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Zagreb, 19.09. 2011.




1.2 LOCATION: RN SISAK, RN RIJEKA, Warehouse Osijek, Warehouse Solin
1.3 PPROJECT: VRU units in logistic
1.4 DESCRIPTION: Tehnical specification for project documentation and obtining


In accordance with new laws and regulations of the INA modernize fuel loading facility
(seats with fitted equipment for loading intransmitting means of transport, road tankers, rail
tankers,ships, river tugboats). Modernization of storage installation and loading facility includes
the construction of the plant operations to collect hydrocarbon vapors (ASC, Vapour Recovery
Unit) and connect the tanks and loading facility with a fixed roof to the facility for the collection of
pairs (the ASC).

Search for the

-Preparation of technical documentation

-Proposed technology solution
-Obtaining building permits

Modernization of the loading facility terminals RN Sisak and RN Rijeka (railway tanks
and tank trucks) will be separately and they include:

-Installation of equipment loading

-Construction of connector for vapor collection
-Pipeline-construction-collector to collect money from the loading site that lead to the border and
latter loading facility are connected to the VRU.
-In stock in Solin and Osijek except construction ASC units needed at all loading facility for tank
trucks and in Solin build a collector for collecting steam, steam extraction piping to the ASC unit
and adjust the loading device or install new drain connections with steam (the tankers loading at
the bottom). Port Crnac in Sisak and no collector connections to collect money when the river is
full of trucks.


In accordance with new laws and regulations of the INA modernize fuel loading facility
(seats with fitted equipment for loading intransmitting means of transport, roa d tankers, rail
tankers, ships, river tugboats). Modernization of storage installation and loading facility includes
the construction of the plant operations to collect hydrocarbon vapors (VRU, Vapour Recovery
Unit) and connect the tanks and loading facility with a fixed roof to the facility for the collection of
pairs (the VRU).
Search for the

-Preparation of technical documentation

-Proposed technology solution
-Obtaining building permits and
-Modernization of the loading facility terminals RN Sisak and RN Rijeka (railway tanks and tank
trucks) will be separately and they include
-Installation of equipment loading
-Construction of connector for vapor collection

Pipeline-construction-collector to collect steam from the loading site that lead to the
border and latter loading facility are connected to the VRU. In stock in Solin and Osijek except
construction VRU units needed at all loading facility for tank trucks and in Solin build a collector
for collecting steam, steam extraction piping to the VRU unit and adjust the loading device or
install new drain connections with steam (the tankers loading at the bottom). Port Crnac in Sisak
and no collector connections to collect money when the river is full of trucks.

Locations of performing: Osijek, Solin, (warehouses) Refinery Rijeka, Refinery Sisak.

It is necessary to build the that can connect all the loading space for motor gasoline and Diesel
on the loading facility.

RN Rijeka:

-Loading facility for tank trucks

-Loading facility for railway tank
(For both loading facility provided a common unit for the treatment of couples, to small physical
distance between the two loading facility)
-Loading facility for ships in the Port Bakar Terminal

RN Sisak

-Loading facility for railway tank

-Tanks for the storage of white oil
-Loading facility for ships in the Port Crnac (first place for the loading of gasoline, etc. for loading
diesel fuel)

Loading facility Solin

-Loading facility for tank trucks Vranjicko blato

-Loading facility for boats, Mala obala


-Road loading tankers

Implement systems to collect fumes, vapors drainage system (where it is not), collectors for the
collection and disposal pair of processing units to the VRU. Tanks for the storage of petroleum
products in Sisak as a special project. As part of this project is necessary to connect the tanks
VRU unit.


Data are presented on the types and quantities of products that are loaded into transport
vehicles and loading facility data (number of loading devices, pump capacity, the quantity for
each product, the speed of loading). The data relating to gasoline and gas oil. Data on gas oils
contain information on diesel fuel and about extra light fuel oil Ella. ELLU possible dismissed as
a diesel fuel.

