Indian Horse Discussion Question (James)

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Indian Horse Discussion Question ( James)

3) What does Zhaunagush mean:
-The word Zhaunagush means a word that people Ojibway call white
6) What tribe is Saul from
- Saul's tribe is from the Fish Clan tribe in northern Ojibway and
people in that tribe call each other Anishinabeg.

Chapter 2
3) What does “manitous” and “Maymaygwayseeuk” mean ?
-Manitous mean: the spirit of God Lake
-Maymaygwayseeuk mean: the water spirit had come out to dance
4) Where and how did Shabogeesick get the horse?
-Late spring afternoon when he walked back out of the bush from the
east, he was leading a strange black animal by a rope halter. When the
horse first called Shaogeesick but him not understand the message so he
fasted and prayed in the sacred sweet lodge for few day to learn to speak
with it.

Chapter 3
1) In what year was Saul born? Add this to your family tree
-Saul was born in 1953
3) What were the names of Saul’s siblings?
-His brother Benjamin and his sister Rachel but her disappeared when
he was born.

Chapter 4
3) By the end of chapter 4, Saul says his family is in a better situation;
again, how is this state of being symbolically tied to the land?
- Saul learned how to snare rabbits and steal chickens also he learned
how to skin the squirrels and woodchucks.

3) What are the reasons Naomi gives for returning to God’s Lake?
- The reasons Naomi gives for returning to God Lake is for Benjamin
to take him to a place where the air and the land could ease to his spirit
(God Lake)
5) What is the significance of God’s Lake to Saul’s family?
- When the Zhaunagush missionaries heard the tale

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