Hashim2001 Wettability of SiC Particles by Molten AL Alloy

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Journal of Materials Processing Technology 119 (2001) 324±328

The wettability of SiC particles by molten aluminium alloy

J. Hashim*, L. Looney, M.S.J. Hashmi
Materials Processing Research Centre, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland


A critical step in the processing of cast, particle reinforced, metal matrix composites (MMCs) is the incorporation of the ceramic particles
into the molten matrix alloy. Therefore, in a foundry MMC fabrication method, wettability of the reinforcement particles by the matrix alloy
is one aspect of the process that must be optimised. In general, the reinforcement ceramic particles are very dif®cult to wet by a liquid
metal. Information about this phenomenon is also dif®cult to obtain as it is widely dispersed throughout the literature.
This paper presents a review of available information on factors which contribute to poor wetting between ceramic phases, and liquid
metals. It particularly focuses on aluminium, a common MMC matrix material. Research on methods which can be used to improve this
wettability is also detailed. This paper aims to bridge an existing information gap between the fundamentals of the wetting of solid particles,
and the practice of the preparation of cast MMCs. # 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: MMC processing; Composite casting; Wettability

1. Introduction tative studies have been conducted, and many fundamental

questions remain unanswered.
Casting of metal matrix composites (MMCs) is an attrac-
tive processing method for these advanced materials since it
is relatively inexpensive, and offers a wide variety of 2. Wettability
material and processing condition options. Generally, these
composites consists of a metal matrix, which is melted Wettability can be de®ned as the ability of a liquid to
during casting, and discontinuous ceramic reinforcement spread on a solid surface, and represents the extent of
which is added to the molten matrix material. Good wetting intimate contact between a liquid and a solid. It can be
between the solid ceramic phase and the liquid metal matrix described by the angle of contact between a drop of liquid
is an essential condition for the generation of a satisfactory resting on a solid substrate, as shown in Fig. 1. The contact
bond between these two during casting [1]. The mechanical angle at equilibrium, y, is determined by the following
properties of MMCs are controlled to a large extent by the equation, often referred to as the Young±Dupre equation [7]:
structure and properties of this reinforcement±metal inter-
gsv ˆ gsl ‡ glv cos y (1)
face [2±5]. It is believed that a strong interface permits
transfer and distribution of load from the matrix to the where gsv is the specific energy of the solid±vapor interface,
reinforcement, resulting in an increased elastic modulus gsl the specific energy of the liquid±solid interface, and glv
and strength. From metallurgical consideration the desired the specific energy of liquid±vapor interface. Each specific
interfacial region in a composite relies on several factors [6]: energy is an energy per unit area, or surface tension force.
When a liquid drop is put on a solid substrate, it will
1. An intimate contact between the reinforcement and the
replace a portion of the solid±vapor interface by a liquid±
matrix to established satisfactory wetting of the
solid and a liquid±vapor interface. The spreading of liquid
reinforcement by the matrix.
will occur only if this results in a decrease in the free energy
2. A very low rate of chemical reaction at the interface, and
of the system. The bonding force between the liquid and the
little or no inter-diffusion between the component
solid phase, i.e. the work of adhesion, Wa, is de®ned as [7]
phases, so that the reinforcement is not degraded.
Wa ˆ glv ‡ gsv gsl (2)
In spite of the importance of wettability in the manufac-
ture of composites by casting, seven relatively few quanti- Combining Eqs. (1) and (2) give
Corresponding author. Wa ˆ glv …1 ‡ cos y† (3)

