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The light belongs to a group of electromagnetic waves. The speed “c” of
electromagnetic radiations in free space is given as
c = = 3  108 m/s
The speed “c” of electromagnetic radiations and frequency “” is related as
c = 
The light may undergo reflection, transmission, absorption and scattering when
interacts with matter. These interactions cause loss in energy of light.
The intensity of light decreases when it travels through a medium. The
phenomenon in which medium decreases the intensity of light when it is passing through
it is called light absorption.
The intensity of light decreases exponentially with distance when it passes through
the medium is called BeerLambert law.
Consider a beam of monochromatic light
passes through a medium having thickness “dx”. The
number of photons passing through medium per unit
area per unit time is called intensity “I” of radiations.
The intensity “I” of light reduces to (I  dI) when it
passes through thickness “dx” of the medium.
The absorbed intensity dI of light is
proportional to original intensity “I” and thickness
“dx” of the medium.
dI  I dx
dI =  a I dx
Where a is a proportionality constant called path length or absorption coefficient.
The path length is distance covered through the medium. It is measure of absorption of
light in a medium. The negative sign arises because intensity of light decreases when it
passes through medium.
=  a dx

Integrate on both sides

 =  a  dx
Ln I =  a x + C - - - - - - (1)
At x = 0, I = Io
Ln Io =  a(0) + C
C = Ln Io - - - - - - (2)
Put eq(2) in eq(1)
Ln I =  ax + Ln Io
Ln I  Ln Io =  ax
Ln =  ax
I = Io e   a x
It is intensity of light at any distance “x” within medium. The above relation shows
intensity decreases exponentially with distance in the medium and called BeerLambert
law for transparent solid materials.
The attenuation(reduction) of light intensity also takes place due to scattering. This
attenuation of intensity is given as
I = Io e   s x
Where “s” is called scattering coefficient. The attenuation of light due to both
absorption and scattering is given as
I = Io e (a + s )x
Consider a light beam is incident on a transparent medium. The light is subjected
to the reflection from the boundary.

The intensity of the reflected beam is given as

I2 = Io R
Where “R” is called reflection coefficient. It is defined for a pair of media and
independent of the direction of propagation.

The absorbed intensity “I1” in medium is given as

I1 = Io  I2
I1 = Io  Io R
I1 = Io(1  R) - - - - - - (3)
Now light is partially reflected at the second interface. The radiant intensity “I” is
given as
I = I1  I3
I = I1  I1 R
I = (1  R)I1 - - - - - - (4)
Where I3 = I1 R is intensity of reflected beam.
Put eq(3) in eq(4)
I = (1  R) [Io(1  R)]
I = (1  R)2Io
The radiant intensity “I” which is leaving the medium is affected by absorption,
scattering and two reflections. Its final value is given as
I = Io (1  R)2 e (a + s )x
The outgoing intensity for kstack transparent plates of equal unit thickness “x” is
given as
I = Io (1  R)2k e k(a + s )x

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