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Part 2

Questions 9 – 16

Read the sentences about feelings and opinions.

Choose the missing word (A, B or C) for each space.

9 Can you ............ of a way to save some money?

A think B decide C tell

10 I love being a doctor, but it’s a really ............ job – I have to work long hours every day.

A tiring B relaxing C disappointing

11 I am really ............ of storms – aren’t you?

A surprised B frightened C annoyed

12 Why don’t you ............ your teacher about the exam?

A ask B say C explain

13 Everyone was ............ when they read about the accident in the newspaper.

A shock B shocked C shocking

14 It’s not a good idea to ............ all your money on computer games.

A give B spend C pay

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15 I really wanted that new job, so of course I was ............ when I didn’t get it.

A excited B interested C disappointed

16 Did you feel nervous when you arrived ............ the test centre.

A to B for C at

Part 3
Questions 17 – 24

Read the sentences about different feelings and situations. What are the missing words?
The first letter is already there. There is one space for each other letter in the word.

For questions 17 – 24, write the words.

17 John didn’t have any money so he needed to b _ _ _ _ _ some from a friend.

18 I feel really happy when I l _ _ _ a _ photos of my holiday.

19 Do you normally have to d _ _ _ w_ _ _ customers and their problems in your job?

20 They were t _ _ _ _ when they arrived at the hotel, so they went to bed early.

21 When you go to the cinema, do you get a _ _ _ _ _ _ when people talk during the film?

22 My holiday at the beach was really r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ – it was great having nothing to do and no

23 We were really excited about the holiday, so we couldn’t think or c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ o _

our work.

24 I was so e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ when I didn’t have enough money to pay the bill – it was

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Part 4
Questions 25 – 32

Read this website page giving advice about starting a new job.
Choose the best answer (A, B or C) for each space.

Advice for people starting a new job

Congratulations – you’ve got a new job! What (25) ………… do before you start work? It’s very
important (26) ………… well for your first day, so here’s some advice.

Firstly, it’s important to look good, so decide what (27) ………… the day before and check that
everything is clean! It’s also important (28) ………… late, so plan your journey to work carefully.
Do you want (29) ………… there? That’s a good idea, but leave home early because there might
be a traffic jam.

When you arrive, you (30) ………… be friendly and relaxed. You will have lots of new colleagues,
so (31) ………… to them and ask some questions about the job. But you (32) ………… ask too
many questions – you need to start working!

Good luck!

25 A you should B you shouldn’t C should you

26 A prepare B preparing C to prepare

27 A to wear B for wearing C can wear

28 A don’t be B not to be C not being

29 A to drive B drive C driving

30 A need B might C should

31 A talk B talks C talked

32 A didn’t B shouldn’t C won’t

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