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Dental Research

An in vitro study of parameters related to marginal and internal seal

of bonded restorations
Didier Dietschi"' / Pascal Magne^^^'^ /Jacques

The wall-to-wall contraction of the cementing layer of bonded restorations is compen-

sated for mainly by ela.uic and plastic tooth sub.strate-cement deformation but may
result in adhesive fracture. Occlusally flattened teeth and corresponding computer-
designed onlays, both positioned in a special device, were used to study marginal and
intenal seal of the adhe.úve interface with respect to four variables: rigidity of the
restoration-substrate setup, cement thickness, adhesive configuration (enamel-dentin
ratio and bonding agent), and luting agent. The results of dye infiltration tests revealed
the significant influence of the adhesive configuration and rigidity of the setup. A high
enamel-dentin ratio. of a dentinal adhesive on dentinal margins and relative
restoration-substrate "mobility" are required to preserve satisfactory marginal seai.
However, in the present experimental conditions, no statistically significant differences
were found among the diverse cement thicknesses or ihe iuting agents evaluated.
(Quintessence Int 1993:24:281-291.)

Introduction Among the numerous compensatory phenomena

limiting the buildup of polymerization stress inside the
Composite resin restorations undergo stress and defor- restoration system, the deformation of the material or
mation during polymerization of the resinous matrix.' flow occurring at the free (unbonded) surfaces of com-
The development of polymerization stress depends on posite resin obturations seems to play an important
the existence of adhesion between the substrate and role.' Bonded restorations, sueh as ceramic or compo-
the restoration materials." Different studies have site resin inlays or onlays, represent a peculiar ease
demonstrated that the proportion and the extent of among adhesive restorations. In this situation, the
stress and deformation are related to physicochemical theoretically high ratio of bonded to unbonded sur-
characteristics of the restoration materials and dental faces (high configuration factor) should strongly re-
tissues as well as the spatial and adhesive relations duce polymerization stress compensation. This will
between restorative materials and tooth substrate.'"'" emphasize the influence of other factors such as tooth
The interaction between these different factors deter- deformation, cement thickness and rigidity, and ad-
mines the initial adaptation and seal of the restoration. hesion efficiency and development in relation to
polymerization time.''•'''"
When polymerization forces exceed adhesion of the
cement to the substrate and the plastic or elastic defor-
* Lecturer, Deparlmeni of Preventive and Therapeutic Dentis- mation of the system, adhesive or cohesive fractures
try, University of Geneva, Faculty of Medicine. School of Den- will occur Adhesive interfaces between composite
tistry, 19 me Barthélemy-Menn, t2tt Geneva 11. Switzerland. resin and composite resin or ceramic are considered to
** Teaching Assistant. Department of Preventive and Therapeu-
tic Dentislry, University of Geneva. be effective."'•* Actually, the main limitations of adhe-
' * ' Professor of Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics, and sive restorations are the insufficient dentinal bonding
Cttairman, Department of Preventive and Therapeutic Dentis- in clinical conditions'^"" and the problems related to
try, University of Geneva.
Address all correspondence to Prof Holz. thin gingival enamel margins.'" Adhesive fractures on

Ouintessence International Volume 24, Number 4/1993 281

Dental Research

Fig 1 The different expérimentai

enamei-dentin ratios and their clini-
cal equivalents.

dentin or near the cementoenamel junction will lead Finishing procedures varied to obtain different
to marginal or internal leakage,'^ which is responsible cnamel-dcntin ratios (EDR) (Fig 1);
for dentinal pain, recurrent earies, and injuries to the 1. A 1:8 enamei-dentin ratio with half of the marginal
pulp.-- circumference located in dentin and the other half
The aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate the in- in enamel (1;8 DE). The clinical equivalent is a
fluence of polymerization forces on marginal and inter- Class II cavity with proximal margins located below
nal seal of various models of bonded-ceramic restora- the eementoenamel junction.
tions. Attention was given to a differential approach of 2. A 1;8 enamei-dentin ratio with enamel margins
the various parameters that determine shrinkage and only (1:8 E). The clinical equivalent is a large Class
microleakage clinically. II cavity with proximal margins located in enamel
"near" the cementoenamel junction.
Method and materials
3. A 1:1 enamei-dentin ratio with enamel margins
Ninety-six freshly extracted, sound human third mo- only. The clinical equivalent is a Class I or II eavity
lars were used for this study. All teeth were stored in with thick enamel margins.
saline solution at 4°C until completion of the experi- For eaeh prepared tooth, a ceramic overlay was
ment. Each tooth was first scaled and cleaned with a fabricated with the CEREC computer-aided design/
mixture of sodium hypochlorite and pumice. Then it computer-aided machining system (Siemens). This
was mounted in a metallic tray so that resin embedded proeedure consisted of taking an optical impression of
the roots up to 1 mm below the cementoenamel junc- the preparation and the computer designing and
tion. Occlusal surfaces were reduced on a model trim- machining of a ceramic onlay (porcelain MK 1, Vita
mer and a perfectly flat oeelusal preparation was Zahnfabrik). The onlay was flattened to match the
achieved by polishing with a 600-grit silicon carbide tooth stirface. A special positioning system (Fig 2a)
paper. was desigtied to allow the cementation of the ceramic

