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Department of Mechanical Engineering Undergraduate Handbook 2010

Table of Contents

Head of Departments Welcome . 3 Help Directory 4 Academic Staff .. 5 Administrative/Technical Staff 8 Computer Programmer/Analyst .. 8 Technical Staff .. 8 Mechanical Engineering Undergraduate Course 10 First Professional Year Course Outline 11 First Professional Year Courses 12 Second Professional Year Course Outline ...13 Second Professional Year Courses .. 14 Third Professional Year Course Outline .. 16 Third Professional Year Courses .. 18 ENME 438 Project Requirements . 21 Other Requirements for the BE(Hons) Degree . 22 Practical Work Experience .... 22 Practical Work Reports .. 23 First Aid Training .... 23 Workshop Training ... 23

BE (Hons) Requirements Eligibility for Honours .. 24 Departmental Grading Practice . 25 What Happens if Courses are Failed? . 26 Recommended Preparation for Courses . 27 Regulations Relevant to all Courses 28 Coursework Requirements 28 Dishonest Practice . 28 Aegrotats . 29 Department Policy to Sit Tests etc on Other than Scheduled Dates . 30 Reconsideration of Grades ... 31

Enrolment Requirements 32 What to do if you have Problems .. 32 Report Writing .. 32

Laboratory Information 34 Computer Facilities .. 36 Workshop & Services Information . 38 Electronic Calculators for Use in Engineering . 39 Personal Computers 39 Health and Safety 40 Further Information . 43 Postgraduate Study . 44 General . 44

This booklet is published for the information of current students. All reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that the information contained herein is correct at the time of going to press, however, the matters covered are subject to change. The Department reserves the right to make such changes as it may judge to be necessary. The University Calendar should be consulted to definitive details of regulations and prescriptions.

First Aid Certificate Holders

The following staff hold current First Aid certificates: Lab Wing Ken Brown Eric Cox Graeme Harris Julian Phillips Bruce Sparks Ron Tinker 5th floor Mark Jermy

C130 C211 C138 C234 C233 C102


Welcome to the Department of Mechanical Engineering

Welcome to the Department of Mechanical Engineering and congratulations on your entry to one of the most highly selective and sought after engineering degree programs in New Zealand. Your Mechanical Engineering Department is supported by 19 full-time academic staff with Ph.D. degrees in Mechanical Engineering (or closely related area) from universities around the world, including Australia, UK, USA as well as New Zealand. There are also 15 full-time technical staff and 3 administrative staff to assist you in laboratories and with the administration of your coursework and enrolment. We strive to offer appropriate relevant learning and state-of-the-art research opportunities. We believe the skills, knowledge and experience you gain during your time with us will prepare you well to meet the varied and challenging demands of a Mechanical Engineering career. With this in mind, we offer a broad-based degree that is strongly based on mathematics and the engineering science subjects. The Department has strength in teaching and research in several specific areas: Design and Manufacturing Materials Science, Materials Engineering and Advanced Materials Computational Solid Mechanics Thermodynamics, Fluids and Energy Dynamics & Smart Products and Systems Product Innovation Bioengineering. This also means that in the final year of study (or postgraduate work if you choose to continue), you will be able to select from courses that emphasise the above areas and are taught by world-class researchers in those areas. Our degree is accredited by the Institution of Professional Engineers NZ (IPENZ) as meeting the initial academic requirements for professional engineers. As IPENZ is a signatory to the Washington Accord, your degree will be recognised as being substantially equivalent to accredited BE degrees out of Australia, USA, Canada, Hong Kong-China, South Africa, United Kingdom and Ireland. Our graduates have an excellent record of success in employment in research, industry, professional consulting and entrepreneurial business ventures both in New Zealand and overseas. The capstone course in our programme is the Final Year Project where you will have an opportunity to apply the knowledge you have gained working in a team on a real engineering problem that is often sponsored by industry. In addition to the traditional Engineering courses, Management has also become an important subject, and the Industrial Management module in the Final Year will broaden your world view and better equip you to handle people, societal, environmental and commercial issues in your subsequent employment. The Department itself is well equipped with the latest computers for student use and with extensive laboratories for undergraduate classes, projects and postgraduate research. Our staff are committed to help you to learn and guide you in your studies and research. They can provide technical advice and services for your projects, give you advice on your performance and cater for your academic needs. This booklet contains important information you will need in order to work and gain the best from this environment. It includes rules relating to your courses, laboratory activities and safety that are intended to make the Department a more pleasant and safe place for students and staff alike. We hope the coming years will be challenging ones and fulfilling for you and we look forward to working with you. ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR MILO KRAL, Head of Department 3

Help Directory
All staff of the Department are very willing to give advice on any general or specific matter relating to University study. There are some functions for which specific staff members should be consulted.

Enrolments or change of course:

Directors of Studies: 1st Pro A/Prof Susan Krumdieck 2nd Pro Dr Mathieu Sellier 3rd Pro Dr John Pearse See your mentor* or Director of Studies

Having trouble keeping up with the course generally: Having trouble with a particular course: Laboratories: Practical work: Safety Officer:

See the lecturer concerned Mr Mike Flaws Dr Shayne Gooch Mr Eric Cox and Mr Mike Flaws

Serious dispute or grievance concerning courses, Directors of Studies lecturers, administrative practices, etc. Chair, Undergrad/Teaching & Learning Committee (Dr Alan Tucker) Staff/Student Liaison committee via class representative, or Academic Grievance contact Students with disabilities: Student workshop: Third Pro project administration: Use of computers: Workshop Training Course: Prof Geoff Chase Mr Scott Amies A/Prof Susan Krumdieck Mr Paul Southward Dr Dirk Pons

Additional Department information is available on the Web: * Mentors: Each student is paired with a staff member to act as mentor, review of progress and general confidante for both personal and course-related problems.

Academic Staff
Photos of academic and administrative staff can be found on our website: or on the noticeboard on level 5. Research interests: Solid state phase transformations; high temperature performance of steels; microstructural characterisation using analytical electron microscopy and diffraction methods.

MILO V KRAL BE, MSc(Eng), PhD(Vanderbilt) Associate Professor (Via Room E522) Head of Department DAVID R AITCHISON BEng(Hons), MEng, PhD(Hull), CEng, MIMechE Senior Lecturer (Room E541) Sabbatical 2010 KEITH V ALEXANDER BSc(Vic), BE(Hons), PhD Canterbury, FIPENZ, MSNAME, MASNE Associate Professor (Room E523) Deputy Head of Department CATHERINE BISHOP BS(Carnegie Mellon), PhD(MIT) Senior Lecturer (Room E514) J GEOFFREY CHASE BSc(CaseWesternRes) MSc, PhD(Stanford) Professor (Room E540) Director of Postgraduate Studies Semester 1 XIAOQI CHEN BEng(SChinaUT), MSc(Brunel), PhD(Liv) Associate Professor (Room E503) Director of Mechatronics Degree Programme

Research interests: Computer-aided design/manufacture; engineering design; automated manufacturing; sports engineering.

Research interests: Design, Product Innovation & Technology Transfer, Fluids, Kite Aerodynamics, Waterjets, Marine Energy, Microhydro for 3rd World Countries, Unconventional Craft, Safe Trampolines, Patient Transfer Devices.

Research Interests: Interfaces in materials and interfacial phase diagrams; phase-field modelling; intergranular films in ceramics; grain growth. Research interests: Control systems; system modeling and dynamics and FEA; Biomedical engineering; physiological modeling; critical and intensive care; diabetes; cardiovascular systems; system identification; and speech and signal processing. Research interests: mobile machines; assistive device and exoskeleton; energy harvesting; tissue engineering; resource and environmental monitoring; networked instrumentation and control; industrial automation

TIM DAVID BSc, PhD(Leeds), FIMA, FIPEM, MIMechE, CMATH, CEng, FIPENZ. Professor (Room E502) Director of the Centre for BioEngineering SHAYNE D GOOCH NZCE, BE, PhD (Canterbury) Senior Lecturer (Room E507)

Research interests: Research interests: numerical and analytical models of blood flow in the brain, System Level Acceleration models for high performance computing, autoregulation models of the kidney, cellular biochemical models, atherosclerosis, coupled systems of cells. Research interests: Evaluation of efficiency in the engineering design process and project management; Human modelling for people with impaired arm strength; Mathematical procedures to predict the influence of structural properties and design parameters on vibrating flexible structures.

MICHAEL A GSCHWENDTNER PhD (Munich) Lecturer (Room E529) STEFANIE GUTSCHMIDT B.Sc. (O-v-G, Magdeburg), M.Sc. (RHIT, Terre Haute, IN), Dr.-Ing. (TU Darmstadt) Lecturer (Room E542) MARK C JERMY BSc(Hons)(Birm), PhD(Kent) Senior Lecturer (Room E525) Director of Postgraduate Studies Semester 2 Sabbatical Semester 1 SUSAN P KRUMDIECK BS, MS(Ariz. State), PhD(Colorado) Associate Professor (Room E509) Director of studies 1st Professional Year Final Year Projects Director JOHN R PEARSE BE(Hons), PhD (Canterbury), CEng, MIMechE Senior Lecturer (Room E544) Director of Studies - 3rd Professional Year 6

interests: Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer, Fluid-dynamics, Stirling engines, heat pumps, refrigerators and cryocoolers

Research interests: nonlinear dynamics, bifurcation analysis and stability of MEMS/NEMS, piezoelectric smart structures and materials, damage detection methods and structural health monitoring

Research interests: Fluid mechanics: industrial and sports aerodynamics, experimental measurement with wind tunnel and laser-optical techniques, numerical simulation with gas kinetic theory, CFD and PIV

Research interests: energy systems engineering, demand side management and sustainability, energy efficiency, energy conservation, renewable energy, distributed generation, energy storage, materials for energy conversion, pulsedpressure metalorganic chemical vapour deposition process development and modelling, thin film materials Research interests: Acoustics and noise control, vibration of mechanical systems and engineering design.

