Ica Group Zine

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1 what is the BoR? 10
While the UW prides itself on student representation in its
governance, the university is ultimately governed by the
the big picture
Board of Regents (BoR) and the UW Investment
Additionally, ICA is not the only group pressuring the UW to
Management Company (UWINCO). Even President Ana Mari
engage in more just investment practices, nor has it been the
Cauce is subject to the power these groups of well-funded
only one in the past. The Advisory Committee on Socially
and ill-intentioned individuals wield. So what do these two
Responsible Investing (ACSRI), the main apparatus through
apparatuses do? How do they affect the UW, and what
which ICA has been able to achieve divestment (half-hearted as
violent decisions have they made?
it may be), was formed in part out of pressure from activists
Reporting relationships at UW as of 2022 pushing for divestment from the Military Industrial Complex, the
prison system, and from Israeli apartheid. And currently there are
several anti-imperialist, pro-people student groups urging the
UW to engage in equitable investment practices.

These groups do not operate alone, but rather in a broad base

that unites on whatever points they can to fight against a narrow,
common enemy. In the context of UW student groups, this
narrow enemy is often the BoR, which stands in the way of
progressive action at the UW. And despite the power held by the
BoR Mission Statement BoR, students know that we have greater power, drawn from our
"The University of Washington Board of Regents governs and stewards greater interest in moving the institutions we participate in toward
the University in succession to past citizens, and for the benefit of
actions that serve the people—or at least don't harm them.
present and future citizens of the State of Washington"

The BoR oversee the hiring and day-to-day actions of the university president,
and hold monthly public* meetings to determine the direction of university we know the Board of
regents does not want to
funding and to hear from committees.

In addition, their role and legitimacy are enshrined into WA State law: RCW
28B.20.130. Each Regent is appointed by the Washington State governor and divest—so we must give them
approved by the WA State Senate for a six year term, which can be extended
at the discretion of the current governor at the end of their term no other choice!
*technically public, but often in inaccessible locations with little notice
9 The Big Picture What is UWINCO? 2
UWINCO, likewise, is an internal investment management company
ICA has held and continues to hold the success of their established by the BoR in 2015. Its stated mission is to “preserve and
campaign to the standard of its impact. ICA is not just looking for grow the University’s investments to support UW’s global leadership in
a symbolic divestment—which would nonetheless harm the research and education.”
reputations of fossil fuel companies—but also a real cutting of
ties that moves the UW toward sustainable energy and keeps UWINCO oversees the management of...
money out of the hands of fossil fuel corporations.
Consolidated Endowment Fund,
totalling $ 4 . 7 billion
As a student-led group, there are limitations of institutional
divestment that actors within university activism face. The
institution stalls and waits students out, knowing there is a point $31 million in oil and gas company 32 Degrees Diversified Energy
$70 million in military arms manufacturer Brightstar Capital Partners
in time where people graduate and move on. This can clearly be
$128 million in private prison owner and climate threat BlackRock Inc.
seen in the BoR's response that we wait until May for our
inquires for greater clarity to be answered. Only after years of
ICA public records requests have revealed that UWINCO investments are
efforts by the ICA was the ACSRI was formed in 2017, and it muddied, often in investment firms or mutual funds that mask their true
took 2 years to reconvene afterwards in response to growing character. UW investments nonetheless include $124 Million in Fossil
student pressure in 2019. We have finally reached a point as of Fuels, with 30% of that in Master Limited Partnerships with natural gas
last spring where the UW has made a statement on divestment, pipelines.
but the follow-through will fall on student activists to ensure it is
done with proper oversight.

This is the nature of student activism, and the ICA is no

exception. However, they have worked hard to create and Ethical considerations have led the Board, from time to time, to
maintain an anti-hierarchical culture dedicated to mutual aid and engage the University in shareholder activism or divestment. Such
liberation. Part of that dedication is their commitment to occurrences are rare, because divestment from specific
recognizing that climate and racial justice are inseparable. companies and/or market sectors is almost always at odds with the
Although student leadership and involvement in the climate interests of the university. Much more often, the BoR upholds its
justice movement is largely white, they were very supportive of ties with violent corporations or makes halfhearted and even phony
divestment plans. One reason for this, aside from the interests of
our efforts to build a 'decolonize climate justice' campaign, and
the UW itself, is the personal interests and backgrounds of the
never disregarded the historical and continuing importance of
BoR members.
these discussions.
3 Notable past regents ICA's divestment campaign 8
Former CEO and Chairman of Alaska Airlines
Former Chairman of Puget Sound Energy