0924-0136/01/$ ± see front matter # 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
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J. Hashim et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 119 (2001) 324±328 325

below 9008C, and Eustathopoulos et al. [12] showed that this

particular phenomenon is due to the presence of an alumi-
nium oxide layer, which prevents direct contact of alumi-
nium and, in this case, carbon. As a rule, the wettability of
covalent carbides such as SiC and B4C follows the same
dependence on the nature of the metal as the wettability of
It has been observed that a ceramic particle surface is
normally covered with a gas layer [13]. Zhou and Xu [14]
Fig. 1. Sessile drop test for contact angle measurement [1]. have proposed that this gas layer may be the main reason for
their poor wettability. The layer prevents molten matrix
material from coming into contact with the surface of
Therefore the bonding force between the liquid and solid individual particles and additionally, when the particle
phase can be expressed in terms of the contact angle, and concentration in a melt reaches a critical level, the gas
surface tension of the liquid. layers can form a bridge, leading to total rejection of
The magnitude of the contact angle will describe the particles from the melt [15]. Hence it is essential that gasses
wettability: from the surface of particles are desorbed prior to composite
synthesis, or alternatively that gas layers are broken by
1. y ˆ 0, for perfect wetting.
mechanical means. Depending on the density of the ceramic
2. y ˆ 180, no wetting, and for
material, completely wet particles may tend to sink to the
3. 0 < y < 180, there will be partially wetting.
bottom, rather than ¯oat to the surface of a melt.
This means that a low contact angle is indicative of good The wetting or contact angle of various ceramic phases by
wettability. A liquid is said to wet solid surface when liquid aluminium, as measured using the sessile drop tech-
cos y > 0, i.e. when gsv > gsl . According to Delannay nique, are summarised in Table 1. It shows that in general the
et al. [8], in a vacuum, the driving force for wetting is value of contact angle decreases with an increase in alumi-
affected by only two factors: the surface tension of the liquid nium liquid temperature, i.e. wettability is improved at a
and the strength of the solid±liquid interaction at the inter- higher temperature, normally above 9008C.
face. Properties of the particle surface also affect wettability,
Usually, wetting properties are measured by the sessile which can be reduced by adsorbed contaminants on the
drop technique, which is based on the measurement of ceramic substrate. The wetting of SiC by metals is often
the work of adhesion, and is generally carried out in the hindered by the presence of a layer of silicon oxide on the
temperature range 400±20008C [7,9,10]. This technique solid surface. As a result, a sharp transition from non-
involves placing a drop of liquid metal on a solid substrate wetting to wetting is observed at a certain threshold tem-
(Fig. 1). To measure the dihedral angles, the system is perature [22]. This transition temperature is determined by
rapidly cooled in order to freeze the equilibrium shapes. the kinetics of diffusion of the metal through the oxide layer.
In measuring the contact angle y, great care must be exerted The attainment of complete wetting becomes more dif®-
to tightly control several important parameters including the cult to achieve as particle size decreases. This is due to the
composition and surface ®nish of the solid, the purity of the increase of surface energy required for the metal surface to
melt, and the composition and pressure of the vapour phase. deform to a small radius as the particle begins to penetrate
All these can exert a signi®cant in¯uence on y. Such control through it. The smaller particles are also more dif®cult to
is often dif®cult to achieve, and the literature contains many
contradictions and inaccuracies attributable to error in Table 1
experimental conditions. Contact angles between liquid aluminium and various ceramic materials

Ceramic Temperature Angle, y (8) Vacuum Reference

phase (8C) (Torr)
3. Factors which reduce wettability SiC 900 150 2:7  10 4
1100 34 1:5  10 [16]
Generally, the presence of oxide ®lms on a melt surface 1100 42 2:7  10 4
leads to non-wetting by molten alloys of reinforcement B4C 900 135 5
10  10 6
particles. This oxide layer creates a resistance to reinforce- 1100 120 10 5  10 6
ment particle penetration of a molten matrix, especially 1100 119 1:5  10 4 [19]
when the particles are added from the top of a cast. Alu- Al2O3 900 90 2:6  10 5
minium has high oxygen af®nity, e.g. at 4008C, a 50 nm 900 120 10 5 [20]
thick layer is formed on aluminium alloy in 4 h [11]. It is 1100 70 2:6  10 [19]
therefore very dif®cult to avoid oxide formation in alumi- 1100 80 10 4 [20]
1100 83 10 5 [21]
nium-based systems. Wetting is not usually observed at all
326 J. Hashim et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 119 (2001) 324±328