DIRK PONS BSc Eng, MSc Med, PhD. Senior Lecturer (Room E527) MATHIEU SELLIER BE(Grenoble), ME(Grenoble), PhD(Leeds) Lecturer (Room E508) Director of Studies 2nd Professional Year Co-Director of Postgraduate Studies Sabbatical Semester 2 MARK P STAIGER BE, PhD(Monash) Senior Lecturer (Room E512) ALAN S TUCKER BE(Hons), ME, PhD(Toronto), MIRHACE Senior Lecturer (Room E505) ELI VAN HOUTEN BA, BSME(Tufts), PhD(Dartmouth) Senior Lecturer (Room E504)

Research interests: Manufacturing engineering; project management; risk management & reliability, engineering design; biomechanics.

Research interests: interfacial flows, capillary phenomena, microfluidics, geophysical flows, inverse problems, material forming.

Research interests: Bioresorbable biomaterials cellulose composites, electrospinning of nanofibres, regenerative medicine in orthopaedics Research interests: Energy aspects of buildings, including passive solar heating; educational materials for teaching thermodynamics; Stirling cycle machines

Research interests: Computational modelling of soft tissue mechanics and dynamics; reconstructive imaging techniques and nondestructive mechanical property analysis. Sustainable community development, modeling and imaging Research interests: Microrobotic biomanipulation; micro/nano device and systems; biomechanics; computer vision; sensor integration; and their application in biological/biomedical fields.

WENHUI WANG BEng(BIT), MSc(BIT), PhD(NUS) Lecturer (Room E511)

Administrative Staff
KELLY OSBORN Administrative Services Manager (Room E526) ANNE MANUEL Postgrad Administrator (Room E522) REBECCA MORGAN Undergrad Administrator (Room E524)

Computer Programmer/Analyst

Technical Staff
Photos of all technical staff can be found on our website: SCOTT AMIES Trade Certificate -Tool & Die Making Senior Technical Officer in Main Workshop (Workshop Manager) (Room C130/136) KEN BROWN ATC - Fitting & Turning Technical Officer in Workshop (Room C130/136) ERIC COX ATC-Automotive, EST Technical Officer in Automotive, Solar & Metrology Labs (Safety Officer) (Room C211) RODNEY ELLIOTT BE, ME, IEEE Scientific Officer in Robotics/Applied Mechanics Lab (Room C142) MIKE FLAWS NZCS, BSc, PG Dip Mgmt Laboratory Manager, (Deputy Safety Officer) Senior Technical Officer in Electron Microscope Lab (Room E538) GRAEME HARRIS BE, NZCE, EST Technical Officer in Industrial Aerodynamics Lab (Room C128/131)

GERRY KIRK Technician in Electronic Workshop (Room C234) ADAM LATHAM BSc Senior Technician in Computer Lab (Room E203) JULIAN MURPHY NZCE, EST Senior Technician in Mechatronics Workshop (Room C219/212/230) JULIAN PHILLIPS NZCE, EST A&B Senior Technician in Electronic Workshop (Room E234) DAVID READ Technical Officer in Workshop (Room E130/136) KEVIN STOBBS HNC(Metallurgy), MNDTA Technical Officer in Materials Laboratory (Room C113) BRUCE SPARKS NZCD, ATC-Fitting, Turning & Machining/Toolmaking Senior Technician in Draughting and Design (Room C233) RON TINKER ATC-Automotive Senior Technical Officer in Thermodynamics, AEMS, SACEES & Boiler Laboratories (Room C102)

Mechanical Engineering Undergraduate Course

The BE(Hons) Mechanical Course Structure Any queries on the undergraduate course should be made to the appropriate Director of Studies, who may, if necessary, refer the student to the Head of Department. The structure of the BE(Hons) programme is quite different to that of many other degree programme at Canterbury, such as the BA and the BSc degrees for instance, which require one to accumulate the requisite number of points at various levels of study. For the BE honours degree students are required to pass each of the three professional years as a whole. This major section of the booklet describes the make-up of these three professional years which normally follow on from the Intermediate Year and which are taught within the Department of Mechanical Engineering. In this overview of the courses, within each professional year sufficient detail is provided to give students some idea of the "what and when" of each course. In addition, some more general degree-related material is included such as: How the awarding of the degree with Honours is determined; and, what happens in the case of a student failing one or more of the courses which make up a complete professional year.

COMPETENCY IN ENGLISH Contrary to what seems to be popular opinion, being an engineer is not just about analysing and problem-solving using equations, graphs, data, computer software, etc. Although all of these skills are necessary for an engineer, being able to communicate with others is centrally important and pervades all areas of the discipline. Since English is the language of communication in all our Mechanical Engineering courses we require all of our students to be able to communicate effectively and correctly in English, be it reading, writing, speaking or listening. Demonstration of English competency is through an AWAT test which forms part of ENGR101. Direct Entry students and those who have completed Intermediate at another university have an opportunity to do the test prior to enrolment. This testing has a simple Pass/Fail outcome: those who fail will be directed to an appropriate remedial course outside the Department, at the conclusion of which they will have another opportunity to demonstrate that they have achieved the required competency. A Pass in the English competency testing is a necessary requirement for acceptance into first professional. It cannot be over-emphasized how importantly the Department views this. It is not just an internal concern: repeatedly we receive feedback from employers of our graduates that they want engineers who have the ability to communicate correctly and concisely in English in both oral and written forms. Students therefore should continually strive to improve their communication skills during their three professional years of study, and also as a lifetime task, in order to maximise their effectiveness in the engineering profession and the community.


First Professional Year Course Outline

In the First and Second Professional Years of the Mechanical Engineering degree, students are introduced to fundamental principles of engineering through core courses in the engineering sciences, mathematics and engineering design. All courses are compulsory in the First Professional year. Specialisation occurs in the Second and Third Professional years when students are required to select specific courses from a range of options. In the First Professional year students study nine compulsory courses (Elements of Mechanical Design has a double course weighting). Some courses are taught during the first half of the academic year (February-June) and examined in a four week break from lectures in June. Others are taught in the second half of the year (July-October) or throughout the entire year and examined during a second examination period in October. Most courses also involve a significant proportion of in-course assessment; this is particularly true of design. The courses which must be completed in each year of study are listed below.
Course No Title 1st Professional Year EMTH 210 Engineering Mathematics EMTH 271 Mathematical Modelling & Computation 2 ENME 211 Elements of Mechanical Design ENME 222 Mechanics of Materials A ENME 223 Mechanics of Machines ENME 224 Fluid Mechanics A ENME 225 Engineering Thermodynamics A ENME 226 Manufacturing Technology ENME 227 Intro to Materials Science for Engineers Duration (Half Year) 1st 2nd X X X X X X X X X X

Compulsory Engineering Mathematics papers: Students who have an A+ grade in MATH108/109 are strongly encouraged to select EMTH204 Calculus and Algebra. Students who have B+ grade or better in MATH108/109 should select EMTH264 Multivariate Calculus and Differential Equations. Otherwise all other students select EMTH210 Engineering Mathematics. NOTE: The Department of Mechanical Engineering will check your choices and advise the appropriate courses as part of the enrolment process. All courses in the First Professional Year, except design, involve four hours per week of lectures. Students are expected to spend an additional six hours per week for each course on tutorials, laboratories and private study. For design there is an average of one and a half hours of lectures per week with an additional four and a half hours per week of supervised tutorials. Additional time outside supervised classes is also expected.


First Professional Year Courses

A/Professor Susan Krumdieck, Director of Studies
Any further course information can be found on the website at

EMTH 210

Engineering Mathematics Course Outline: Differentiation and integration of functions of several variables. Laplace transform methods. Applications to ordinary differential equations. Fourier series. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Options: Calculus & Algebra Multivariate Calculus and Differential Equations

EMTH 204 EMTH 264

ENME 211

Elements of Mechanical Design Course Outline: Drawing, design and geometry of engineering components, introduction to CAD.

ENME 222

Mechanics of Materials A Course Outline: Statics. Linear elastic stress and strain. Axial loadings. Torsion. Analysis of stresses and deflections in beams. Statically indeterminate problems.

ENME 223

Mechanics of Machines Course Outline: Kinematics of mechanisms. Forces of machine elements, gears, balance of rotating and reciprocating machines. Friction devices.

ENME 224

Fluid Mechanics A Course Outline: Fluid statics, fluid dynamics. Bernoulli and momentum equations, laminar and turbulent flow.

ENME 225

Engineering Thermodynamics A Course Outline: First law for closed and open systems. Second law, thermodynamic properties, ideal and practical heat engine cycles.

ENME 226

Manufacturing Technology Course Outline: An introduction to manufacturing processes and metrology.

ENME 227

Introduction to Materials Science for Engineers Course Outline: Principles underlying structure, properties and behaviour of metallic and non-metallic materials.


