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A new approach applied to a digital differential protection of large power


Conference Paper · December 2010


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3 authors:

Rachid Bouderbala Hamid Bentarzi

INELEC University M'Hamed Bougara of Boumerdes


Abderrahmane Ouadi
University M'Hamed Bougara of Boumerdes


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Recent Researches in Circuits, Systems, Electronics, Control & Signal Processing

A New Approach Applied to a Digital Differential

Protection of Large Power Transformer
Rachid BOUDERBALA*, Hamid BENTARZI** and Abderrahmane OUADI**

* Departement Instrumentation, IAP, Boumerdes,

**Signals and Systems Laboratory (SiSyLAB)
DGEE, FSI, Boumerdes University

Abstract: - In this work, a new approach applied to digital differential protection relay for a large power
transformer is presented. First, the Fourier sine and cosine coefficients required for fundamental, second,
third and fifth harmonic extraction have been determined using rectangular transfer technique. Then, these
harmonics have been used in harmonics restrain and blocking techniques applied to differential protection
system. Testes have been carried out on a variety of magnetizing conditions (normal aperiodic inrush and
over excitation conditions). From the obtained simulation results using Simulink/MATLAB, it can be noticed that
the developed approach provides good discrimination between the magnetizing current and the internal fault

Key-Words: Large power transformer, differential protection, harmonics restrain, inrush-current, over

1 Introduction Therefore, the security and reliability have been

A power transformer is mostly protected against internal improved; it remains only to develop an efficient
fault using a differential protection which is sensitive algorithm requiring less time-consuming calculations.
and a fast clearing technique. This technique of The alternative approaches to the digital protection of
protection detects nonzero differential current, and then power transformer have been proposed to date; one
activates a circuit breaker that disconnects the using a digital filtering approach [2,3] and the other [4]
transformer. However, this nonzero differential current using sine and cosine wave correlations to yield the
may be produced by transformer magnetization, due to fundamental and higher harmonic components required
so-called inrush current or over excitation, and may for protection. This paper presents a new approach in
cause the relay to operate unnecessarily. This which the sine and cosine Fourier coefficients are
magnetization current is a transient current that appears expressed in terms of rectangular transfer coefficients
only when a transformer is first energized or after that are obtained from the data samples by only additions
clearing external fault. Even though, it can be as great as and subtractions. This method leads to a more accurate
8 times the full load current, however, it is harmless and expression for the fundamental and harmonic
it contains harmonic components. During periodic inrush components compared with those obtained from digital
condition due to over-excitation the third and fifth filter techniques. Furthermore, it offers faster
harmonic components are largely seen; however, during computational speed compared with sine and cosine
the normal aperiodic inrush conditions, the second correlation. Besides, these harmonic components have
harmonic is relatively high. been used in restrain and blocking techniques.
The transformer differential protection scheme has to be
improved so that it can distinguish between nonzero
differential current produced by magnetization current 2 Magnetization Current Algorithm
and that produced by internal fault. Several methods In a large power transformer, any switching actions can
have been proposed to blind the differential protection produce a large current peak due to the saturation of the
system from magnetization current where the harmonic transformer iron core. Owing to this core saturation, the
components have been used as means of detection [1-4]. magnetization current contains, in addition to the
However, the digital computer based protection offers a harmonic components, a decaying dc current. Therefore,
number of advantages over the conventional ones.

ISBN: 978-960-474-262-2 202

Recent Researches in Circuits, Systems, Electronics, Control & Signal Processing

the magnetization current can be modelled as follows In order to improve the processing speed, the quantities
[5]: 1 and 1 may be generated by arithmetic shifts rather
3 5

i (t )I o exp(t ) I sin( k1t   k ) (1) than hardware divisions. The modified formulations of
k 1 k
where k determines the order of harmonic, and 1 is the the above quantities are implemented under the
frequency of the fundamental component. The decaying following form:
dc current can be represented by a Taylor expansion of 1 1  1 1 
S1S1'   S3'   S5' (11)
two terms:  2 16   4 32 
I o exp(t ) I o  I o t (2) 1 1  1
C1C1'   C3'  C5'
If it is assumed that the magnetization current does not  2 16  5
contain more than five harmonics, Eq.(1) becomes,
 1  1
S2 1 S 2' , C2 1 C2'

i (t ) I o  I o t  I k cos  k sin( kt ) (3)  16   16 
k 1
Let X(t) denotes a stationary random process with a zero  1  1
S5 1 S3' , C5 1 C5'
mean and suppose that one record X(t), of length T, is  16   16 
available. It shall be assumed that the record is sampled The harmonic components are found to be:
at equispaced intervals t of time tj , so that there are
samples (in this case n=12). From the samples,

