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Great Universal Writers

Activity 4

Ana Sofía Cota García

Jesús Santiago Acosta Durán

Cesar Leonardo Durazo Ortiz

Rubén Alejandro Rodriguez Sierra

Professor Alejandra Meneses Audeves

Campus Hermosillo

Text The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe The Snowfall is so Silent by

Movement Romanticism, the story has several characteristics The poem belongs to the Naturalism
it belongs of it, such as the man having emotions, strengths movement according to the
to and weaknesses and death is present in the story. characteristics we can see and the
time the poem was released.
Theme Guilt, madness and terror/suspense. How he was Emptiness, serenity
trying to prove he was sane while describing his
crime, and how the guilt consumed him so much it
drove him crazy and ended up confessing.
Author's It was written in first person, so the story was told The authors point of view was to
Point of by the main character, who was also the explain how chill is the snow, how
View murderer. snow just falls and covers the land
without any harm.

We think that the author was trying to show how The author tries to express how other
Intended there’s no such thing as a perfect plan, because feelings of the main character cover
message something as “simple” as you overthinking can his sadness and loneliness similar to
by the show what you are doing, like in the in case of the how snow covers a mountain
author narrator of this story, where he imagines that he
was hearing the dead man’s heart still pumping,
but that it was just him overreacting and becoming
Context As this work was published in 1843, this story was At the end of Unamuno’s life he was
heavily influenced by Romanticism, as it affects in living in Salamanca, Spain, where it’s
what is shown, the death of a man, and all the really common to see snow , during
emotions of the narrator before, during and after these time we also had the American
killing the man. – Spanish war.

Type of The vocabulary is formal, really serious, because The vocabulary consists of a
vocabulary it is very mysterious and describe the death of a metaphorical type of expressions, in
person, and for the time when it was published, it free verse, and other elements.
was a casual and simple way of writing a story.
Text You Foolish Men by Sor Juana Inés de
la Cruz

Movement it belongs to This was written before romanticism,

naturalism and realism arrived to Latin
America, it belongs to the baroque
Theme The theme could be arrogance, since Sor
Juana mentions some of the things that
men blame on women, but they are the
ones to blame.
Author’s Point of View Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz was considered
as an early feminist, so in this work she
tries to point out some of the mistakes men
Intended message by the author She was trying to express how we live in a
society were women are blamed for
everything, even though men are those
who cause it
Context She writes about how most men tend to
blame women for issues that in certain
occasions are not even their own and tries
to make those men fall into reason and
stop this behavior.
Type of vocabulary The vocabulary is very formal, because it
doesn’t use a lot of slang nor expressions
of those times, it really understandable for
anyone, because it doesn’t use any
metaphor or analogies that usually a poem
has, and finally it is very descriptive with
what Sor Juana felt about men always
blaming women for everything basically.

*the whole team worked on the extra points activity.

• Bly, Robert. (n.d.) The Snowfall is so silent. 8/10/2020.
Recovered from:

• Merrim, S. (n.d.). Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz | Mexican poet and scholar.

Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved October 8, 2020, from
Merrim, S. (n.d.). Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz | Mexican poet and scholar.
Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved October 8, 2020, from
• Poe, E. (2016). The Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Project Gutenberg. Retrieved from:
• Smith, M. (2004). You Foolish Men. Retrieved from:
• The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica. (2017). The Tell-Tale Heart. Britannica.
Retrieved from:
• Universidad Tecmilenio. (n.d.). Topic 10. Generation of ‘98. Great Universal
Writers. Retrieved October 7, 2020, from https://a14121-
• Universidad Tecmilenio. (n.d.). Topic 8. North American literature. Great Universal
Writers. Retrieved October 7, 2020, from https://a14121-
• Universidad Tecmilenio. (n.d.). Topic 9. Literary production in Latin America. Great
Universal Writers. Retrieved October 7, 2020, from https://a14121-

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