282 Quintessence International Volume 24, Number 4/1993

Dentai Research

Fig 2 b Tooth and oniay in position (free setup,

cement thickness).

Fig 2a (left) Positioning device.

restoration to change the following parameters; the tal), specimens were stored in saline solution at 32''C
eement thickness (CT)-80. 150, or 300 [im; and the for 24 hours.
rigidity of the restoration-substrate setup (RSSU)--rigid The sixteen experimental groups and the corres-
(R) or free (F). ponding combinations of variables tested are listed in
The thickness of the cementing space was defined Table I.
with calibrated steel wires of 80. 150, and 300 t-im
(Mierofil Industries). A rigid setup was obtained when The specimens were then subjected to a 24-liour dye
the wires were held between tooth and restoration dur- infiltration test:
ing cementation. For the free setup, the wedging wires
were removed to allow a relative displacement of the 1. External dye infiltration test (groups I to XII) hy
restoration and the substrate because of the elasticity immersion of the restored crown into a 0.5% eresyl
of the deviee (Fig 2 b). blue solution.
Prior to eementation. standard etching procedures 2. Internal dye infiltration test (groups XIII to XVI)
were performed on the enamel (H.;PO4 gel, Coltene) by introducing the same colorant into the pulp
and the ceramic (5% hydroiluoridric acid gel. Vita chamber.
Zahnfabrik). These procedures were followed by the
applieation of a silane coupling agent (Silicoup, Finally, the teeth were embedded in resin and cut in
Kulzer) on the etched porcelain. two with a slowly rotating saw (Isomet. Buehler). For
The restorations were then eemented immediately the rigid setup, samples were sectioned parallel to the
with a combination of the following products; bonding wedging wires. Leakage was evaluated aeeording to
agent-Duo Bond (Coltene) without bonding to dentin the infiltration method;
(DBA-) or Scotehbond 2 (3M Dental) with bonding to
dentin (DBA-H); and luting cement (LC)-Duo Cement 1. For external infiltration, the distanee of eolorant
(Coltene) or an experimental cement (3M Dental) penetration (CP) was measured, in millimeters,
{both cements are microfine hybrids). along the eement-tooth interface from the outer
Bonding agents and luting cements were applied in surface; dentin or enamel side (Fig 3a).
accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. The 2. For internal infiltration, the proportion of the sec-
composite resin was light cured for 80 seconds (20 sec- tion exhibiting colorant accumulation (CA) was
onds on each side). After removal of excess cement estimated, in thirds (33%, 66%. or 100%), at the
and polishing cf the margins (Sof-Lex disks, 3M Den- cement-tooth interface {Fig 3, B).

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Dental Research

Table I ExperitneiUal groups (ti = 6) and variables tested

Adhesive configuratio 1
substrate Enatnel-dentin Bonding Luting Infiltration
setup Cement thickness ratio agent cement method