I1 S12 C12 2  (12a)
Fourier sine and cosine coefficients X(tj) can be defined

I 2  S 22 C22 2
 (12b)
by usual relations given by:
Sk  
n 1
X (t j ) sin(k jt ) (4)

I 3  S 32 C 32 2  (12b)
j 0
 

n 1 I5  S 52  C 52 2 (12d)
Ck  X (t j ) cos( k jt ) (5) 12
j 0
After extraction of the fundamental, the second and the
where k  . third and the fifth harmonic components, these harmonic
T components that have significant values [8], will be used
If the sine and cosine terms of Eqs.(4) and (5) are to produce restraining signal that may be used to block
replaced by their equivalent rectangular functions, then the relay under inrush and over-excitation conditions.
the corresponding rectangular transform term will be Otherwise, for internal fault case, the relay operates.
denoted by:

n 1
S k'  X (t j ) sgn[sin( k jt )] (6)
j 0
3 Protection System Implementation
C 
n 1
k X (t j ) sgn[cos( k jt )] (7) The above discussed approach has been implemented
j 0

Considering that X(tj) are the last 12 differential currents using Matlab/Simulink with the necessary tool box. The
with sampling frequency of 600 Hz [6]. Thus, the Matlab is powerful software program used for any test.
Forurier coefficients can be obtained from the
rectangular coefficients as,
S k  A1 S k' (8)
Ck B 1Ck' (9)
where A and B are sparce matrices, more details about
this theory are given in [7]. So assuming no aliasing, the
Fourier coefficients can be expressed as follows:
1 1
S1S1'  S3'  S5' (10)
3 5
1 1
C1C1'  C3'  C5'
3 5
S 2 S 2'
S5' S5'
Fig.1 Characteristics of differential relay.
C5 C5' .

ISBN: 978-960-474-262-2 203

Recent Researches in Circuits, Systems, Electronics, Control & Signal Processing

Fig. 2 The system Simulink model.

The characteristics of the differential protection scheme
that has been used are plotted in Fig.1. where there are 4 Simulation Results and Discussion
two straight lines given with a slope of K1=0.25 and a The above system was simulated in MATLAB using the
slope of K2=0.6, which range from Irt0 to Irt1 and from Simpower system toolbox of SIMULINK.
Irt1 to Irt2, respectively, and a horizontal straight The digital protection scheme developed in previous
line defining the relay minimum pickup current, sections was tested by simulation for magnetization
Iop0=0.3A. The relay operating region is located above currents and internal fault cases. These currents are
the slope, and the restraining region is below the slope. generated when the circuit breaker is closed to connect
A dual-slope percentage characteristic provides further the transformer and external fault appears as shown in
security for external faults. It is represented as a dashed Fig.3. The currents are measured by current transformers
line in Fig.1. on buses B1 and B2 and then introduced to the relay.
The dual-slope percentage pattern adds a restraint area Some parameters have been made variable to allow
and avoids mal-operation caused by saturation. In performing all possible cases of test. Two test cases have
comparison with a single-slope percentage scheme, the been performed:
dual-slope percentage current differential protection can a) switching on the transformer and then applying an
be regarded as a better curve fitting of transformer external fault as shown in Fig.3.
operational principles [9]. b) switching on the transformer and then applying an
internal fault as shown in Fig.4
3.1 System Description .
The whole system Simulink model as illustrated in Fig.2
consists of a three-phase transformer rated 225 kVA,
2400 V/600V, 60Hz, connected to a 1 MVA, 2400 V
power network. A 112.5 kW resistive load (50 % of
transformer nominal power) is connected on the 600 V
side. Each phase of the transformer consists of two
windings both connected in wye with a grounded
neutral. In a system relaying block, the currents that have
been measured on Buses B1 and B2 pass through a
second order Butterworth low pass filter with a cut off
frequency of 600 Hz, which offers a maximum flat
response in the pass band and a quite good attenuation Fig.3 Differential currents during switching on the
slope. After that, the differential and restrain currents transformer and an external fault.
using blocks included in Simulink library and our
algorithm have been calculated. The measured signals Figure 3 shows the plots of the differential currents when
are used in the relay operational principles. the transformer is switched on at t=0.08 sec and then an
external fault at 0.25 sec and finally this fault cleared at
0.65 sec. In Fig.(4), the differential current as well the

