whatever data you want to feed ChatGPT and train it with, insert between the " "

Interesting one for getting a brief overview of a topic.

An option that sometimes works for entering in larger amounts of data than ChatGPT allows for.
This one is good for giving a breakdown and identifying UTM paramters.
Frequently will include bullet points and lists.
Good for sales hooks and copy.
Wordy, but highly readable.
If you have ever watched a Ken Burns documentary, he typically does the voiceover.
If you want ChatGPT to write in all caps, use this. 😁
Picked Up From

o read the whole thing.

Steve Toth

Steve Toth

dditional code. Needs more work.

Aleyda Solis
Aleyda Solis
Aleyda Solis
Steve Toth

Steve Toth

Steve Toth

Matt Diggity
ough several prompts before to generate title tags, meta descriptions, keywords, an article outline, etc.

to act in a certain way. Besides training it to act as a specific brand, you could substitute and train it for things like being a great

sert between the " "

s of data than ChatGPT allows for.

ally does the voiceover.

Thomas Johnson
for things like being a great tech blogger, a fitness writer, or the world's greatest writer on productivity.
Date Category
Janayry 8, 2023
Formatting / Writing / Text Manipulation
Experimenting With
Experimenting With
January 13, 2023 Tones I Like to Use
January 15, 2023
Entities / SEO / Keyword Research / Schema
January 16, 2023
Entities / SEO / Keyword Research / Schema
January 17, 2023
Entities / SEO / Keyword Research / Schema
Formatting / Writing / Text Manipulation
January 18,2023 Experimenting With
January 30, 2023 Experimenting With
February 7, 2023 Experimenting With
Februayr 8, 2023 Content Generation / Topic Building
### Miscellaneous
### Miscellaneous
### Content Generation / Topic Building
### Miscellaneous
### Miscellaneous
### Personas
What was added?

How many characters is this: [COPY AND PASTE TEXT]

Create an email sequence for someone who may be interested in [TOPIC]
Teach me [TOPIC]
Added Sam Kinison
In an NLP friendly way...
Write a meta description for a webpage about [TOPIC] starting with a question as a hook.
List the above entities in a table. In the first column, list the entities. In the second column, list related concepts to e
Draft a response to this email explaining why it is a bad/good idea: [PASTED TEXT]
Moved Create an email sequence for someone who may be interested in [TOPIC] from Experimenting With to Ema
Rewrite this and make it more catchy: [PASTED TEXT]
I'm a content
going briefsome
to feed you for andata
article about [TOPIC]
in multiple chunks.(or an article
After I supplytitled [TITLE])
each chunk in "" you will simply acknowledge tha

Can you explain what these UTM parameters mean? [PASTE URL]
Give me 20 semantically relevant, but unique topics under the main category of [TOPIC]
Added Miscellaneous category
Moved Teach me [TOPIC] to Miscellaneous
Moved Create a content
- I'm going to feedbrief
youfor an article
some data inabout [TOPIC]
multiple (orAfter
chunks. an article titled
I supply [TITLE])
each chunktoinContent Generation
"" you will simply acknowl

Moved - Can you explain what these UTM parameters mean? [PASTE URL] to Miscellaneous
Added 'Personas' category and a few prompts
elated concepts to each entity.

menting With to Email

ply acknowledge that you are ready for the next chunk by responding with ... Do not comment, summarize or give any other resp

simply acknowledge that you are ready for the next chunk by responding with ... Do not comment, summarize or give any o
rize or give any other responses besides .. until I enter "Done!".

t, summarize or give any other responses besides .. until I enter "Done!".

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