4.1 Terminal Sisak

The VRU unit must be connected

Railroad tanker-loading facility

System for vapor balancing reservoir in Sisak
Ship-loading facility of river

4.1.1 Rail tankers loading facility in Sisak on VRU UNIT

At the train loading facility white oil in Sisak planned locations for construction of VRU unit
(ASC, location between GH and road loading facility, immediately after sub-station) and it has
obtained a location permit. There are two loading facility white oil in railway tank, side by side, at
the same location. One loading facility is in operation (in accordance with legislation), while the
other is not working. Loading facility which is planned to reconstruct the function. Project
modernization of railway loading facility, according to a study (I-06) includes the construction of
a closed system for collecting money for filling railroad tanks, the plug connector with a vapor
recovery and collectors to the border rail loading facility tanks.

White derivats shipped to the old loading facility with 19 loading sites, and what should
remain in office until the reconstruction second loading facility. For loading petrol there are 10
plugs (1 FFC for gasoline, 3 for MBM 98, 3 for unleaded petrol 95, 3 for BMB 95 CG). For
shipping diesel fuel and light fuel oil (ELLU) provides for 6 utakaca. For shipping romatic
hydrocarbons there are 3 lines (for benzene, p-xylene and o-xylene).

The new railroad tanker loading facility, which will be reconstructed according to
preliminary project and 06 232-SP-1, will consist of two of charging or two loading lines (two
tracks), and in every place include two lines of telescopic filling. The telescopic tube is intended
for several products (On the spot loading, telescopic loading pipe DN 250, with
installed pipes and vapor recovery regulations for sealing).

Track 1, Line 1, pipe 1 (Diesel), pipe 2 (BMB-95/98, JET A1)

Track 2, Line 2:, pipe 3 (Diesel, ELLU), the pipe 4 (aromatics, primary petrol)

Other information for new, modernized railway tank of loading facility:

Loading per day 20 hours

Number of tracks 2 Tracks
Number of railway wagons 3 Wagon/hour
on the track
Capacity per wagon 7 M3
Capacity of loading per pipe 480 M3/hour
Time of loading per wagon 10 minutes
Time of loading process of 30 minutes

Quantities of products for shipping in railway tanks are given in the table below:

Product Qty (t/yer)

Primary petrol 40 000
BMB 95 330 000
BMB 98 8 000
DG 600 000
LUEL 88 000
JET A-1 10 000
Aromatic 100 000
∑ 1 176 000

VRU project is suitable for the rail tankers loading plant (see Conceptual
design I-06-236-SP-02). VRU capacity is calculated for rail, truck, barge
loading posts and tank farm vapor balancing sys.
Remark : VRU Conceptual design and Location permit are issued. But only
for rail, truck loading posts and tank farm vapor balancing sys. Port Crnac
was not included. Anticipated VRU capacity is 22 000 m3/day.
5.1.2. Tank farm vapour balancing sys VRU connection

RN Sisak issued Conceptual design (I-06-236-IR-1). Project goals are tank farm (fixed
roof) and rail tankers vapor recovery sys. Tanks that have to be connected to the VRU :

Tank Capacity (m3) Product Breathing Dimension Pressure

R-300 10 000 Petrol 95 2 6” +300…-300 Pa
R-301 10 000 Petrol 95 4 8” +0,21…+0,2 kPa
R-302 5 000 MTBE 3 8” +25…-25 mmH2O
R-303 5 000 “Dno split 2 6” +22…-22 mmH2O
R-304 5 000 Petrol 95 3 6” +22…-22 mmH2O
R-305 10 000 Petrol 95 2 6” +22…-22 mmH2O
R-306 10 000 Petrol 95 3 6” +22…-21 mmH2O
R-307 5 000 Petrol 95 2 6” +22…-22 mmH2O
R-308 5 000 Petrol 95 1 6” +80…-25 mmH2O
R-309 5 000 Petrol 95 1 6” +22…-22 mmH2O
R-412 10 000 Primary 5 6” +950…-250 Pa
R-503 5 000 “Dno split 4 6” +250…-670 Pa

5.1.3. Port Crnac VRU connection

Dispatching port Crnac consists of single mooring pontoon. Pontoon is suitable only for
single barge, single product loading. Three pipes, three measurement lines, but only
one product loading possibility (at the same time). During one shift (8 hours) possibility
for only one barge loading (1 000 m3 / 200 m3/h). Annual dispatch :

Product Qty (t/year)

Primary petrol 40 000
Petrol BMB 95 80 000
Diesel light oil 200 000
∑ 320 000
Intention is not to build new VRU for Crnac port, but to use pipe up to VRU at the rail
tanker loading plant. There is existing 10 “ pipe (1,7 km) from Crnac port to the rail
tanker loading plant. That possibility must be evaluated.