ISBN: 978-960-474-262-2 204

Recent Researches in Circuits, Systems, Electronics, Control & Signal Processing

restrain current are shown for case (b) switching on the obtained simulation results using Simulink/MATLAB,
transformer at t=0 and then applying an internal fault at the developed approach provides good
t=0.6 sec. However, Fig.5 shows the plots of test case(b) discrimination between the magnetizing current and
for the relay trips. The output and response time of the the internal fault current.
relay are shown in this figure. However, the trip times
that have been found, include the waiting time of one
cycle of the power frequency. This delay has been References:
introduced to prevent false trip conditions. It is possible
to reduce the time delay to achieve faster tripping. It can [1] A. G. Phadke, J. S. Thorp, Computer Relaying for
be noted that the relay exhibits a good response in all Power System, Research Studies Press LTD, England,
considered cases. This method allows to obtain a rapid 1988.
and accurate response of the digital protection scheme. [2] J. A. Sykes, I. F. Morrison, “A Proposed Method of
Moreover, it provides a good discrimination between the Harmonic Restraint Differential Protection of
inrush current and internal fault current. Transformer by Digital Computer”, IEEE Trans., PAS-
91, 1972, p.1266.
[3] R. R. Larson, A. J. Flechsig, E. O. Schweitzer, “The
Design and Test of a Digital Relay for Transformer
Protection”, IEEE Trans., PAS-98, 1979, p. 795.
[4] O. P. Malik, P. K. Dash, G. S. Hope, “Digital
Protection of a Power Transformer”, IEEE PES
Winter Meeting, New York, Paper A76, 1976, p. 191.
[5] A. J. Degens, “Algorithm for a Digital Transformer
Protection Based on a Least-Squares Curve-Fitting”, IEE
Proc., Vol. 128, 1981, p. 155 .
Time (sec.)
Fig.4 the differential and the restrain current. [6] J. S. Thorp, A. G. Phadke, “A Microprocessor Based
Three-Phase Transformer Differential Relay, IEEE
Trans., PAS-101, 1982, p. 426.
[7] M. A. Rahman, P. K. Dash, “Fast Algorithm for
Digital Protection of Power Transformer”, IEE Proc.,
Vol. 129-C2, 1982, p. 79.
[8] B Kaszenny, and A. Kuliidjiant, “An Improved
Transformer inrush restraint current Algorithm”, 53rd
Annual conference for protective relay engineering,
College, April 11-13 , 2000.
[9]F.Meckic, R. Girgis, Z. Gajic,” Power Transformer
Time (sec.) Characteristics and their Effects on protective Relays”,
Fig.5 Relay response. 33rd Western protective Relays conference, October 17-
19, 2006.
5 Conclusion
In this paper, an attempt has been made through the use
of MATLAB/SIMULINK to test a new approach applied
to digital differential protection relay for a large
power transformer. First, the Fourier sine and cosine
coefficients required for fundamental, second, third
and fifth harmonics extraction have been calculated
using rectangular transfer technique. Then, these
harmonic components have been used in harmonics
restrain and blocking techniques which may be
utilized in differential protection system. Testes
have been carried out on a variety of magnetizing
conditions (normal aperiodic inrush and over
excitation conditions due to external fault) as well
as internal fault. It can be noticed that, from the

ISBN: 978-960-474-262-2 205

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