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Difference b/w Sentence & Proposition

Difference b/w Argument & Explaination w/ examples
Relation b/w Truth & Argument
Basic functions of language. Chief concern of logician?
Difference b/w Disagreement in Belief & Disagreement in Attitude
Distribution of Term (explain w/ examples)
Opposition of Propositions w/ reference to Traditional Square of Opposition
Existential Import. Impact on Traditional Square of Opposition
Reduce into Standard Forms (+ state mood & figure)
Conversion/ Obversion/ Contraposition
If __ is true, determine truth/ falsity of following porposition.
Test Validity/ Invalidity using Syllogistic Rules
Reduce Syllogism into Standard Form + Test validity/invalidity using rules/diagram
Test Validity/ Invalidity by Venn Diagram
Define following into Stroke functon (p*q) - (p v q)
Symbolize using suggested Notation (H,A/ P,D/ R,A/ A,B/ M,O/ A,P/ etc)
Using Truth Tables to determine validity//invalidity of arguments
Using Truth Tables to determine if statement forms are tautologous/ contingent/ self-contradictory
Use Shorter Truth Table Method to determine validity/invalidity
Identify & explain/ Explain Informal/ Formal Fallacies (options given/ with examples)
Validity of an argument depends not on truth of premises buty only upon relation of premises to the conclusion. Explain.
In how many ways may 2 people agree/ disagree about a phenomenon (w/ examples)
Analyse charges occuring in Traditional Sq of Opp due to concept of Existential Import
Classification of Porpositions
If A,B,C is true & X,Y,Z is false, determine truth/ falsehood of following (equation)
3 2
3 2
3 or 4 2
de 3
3 2
osition 4
4 each 2
1/2 each 2
4 2
3 2
s/diagram 5
3 2
3 2
3 2
/ etc) 4 2
s 4 2
self-contradictory 4 2
4 2
h examples) 2.5/ 3.5 *2 2
s to the conclusion. Explain. 4
examples) 4
ntial Import 5
(equation) 2 each

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