5.2. Rijeka Terminal

At the Rijeka terminal, following loading/unloading plants have to be connected to the


- Truck tanker loading plant

- Rail tanker loading plant
- Ship (tanker) loading plant Bakar port

5.2.1. Truck tanker loading plant VRU connection

Product dispatch system consists of 2 groups of loading posts, single product / post.

Group tags are : AP2

AP1 & AP4

Loading devices are “top loading” type, open cycle, no vapour recovery system. Such
system is not legal any more, so upgrades have to be provided. At this moment,
conceptual design is in preparation. After Rijeka Urinj refinery upgrades, EU standards
will be applied, and new truck loading plant will be suitable for such tasks.

New truck loading plant is anticipated like :

- 9 petrol loading posts (BMB 98 – 3 loading posts, BMB 95 – 6 loading posts)

- 8 diesel oil loading posts (DG & DG EN – 7 loading posts, DG “blue” – 1
loading post)

Truck loading plant 2009 – 2010 After upgrade

t/year t/year
BMB Super 95 27 903 -
BMB EN 95 87 436 409 549
BMB Super Plus 98 36 330 ?
JET A-1 58 238 77 500
Diesel oil “blue” - “DG PLAVI” 27 829 -
Diesel fuel 54 477 -
Diesel oil EN standard 17 480 150 000
Light fuel oil 55 723 -
Light fuel oil, low S 15 360 94 215
Truck loading plant retrofit includes new equipment and pipes up to VRU. “Bottom
loading” sys must be applied. VRU dedicated space :

5.2.2. Rail tanker loading plant VRU connection

Rail tanker loading plant and truck loading plant are side by side. Possibility of common
VRU to be evaluated. Connected to vapor recovery pipes from rail tanker loading plant,
and truck loading plant too.

Existing loading plant data :

Rail tanker products dispatch plant consist of 2 groups (bridges), loading plants
(VP-1 & VP-2).

Top loading sys, open cycle, no vapor recovery system is applied.

Loading posts :

Rail tanker Loading Takers/day Capacity Pumps Remark

loading plant devices t/day Qty
VP-1 VP-2 m3/h
DG EN 4 26 1 300 3P / 240+240+60 truck + rail
2 000 t/day
DG (VS, RH 5 24 1 300 2P / 150+60
LUEL NS 2 12 650 2P / 60+240 truck + rail
LUEL 2 12 650 2P / 120+60 1 600 t/day
(VS RH standard)
BMB 98 3 3 - - 1P / 120
BMB 95 EN 4 24 1 300 2P / 150+60 truck + rail
2 000 t/day
BMB95 RH 3 24 1 300 3P / 120+120+60 truck + rail
standard 2 000 t/day
Primary petrol 3 26 1 300 2P / 100+100
MTBE 1 6 300
JET A-1 2 ? 2P / 60+60
DG “plavi” 1 12 650 2P / 60+60 truck + rail
1 000 t/day
Free spaces 5 3
∑ 21 20

- DG (RH) 5 loading devices, loading time 20 min/rail tanker

- DG (EN - export) 4 loading devices, loading time 15 min/rail tanker
- DG (EN) 3 loading devices, loading time 15 min/rail tanker
- DG “Plavi” 1 loading device, loading time 45 min/rail tanker
- BMB Super 95 (RH) 4 loading devices, loading time 15 min/rail tanker
- BMB Super 95 (EN) 3 loading devices, loading time 15 min/rail tanker
- LUEL (RH) 2 loading devices, loading time 15 min/rail tanker
- LUEL (export) 2 loading devices, loading time 20 min/rail tanker
- Primary petrol 3 loading devices, loading time 25 min/rail tanker (during
action, no other action to be applied)
- MTBE 1 loading device, loading time 100-120 min/rail tanker (during action,
no other action to be applied)

Experience : Only 5 DG rail tankers to be loaded at the same time. Or 3 Eurodiesel, or

1 Eurodiesel Plavi, or 3 petrol and 2 LUEL. See table.

Rail tanker loading plant is not legal (environmental protection, safety, …), so upgrades
have to be involved. At this moment, feasibility study generation process is conducted.