Mathematical Modelling and Computation 2 Course Outline: Matrix algebra. User-defined functions. Surface plotting. Numerical methods. Modelling projects. Engineering applications. 12

Second Professional Year Course Outline

Unlike the First Professional year, where all the courses are compulsory, the Second Professional year provides some opportunity for students to select subject options in areas of Mechanical Engineering which are of particular interest to them. Eight of the ten subjects to be studied in the Second Professional year are compulsory (core subjects), these are listed below. The balance of two subjects, required to constitute a 10 subject full-time workload, can be chosen from a pool of four. The four potential options, provided by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, are given in the second table below. Through having options, a student is able to initiate 'tuning' of their degree and to better align it with an anticipated career path. Compulsory Subjects
Course No Title 2nd Professional Year EMTH 391 Eng. Applied Mathematics & Statistics 2 ENME 331 Dynamics ENME 332 Mechanics of Materials B ENME 333 Control Engineering ENME 339 Fundamentals of Electronics ENME 340 Mechanical Engineering Design A ENME 341 Mechanical Engineering Design B ENME 345 Thermo-fluids Transport

Duration (Half Year) 1st 2nd X X X X X X X X

Students with good grades in MATH 264 or EMTH 204 can substitute one of MATH 341, MATH 342, MATH 352, MATH 353, MATH 361, MATH 362, MATH 363, MATH 366, MATH 367 or MATH 371 for EMTH 391.

In the Second Professional year all courses except Design involve two hours per week of lectures, plus one hour of essential tutorial material. Students are expected to spend an additional five hours per week for each course on laboratories and private study. For Design there is a one hour lecture per week with an additional six hours per week of design work expected. Students must take two courses from the following options
Course No Title 2nd Professional Year ENME 336 Production Management ENME 337 Materials & Metallurgical Engineering ENME 342 Introduction to Computational Solid Mechanics ENME 354 Engineering Thermo-fluids B Duration (Half Year) 1st 2nd X X X X


Second Professional Year Courses

Dr Mathieu Sellier, Director of Studies
Any further course information can be found on the website at

EMTH 391

Engineering Applied Mathematics & Statistics (Mathematics Department staff) Elementary probability and statistics, distributions, estimation and confidence intervals, goodness of fit tests. Partial differential equations, their use in modelling engineering applications, methods of solution and properties of these solutions.

ENME 331

Dynamics Course Outline: Free and forced vibrations. Damped single degree of freedom systems. Transmitted forces and vibration isolation. Two degrees of freedom systems.

ENME 332

Mechanics of Materials B Course Outline: Energy methods, axisymmetric stress analysis, stability of columns, the analysis of compound stress states, theories of failure.

ENME 333

Control Engineering Course Outline: System modelling, dynamic response, feedback properties, root locus analysis, frequency domain analysis and design.

ENME 336

Production Management Course Outline: Introduction to basic techniques, principles and practices of managing manufacturing production, quality assurance and maintenance systems.

ENME 337

Materials & Metallurgical Engineering Course Outline: Crystal deformation and influence of bonding, alloy theory, phase transformations, welding and weldability.

ENME 339

Fundamentals of Electronics Course Outline: Semiconductors and their application, signal theory, digital logic, A/D and D/A converters, transducers, microprocessors and modern instrumentation, computer interfacing.

ENME 340

Mechanical Engineering Design A Course Outline: The design process, creative design, design of shafting and mechanical power transmission, fatigue design.


ENME 341

Mechanical Engineering Design B Course Outline: Continuation of Design A. Design of welded and bolted joints, use of design standards and codes, design of cranes and pressure vessels, hydraulics and pneumatics.

ENME 342

Introduction to Computational Solid Mechanics Course Outline: Variational and weighted residual approaches to problems in linear elasticity, the displacement FE approach, bar elements, linear two- and threeedimensional elements, higher order elements, beam, shell and plate elements, introduction to dynamic analysis, multi-physics problems and contact mechanics.

ENME 345

Thermo-fluids Transport Course Outline: Dimensional similarity, boundary layers, turbulence, introducing heat and mass transfer.

ENME 354

Engineering Thermo-fluids B Course Outline: Advanced cycles, turbomachinery, compressible flow.






Third Professional Year Course Outline

An Overview of the Structure Like the Second Professional year, the Third Professional year provides an opportunity for students to select subject options in areas of Mechanical Engineering which are of particular interest to them. There are however, some core Third Professional subjects which all students must take: these are discussed separately below. There is a wider range of subject options offered in the Third Professional year than in the Second Professional year. The range of optional subjects on offer by the Department is described, along with some suggested groupings of these options to give a specialist "flavour" to the mechanical degree. In effect these groupings mean that under the Mechanical Engineering umbrella the Department teaches courses that would lead to specialised degrees at some other universities. Compulsory Subjects
Course No Title rd 3 Professional Year ENME 438 Project ENME 440 Mech System Design Process ENME 450 Industrial Management Duration (Half Year) 1st 2nd X X X X X

The course ENME 438 is an approved project, which carries the weight of two papers. The Department allows only "full-year" team projects, but each student in a team receives an individual grade (Half-year projects will not be considered). Further detail is given on page 21.

Students must take six courses from the following options

Course No Title 3rd Professional Year ENME 432 Mechanics of Vibration ENME 433 Modern Control Theory ENME 435 Heat & Mass Transfer ENME 441 Mech System Design Special Applications ENME 442 Applied Computational Solid Mechanics ENME 443 Computer Control & Instrumentation ENME 445 Energy Engineering ENME 448 Special Topic: Stirling Cycle Technologies ENME 449 Special Topic: Physiological Modelling ENME 454 Introduction to Acoustics ENME 457 Fracture Mechanics and Failure Analysis ENME 465 HVAC Engineering ENME 467 Polymeric & Composite Materials ENME 477 Polymer Science & Engineering Duration (Half Year) 1st 2nd X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

Depending on timetable limitations, staff availability and on indicated student demand for each subject, not all of these options will necessarily be offered this year. Each available optional subject is presented as a one-semester, 24-lecture module.


One of the remaining optional courses, not taken by a student during their Second Professional year of study, can be nominated as a final year elective in place of one of the courses listed above. All final year courses contain a large element of private study. Accordingly, although there are only 24 actual lecture hours in each module, students are required to spend a further 12 hours of guided study on material related to but not covered in lectures, giving an overall equivalent of 36 hours of lectures per module. As in all undergraduate courses, an overall 2:1 formula should be applied, giving an expected total time commitment of 108 hours to each Third Professional option. Subject to Departmental approval, a candidate may offer in place of up to two of the subjects listed above any two subjects from outside the Department of Mechanical Engineering, provided that the candidate satisfies the necessary prerequisites for the subject concerned. Normally at least one of these "external" subjects must come from within the Faculty of Engineering. Any substitute courses taken from outside the Faculty must be worth at least 18 points (or two 9-point courses) at the 100 level; or at least 22 points (or two 11-point courses) at 200 level; or at least 14 points at the 300 level and not have been already credited to a degree course of the student. Any courses taken during Intermediate which are over and above the 126 points required to complete the Intermediate may be used for this purpose if desired. Departmental approval of any external subject is not automatic (particularly at 100 level). The Department has to be satisfied that the proposed course would provide an appropriate challenge at the stage of the degree at which is was undertaken. Advice on Selecting Appropriate Options Late in their Second Professional year, students are given general advice and advised to make a tentative selection of the options they propose taking in their final year; the "fine tuning" of this selection is completed later during enrolment. To some extent at least, the subjects selected should reflect a students probable (or possible) graduate mechanical engineering career, and his/her areas of interest and proficiency (as gauged from academic performance to date). A students particular Project topic (ENME 438) often is selected on the basis of interest and proficiency and may also be an influence on the choice of elective subjects. Overall the Third Professional courses should represent a sensible and complementary grouping rather than being an apparently random selection of unrelated material. A reasonable balance of load between the two semesters is also required, and this may place some restriction on the choice of courses.


Third Professional Year Courses

Dr John Pearse, Director of Studies
Any further course information can be found on the website at

ENME 432

Mechanics of Vibration Course Outline: Computational methods for analysing the vibrations of single and multi- degree of freedom systems. Emphasis is placed on multiple computational approaches in both time, frequency and modal domains, and the use of results to analyse the causes of response for design or analysis.

ENME 433

Modern Control Theory Course Outline: State-space descriptions, modal equations, controllability, state feedback, pole placement, optimal control, digital implementation.

ENME 435

Heat and Mass Transfer Course Outline: Heat and Mass Transfer, psychrometrics, building heating and cooling loads.

ENME 438

Project All Staff [Compulsory Subject] Course Outline: A project is allocated at the beginning of the 3rd Professional Year and a typed report providing written evidence of the project work is required in Term 4. The years work on the project (including "progress" reports and oral presentations), plus the written report and poster presentation are the basis for the assessment of the project. (See further detail on page 21).

ENME 440

Mechanical System Design - Process Course Outline: Design management and project engineering, the design process, creative design, engineering decision making, mechanical system design.

ENME 441

Mechanical System Design - Special Applications Course Outline: Design optimisation, research and development techniques and modeling, integrated design and manufacturing planning, special topics.

ENME 442

Applied Computational Solid Mechanics Course Outline: Variational and weighted residual approaches to problems in linear elasticity, the displacement FE approach, bar elements, linear two- and threeedimensional elements, higher order elements, beam, shell and plate elements, introduction to dynamic analysis, multi-physics problems and contact mechanics.


ENME 443

Modern Control Theory Course Outline: State-space modelling, solution and analysis of state-space equations, state feedback and pole placement, state estimation, optimal control, robustness, digital implementation.

ENME 445

Energy Engineering Course Outline: Demand modeling, base load power generation, transport networks and the power grid. Management, efficiency optimization, and auditing of industrial, commercial and domestic systems. Distributed power generation systems including co-generation, fuel cells, biomass combustion, wind and solar energy conversion.

