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Who Were the Gilders?

Section 1

“Since the Civil War the history of our country has not been the narrative of social institutions, but a
stirring story of the gigantic achievements of individuals in the domain of a private finance”.

Section 2

This era in American History has left significant and lasting impacts in American society now and as we
have seen it in the last couple years. New innovations and economic reforms have come along with
improvements and modernization of law to put together as some historians call it, ‘Second Industrial
Revolution’. With this age, the country has seen some of the biggest businesses and businessmen
flourish with new booming industries and rising demand, immigration, and export.

Section 3

- Federalists
o A supporter of federal government or specifically, a supporter of the American
- Conducive
o Making a certain thing or situation likely or possible.

Section 4

- Religion
o NA
- Economic
o The corporation in Hughes’s view, was a more component of the large technical system;
only after system builders like Thomas Edison and Samuel Insull had already laid the
foundation of the modern electrical grid would venal financiers convince them to
- Social
o This period witnessed the ride of the modern industrial corporations, building of large-
scale technical systems, including electric power grid, and the creation of government
o Businessmen dominated center stage of society, they set the tone for public life, or so it
o The vulgarity of the 1870’s greatly troubled journalists such as E. L. Godkin and Henry
o The late 19th century witnessed the establishment of a large number of notable cultural
institutions that included art museums, concert halls, and public libraries.
o Many 19th century businessmen craved luxury, built ostentatious mansions, lavishly
invested, often at the insistence of their wives, in expensive furniture, clothing, and art.
o Late 19th century businessmen were more civic minded than the “overclass” of today.
- Political
o Lawmakers in the 1850’s have been persuasively characterized as a “plundering
o Bensel’s financiers were a tiny minority of the electorate who lacked a popular mandate.
- Geographical
o .
- Military
o NA

Section 5

Although this era provided for a lot of financial gains, it’s equally important to understand the
drawbacks of sudden transformation and heavy immigration. The pay disparity between labor and
capitalists grew. The rich got richer, and the labor suffered through debt slavery or poor working
conditions. The corruption that the nation underwent in times of economic boom remains a big part of
American society till date.

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