New loading plant will be suitable for anticipated tasks. VRU will be involved.

Estimated loading demands :

Rail tanker loading plant 2009 – 2010 After upgrade
t/year t/year
Primary petrol 71 029 30 000
Petrol components 1 142 -
MTBE 13 104 40 000
BMB Super 95 659 -
BMB EN 95 1 437 90 000
BMB Super Plus 98 - -
JET A-1 - -
Diesel oil “blue” - “DG PLAVI” 41 468 -
Diesel fuel 23 829 -
Diesel oil EN standard 17 480 180 000
Light fuel oil 8 978 -
Light fuel oil, low S 914 12 000
∑ 180 040 352 000

Possibility of common VRU to be evaluated. Connected to vapor recovery pipes from

rail tanker loading plant, and truck loading plant too.

5.2.3. Port Bakar tanker loading plant VRU connection

All loading devices must be connected to the VRU. At this moment, port Bakar upgrade
project design process is conducted. Loading devices, VRU connection included.

VRU connection, or new VRU for port Bakar alternative to be evaluated.

Existing loading devices :

Ship dispath
Product Loading post Capacity (t/h)
DG euro 3, 5, 6, 7 250 – 800
DG 4 130 – 200
BMB Euro 95 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 250 – 800
BMB 95 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 250 - 800

Top loading : loading post 3 – tanker 45 000 DWT

Loading posts 4-7 single 20 000 DWT tanker + two 5 000 DWT tankers

Max 4 tankers at the same time.

Jet fuel (kerosene) is not included in previous explanation. During conceptual design,
designer must evaluate VRU connection.

Existing / future loading capacities :

Bakar port 2009. (t/year) After upgrades
Primary petrol 19 489 22 000
FCC petrol 113 600 -
BMB95 514 178 650 602
JET A-1 36 439 47 500
Diesel oil (EU std) 287 648 813 529
Light fuel oil 87 980 129 546
∑ 1 059 334 1 663 177

Remark : Port Bakar VRU collector is part of the retrofit program. Separate port
Bakar VRU, or connection with Urinj plant will be evaluated.

5.3. Storage facility Solin-Split

Following loading plants have to be connected to the VRU :

- Truck loading plant Solin – Vranjičko Blato

- Ship loading terminal Solin – Mala Obala

5.3.1. VRU truck loading connection

Loading plant has 6 loading devices (arms) :

- BMB-95 2 loading devices

- Diesel oil 3 loading devices
- ELLU oil 1 loading device

Loading devices are “top loading” type. Loading posts are equipped with automatic
loading lines, 2 000 lit/min capacity. Existing pumps :

- Petrol 250 m3/h 2 pcs

- Diesel oil 250 m3/h 2 pcs
- ELLU oil 250 m3/h 1 pc

Large scale retrofit is not expected, only VRU to be applied. That means new bottom
loading sys for all 6 loading posts + VRU connections + VRU.

Extension to be evaluated :

- 2 bottom loading stations for DG

- 2 bottom loading station for petrol
Those 4 new loading posts have to be VRU connected too.

Existing loading capacities :

Petrol Diesel Petrol + Diesel

Max loading rate (m3/h) 220 250 470
Max 1 h loading (m3) 220 250 470
Max 15 min loading (m3) 54 61,5 115,5
Max 4 h loading (m3) 880 1 000 1 880
Max 24 h loading (m3) 21 120 24 000 45 120

Dispatch capacity :

Truck dispatch 2010 After retrofit

m3/year t/year m3/year t/year
BMB-95 104 111 77 297 150 000 111 366
DG 72 773 61 176 100 000 84 065
DG EN 133 740 111 399 150 000 124 943
DG Plavi 13 888 11 641 20 000 16 765
LUEL 49 780 41 755 50 000 41 939
JET A-1 23 940 19 141 40 000 31 982
∑ 398 233 322 410 510 000 411 060

5.3.2. VRU ship loading plant Mala Obala connection

Loading plant has 3 loading devices, 2 for petrol BMB-95, 1 for diesel oil. Loading posts
are equipped with automatic loading lines, 2 000 lit/min capacity.