ENME 448

Special Topic: Stirling Cycle Technologies Course Outline: This course provides an introduction to Stirling machines in the form of power producing engines, heat pumps, coolers and cryocoolers. It will cover the theory behind the Stirling cycle, identifying advantages, disadvantages and some peculiarities of Stirling machine behaviour in comparison with other thermodynamic cycles. The design implications associated with these will be explored, and both modelling and analytical tools utilised. A general understanding of the complexity of the Stirling cycle, its implications and applications will be gained.

ENME 449

Special Topic: Physiological Modelling Course Outline: A project-orientated introduction to dynamic modelling in physiology and the life sciences. Major topics include the modelling of the fluid flow, mass exchange and feedback auto-regulation as they are utilised throughout the human body. There is a particular focus on the cardiovascular (heart), renal (kidney) and cerebral systems (brain), representing three of the main organ groups in the human body, and in particular on how fundamental engineering sciences and mathematics can be used to model their behaviour to provide better understanding, as well as to engineer new therapies and medical detection methods.

ENME 450

Industrial Management Course Outline: Social and environmental impact of industrial operations, engineering ethics, organisations, marketing, finance, marketing, law and corporate strategy.

ENME 454

Introduction to Acoustics Course Outline: This course covers the fundamentals and applications of acoustics. The fundamentals are concerned with the basic physics the nature and speed of sound, acoustic plane waves, energy and intensity and the decibel scale. The applications include sound transmission, sound distribution in rooms and environmental acoustics.


ENME 457

Fracture Mechanics & Failure Analysis Course Outline: Linear elastic fracture mechanics. Introduction to elastic-plastic fracture mechanics. Analysis of engineering failures. Design and material selection to avoid failure.

ENME 465

HVAC Engineering Course Outline: Heat transfer review, mass transfer, psychrometrics, building heating and cooling loads, thermal comfort, air conditioning systems, energy considerations.

ENME 467

Polymeric & Composite Materials Course Outline: Structure, properties, processing and applications of advanced nonmetallic and composite engineering materials.

ENME 477

Polymer Science & Engineering Course Outline: This course is intended to reveal the correlation between chemical structure and physical characteristics of plastics necessary for appropriate material selection, design and processing. The course is concerned with the relationship between polymer structure, properties and processing.


ENME 438 Project Requirements

Planning and Progress In the first week of Term 1, students will select a project from a portfolio of available projects, described in short technical briefs. The students will be placed in teams, or allocated individual research projects, based upon their preferences. Students may be required to sign a standard agreement renouncing all intellectual property rights arising directly from their project to the company sponsor. A proposal will be completed and presented in the last week of Term 1. A progress report and presentation will be made during the first week of Term 3. A final report, project poster and presentation will be completed during the last week of Term 4. Students in a team are jointly responsible to the project supervisor, the client liaison, the Department of Mechanical Engineering and to each other for organization, scheduling, budgeting, implementing, time management and reporting. It is particularly important to be able to report progress (including both successes and failures) in a time-effective manner. In addition to executing the project and reporting progress, the course also requires: Maintenance of a personal workbook and weekly time sheets Weekly meetings with the faculty advisor Weekly meetings of the team Weekly contact with the company liaison* Attendance and participation in oral presentations, including evaluating presentations of other projects Completion of proposal, mid-year progress and final reports Planning at least one plant tour each year and giving at least one on-site presentation to the sponsor if possible* Coordination with the Department on travel, purchases, and all other expenses Signing confidentiality and patent agreements Completing the end of project formalities Returning notebooks, room keys, dismantling and storing all materials used during the project and completing the Final Year Project Completion Form Arranging delivery to client of hardware/software as promised.

* For company sponsored projects. Laboratory Hours and Access During normal working hours students must obtain permission from their supervisor(s) and from the technician in charge of the work area, before commencing any work on projects.


Access Outside Normal Working Hours Students may, in some circumstances, have access to laboratories after hours by completing the After Hours Access form, obtainable from Administration on Level 5. Students must obtain an authorisation signature from their project supervisor and from the person responsible for the laboratory in question. Where machinery is to be operated or other hazardous operations are to be carried out, another person must be present in the laboratory. Special conditions may apply concerning safety or security. However, students are strongly encouraged to confine their activities in laboratories to normal working hours. Student Workshop Facilities Third Professional year students are permitted to use the machine tools and workshop equipment in Room 156 for their project work if they have completed an approved 35 hour workshop training course or have been exempted from that course. The room is strictly for University work and is only available during normal working hours, i.e. 8.30 am to 5.00 pm Monday to Friday. Equipment must not be taken out of this room for use elsewhere. Any breakage or mishap must be reported to the Departmental Workshop Manager, Scott Amies. Purchasing After having first obtained authorisation from the project supervisor, equipment and materials for projects may be purchased through the following staff members: Ron Tinker, Kevin Stobbs, Julian Murphy and Scott Amies. Main Workshop Facilities Students who require the support of machine shop facilities for their projects must furnish correct working drawings of their requirements to their supervisor for approval. Upon receiving approval, they must consult the Technical Officer in charge of the Workshop facilities for allocation of a Workshop technician and Workshop time.

Other Requirements for the BE (Hons) Degree

Practical Work Experience Experience gained while working in industry during the summer vacations is a requirement of the BE (Hons) degree and is an important aspect of the degree programme. You will be required to complete two or three periods of employment, beginning with Mechanical Workshop and finishing with Professional Practice engineering. Temporarily, a total of 100 days is required and approval is required for these jobs see for requirements. Students may be given partial or total exemption from Practical Work if they have completed an appropriate indentured apprenticeship or appropriate work for a NZ Certificate of Engineering. You must apply in writing to the College of Engineering Practical Work Coordinator, Mrs Cheryl McNickel, for an exemption ( To get your practical work experience credited you must start the process by filling in a Notification of Commencement of Practical Work Form available online or from the College Office.


The form should be submitted before or within 2 weeks of starting employment and only if an employer has confirmed your employment. Further information can be obtained from the Department's Practical Work Supervisor, Dr Shayne Gooch, in the first instance. Practical Work Reports You must submit two satisfactory reports on the two different types of practical work. These reports are confidential between the student and the College of Engineering. The report should not be disclosed to any other party. See for details of the requirements for the work reports. Employers are required to complete a report form for each student and each period of work. These reports detail the dates of employment, the hours worked, the type of work performed, and comments on student behaviour, attendance and performance. Unsatisfactory reports are discussed with the employer and the student, and may result in the work not being credited for the degree. Important Dates for Practical Work 1 March Final date for completion of practical work (and First Aid requirements see below) for students wishing to graduate in April. Due date for submission of practical work reports for all other students. Due date for submission of applications for exemption of practical work. Final date for completion of practical work (and First Aid) requirements for students wishing to graduate in December.

5 April

1 November

First Aid Training At some stage before you graduate you are required to present to the College of Engineering Office a valid First Aid certificate, taught by a University approved organisation. Courses in First Aid are arranged through the College of Engineering Office and will be listed on The College of Engineering Office has details of which certificates are approved. Workshop Training In order to become familiar with workshop processes, methods, the use of hand tools, welding, lathes and other machine tools, you are required to undertake Workshop Training. The Department offers a 35 hour training course in the evenings or during the holidays. You may also complete this training at an approved establishment. Further information about cost and timetables can be obtained from the Department. This course is not available to Intermediate Year students. It is strongly recommended that first year students with little or no experience with engineering tools complete the Workshop Training Course before the start of the Second Semester. In any case Workshop Training should have been completed before enrolling for any subject in the 2nd Professional year.


Exemptions may be given to students who have completed an appropriate indentured apprenticeship, or have completed appropriate work for a NZ Certificate of Engineering. Those wishing to apply for an exemption from undertaking workshop training should see the Workshop Training Supervisor, Dr Dirk Pons.

BE (Hons) Requirements Eligibility for Honours

The grades of Honours awarded to graduating students are assessed on an individual basis at the end of the academic year. The following principles are used in the Faculty of Engineering: Basic Criteria 1. To be eligible for Honours a student must complete the three professional years in no more than four years of study or, if an entrant to 2nd Pro, must complete the 2nd and 3rd Pro years in no more than three years of study. Note: "Complete" includes PEAW (see page 26). 2. The grade of Honours awarded is determined by an individual weighted grade point average calculated on a 20% weighting for 2nd Pro courses and an 80% weighting for 3rd Pro courses. 3. Approximate minimum weighted grade point averages and the corresponding classes of Honours are:
GPA GPA > B+/AB+/ A- (6.5)> GPA>B B (5.0)>GPA> BB- (4.0)>GPA> C+ (7) (5.0-5.5) (4.0) (3.0) Class of Honours First Class Second Class Division I Second class Division II Third Class

The number in brackets refer to the scale A+ = 9, A = 8, A- = 7, .........C = 2, D = 0, E = -1. NOTE: The GPA of Honours Class/Division may vary between departments. The ranges of GPA "cut-off" are set at the Examiners Meeting at the end of the year and may vary from year to year. It is stressed that the figures in the table above are only a guide and are NOT a rigid basis for determining which class of Honours a particular student may receive. In recent years, the GPA cut-off points in Mechanical Engineering mostly have been higher than those in the table above; but the proportion of students receiving each of the grades of Honours has not declined. Calculation Details In calculating the Grade Point Average for a particular professional year only "first attempt" grades are considered. Thus if a student fails a course with a D and in a subsequent year passes that course or another course to be offered in lieu of the failed course with a B, only the D appears in the calculation.