80 150 300 1:8 1:8

Group Rigid Free fim DE E 1:1 SB DB DC Exp Ext I

I O • A A * X

II O • A A X

111 o • A A X

IV o • A A X

V 0 • A A • X

VI 0 • A A * X

VII o • A A • X

VIH o • A A • X

IX 0 • A A * X
X 0 • A A • X
XI o • A A X

XII o • A A X
XIII o • A A * X
XIV 0 • A A • X
XV 0 • A A X

XVI o • A A X

The means of the measuretncnts obtained from both Restoration -substrate sett ip
sections of the specimens were used fur the analyiiis of
At dentinal margins, the marginal seal was negatively
the results.
influenced by the rigidity of the setup {Fig 4a}. Sig-
Possible differences between experimental groups
nificantly greater eolorant penetration was observed in
for each variable studied were explored statistically
groups with the rigid setup (group XI: CP = 5.6 mm;
with nonparametric tests. For this purpose, the
group Xlf: CP = 7.2 mm) than was found in groups
Nemenyi tnuliirange test was used, except for cases
with the free setup (group IV; CP — L2 mm; group
where two groups had to be eompared with a Mann-
VI: CP = 0.3 mm).
Whitney i/Test.

Results Cement thickness

Figures 4a to 4c and Fig 5 summarize the results and No significant differenees or even tendencies appeared
the statistical analysis according to each variable. among results for marginal or intertial seal for the
Enamel margins did not exhibit marginal or intertial Ihree cement thicknesses evaluated (Figs 4b and 5). The
leakage in any of the experimental conditions. Duo Bond/Duo Cement groups (I to III) and Scotch-

284 Quintessence International Volume 24. Number 4/1993

Dental Research

Distance of Extent of coicrant

colorant accumulation
penetration (mm) (7o of total width)

Fig 3 Evalution methods: (A) for

eííternal dye intUtration test; (B) for
internal dye infiltration test.

Figs 4 a to 4 c and Fig 5 Graphs

use the following codes: |RSSU]
restoration-substrate setup: ff^free Mean (± SD) colorani penetration <mm>
and fRJ rigid; (CT) cement thickness 10 I I Significantly different
(fim^; (AC) adhesive configuration: (P < ,05)
(EDR) enamel-dentin ratio, ¡DBA)
dentinal bonding agent - (+) Scototi-
bond 2 and (-) Duo Bond; (LC) luting
cement: (Coltene) Duo Cement and
(EXP. 3M) experimental cement.




EDR 1:8 DE

Fig 4a Results of the marginal
seal evaluation with the external
dye infiltration test. Evaluation of LC EXP, 3M
the infiuence of rest oration-sub-
strate setup.

Quintessence International Volume 24, Number 4/1993
Dental Research

Mean (± SD) colorant penetration (mm)

Significantly different
(P < .05)

6 -

2 -

o o
CT 80 150 300 80 150 300

EDR 1:8 DE


Fig 4b Results ot tne marginal seal evaluation with the external dye infiltration test. Evaluation of the influence of eement

bond 2/expe rimen tal cement groups (IV to VI) with and X) or more precisely for all enamel margins. In
the free setup presented mean values of colorant pene- the same experimental conditions, dentinal margins
tration on the dentinal side varying from 2.8 to 4.3 exhibited a mean colorant penetration of 5,6 mm, and
mm (groups I to III) and 0.3 to 1.2 mm (groups IV to 7.2 mm, respectively, for 80- and 300-|.im cement
VI). In the groups with the rigid setup, this absence of thicknesses (groups XI and XII). Dentinal leakage
a significant difference was confirmed with both exter- was also significantly influenced by the use of a den-
nal (group XI: CP = 5.6: group XII: 7.2 mm) and in- tinal bonding agent in the free setup groups. Applica-
ternal (groups XIII to XVI: CA - 45.4% to 88.8%) tion of Scotchbond 2 with the corresponding experi-
infiltration tests. mental cement allowed a significant improvement ot
marginal seal {group V: CP = 1.1 mm) compared to
Adhesive configuration the other combinations of bonding-luting agents using
More significant results were obtained when the var- Duo Bond (group VIII: CP = 5.6 mm; group II; CP =
ious adhesive configurations were compared (Fig 4c). 4.3 mm). Use of Seotchbond 2 also tended to improve
A total absence of leakage was achieved in restora- the marginal seal of free setup restorations cemented
tions with a high enamel-dentin ratio (1:1, group IX with Duo Cement (group VII: CP = 1.4 mm).

286 Quintessence International Voiume 24, Number 4/1993

Dental Research

Mean (± SD) colorcint penetration (mm)

Significantiv different
(P < .05)

B •

2 .

O -^



CT 1 150

- + + .