Large scale retrofit is not expected, only VRU to be applied. That means loading
devices with connections for vapor recovering, vapor recovering collector, VRU. Existing
3” pipe to be evaluated for vapor recovering purpose.

Existing loading capacities :

Petrol Diesel Petrol + Diesel

Max loading rate (m3/h) 220 250 470
Max 1 h loading (m3) 220 250 470
Max 15 min loading (m3) 54 61,5 115,5
Max 4 h loading (m3) 880 1 000 1 880
Max 24 h loading (m3) 21 120 24 000 45 120
Dispatch capacity :

Ship dispatch 2010 After retrofit

m3/year t/year m3/year t/year
BMB-95 2 312 1 715 3 000 2 225
DG 563 474 1 000 841
DG EN 2 527 2 105 3 500 2 915
DG Plavi 300 251 500 420
LUEL 1 715 1 444 2 000 1 684
∑ 7 417 5 989 10 000 8 085

5.4. Storage facility Osijek

Truck loading plant has to be connected to the VRU. Loading plant consist of 6 loading
devices :

- DG EN 2 loading devices
- BMB-95 2 loading devices
- ELLU 2 loading devices

Existing loading devices are top loading type. Loading posts are equipped with
automatic loading lines, 2 000 lit/min capacity (SATAM).

Large scale retrofit is not expected, only VRU to be applied. That means bottom loading
devices with connections for vapor recovering, vapor recovering collector, VRU.

Existing loading capacities :

Petrol Diesel Petrol + Diesel

Max loading rate (m3/h) 120 120 240
Max 1 h loading (m3) 90 90 180
Max 15 min loading (m3) 26,5 26,5 53
Max 4 h loading (m3) 360 360 720
Max 24 h loading (m3) 1 800 1 800 3 600

Dispatch capacity :

Truck dispatch After retrofit

m3/year t/year
BMB-95 67 405 50 000
DG EN 66 034 55 000
ELLU 23 750 20 000
∑ 157 190 125 000

6. Project task

For VRU plant Rijeka, Sisak, Solin and Osijek design documentation :

- Location permit
- Building permit
- Construction detailed design

Including :

- Conceptual design + cost estimation

- Optimum technology proposal, tender for equipment
- Location permit, including taxes
- Basic design for building permit
- Building permit, including taxes
- Detailed design for construction
- Tender for construction activities

For each plant, designer must propose optimum concept. That means :

- Technical and economy solutions for VRU plant Rijeka, number and capacity
of VRU units, including truck, rail and port Bakar facilities (vapour handling
devices and pipes are not scope of that specification)
- Technical and economy solutions for VRU plant Sisak (vapours from tank
farm, rail loading plant, port Crnac; vapour handling devices and pipes are not
scope of that specification, except port Crnac); port Crnac plant consist of 3
loading posts vapour handling devices (2 for petrol, 1 for diesel oil), vapour
collector, connection with VRU by 1700 m long 10” existing pipe; Remark :
Location permit for Sisak plant VRU is issued, but without port Crnac
- Technical and economy solutions for VRU plant Solin, number and VRU
capacity, connection devices and pipes (truck loading plant, port Vranjičko
Blato plant), bottom loading devices for truck loading plant
- Technical and economy solutions for VRU plant Osijek, number and VRU
capacity, connection devices and pipes, bottom loading devices for truck
loading plant
VRU specification is related to the :

- Proven technology
- Environmental obligations (< 10 g/m3)
- Cost efficiency
- Future upgrades regarding anticipated mandatory requirements (feasibility,
- Vapour recovery possibilities, alternations for low capacity loading plants
- Technology description, tech specs, energy and other consumables, drains,
control sys, P & I Ds, safety procedures, MMI
- Dry screw pumps
- Continous Inlet monitor
- Continous Emission monitor
- Flow calculations
- Fire detection / protection
- Environmental protection, waste, waste water, …
- HSE requirements