William S Ayer

Advisor to the Mayor of Seattle, Bruce Harrell

Senior Director of USA Citizenship & Market
Development at Microsoft
A protest in Red Square

Joanne Harrell

Chief Legal Officer of Costco Wholesale

Trustee of Seattle Children’s Hospital

Joel Benoliel
Endorsements from other
ICA graphic celebrating divestment
student groups
Deputy Secretary of Defense under President
Acting Secretary of Defense under President
Senior Vice President of Boeing Co. from 2004-
Patrick Shanahan
Pro-divestment chalking in front of Kane Hall
7 4
5 ICA's divestment campaign UWINCO Board Members 2
William Ayer, ex-Regent and ex-Alaska Airlines CEO
David Bonderman, billionaire and founder of TPG Capital
Michael Larson, former Chief Investment Officer of the Bill &
Melinda Gates Foundation
Mary Pugh, CEO and co-CIO of Pugh Capital Management
Blaine Tamaki, 2022-2023 Vice Chair of Board of Regents
Bryan White, Managing Director of BlackRock (2007-2016)
Ana Mari Cauce, UW President (ex officio)
Institutional Climate Action (ICA), a national student
organization with an active UW chapter, has been waging their What these appointments tell us
5-pointed campaign for the UW to cut ties with the fossil fuel That the university is controlled by the Puget Sound's rich and
industry since 2020. The first point, divestment, was nominally powerful. That some of the country's largest corporations are
achieved in Fall 2022, but the remaining four points include represented on the very boards that control our university. That
refusing dirty money, decarbonizing campus, stopping building the public-private partnership that exists between the governor's
new FF infrastructure, and stopping promotional advertising of appointments of ex-CEOs to the Board of Regents contradicts
FF corporations. Washington State's efforts to be a climate leader among states.

Despite the BoR announcing in September that they would move

forward with divestment from Fossil Fuel companies, they
pushed back the deadline by two years and allowed continued How can we push for
investment in FF companies that were also engaged in
sustainability efforts—aka every single FF company. These
climate justice at the
deceptive practices allow the UW to maintain its reputation as a
bastion of knowledge and a just institution, while also
University of Washington when
maintaining its sources of money and power. the nation's largest climate-
ICA's actions include public comments at the BoR meetings, destructive corporations
demonstrations, sit-ins, public education, and more. Their
presence and activity on campus serve an important role in have a strangle-hold on our
opposing the BoR's violent financial decisions—and they are
continuing to push forward their remaining four campaign points institution?
and ensure that divestment is fully achieved.
5 What corporations and financial interests are Founder of Tamaki Law 6
represented on the Board of Regents? Former Vice President of the Washington State
Trial Lawyers Association
Current Board Members
Former Hospital Board Chair of St. Elizabeth’s
Blaine Tamaki Medical Center
Founder of Aldus and Visio (software (Vice Chair)
development companies)
Current managing partner of Harmony
Meadows, LLC, a “state-of-the-art tennis President and CEO of Sea Mar Community
facility and events center” Health Centers since 1978
Jeremy Jaech

Current managing partner of Seattle Family

Rogelio Riojas
Support, LLC
Board member and president of Lakeside
School, the prestigious K-12 institution where Retired president and publisher of The Tacoma
Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos' children graduated News Tribune, The Olympian, and The
Trustee on the Board of Pomona College Bellingham Herald media companies
Libby G. Trustee on the Board of Santa Clara Executive committee member of the Economic
University David Zeeck Development Board for Tacoma-Pierce County

Technology and life science entrepreneur

and investor Retired attorney of Fuller and Fuller Attorneys
Owns investment firm Seattle Ventures Chair of the Women of the Washington State
Former UW Vice Provost of Association of Justice
Linden Rhoads
Leonor R. Fuller
President of Very Strategic Group, a
consulting firm for executive coaching and
educational policies
Board member of Washington State Kaiser
Constance W. Board member of The Seattle Foundation Elizabeth Lee Alexes Harris
Leonard Forsman
Rice Board member of Swedish Hospital Chairman, Suquamish Tribe (Student appointment) (Faculty appointment)

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