Departmental Grading Practice

Departments are now required to inform students of the procedures by which final grades are determined. As part of the Faculty of Engineering, & Forestry, this Department bases the award of grades in each course on a set of Faculty Guidelines. These Guidelines reflect the historical distribution of grades in each of the three professional years and acknowledge the fact that the average Grade Point Average (GPA) inevitably increases each professional year as a result of the combined influences of some weaker students discontinuing their studies, and students choosing elective subjects (in Third Professional) that are in their areas of strength and interest. The Faculty of Engineering GPA Guidelines for courses in each of the Professional Years (based on a scale of A+ =9, A = 8, ., C = 2, D = 0, E = -1) are: First Pro. Second Pro. Third Pro. 4.03 4.44 5.08

If an examiner awards grades within a course such that the course GPA falls outside these guideline values by more than 0.5 (half a grade) in either direction, good justification for this deviation is required. In addition to the above guidelines on the overall GPA in each course, there is another set of guidelines (again, historically based) which enables examiners to determine if the distribution of grades about that average is appropriate. These guideline distributions (percentage of class in each grade) for each of the professional years are:

1st Pro. 2nd Pro. 3rd Pro.

A+ 4 5.5 7.5

A 6 7.5 10.5

A 8 9.5 12

B+ 10.5 12 14

B 12.5 13.5 15

B15 15 14

C+ 16 14.5 12.5

C 17 14 10.5

D 7 5.5 3

E 4 3 1

When these distribution percentages are evaluated and summed in each professional year, the overall GPA guideline figures quoted above are obtained. It must be emphasized that all of these figures are guidelines only, based on averaging results over many years of analysis. They do not mean, for example, that 11% of the students in any 1st Professional course will receive fail grades, regardless of how well they perform. Nor do the figures mean that 7.5% of Third Professional students are guaranteed to receive A+ grades; there is some inevitable variation between courses within each year, and also from year to year. Rather than being slavishly governed by a set of inflexible numbers, examiners take significant notice of where gaps occur in the distribution of raw marks and often adjust their grade boundary points accordingly. Overall this is considered to be fairer to students than invoking a complex scaling system to adjust raw marks to fit to some pre-determined profile and then using a rigid percentage-to-grade conversion algorithm. As a consequence of all of this, and contrary to popular opinion, there is nothing sacrosanct about 50% being the Pass/Fail boundary, although often it will be somewhere around that value.


What Happens if Courses are Failed?

This section is intended to inform students of the Departmental procedures for handling cases where students fail to pass a complete professional year at their first attempt. What happens if you fail one or more courses? Generally, if students fail a course or courses in a professional year then they are required to repeat 1 the course or courses in a subsequent year . Strictly speaking, a student must complete a professional year before beginning on the courses of a succeeding professional year. However, normally the Department would allow students to take some courses from the subsequent professional year in addition to the course(s) being repeated. Nevertheless, because virtually all courses follow on from one professional year to the next (see the list of Recommended Preparation for Courses) and because of the problem of lecture clashes between courses in the different professional years there will be severe limitations on the courses students can take in the subsequent year. In addition it is normal to limit the total course weighting for a repeating student to less than 1.00 (a full professional year is equivalent to a course weight of 1.00). In most cases this will extend the period of time required to complete the degree; generally at least an extra semester will be needed. Note that a student's course in any particular year must be approved by the Department; students cannot simply take whatever courses they wish. Students who fail a course or courses in the 1st Professional year will receive a Departmental warning letter which will list the courses to be studied in the next year of study. If a student fails a course for the second time, their academic record will be reviewed by the Faculty of Engineering and they may be excluded from the Faculty.

1 Students with only one failed course may in exceptional circumstances be considered for the award of a pass in the examination as a whole (PEAW). To be considered for a PEAW, you must have, in the opinion of the Department, a good chance of completing the subsequent professional year without further failure. Current practice is that students with a D grade in the failed course; a weighted grade point average (GPA) in excess of a C+; and carrying at least 0.9 of a full course load are considered for the award of a PEAW. Students who have failed more than one course or who have an E grade in the failed course will not be considered for a PEAW. Note that the award of a pass in the examination as a whole is exceptional and students should neither expect nor rely on one being granted. If a PEAW is granted, the D fail grade remains on the students record but the student is allowed to proceed without having to repeat that course. An explanatory note is added to the academic record.


Recommended Preparation for Courses 2nd Pro courses have the following required (i.e. a stated prerequisite in the 2010 Calendar) and normally recommended preparation:
EMTH 391 Eng Applied Math & Stats MATH 341, 342, 352, 353, 361, 362, 363, 366, 367 or 371 ENME 331 Dynamics ENME 332 Mechs of Materials B ENME 333 Control Eng ENME 336 Production Mgmt ENME 337 Materials & Metall. Eng. ENME 339 Fundamentals of Power Electronics ENME 340 Eng Design A ENME 341 Eng Design B ENME 342 Intro to Computational Solid Mechanics ENME 345 Thermo-fluids Transport ENME 354 Eng Thermo-fluids B EMTH 210 and EMTH 271 B+ (or better) in MATH 204 or an A+ in EMTH 210 and EMTH 271 or equivalents ENME 223, EMTH 210 or equivalent ENME 222 EMTH 210 or equivalent ENME 226 ENME 227 ENME 211 ENME 211, 222, 223, 226 ENME 211 EMTH 271, ENME 332 ENME 224, 225 ENME 345

3rd Pro courses have the following required or normally recommended preparation: Compulsory Courses
ENME 438 Project * ENME 440 Mech System Design Process * ENME 450 Industrial Management ENME 340, 341, 331, 332, 333, 339, 345 ENME 340, 341 or ENMT 301 ENME 340, 341 or ENMT 322

* Note, however, that ENME 438 and 440 must normally be completed in your full year of study, meaning that 2nd Pro must have been very largely completed first. 4xx Options
Assumed successful completion of the 1st Pro Year. ENME 432 Mechanics of Vibration ENME 331, EMTH 391 or equivalent ENME 433 Modern Control Theory ENME 331, 333 or ENEL 351, EMTH 391 o equivalent ENME 435 Heat & Mass Transfer ENME 345 ENME 441 Mech System Design Special ENME 440 Applications ENME 442 Computational Solid Mechanics ENME 332, EMTH 391 or equivalent ENME 443 Computer Control & Instrumentation ENME 333, 339 ENME 445 Energy Eng. ENME 345 ENME 448 Special Topic - Stirling Cycle ENME 354 Technologies ENME 449 Special Topic: Physiological Modellin Subject to the approval of the Head Department. ENME 454 Introduction to Acoustics ENME 345 ENME 457 Fracture Mech. & Failure Analysis ENME 227 ENME 465 HVAC Engineering ENME 345, 354 ENME 467 Polymeric & Composite Materials ENME 227, EMTH 210 or equivalent ENME 477 Polymer Science & Engineering ENME 227


Regulations Relevant to all Courses

Coursework Requirements The attention of students is drawn to the General Conditions for Credit in the University Calendar. This states that students must perform the coursework requirements to the satisfaction of the Head of Department before they will be permitted to sit the end of year examinations. In particular, students are required to: (i) (ii) (iii) Attend all term tests. Complete assignments, essays, projects or other coursework set by individual lecturers by the due date. Attend laboratory classes and submit satisfactory laboratory records and formal reports by the due date.

There are severe penalties for handing work in late; typically 20% of marks are deducted for each day late. It is better to hand incomplete work in on time than complete work after the due date. Work handed in for assessment will only be accepted and marked if it has the appropriate Departmental cover sheet attached. On this sheet, you are required to tick one of two boxes (to indicate how you wish to have the marked work returned) and are also required to sign a declaration that it is your own work. Students unable to attend tests or hand in coursework by the due dates because of illness or similar circumstances or who believe their performance was seriously impaired, should consult the section on Aegrotats below. Students are cautioned that failure to submit coursework of a suitable standard by the due dates can result in their being refused permission to sit the end-of-course examinations. If you become involved in representing national sporting or cultural groups and clashes with coursework tests arise, it may be possible to make alternative arrangements for sitting the test/s. The circumstances under which this may be possible are described in Department Policy on Requests to Sit Tests etc on Other Than Scheduled Dates page 30. Dishonest Practice Although there are benefits to be derived from working with others, and this is recognised as part of the learning environment, all work submitted for assessment must be each student's own work. The only exception is where a lecturer has specified that the work should be done in groups. There has been evidence of increasing numbers of dishonest practices in recent years, and students are reminded of the seriousness of such practice, as stated in the University Calendar (General Course and Examination Regulations).


Note that plagiarism (presenting the work of others [students or texts] as if it were your own) is a form of dishonest practice. Penalties range from receiving no credit for the work in question through to expulsion from the University, depending on the nature of the practice. Recent changes approved by the University Council mean that denial of credit for a course as a result of dishonest practice has the consequence of an X grade being recorded for that course permanently on the students academic transcript. The standard Departmental cover sheet refers students to a clear explanation of what represents dishonest practice. This sheet must be signed before handing the work in, acknowledging that it is your own work. No cover sheet: no signature: no mark!