disperse because of their inherently greater surface area. agglomerates of reinforcement particles and their non-uni-
These ®nely divided powders show an increasing tendency form dispersion in the melt.
to agglomerate or clump together as particle size decreases. Magnesium can also reduce the solid±liquid interfacial
energy by aiding the reaction at the surface of the rein-
forcement particles and forming new compounds at the
4. Methods to promote wettability interface. Very small quantities of reactive elements may
be quite effective in improving wetting since they can
Several approaches have been taken to promote wetting of segregate either to the melt surface or at the melt±particle
reinforcement particles with a molten matrix alloy [7,23,24]. interface (simultaneously reducing the reactive element
These include: content in the matrix). Levi et al. [33] found that the
incorporation, wetting and bonding of the reinforcement
1. the addition of alloying elements to the matrix alloy,
can be achieved by alloying aluminium with an element
2. coating of the ceramic particles, and
which can interact chemically with the reinforcement to
3. treatment of the ceramic particles.
produce a new phase at the interface which is readily wetted.
The principles upon which approaches to improve wetting In the case of an Al±Mg alloy based composite, they suggest
are based are: to increase the surface energy of the solid, that bonding was achieved through the formation of a
decrease the surface tension of the liquid alloy, or decrease MgAl2O4 layer, by reaction between the reinforcement
the solid±liquid interfacial energy at the particle±matrix and the magnesium in the aluminium liquid.
interface [25,26]. Magnesium is also a powerful scavenger of oxygen; it
reacts with the oxygen present on the surface of particles,
4.1. Addition of alloying elements thinning the gas layer, and thus improving wetting and
reducing the agglomeration tendency. A composite which
The composites produced by liquid metallurgy techniques was prepared by the liquid metal processing technique with
generally show excellent bonding between ceramic and 80±100 mm size silicon carbide particles in a 356 alloy
molten matrix when reactive elements are added to induce matrix, showed that the addition of magnesium helped in
wettability [27]. For example, the addition of magnesium, thinning the gas layer, which was present over the silicon
calcium, titanium, or zirconium to the melt may promote carbide particles [34].
wetting by reducing the surface tension of the melt, decreas- It can be concluded that the presence of magnesium in an
ing the solid±liquid interfacial energy of the melt, or indu- aluminium alloy matrix during composites fabrication, not
cing wettability by chemical reaction. only strengthens the matrix, but also scavenges the oxygen
It has been found that for aluminium-based composites, from the surface of the particle, leading to an increase in the
magnesium has a greater effect in incorporating reinforce- surface energy of the particles. However, caution must be
ment particles in the melt and improving their distribution, exercised in adding magnesium because the presence of
than other elements tested including: cerium [28,29], lantha- excess magnesium in an aluminium melt will alter the
num, zirconium, and titanium [29], bismuth, lead, zinc, and microstructure of the matrix alloy by forming low-melting
copper [30]. The addition of magnesium to molten alumi- constituents, which deteriorate mechanical properties. The
nium has been found to be successful in promoting wetting addition of 3.0 wt.% magnesium to an A356 alloy for
of alumina [27,31], and indeed it is thought that magnesium example leads to the formation of a Mg5Al8 phase, having
is suitable in aluminium with most reinforcements [32,33]. a low melting point of 4508C [35]. In addition, Korolkov
Magnesium is a powerful surfactant. The addition of [35] has warned that the addition of magnesium to molten
magnesium to an aluminium melt improves wetting because aluminium will reduces its casting ¯uidity.
of the lower surface tension of magnesium (0.599 N m 1)
compared with that of aluminium (0.760 N m 1) or alumi- 4.2. Particle treatment
nium±11.8 wt.% Si (0.817 N m 1) [36]. The addition of
3 wt.% magnesium to aluminium reduces its surface tension Heat treatment of particles before dispersion in the melt
from 0.760 to 0.620 N m 1 at 7208C. The reduction is very aids their transfer by causing description of adsorbed gases
sharp for the initial 1 wt.% magnesium addition, e.g. with from the particle surface. Agarwala and Dixit [30] observed
1 wt.% magnesium, the surface energy of an aluminium the importance of preheating in the incorporation of graphite
alloy has been found to drop from 860 to 650 dyn cm 1 particles in an aluminium alloy. There was no retention when
[36,37]. In the work of Sukumaran et al. [36] they concluded the graphite particles were not preheated, whereas the
that the addition of magnesium is necessary during the particles were retained when preheated. Heating silicon
synthesis of A356±SiC particle composites by a stir casting carbide particles to 9008C assists in removing surface
route, and found the optimum addition of magnesium for impurities, desorption of gases, and altering the surface
obtaining the best distribution and maximum mechanical composition due to the formation of an oxide layer on the
properties to be around 1 wt.%. The addition of magnesium surface [38]. The ability of this particle oxide layer to
lower than the optimum value results in the formation of improve the wettability of SiC particles by an alloy melt
J. Hashim et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 119 (2001) 324±328 327