Other technical requirements :

- VRU plants have to have control sys, protection sys, MMI, …

- Control sys must be located at the existing buildings, or containers,
connected to the Sisak plant control sys (COTAS and others)
- Equipment documentation to be attached
- Design documentation to be in accordance with HR law and standards, as
well as international stds (API, ASME, PED, ASTM, …)
- Tags will be in accordance with SISAK plant standards

7. Task scope

In accordance with INA technical documentation, supplier will issue all technical
documentation for VRU plants Rijeka, Sisak, Osijek and Solin, reach all input data,
issue tender for construction. For each and every plant :

- Conceptual design + cost estimation

- Location permit, including taxes
- Geomechanical analysis
- Basic design for building permit
- Building permit, including taxes
- Detailed design for construction
- Tender for construction activities

7.1 Conceptual design

Conceptual design is dedicated for location permit. The application for the issuing of the
location permit shall be accompanied by:

- All mandatory requirements

- Plant description
- Technology description
- Man power needed
- Connections to the consumables and power
- Environmental impact, waste disposal
- Fire / explosion protection
- Tender documentation for equipment

7.2 The application for the issuing of the location permit

The application for the issuing of the location permit taxes and other costs are included.

7.3 Geomechanical analysis, other activities

Any cost for geomechanical research and analysis (if any) are included in the proposal.

For Solin plant, bidder will apply for all special requirements and activities regarding
cultural and architectural heritage protection.

7.4 Basic (Main) Design , Detailed Design

Basic design for building permit application has design books regarding professionals.
Technical solutions are in accordance with VRU unit supplier input data. VRU unit
supplier will be nominated by INA. Basic design consists of :

7.4.1 Technology Design

- Technology description
- Tech specs
- Explosion risk areas
- Equipment list
- Lab analysis to be applied, stds, …
- Other standards, rules, …
- P & I Ds
- User manuals

7.4.2 Control sys Design

Control system design cosits of :

- System description
- Tech specs
- Equipment list
- Material list (BoM)
- Calculations
- MMI specifics
- Loop diagrams
- Hook up diagrams
- JBs wiring diagrams
- Layout
- User manuals

7.4.3 Mechanical Design

Mechanical design consists of :

- System description
- Layout
- Tech specs
- Equipment list
- Material list (BoM)
- Calculations
- Spools
- Pipe list
- Piping class determination
- PED piping definition
- PED (notified body) certificate
- User manuals

7.4.4 Civil Design

Civil design consists of :

- Tech description
- Layout
- Tech specs
- Material list (BoM)
- Calculations
- Geodetic plans
- Bases, concrete design
- Platforms, gangways, …
- User manuals

7.4.5 Electrical Design

Electrical design consists of :

- System description
- Layout
- Tech specs
- Equipment list
- Material list (BoM)
- Calculations
- Wiring diagrams
- User manuals

7.4.6 Fire protection, HSE

Fier protection and HSE design consists of :

- System description, risks

- Layout
- Risk assessment
- Equipment list
- Waste management
- Calculations
- Safety precautions
- Costs (investment, operating)
- Man power
- User manuals
7.5 Omitted (forgotten ?)

7.6 The application for the issuing of the building permit taxes and other costs

“Komunalni i vodni doprinos” (municipal and water protection taxes) are investor’s
scope. All other for the application for the issuing of the building permit taxes and other
costs (design control, supervisions, …) are bidder’s scope.

7.7 Tender Documentation

Tender documentation consists of :

- Plant description
- Layout
- Material list (BoM)
- Tech specs
- QA / QC plan
- Communication with investor
- Safety precautions
- Technical and other requirements
- Schedule

7.8 Designer surveillance, plant start up

7.8.1 For designer surveillance, vendor will provide professional engineers

engagement, geotechnical surveillance too. Anticipation : 20 man days /

7.8.2 After MC, designer surveillance – precommissioning to be conducted.

7.8.3 Documented statement regarding building activities have been performed

in accordance with design to be issued
7.8.4 Vendor will provide investor personal

7.8.5 Vendor will assist VRU producer during start up period

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