Digital Ethics

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Jehu James Sustituido BSFDM 1-B


Digital ethics is about behaving well online. It involves privacy,

cybersecurity, how we treat others, our digital footprint, and using social media
responsibly. Let's explore these areas to understand how to be responsible and
respectful when using technology.

Respecting privacy means being careful with personal information online.

We should use privacy settings, avoid sharing too much, and understand the risks.
Cybersecurity is about staying safe online. We use strong passwords, avoid
suspicious emails and links, and don't do harmful things like hacking or spreading
viruses. By protecting our privacy and staying secure, we can enjoy the digital
world with peace of mind.

Being kind and respectful online is important. We should treat others well,
avoid bullying, and give credit to others' work. Our digital footprint is the
information we leave online. What we say and do can have consequences, so it's
important to think before we post or comment. By being mindful of our behavior
and digital footprint, we contribute to a positive online environment.

Using social media responsibly means participating in respectful

discussions, avoiding spreading false information, and respecting diverse opinions.
By being responsible on social media, we create a better online world for everyone.

Digital ethics guide us to be responsible and respectful online. By

considering privacy, cybersecurity, online behavior, our digital footprint, and
responsible social media use, we can contribute to a positive digital environment.

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