WARNING Staff will not hesitate to take action if there is evidence of dishonest practice

Aegrotats If you are prevented from completing any major (worth at least 10%) item or items of work for assessment in a course, or you consider that your performance has been impaired by illness or injury or bereavement or any other critical circumstance, you may apply for aegrotat consideration for the work concerned. You may apply on the basis that disrupted preparation through one of these causes has resulted in impaired performance. Note: The Department will inform students of any item of assessed work or any course which is not available for aegrotat consideration. Application must be made to the Registrar no later than seven days after the due date for submission of the work concerned or, in the case of a test or examination, the date of the test or examination, or within such longer period as may be determined in a particular case by the Academic Board. The appropriate form can be obtained from the Registry or Student Health Centre. The application must be supported by satisfactory evidence. In the case of illness or injury to the student, satisfactory evidence must be a confidential report on the prescribed form from a registered medical practitioner, registered dental surgeon, registered midwife or a student counsellor approved by the Academic Board. You will be informed within fourteen days if the grounds for the application are accepted or not accepted, in the former case by the Head of Department and in the latter case by the Registrar.


Note: Impairment is not in itself considered adequate grounds for absence from a test or examination. The Department has a system where Special Consideration may be given for items of work worth less than 10%. See your Director of Studies for details. Important Note: In order for an examiner to be able to judge the likely performance of a student in an assessment item, which has either been missed or has been completed by the student under some impairment, the examiner must have information of the student's performance in at least one other similar type of assessment in that course. Consequently, in order to be able to consider an aegrotat application for a missed examination, an examiner will need information on how the student performed in any incourse tests (and visa versa). If the student misses both the test(s) and the examination, and applied for aegrotats for both of these clearly important components of assessment, the examiner normally will be lacking sufficient information to be able to be satisfied that the student would have passed the course. For undergraduate courses taught in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, there will be no provision for any special assessment opportunities in circumstances such as this (unless the assessment information for a particular course clearly states otherwise). This notification of the fact that special assessment normally will not be conducted in this department satisfies the Department's obligations under Clause H6 of the General Course and Examination Regulations. Department Policy on Requests to sit tests etc on other than Scheduled Dates 1. Other than the University-wide constraints on when in-term-assessment may be scheduled, which are set by the Academic Administration Committee, any days within academic term time should be regarded as possible dates on which in-term assessment may take place. Any student who makes advance travel or other arrangements which would result in their absence from campus during term time should be aware that in so doing they may be depriving themselves of the opportunity to be assessed on any item(s) of assessment scheduled in that period. 2. Not withstanding 1. above, the University aegrotat procedures may be used for legitimate absences during term time in the same way as they apply for missed examinations or impaired performance in examinations. The focus of the procedures outlined here is circumstances other than those for which an aegrotat consideration might be possible. Requests from students to be allowed special circumstances for undertaking assessment which they would otherwise miss through non-aegrotatable absence will only be considered in the following cases: (a) Their absence will be as a direct result of some aspect of their professional engineering studies, or (b) Their absence will arise as a result of their selection for sporting, cultural, or artistic representation for their country. In both cases the Department would have to be satisfied in advance that every effort had been made by the student to circumvent the potential clash by exploring alternative dates for the activity which will necessitate their absence.




Some examples of situations in which the Department would consider such requests from students would be: an essential and immovable out-of-town visit to a company with which a Final Year Project was being undertaken; an immovable interview for a position as an engineer upon graduation; selection as a member of a New Zealand rowing team heading to the World Champs; selection as a member of the New Zealand Youth Choir travelling to UK on a short tour. 5. If the Department is of the view that the circumstances presented by the student satisfy the above criteria, possible ways which might be considered for overcoming the clear disadvantage of the student being absent are: making arrangements for the test, etc. to be conducted at the scheduled time at another suitable venue under appropriate supervision; allowing the test or assessment to be undertaken by the student in advance of, or immediately after, the scheduled date, with a requirement that the student signs a declaration that under no circumstances will they communicate with any other student about the nature or content of the item of assessment; allowing the student to undertake an alternative and roughly equivalent assessment item either before their departure or after their return. In any situation in which the students circumstances do not satisfy the criteria in 4. above, the lecturer may be prepared (but is not required) to allow the student to undertake an alternative and roughly equivalent assessment item either before their departure or after their return, not for actual academic credit but in order to have on record some additional information about the students ability in the subject material. This may be able to be used to the students possible advantage in the case of there being a legitimate aegrotat application for the final examination in the course, or there being a borderline Pass/Fail decision to be made. To ensure consistency in the application of the above procedures, all requests from students for special consideration of their circumstances (other than aegrotats, etc., as outlined in 2. above) must be made in writing normally at least 14 days prior to either the date of the scheduled assessment item or the date of the students departure (whichever is earlier), and through the Chair of the Curriculum Committee of the Department (currently Dr Alan Tucker). Note: The period of 14 days is to allow sufficient time for alternative arrangements to be set in place if approval is given for that to be done. "Normally" is included here to cover those situations in which the request cannot be made sufficiently far in advance due to circumstances beyond the students control. The written request should include the details of not only the test/assessment item (course, date and weighting) but also sufficient details of the circumstances behind the request to enable a fair judgment of its merit to be made. Footnote: Although this policy is at Departmental rather than University level, it is consistent with what has been general practice throughout the University for several years. It has been submitted to the Assistant Vice Chancellor (Academic) who has it on file as an example of "good practice" which other departments may choose to adopt. Reconsideration of Grades A student may, within 7 days after the result of a major test or other major work is released, apply to the Head of Department to have the mark reconsidered. A student may apply in writing to the Registrar within four weeks of the publication of final results for a reconsideration of a final grade. The application must be accompanied by the prescribed fee which will be refunded if the reconsideration results in a change of grade. 31


Enrolment Requirements
The Universitys two semester teaching year allows some flexibility in enrolment deadlines. While it is desirable that students have decided on the make-up of their complete year of study right at the start of the year, there are opportunities to fine tune the second semester courses later in the year. For all enrolment requirements please refer to page 4 of the Enrolment Handbook or go to the handbook located on the website at

What to do if you have Problems

Academic Grievances If you have a problem relating to an academic matter, you are encouraged to discuss the problem initially with the member of staff concerned. If you feel uncomfortable about doing this or are unable to resolve the problem satisfactorily, you may seek assistance from your Professional Year Director of Studies or from the Head of Department. If you cannot resolve the problem within the Department, you may approach a contact from the Joint Academic Grievance Committee. This committee was established in 1993 to seek resolution of all grievances between staff and students relating to academic matters. Lists of contacts are displayed on notices around the campus and include both academic staff and Students Association Representatives. Harassment Harassment occurs when a person is offended, humiliated or intimidated by the action of others. It includes, but is not limited to, sexual harassment (which is unlawful). The University regards harassment of any kind involving staff, students or visitors, whether on or off campus, as unacceptable. The University has established a Harassment Prevention Programme to provide assistance in resolving complaints. Lists of contacts for the programme and committee members are displayed on notices around the campus. They include both students and staff members. If you have a complaint relating to a staff member, student or visitor the normal procedure would be to make an informal approach to the Head of Department or one of the listed contacts or committee members. If this does not resolve the problem or the problem is urgent or very serious you may make a formal complaint in writing to the Programme Manager, Sue Clark, in the Registry.

Report Writing
A major activity for a professional engineer is the writing of reports. Developing the ability to assemble information and present it in a clear, concise and unambiguous manner is therefore an essential and important part of an engineers training. During the three professional years of your B.E., written material in the form of reports and essays will represent at least one third of the basis for the determination of grades. The development of good report writing and presentation skills is therefore of obvious value.


With the exception of the Final Year Project Report which must be typewritten, neat hand-written reports are generally acceptable for all other forms of submitted material (check with the lecturer concerned). Increasingly, students are choosing to prepare reports on word processors and, while students are encouraged to make use of computer facilities for appearance and presentation, this cannot cover up inadequacies in grammar, technical content and layout. A neat, hand-written report having good content which is presented in a logical manner will be much more highly regarded than a flashy production of dubious content. Submitted work in which the grammar and/or spelling is poor will be penalised, or returned for rewriting and re-submission. There are a number of areas within the undergraduate training programme where report writing in some shape or form is required, and each of these areas is outlined below. Laboratory Reports The writing up of laboratory experiments in the form of a report is but one aspect of laboratory classes which, like reports themselves, are sometimes perceived by students as a burden to be avoided if at all possible. The broad purpose of laboratory work is to provide occasions and equipment for the beginnings of the actual practice of the profession of engineering through: * * * * applying and consolidating lecture theory; using and operating instruments, machines and computers; teaching a logical method of approach to investigational work and the analysing and interpreting of results; teaching how to present, summarise, analyse and interpret experimental findings in the form of a report which is consistent with engineering practice.

Recognising that the time required to prepare full formal reports on each laboratory experiment undertaken would be excessive, in many of the laboratories "short" reports are often called for, and these frequently can be completed before leaving the laboratory on the afternoon in which the experiment is conducted. The emphasis in such reports is on presenting the results obtained and demonstrating a good understanding of the experiment by discussing the significance of and trends in those results. A lesser number of full "formal" reports are required to be completed as well. For each course with associated laboratories (concentrated primarily in the 1st and 2nd Professional Years), specific instructions will be given to students on the number and form of reports required to be completed. Deadline dates and times are advertised and should be adhered to; late reports incur substantial penalties unless there are legitimate reasons for the delay. Design Projects The Design courses in the Second and Third Professional Years are assessed entirely on the basis of design projects during the year. Typically such projects require students to submit drawings (to a clearly prescribed level of detailed completion), supported by a report discussing and justifying the various design decisions made as well as presenting the design calculations on which the sizing of critical components has been based. Thus the assessment of design ability is much more than a judgment of a students skill in preparing drawings. The thinking and analysis that lies behind the final designed form must be able to be conveyed clearly and convincingly - again requiring the development and use of report-writing skills.


