M7 Q1L1.4 Sets (Universal Set and Subset

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I Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
A. determine a universal set.
B. determine a subset.
C. differentiate proper and improper subset.
II Subject Matter
Introduction to Sets
Reference: MELCs in Mathematics
Malate, J. S. (2014). Understanding Mathematics Grade 7. Philippines:
Vicarish Publication and Trading, Inc.
III Materials
Visual Aids, Board, Chalk
IV Procedure
A. Preparation
 Greetings
 Prayer
 Checking of Attendance
 Setting the class mode and environment
 Checking of prior knowledge

B. Lesson Proper / Presentation

After the students answer the motive question, the teacher will present the lesson
about universal set and subset.
Universal Set
The universal set (usually denoted by U) is the set that contains all objects under
W = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
The set W is the universal set of all counting numbers less than 6.
W = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
V = {2, 4}
Set V is a subset of set W, written as V ⊂ W , if and only if every element of V is
also an element of B.
Proper and Improper Subset
W = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
V = {2, 4}
T = {2, 4, 1, 3, 5}
Set V is a proper subset of W, written as V ⊂ W , if and only if every element of
V is also element of W and that W contains at least one element that is not in A.
If we have another set, let say T = {2, 4, 1, 3, 5}. Since all elements of T are also
elements of W, then T is a subset of W or W is a subset of T. This is an example of
improper subset. We write them as T⊆ W .

C. Generalization / Application
The students will try to cite an example where they are an elements of a subset of
a bigger set. They need to make an illustration of their universal set and subset where
they belong. They also need to state their cardinalities and explain why they become an
element of such subset.

D. Evaluation
In a one whole sheet of paper, the students will answer the following.
Given the following sets below, list all its subsets.
1. {a, 2}
2. {m, n, f}
3. The set of distinct letters of the word “MISSISSIPPI”
4. The set of distinct letters of the word “PHILIPPINES”
5. The set of all even counting numbers less than 10.

E. Assignment
On a one whole sheet of paper, the students need to answer Activity 6: Sets in
Numbers on their book page 14.

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