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Consultancy and change

Change is the raison d'être of business consulting. If the different

consulting jobs have something in common, it is that they
contribute to the planning and implementation of changes in client
organizations. Organizational change is fraught with pitfalls and
difficulties. When managing change, consultants and clients often
make the same mistakes, making changes creates resistance to
change and paralyzes the entire process.
The human dimension of organizational change is fundamental.
The people who work in the organization, the managerial and
technical staff and their workers are the ones who ultimately
determine with their behavior what changes can be introduced in
the organization. For an organization to change, the person must
also change:
The staff must understand, desire and implement changes that, at
first glance, may seem only technological or structural, and the
exclusive competence of top management, but that in practice will
affect the working conditions, interests and satisfaction of many
others. On the other hand, many environmental changes, such as
the increased penetration of new information and communication
technologies in all spheres of human life, considerably facilitate
the changes that must be introduced within particular
The proposals of the consultant who evaluates must always
consider the resources and talent that the company has to make
the most of them. Services must adapt to existing human and
technological resources, complementing them. This will optimize
the investment, without losing sight of the commitment to
generate results.

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