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Mark: /10 Thinking /10 Application /10 Communication TOTAL /30

Name: Period:
CGC 1D1 - Population Pyramids
A population pyramid is a horizontal bar graph that illustrates the age and sex structure of a country’s
population. Each bar graph in the pyramid indicates the percentage of people of a particular sex in a
specific age group.
Population Pyramid: Canada, 1961

Dependency Load is the number of people who are too old or too young to support
themselves, and therefore are considered dependent on the rest of society.
Generally, it includes people who are under 15 years of age and over 65 years of
% under 15 = + % over 65 = → % Dependency Load = _____
Use the graph to carefully figure out these numbers 3 marks THINKING
1. Use the following table to help construct a population pyramid for Canada in
2021 and then determine the “Dependency Load”.

Complete the chart: 10 marks Application

Population by sex and age group
Canada Male Female Canada Male Female
Persons (thousands) % of total of each group
Age group
Total 38,246,108 19,007,832 19,238,276 100 50 50
0 to 4 1,882,571 965,385 917,186 4.9 2.5 2.4
5 to 9 2,044,237 1,046,126 998,111 5.4
10 to 14 2,091,276 1,065,941 1,025,335 5.5
15 to 19 2,057,449 1,049,426 1,008,023 5.4
20 to 24 2,452,701 1,279,464 1,173,237 6.4
25 to 29 2,640,110 1,367,482 1,272,628 6.9
30 to 34 2,697,788 1,371,210 1,326,578 7.1
35 to 39 2,666,647 1,340,088 1,326,559 7.0
40 to 44 2,509,664 1,244,626 1,265,038 6.6
45 to 49 2,384,473 1,181,047 1,203,426 6.2
50 to 54 2,430,334 1,206,634 1,223,700 6.4
55 to 59 2,700,181 1,342,592 1,357,589 7.1
60 to 64 2,606,885 1,283,211 1,323,674 6.8
65 to 69 2,233,993 1,082,592 1,151,401 5.8
70 to 74 1,853,536 885,817 967,719 4.9
75 to 79 1,280,543 599,691 680,852 3.3
80 to 84 842,288 373,517 468,771 2.2
85 to 89 525,176 213,144 312,032 1.4
90 and older 346,256 109,839 236,417 0.9
Note: Population as of July 1.
Source: Statistics Canada, CANSIM, table 051-0001.
Last modified: 2021-12-08.

Creating your Pyramid (Communication 10 marks)

• Accuracy and neatness 3 marks

• Appropriate colours 2 marks
• Title 1 mark
• Labels 4 marks
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Population Pyramid Questions – Thinking 7 marks

1. Calculate the dependency load (%) for Canada in 2021. How has it changed compared to 1961? (2 marks)

2. How has the birth rate changed from 1961 to 2021? How can you tell? (2 marks)

3. How has the life expectancy changed from 1961 to 2021? How can you tell? (2 marks)

4. List below at least two ways the working age (Independent) population contributes to Canada’s
economic growth (1 mark)

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