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What is social media? Social media is an internet-based form of communication.

Social media platforms

allow users to have conversations, share information and create web content

Las redes sociales se utilizan para la comunicación de las personas

The decade of the nineties was characterized by the appearance of the web that facilitated the access of
a large number of people to the Internet. Social networks have their origin in the second half of the
nineties and have developed since then until today.

Classmates is considered the first social network.

Connect people remotely and see them in real time

-Connection all over the world

expand your business

80% of companies use Facebook

learn languages

They are a great source of information.

Keep updated

In the pandemic, social networks were of great advantage since, since we could not be close to people,
we communicated through them.

Just as orders were made through them and thus maintain our safety in the midst of the pandemic, it
allowed us to continue studying and working through apps such as zoom

social networks have also been risky over the years their security has improved

It has generated addiction in children, as in 75% of the population, but as progress has been made, apps
have been created that measure time and the use of social networks. The use is not recommended for
children and apps have been created so that the person responsible can block content not suitable for
children and measure the use of time, thus blocking the devices, we have access to privacy , Over the
years, its security has improved and the fraud rate has decreased.

 #1 Facebook.
 2# Youtube.
 3# Instagram.
 4# TikTok.

 7# Pinterest.
Networks also have their security disadvantages but this has improved over the years,
these are some security measures to obtain them.

Do not accept unknown contacts

Be cautious in the information published and allow only the contacts of our network of friends to see
that data

try not to visit sites where personal data is requested

social network continue to

advance as a mean of
communication both
personally and professionally
over the years its security has
improved and the fraud rate
has decreased

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