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April 2023
Effects of Procrastinating in the Mental Health
of the Senior High School Students in Western
Mindanao Adventist Academy Academic Year

Practical Research 1
Presented to
Ma’am Birthylyn C. Degoro
Western Mindanao Adventist Academy

In partial fulfilment of
the requirements for this semester of
Humanities and Social Science in the subject
Practical Research 1

Submitted by
Frinches Mae Dingding
Table of Contents

Statement of the Problem………………………………………………..2
Conceptual Framework………………………………………………….3
Significance of the Study………………………………………………...4
Scope and Delimitation ……………………………………………….…5
Definition of Terms……………………………………………………....6

This chapter presents the problem and its background, problem statement, sub-problem,

hypothesis, significance of the study, scope and delimitation, conceptual framework and

definition of terms.

Procrastination is a maladaptive behaviour that students often experience in academic

activities that can result in negative consequences to mental health. Procrastination is one of
the problems Senior High School Students in Western Mindanao Adventist Academy are
currently facing in which greatly affects their mental health. Similarly, it shows the cause of
procrastination in the Senior High School students. Yet, the types of procrastination are
examined and why Senior High School students tend to procrastinate most of the time which
negatively, affects their mental health thus affecting their academic performance too.
Procrastination is defined in general as the voluntary delay of an intended action,
despite negative consequences (Klingsieck, 2013; Sirois and Pychyl, 2013; Steel, 2007).
Procrastination can be understood as the tendency to postpone activities required to achieve a
given goal and is very common in the academic context wherein students may put off a task
deliberately because they do not know how to accomplish it or have an aversion to it
(Lay, 1986). Rothblum et al. (1986) defined the concept of academic procrastination as a
dysfunctional and irrational delay of academic tasks, usually associated with anxiety and
negative consequences such as academic failure and ill-being (e.g., anxiety)
(Laeus, 2015) explains that procrastination is avoidance of doing a task that needs to
be accomplished. He further states that procrastination is the process of doing more
pleasurable things in place of less pleasurable ones, or carrying out less urgent tasks instead
of more urgent ones, thus putting off impending tasks to a later time.
(Dilmac, 2009) states that Procrastination appears to be a troubling phenomenon,
people most strongly characterized it as being bad, harmful, and foolish. Justifying this
viewpoint, several studies have linked it to individual performance, with the procrastinator
performing more poorly overall, and to individual well-being, with the procrastinator being
more miserable in the long term. At larger levels of analysis, procrastination has been linked
to several organizational and societal issues.
(Allien and Milgram, 2017) proposes that procrastination is primarily: (1) a behavior
sequence of postponement; (2) resulting in a substandard behavioral product; (3) involving a
task that is perceived by the procrastinator as being important to perform; and (4) resulting in
a state of emotional upset.
(Langton, 2016) defines procrastination as avoidance of the implementation of an
intention, frustrates an individual’s stated purposes by simply putting it off until it’s too late
or nearly too late. The high threshold for certainty needed before acting on a choice leads to
taking longer to complete the task and to seeking more information about alternatives .
The World Health Organization considers mental health as a person's ability to
communicate in harmony with others, to be able to modify and improve their social
environment, and to properly and logically solve emotional conflicts and personal desires
(Mohammad, 2013). Researchers have found that their performance improves when students
expect to work desirable and have a positive self-assessment (Beyrene, Baron, & Fuladchang,
The reason for this conduct is to help other people be aware of their actions and their
tendencies of procrastination, and by doing this research, may it serve as a awareness to them
about their tendencies of procrastination and how it can affect their lives and to those people
that surrounds them.
Procrastination excuses are common as cold. People often assume that procrastination
is simply a matter of willpower, but in reality, the situation is far more complex than that.
When faced with a decision to make or a task to complete, we usually rely on our self-control
in order to push ourselves to get things done. Furthermore, our motivation, which is based on
the expectation of receiving some reward for our efforts, can support our self-control, and
make it more likely that we will get things done in a timely manner.
Obviously, the problem of procrastination affects many Senior High School
students in Western Mindanao Adventist Academy. However, many Senior High School
students do not know that their postponing in doing their tasks is the problem engaging in
more pleasurable things in which they can not benefit from it. The act of procrastination does
not only affects the mental health of the students but it as well affect the academic
performances of the students. Moreover, one of the main reasons that procrastination is a
challenge to overcome is that everybody has a different reason for doing it. What's more, the
same person may have a variety of reasons for procrastinating on different tasks
Statement of the Problem

This study generally aims to evaluate and determine how procrastination can affect
the mental health of the senior high school students in Western Mindanao Adventist
Specifically, the study seeks to answers to the following questions:

1. How does procrastination affect the mental health of the senior high school students in
Western Mindanao Adventist Academy in the academic year 2022-2023?
2. How does the mental health of the senior high school students resulted from
procrastination affect the academic performances of the students?
3. What are the coping mechanism adapted by the senior high school students in Western
Mindanao Adventist Academy to address the challenges encountered

Conceptual Framework

This study is concentrated on the effects of procrastinating in the mental health of

the senior high school students in Western Mindanao Adventist Academy.