Fig 4c Results of the marginal seal evaluation with the external dye infiltration test. Evaluation of the influence of adhesive

Luting agent cUnieal environment with cycles of thermal, mechan-

ical, and even chemical stresses.""'' However, results
With use of the same bonding agent, no significant dif- of such trials only allow observation of the global ef-
ferenee in the dentinal marginal seal appeared be- fect of a complex and multifactorial problem. The
tween microfine hybrid cements (Fig 4c). other level of sophistication is to focus attention on a
differentiated analysis of the numerous phenomena in-
volved in adhesion processes. This has been reahzed
through complex experimental devices'^"'"•'" that with-
draw sometimes from clinical reality. Therefore, one
Discussion purpose of the present study was to combine differen-
There are two levels of technical sophistieation in the tial and clinical approaches of adhesion.
in vitro assessment of adhesive materials. The first is Four of the factors that may influence adhesion of
to approach in vivo conditions using natural teeth and bonded restorations to tooth substrate were selected
the full clinical procedures of the adhesive techniques because of their chnical relevance and variabihty.
evaluated."" Some authors have tried to reproduce a Considering the physical nature of tissues and mate-

Quintessence International Volume 24, Number 4/1993 287

Dental Research

Mean (± SD) extent of coloration i






1 1
Cf 80 300 SO 300

EDR 1:8E
AC 1 1
Fig 5 Results of internal seal
LC evaiuation with the internai dye in-
filtration test. Evaluation of the in-
fluence ot cement thickness.

rials involved clinically in adhesive techniques, a factors could strongly influence restoration marginal
perfectly "free" or "rigid" situation eannot exist.'The or internal seal.^-^''^''^'"^-^^
experimental device tentatively reproduced this state Special attention was given in this study to the role
by using calibrated wires to stabilize the cementing of dentin in adhesion of bonded restorations. For this
space for the rigid situation. For the free situation, reason, in addition to the traditional external infiltra-
elastic properties of the materials constituting ihe tion test applied to groups I to XII, an internal infiltra-
positioning system were exploited by removing the tion test was performed in groups XII to XVI to
calibration wires before cementation. The clinical var- evaluate the ineidenee of adhesive fraetures on the den-
iability of cement thickness encountered in semidireet tin-compositc resin interface. Colorant penetration
or indirect adhesive techniques^"* was simulated by or accumulation was assessed quantitatively or
using three cement thicknesses. Efficiency of luting semiquantitatively, respeetively, on the hypothesis that
composite resin and dentinal bonding agents, as well dye penetration was influeneed by the extent of the eon-
as the clinically related enamel-dentin ratio, were also traetion gap, whieh was itself modulated by polymeri-
evaluated with the assumption that any of these zation shrinkage and compensation phenomena.

288 Quintessenoe international Volume 24, Number 4/1993

Dental Research

Fig 6 Sample section showing the perfect seal of the Fig 7 Sample section demonstrating the deep colorant in-
enamel margin: rigid setup, CT = 300 \im. Scotchbond 2 filtration along the composite resin-dentin interface: rigid
with expérimentai cement. (Original magnification x 20.) setup, CT = 300 |.tm, Scotchbond 2 with expérimentai ce-
ment. ¡Original magnification x 12.)

Surprisingly, no marginal leakage was observed on However, the protocol of the present study was not de-
the enamel side in any of the specimens either by ititer- signed to evaluate these phenomena. It is also possible
nal or external infiltratton tests (Fig 6). Therefore, it that variations in the restoration seal related to the dif-
can be assutned that even in the most critical condi- ferent cement thicknesses were under the sensibility
tions of this experiment (rigid setup, 3ÜO-|im cemcni threshold of the evaluation methods.
thickness), adhesion forces of resin to etched etiamel Adhesive configuration
overcame polymerization stresses, although prisms
were sectioned more or less parallel to their long axis. With respect to the adhesive configuration, the results
However, the influence of stress absorption in concerning enamel-dentin ratio emphasize the impor-
porosities as well as small cohesive fractures or slight tant intluence of enamel on the marginal seal. Denti-
peneiratton of wedging wires in dental tissues cannot nal leakage was also significantly reduced, but not to-
be excluded. tally prevented, by the use of a dentinal bonding agent
(Fig 8). These results are in agreement with the recent
Res tora tio n-substrate setup hterature eoncerning dentin adhesion."'""^
The negative influence of rigidity in the experimental Luting cement
setup was clearly demonstrated on dentin marginal
leakage (Fig 7). This observation, in agreement with Both cements tested are microfine hybrids and bis-
results of Davidson and coworkers,'''- showed that GMA based products. However. Duo Cement pre-
adhesive fractures occurred on dentin when the com- sents a higher viscosity than does the experimental
pensative displacement between restoration and sub- cement. This physical property did not influence the
strate was restrained during resin polymerization. restoration seal in this study.