Essays etc The written communication required of engineers does not always include masses of equations, tables and graphs. It is not unusual for examination questions to require candidates to write essay-type answers in which they are required to "Describe ..." or "Discuss ...", or even "Present arguments for and against ...". In some subjects, tasks for in-term assessment may be along similar lines. Such tasks may involve students in extensive use of the resources in the Engineering Library; for example, a critical survey of the literature relevant to a particular aspect of research. Practical Work Reports Another area in which students are required to prepare reports is in meeting the Practical Work requirements of the Bachelor of Engineering degree. Credit for the time spent in the two periods of practical work which most students must complete is conditional on a satisfactory report being written by the student on each period. Guide notes on what is required and expected in Practical Work Reports are available from the Office of the School of Engineering. Written component of Final Year Project Report Because the Final year project is a team effort, as part of meeting its requirements to be able to contribute to and/or coordinate the preparation of documents which are consistent, ordered, clear and coherent, despite having multiple authorship. This is representative of report writing tasks which can often arise within the engineering profession.

Laboratory Information
General Laboratory Rules Final year project students can get after hours access to laboratories provided it is approved by the Project Supervisor and the Lab Manager. Forms are available from Reception, 5th floor. Before any unscheduled work is started in the laboratories, permission must be obtained from the Lab Manager. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) The lecturer responsible for each laboratory class has complete charge of the class. For safety reasons ties, loose clothing, long hair, jandals or bare feet will not be permitted in the laboratories. Eye protection must be worn in all workshops. Laboratory instruction sheets are available for each experiment and these should be studied in advance, together with any background material. Calculations and/or complete reports should be finished before leaving the laboratory and checked by a lecturer or demonstrator. After completion of an experiment, students must tidy up and stow away equipment. Smoking, drinking or eating in the laboratories is forbidden. Before any equipment is used or borrowed from any of the laboratories, permission from the Laboratory Manager must be obtained. The Lab Manager is listed beside each laboratory.


Thermodynamics & Energy Laboratories

Mr Ron Tinker

1. Thermodynamics Lab This laboratory has facilities for all laboratory classes in thermodynamics and heat engines. Equipment is also used for Third Pro projects and research. 2. AEMS Lab (Advanced Energy and Materials Systems) This lab has facilities for Pulsed Chemical Vapor Deposition (P-CVD) for making thin films used in optics, electronics, solar cells, membranes and electrochemical devices like solid oxide fuel cells. Ans equipment for fuel cell research 3. SACEES (Strategic Analysis of Complex Energy and Environmental Systems) Research into future needs for society where energy supplies will be different. What will we need to still function as a person, family, society or nation? The group is using a new methodology and developing new resource and policy planning tools. Materials Laboratory Mr Kevin Stobbs

This laboratory provides experimental and test facilities for engineering materials, heat treatment, foundry work and non-destructive testing for all laboratory classes, Third Professional projects and postgraduate research. Foundry Mr Kevin Stobbs

This laboratory has facilities for melting and casting steel. There is also a lower temperature foundry for non-ferrous metals. The equipment is used for teaching Third Professional Year projects and research. Computer Numerical Control Laboratory Mr Scott Amies

The CNC milling machine, lathe and wire-cut EDM in the workshop are used for teaching & research in modern manufacturing techniques. They are also part of the Departments manufacturing facilities. Industrial Aerodynamics Laboratory Mr Graeme Harris

This laboratory has two wind tunnels for testing in industrial aerodynamics. These are used for laboratory classes, final year projects and postgraduate work. Robotics/Applied Mechanics Laboratory Mr Rodney Elliott

This laboratory has facilities for microprocessing, computers, robotics, dynamic balancing and solid mechanics. Facilities are available for Third Professional projects and postgraduate research. Electron Microscope Laboratory Mr Mike Flaws

This laboratory houses two scanning electron microscopes with x-ray analysis and a transmission electron microscope. The facilities are used for laboratory classes, final year projects and research


Optical Microscope Laboratory

Mr Kevin Stobbs

This laboratory and the associated preparation laboratory are used for teaching Third Professional Year projects and research of materials. Automotive Laboratory This laboratory houses a computerised rolling road and an engine test cell. Metrology Laboratory Mr Eric Cox Mr Eric Cox

This is a temperature controlled laboratory used in the teaching of the science of measurement & the calibration of engineering measuring instruments, i.e. micrometers, callipers, dial gauges, etc. Acoustics Laboratory Mr Bruce Sparks

This laboratory consists of a reverberation room, semi-anechoic room, transmission loss suite and instrument room.

Computer Facilities

Mr Paul Southward

You are reminded of the University regulations concerning the use of computers (see Computer Regulations in the University Calendar). There may be additional regulations particular to any given lab posted on the notice boards in that lab. At present the computer laboratories are available for use by Mechanical Engineering students are as follows: The Mechanical Engineering PC laboratory (E201) located at the northern end of level 2 of the Mechanical Engineering tower block. This lab contains a large number of computers available for all Mechanical Engineering students. The two Faculty labs (The Grotto and The Glade) located in the Faculty Core Block. These labs contain a large number of computers which are available to all engineering students.

Access to the two Faculty labs is unrestricted from 8.45 am - 4.30 pm weekdays and restricted by CARDAX door entry systems at all other times of the day and weekends. Access to the Mechanical Engineering computer laboratory is unrestricted from 8.30 am - 5.00 pm week days and restricted by CARDAX door entry systems at all other times of the day and weekends. Printing facilities are available in the Faculty suites and Mechanical Engineering PC laboratory. Students will be liable for printing costs at a rate to be determined from time to time.


The following conditions/regulations are applicable to users of the CAD facilities: 1. 2. Users may not access or attempt to access any computer system unless authorised to do so. The system may be used only for course work and authorised tasks. Users may not: - Run software contrary to its licensing arrangement. - Install games on any EngCAD computer. - Load any software onto the system unless authorised by the EngCAD Manager, with the exception of related software development. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Users may not display offensive material as wallpaper, screensavers, or by any other method. Such material may not be stored in users' accounts. Users may not list, type, copy, print or delete data or software which does not belong to them, unless authorised to do so. Users may not boot a workstation from external media, or run programmes from such media. Users may not lend or give their computer account to anyone else, or let anyone else use their computer resources. The following restrictions apply to physical components of the system. Users may not: - Remove or add plugs, cables, mice or tablets. - Shift equipment from its normal position. - Open computer cases. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Users may not smoke, eat or drink near any computer facility. Users may not carry out any activity or behave in such a manner that has the potential to damage the equipment or fittings in the computer suites. Disruptive behaviour will not be tolerated. Users may not camp on a computer. Undergraduate account access will normally be terminated in late November. The Manager may in special circumstances, on request from a user's supervisor, hold their account open beyond the normal termination time.

Any person, who, in the opinion of a Manager of a system, is engaged in a breach of these regulations, may be immediately excluded from that system by the Manager. Failure by that person to comply with instructions necessary for exclusion shall, in itself, constitute a breach of these regulations.


Workshop & Services Information

Main Workshop Mr Scott Amies

The workshop is primarily to provide a manufacturing facility for teaching and research. Generally students will not have access to the equipment. Hours: 8.30 am to 12.30 pm 1.30 pm to 5.00 pm Departmental Store The Store is for items used in approved projects and experiments only. Under no circumstances is the Store to be regarded as a source of components for personal use. Hours: 8.30 am to 12.30 pm 1.30 pm to 5.00 pm All equipment and materials obtained from the Store by a student are to be recorded in the loan book. Materials not available in the Store, in certain circumstances may be procured through local purchase. Students should consult their supervisors requesting an external order requisition for the purchase of materials for projects. Most hand tools are available in the students work area, Room C138. The locked area of the Store contains high value items and less commonly used items. Access will only be through a technician. Warman Room Access is available from 8.30am to 5pm Monday to Friday. Workshop Training Area Access is available as follows: 8.30am to 12.30pm Monday to Friday 12.30pm to 5.00pm Monday to Friday Mechanical Drawing Office 3rd Pro students and postgrads access by arrangement to approved students only Mr Bruce Sparks Mr Scott Amies Mr Scott Amies Mr Scott Amies

This is a Faculty facility with seating for 180 students. It may be used by students as required when not required for scheduled classes. All enquiries to Mr Sparks. Photography Mr Mike Flaws

A digital camera is available through Mechanical Engineering reception, 5th floor. All other enquiries to Mr Flaws.


Electronic Workshop

Mr Gerry Kirk / Mr Julian Phillips

This workshop is responsible for electronics, instrumentation and data acquisition. All enquiries to be made to Mr Gerry Kirk or Mr Julian Phillips.

Electronic Calculators for Use in Engineering

Recommended Minimum Capability Essential Features: * Minimum of eight (8) display digits. * Entry in both decimal and scientific notation with automatic overflow to scientific notation. * Two registers (x and y) or one register and one memory. -1 -1 -1 +, -, x, , sin x, cos x, tan x, sin x, cos x, tan x, y x x 2 x or y , n x (logex), ex, log10x, 10 , x, x . Use of Calculators in Tests/Examinations The Department is aware that some advanced calculators have the capability of storing large amounts of information which might be able to be used to a student's advantage in some (but not all) examinations. At the same time, the Department does not wish to discourage students from owning such calculators, nor deny them the right to use in examinations the calculator with which they are most familiar. Given these potentially conflicting viewpoints, some examiners may decide that for a particular examination, the fairest approach is to require that all calculators be checked at entry to the examination room. Students will be advised in advance of any test/examination for which this procedure will be applied, and those students with "advanced" calculators will be required to demonstrate that their calculator's memory has been cleared as they enter the examination room. In such situations all students will be required to present their calculator(s) for inspection, regardless of their calculator's type. Currently, for the majority of examinations in the Department, this procedure is considered unnecessary because no possible advantage could be gained with such a calculator (e.g. for open book examinations; those in which formulae sheets are supplied; or those for which students are permitted to take in limited notes). However, students should be prepared for the possibility of having to conform to such checking procedures in particular tests/examinations.