Analysis of data • School administration

through: should incorporate time-
•Effect of management skills and
Procrastination on stress-management
the senior high techniques into the
the survey
school students curriculum
mental health •Guidance counselors
should conduct
•Constructing counseling sessions with
•Result of the
questionnaire students to address any
mental health from
checklist underlying
psychological factors
•Asking that may contribute to
permission to procrastination.
mechanism •Parents should model
the participants
effective time-
•Interview management skills and
provide praise and
positive feedback.
Significance of the study

This study aimed to provide valuable information on The Effects of Procrastination in

the Mental Health of the Students in Western Mindanao Adventist Academy. The result of
this study will benefited the following:

Students. This study will help the students to be more efficient that helps them be self aware
of their procrastination tendencies which can affect their mental health resulting to having a
poor academic performance in the school. This research will help them be guided on how
procrastination can impact their lives.


Teachers. The results of this study will provide them researched based information for them
to be able to share to their students and as well apply in their efficiency in the teaching work.

Parents and Guardians. The results of this study could inform and encourage the Parents
and Guardians to be well guided in their children’s procrastination tendencies that could as
well impact their mental health. This study will give them profound knowledge on the effects
of mental health in their children’s life.

Future Researchers. This study will help the future researchers to have a profound
knowledge on the research that could help them in accumulating and forming another
knowledge in the future.

Others. As a basis of another study or can be replicated using additional variables in another
locale and setting with differing respondents. The research can also be a possible research
literature for the Effects of Procrastination in the Mental health of the Senior High School
Students in Western Mindanao Adventist Academy in the Academic Year 2022-2023

Scope and Delimitation

The subject of the study is focused on the Effects of Procrastination in the Mental
Health of the Students in Western Mindanao Adventist Academy Academic Year 2022-2023.
The target respondents were the senior high school students in Western Mindanao Adventist
Academy. Simple Random Sampling will be used to gather samples from the sample. The
central purpose of this study is to identify the Effects of Procrastination in the Mental Health
of the Senior High School Students in Western Mindanao Adventist Academy Academic
Year 2022-2023.

The researchers will conduct the data gathering through questionnaires, with the use
of Google Forms (G-forms) and Face-to-Face interaction. Each of the Senior High School
respondent will have the same questionnaire to answer. They will also be collecting some
documents that will serve as evidence to justify and corroborate the result made from the
questionnaire and that will help them formulate a precise and well-established conclusion.

The study was limited only towards the students of Western Mindanao Adventist
Academy. Further, this study will not go further beyond what seeks to explore and will not
ask questions or discuss anything from the previous academic year senior high school of
Western Mindanao Adventist Academy

Definition of Terms

Procrastination. When students unnecessarily postpone working on school tasks,

like studying or writing.

Mental Health.
Academic Performance.
Thesis statement
Statement of the problem
Conceptual framewor
Significanace of the study
Hypothesis (Directional) (this is just about the variables) (go bacx to the statement of the problem) (base on
what you searched and researched)
 Null hypothesis- u neglect that procrastination has no relationship or procrastination cannot affect the
mental health of the student exist if there is no relationship between the independent and dependent
variable Ex- there is no significance in my health ang pag exercise everyday
 Alternative hypothess- ex there is a significance or procrastination affects the students mental health or
my health imporves during times when I sleep for 8 hours
 Directional hypothesis- predict the variables nga naa jud sula effect, it illustrates the direct association
nga naa jud silay effect , clear and justified according to the research
 Nn-directional- is used when there is no principle ivolved, you are not going to predict that the variables
have a relationship, is not specified as positive and negative Ex (there is a ssignificant difference in he
average grades between those students that have the proper nutritious meal and those that do not have
proper meals (this

 Spend more time researching
 Independent and dependent should be included \relaionship of your variables, will your independent
variable affects your dependent? It’s impacts should be testable without violating ethical standards
 Simple and specific

Definition of terms
Operational - base sa iny study or how it was used in the study
Ex fa`ce to face- this refers to the learning modalities
Only deine the variable
conceptual- base on the dictionary
Ex face to face- it is when the poeop einvolved are being close together

Guidelines how to wrte

1 wwrite a brief introductory statement/ describes theb content if the definition of terms
2 list the words that are technical
3 terms should be arranged alphabetically
4 indention
5 terms ould be followed with a period ex Module.
6 can use bold or italic
7 specific, no flowery words
8 acronym should be defined clearly
9 do not overflow with technical terms , no need na e write tanan but only thos who are relevant
10 brief and specific, no more lengthy terms, just define

Scope and delimitation

Chapter 1
Introduction (research statement, general statement, support the gen stat, probelem that you want to
achieve, (2-3 pages)
Statement of the problem (research questions)
Conceptual framework( research paradiam) (relationship ni independent and dependent variable)
Significance of the study
scope and delimitation
Definition of terms

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