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Anti-Bullying and Behavioral Contract

As a student council member of Athlos Academy Utah,I _______________________________,

agree to: not bully others; help others that are being bullied; try and include students that are
being “left out”; and tell an adult at school and an adult at home if I suspect someone of
bullying/being bullied. I understand that if I engage in violence against another student –
whether I initiated or not – I can face strict District-approved consequences (mandated by
administration in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct), as well as my removal from
Student Council.

I___________________________________________,also agree that as a Student Council

member I am to hold a higher standard than other students at Athlos Academy. I understand
that this behavior includes but is not limited to: following Athlos Academy Code of Conduct,
respectful classroom behavior, (not being on a cell phone, following teachers directions, not
talking back to the teacher, not disrespecting students or items in the classroom.), having
respect for all staff members in our school, treating the school and all school property with
respect and care.

This contract is my agreement that as a Student Council Member I am agree to be on my best

behavior as a leader at Athlos Academy. I ____________________________ and my parental
guardian ____________________________ agree to the terms as stated below.

First office referral = WARNING

Second office referral = Probation from Student Council
Third office referral = Removal from Student Council.

____________________________________________ ______________________
Student Signature Date Date

___________________________________________ ______________________
Parent Signature Date

___________________________________________ ______________________
StuCo Advisor Date

___________________________________________ ______________________
StuCo Advisor Date

___________________________________________ ______________________
StuCo Advisor Date

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