Personal Computers
Mechanical Engineering students wishing to purchase their own personal computer are advised to consult the computer technicians. A number of attractive discount offers are available for desk-top computers, portable computers and software from Campus Computers provided that the student intends to use it for educational purposes only.


Health and Safety

All students must be trained in the use of any potentially hazardous equipment or chemicals before using them Department Safety Officer: Fire Warden: Emergency services: dial 111 University security: dial 6111 for emergencies dial 6888 for non-emergencies Mr Eric Cox, Mr Mike Flaws Mr Julian Phillips

University cardiac arrest team; dial 7777 College of Engineering Safety Philosophy 1. 2. 3. All injuries can be prevented. Learning to work safely is part of your professional training. We are all responsible for being aware of any hazards and for taking steps to eliminate, minimise or isolate them.

Some departments list their specific safety requirements on their websites as follows: University policies on safety can be found at:

Information on hazards associated with chemicals can be found at: Advice on what to do in various emergencies: All work places, including Education Institutions, must comply with the Health & Safety in Employment Act 1992. We are all required to ensure that what we do (or fail to do) does not cause harm to other persons or to ourselves. For students, this will involve the following: (a) being aware of, identifying, and managing the hazards in the area of work; (b) knowing about and using any protective safety equipment provided to minimise hazards, for example safety glasses. Safety glasses MUST be worn in the workshops. Although safety glasses are provided, personal ones may be purchased from the Departmental Workshop. (c) being aware of emergency procedures in the event of an accident in the area of work.


You will be instructed in the safe operation of equipment and processes involved in your laboratory work by the academic or technical staff concerned, or by laboratory demonstrators if appropriate. If you are about to introduce new hazards notify the technician responsible for the area. A record of student training is kept in the laboratory. The Department has a Department Safety Officer, and a Safety Committee. Anything related to the safety of the environment in which you work within the Department should be brought to their attention. General Safety Rules * * * * * * * * * You must complete the Safety Hazards Sheet prior to undertaking any work in laboratories, including supervised teaching laboratories. Be aware of the location of exits, telephones and safety equipment. If you find something that looks to be unsafe do not ignore it! Do not use it if it appears to be unsafe in any way. Try to minimise the hazard to others if you can do so safely. Tell the person responsible. All accidents or near misses must be reported. You must also be aware of and follow any additional safety rules which apply to individual laboratories and departments. If in doubt, ask.

Access rules * * * * Where you have swipecard access, you may not use your card to admit anyone else. You may not enter a lab or workshop unless you have specific permission or are in the company of an authorised person. You may not invite any visitors into laboratories or workshops without permission. After hours, you may not work in laboratories or workshops without specific individual permission.

Electrical Safety All items of mains electrical equipment used in the Department should carry a label, usually close to the plug, indicating that they have been tested for electrical safety. Before using electrical equipment check that the label is current. If the test date on the label has expired, or there is no label ask the technical staff in the electronics workshop to test the equipment. Occupational Overuse Syndrome (OOS) All people who use computers for more than three hours total per day are considered at risk of getting OOS. It is important to realise that the onset of severe OOS can occur very quickly after the first minor pains are noticed. It can be very disabling and recovery is very slow. It is therefore important to adopt correct work techniques so as to prevent OOS rather than hope for a cure. Information about OOS and appropriate keyboard and mouse techniques to prevent it are displayed in the computer laboratories. All students should study this information and ensure they adopt safe working practices.


Fire If you discover a fire: (a) Raise the alarm immediately by operating the nearest fire alarm. (b) Notify the Fire Service by calling 111. (c) Close down potentially dangerous processes or machinery if possible to do so safely and with no delay. Leave lights on. (d) Leave immediately by the nearest escape route. (e) Report to your designated assembly area. Earthquake (a) It is usually safer to remain inside a building in all but a major earthquake. Move away from windows that may break or anything that may fall. Take shelter under solid furniture or in a doorway. (b) Do not start evacuation until major shaking has stopped. When the evacuation alarm sounds, follow the normal evacuation procedure. (c) Be aware of possible after shocks. (d) In libraries, move clear of bookshelves. (e) If outside, keep clear of buildings. (f) Those trained in First Aid should help casualties. (g) DO NOT REMOVE any unconscious or seriously injured victims unless they are in immediate danger of further injury by fire, falling debris, etc. Stay by them and call for help. Accidents Incidents, Accidents and Near Misses In case of a minor accident you should seek help from trained first aiders, as listed in the front of the manual, or from the University Health Centre (364 2402). Workplaces throughout the College are equipped with adequate first aid cabinets for dealing with minor injuries. (a) In the event of an accident in any of the laboratories, immediately switch off the relevant machine and/or electrical supply. Students should know the locations of the controlling switches, and in the main corridor, the positions of emergency trip switches controlling the main switchboard. (b) In the case of injury, notify the nearest member of staff at once. If resuscitation is necessary remove the injured person to safety and begin resuscitation immediately. Do not delay. Call for assistance if necessary. (c) The Security Centre is staffed 24 hours a day, dial 6111. If medical or emergency (Ambulance, Fire Service) aid is required, dial 111. (d) First aid kits are located in three areas: one next to the Heat Treatment Laboratory, one half-way down the Laboratory wings main corridor and one by the store at the north end of the Laboratory. Reporting Accidents University policy requires all accidents or near misses to be reported. You should report these to Department Safety Officer.


Specific safety rules N.B. If you do not observe these rules you will be excluded from the workplace * * * * * * * * You may not enter laboratories with bare feet or open shoes. Smoking is prohibited anywhere in the building. Eating or drinking is prohibited in labs and workshops. Do not run when inside buildings. You must wear personal safety equipment which is appropriate to the task you are undertaking. You may not use any chemical without appropriate training. Do not plug in or use any electrical equipment (including your own) without checking that it has a current safety certificate. You may not use any laboratory equipment, workshop tools or machinery until you have been trained in its safe use.

Fieldwork Fieldwork within the College includes any organised off-campus trips, from industrial site or visits to work in the backcountry landscapes. While on fieldwork you must listen to and follow any instruction given regarding health and safety. Drugs and Alcohol The use of drugs and alcohol, even if consumed off-campus, can lead to impairment while learning. Poor concentration, carelessness, risk-taking behaviour and errors in judgement can occur, all of which can result in injury to yourself and/or others.

Further Information University Calendar

For further information on the following areas, please consult the University of Canterbury Calendar at Enrolment in courses General conditions for credit Work and assessment Formal examinations Missed examinations Coursework Aegrotat consideration Academic progress Dishonest practice and breach of instructions Cross crediting and double degrees Theses Higher doctorates Hardship Appeals General transitional provisions Course regulations


Postgraduate Study
Although this information handbook is for undergraduate students, it is important to know that there is also a strong postgraduate research school in the Department, offering the degrees of Master of Engineering Studies, Master by examination and thesis and Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering. The research interests of the academic staff are listed with the photographs in Section 2, and these reflect the areas available for postgraduate work. Detailed information is available on the Department's website, http// or by contacting the Director of Postgraduate Studies, Dr Mark Jermy, Room 540.

Class Reps Class Reps are recruited by the Director of Studies for your year at the start of each year. Class Reps are invaluable in being a link between students and the lecturer and help sort out issues or problems that may arise in a course that affect the class. Class Reps are expected to attend training, and are invited to attend the UCSA Council of Class Reps once per term. The UCSA has further details about the Class Rep system and a searchable database for finding the class reps of any specific course. Laboratory Attire For safety reasons the following dress standards are required in laboratories. Bare feet and jandals are not allowed in laboratories. In all workshops, eye protection and shoes must be worn, long hair tied back and loose clothing such as ties must be covered. Laboratory supervisors will outline any special dress requirements. They have the power to ban inappropriately dressed students from the laboratories. Laboratory Notices Department notices are displayed on noticeboards in the main concourse, 1st and 2nd Pro noticeboard near the entrance to the Laboratory and 3rd Pro noticeboard outside the 3rd Pro drawing office on the 2nd floor of the Mechanical/Civil building. It is important to check these noticeboards regularly. Student notices must not be posted anywhere except on the general noticeboards outside the cafeteria. All other noticeboards are reserved for specific uses. In particular, please do not stick notices on the walls and discourage others from doing so; invariably the paint is damaged despite prompt removal of the notices by the Custodian. Smoking All University buildings are "No Smoking" areas.


Lecture Times and Punctuality All lectures before 1pm start promptly on the hour, i.e. 8.00, 9.00, 10.00, 11.00am and noon. Those after start at ten minutes past the hour, i.e. 1.10pm, 2.10 pm etc. Most laboratories start at 2.10pm. Please arrive punctually for lectures and laboratories. Late arrivals distract students and lecturers and may result in exclusion from the lecture or laboratory. Care of the College Generally, the College is a pleasant place in which to study and work. Please help to keep it so by taking care of School property, and by not leaving litter around. All staff members of the Department will do their best to ensure that your time spent in the Department is stimulating and enjoyable. It is up to you to take full advantage of everything the Department has to offer. Please don't waste this opportunity.


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