Cement thickness Internal seal

fn the present experimental conditions, the eement Internal seal was revealed not to be satisfactory with
thickness did not influence the external or internal the rigid setup and, surprisingly, was not enhanced by
seal. This finding suggests that in a unidirectional the application of a dentinal bonding agent when all
wall-to-wall contraction, theoretical polymerization margins were located in enamel (Fig 9). Clinically,
stresses related to cement thickness were more effi- sueh failure of the dentin-resin bond will lead to
ciently counteracted in thick cement layers by compen- gap fonnation and dentinal fluid percolation. This
sative factors, such as molecular rearrangement, air- phetiomenon is now recognized as a major cause of den-
porosities, eement deformation, or cohesive fractures. tinal pain during function-''"''-' Moreover, consider-

Ouiniessence Intemational Volume 24, Number 4/1993
Dental Research

Fig 8 Sample section showing the limited ooiorant infiltra- Fig 9 Sampie section (second perpendicuiar section) de-
tion along the composite resin-dentin interface: free setup, monstrating the coiorant accumulation at the oomposite
CT = 300 ¡im, Sootchbond 2 with expérimentai cement, resin-dentin interface resulting from adhesive fracture: rigid
(Originai magnification x 20,) setup witin a calibrated wire, CT = 300 |.im, Scotchbond 2
with experimental cement (Original magnification x 20,)

ing the cotitroversial biocompatibility of dentinal and application of a dentinal bonding agent where
bonding agents it can be questioned if direct appli- marginal enamel was absent. However, the cement
cation of resin on dentin is suitable for such bonded thickness and the luting cements evaluated did not
restorations. significantly intiuenee the marginal or the internal
Clinical impiications
In a clinical perspective, suceessftil restorations will
From a clinical standpoint, when a sufficient surface of probably depend on the possibility for dental tissues
enamel is not available lor sate bonding, the quality of and restorations to move or deform to compensate for
the seal will mainly depend on the possibility tor the eomposite resin shrinkage. It seems reasonable to
restoration or dental tissues to deform. This will be suggest that a restoration that fits the cavity without
possible only if the inlay or onlay fits the cavity with- friction, as a result of a "thicker " and regular cementing
out friction. As the cetnent thickness does not seem to space, will present a better seal with reduced strain in
influence marginal or internal seal, it can be suggested the adhesive interface than will a perfectly wedged
that thick cementing spaces, as obtained with Cerec restoration.
system,"" are preferable to the relative aeeuracy of in- Usual recommendations claiming that margins of
direct techniques,""' Even with margins entirely lo- adhesive restorations have to stay in enamel slill seem
cated in thick enamel, residtial stress after composite to he pertinent. Adhesion to dentin remains the
resin polymerization may be redueed if the restoration weakest part of bonded restorations. Even new den-
or cusps can move or hcnd. However, a larger exposed tinal bonding agents are not able to promote fhe abso-
cement surfaee will be subjected to increased occiusal lutely satisfactory marginal or internal seal on dentin
wear and undoubtedly further research is needed to that is the basic requirement to extend the indications
assess the optimal cement thickness in regard to of adhesive dentistry and litnit clinical failures.
polymerization and wear stresses.

We express our appreciation to Dr R, Lang (University of
In the present experimental conditions, which used a Geneva, Instilute of Sociale and Preventive Medicine) for the
model of bonded ceramic onlays, marginal seal proved statistical analysis of data presented in this report; to Dr A. Wis-
kott (University of Geneva, Department of Fixed P ros th« don Lies)
to be favorably influenced hy the presence of enamel, for assistance in the preparation of the English draft; and to
mobility, or elasticity of the tooth-restoration whole Siemens AG for providing the CEREC system.

290 Quintessence International Volume 24, Number 4/1993

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