has been suggested by several investigators [39,40], and its Mixing time is one of the important variables which is
action is distinctly different from that of a melt oxide layer often not adequately recognised or reported. Many of the
which is a barrier to wetting. The addition of preheated metal±ceramic systems of commercial interest are made
alumina particles in an Al±Mg melt has also been found to wettable by promoting interfacial reaction. Since the pro-
improve the wetting of alumina [41,42]. cesses which effect the interfacial energy balance progress
A clean surface provides a better opportunity for melt± with time, the contact angle, y, is often a function of time.
particle interaction, and thus enhances wetting. Ultrasonic Therefore if the processing time is short, the particles may
techniques, various etching techniques and heating in sui- appear non-wet, but with an increase in time these particles
table atmosphere can be used to clean the particle surface [7]. become wettable. Near-linear decreases of wetting angle
The silica layer grown naturally or arti®cially on the surface with time for the SiC/Al system were observed at 980 and
of SiC particles used in aluminium-based matrix composites 9008C by Kohler [17] and Halverson et al. [18]. Brennan and
is supposed to have two functions: to protect the SiC from Pask [19] reported that there is a linear time dependence of
aluminium attack and the formation of Al4C3, and to improve wetting angle in the Al2O3/Al system. Similar time depen-
wettability by aluminium which would result from the dence of contact angle may also be observed for coated
reaction between aluminium and the SiO2 layer [10]. particles if the coating is soluble in the melt. The processing
time should be controlled so that the coating does not
4.3. Particle coating dissolve completely [13].

In general, the surface of non-metallic particles are dif®-

cult to wet by a liquid metal. Wetting has been achieved, 5. Conclusions
however, by ®rst coating the particles with a wettable metal.
This is because the liquid metals almost always wet solid Both chemical and mechanical factors in¯uence the wett-
metals, and wettability is highest in the case of mutual ability of ceramic reinforcement particles by molten metal in
solubility or formation of inter-metallic compounds. In®l- MMC solidi®cation processing. The chemical nature of the
tration is thus made easier by desorption of a metallic interface determines not only wetting but also the strength
coating on the surface of the reinforcing solid [8]. Coating and stability of the interface. Good wetting leads to a strong
are applied in a variety of ways including chemical vapour bond between reinforcement particles and the matrix. How-
deposition (CVD), several forms of plasma vapour deposi- ever, contamination, the presence of a gas layer, or the
tion (PVD), electroplating, cementation, plasma spraying formation of an oxide layer on the melt can be detrimental
[43] and by sol±gel processes [44]. to wettability.
Nickel and copper are wet well by many alloys, and these Three main wettability enhancement methods include
metals have been used as a coating material. Silver, copper adding some surface-active elements such as magnesium
and chromium coatings have also been proposed [14,45±47]. into the matrix, coating or oxidising the ceramic particles or
However, nickel is the most frequently used metal for cleaning the particles, for example by pre-heat treatment.
coating reinforcement particles used with aluminium-based These can make mixing and retention of the ceramic par-
composites [44,45,48,49]. It is important to note that the ticles easier. The applications of mechanical stirring when
interaction of coatings with a liquid metal during in®ltration the slurry is in semi-solid state, or the application of ultra-
or stirring, and the in¯uence of this on the solidi®cation sonic vibration have also had a bene®cial effect on wett-
microstructure and the mechanical properties of a composite ability.
are not well understood.

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