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ISSN 0125-9849, e-ISSN 2354-6638

Ris.Geo.Tam Vol. 30, No.1, Juni 2020 (65-79)

DOI: 10.14203/risetgeotam2020.v30.1074

Structural And Earthquake Evaluations Along Java Subduction

Zone, Indonesia
Adi Patria1*, Atin Nur Aulia1
Pusat Penelitian Geoteknologi LIPI

ABSTRACT Java Subduction is a zone of trench wedge are decreased to the east, where there is no
perpendicular convergence of Australian Plate and thrust fault solution observed in the eastern end of
Southeast Asia in the south of Java. It is the subduction zone. Few strike-slip focal
characterized by an almost E-W trending trench mechanisms are observed and mainly located
with an eastward increase of convergence within the subducting oceanic plate. Structures
velocity. Three major earthquakes with tsunamis and subducting oceanic features may control the
have been caused by deformation along this earthquake activity where deformation occurred at
subduction zone. Although many studies have the edge of these features. The two largest thrust
undertaken to understand the nature of the fault earthquakes in 1994 and 2006 are interpreted
subduction system, a clear relationship between as a result of deformation along with plate
structures and earthquake activities remains interface on soft or unconsolidated sediment
poorly explained. In this study, we used above the incoming plate. The largest normal fault
bathymetry, residual bathymetry, and published earthquake with a magnitude of 8.3 is possibly
seismic reflection profiles to evaluate structural caused by a crustal scale-fault that breaks the
and morphological elements, then link the entire oceanic crust.
observations to earthquake activity along Java
Keywords: Subduction Zone, Bathymetry,
Subduction Zone. Based on seafloor morphology,
Earthquake, Geological Structures, Indonesia.
characteristics of the accretionary wedge and
forearc basin varies along the trench in response to ABSTRAK Evaluasi struktur dan gempa bumi di
the variation of seafloor morphology. Features sepanjang zona subduksi jawa, indonesia.
such as seamounts and ridges which were Subduksi Jawa adalah zona konvergensi yang
observed in the oceanic basin may be subducted tegak lurus palung antara Lempeng Australia dan
beneath accretionary wedge and disrupt the Asia Tenggara di selatan Jawa. Hal ini ditandai
morphology of accretionary wedge, forearc basin, dengan palung berarah hampir barat–timur
and trench. Earthquake activities are generally dengan peningkatan kecepatan konvergensi ke
dominated by normal fault solutions in the trench, arah timur. Tiga gempa bumi besar dengan
which is attributed to plate bending faults while tsunami disebabkan oleh deformasi di sepanjang
thrust fault solution is observed in the forearc zona subduksi ini. Meskipun banyak penelitian
basin area. Thrust fault activities in accretionary telah dilakukan untuk memahami sifat sistem
subduksi, hubungan antara struktur dan kegiatan
_______________________________________________ gempa bumi masih kurang jelas. Dalam studi ini,
kami menggunakan batimetri, batimetri residual,
Naskah masuk : 25 September 2019
Naskah direvisi : 25 November 2019 dan profil refleksi seismik untuk mengevaluasi
Naskah diterima : 11 Desember 2019 elemen struktur dan morfologi, kemudian
_______________________________________________ menghubungkan pengamatan dengan aktivitas
gempa bumi di sepanjang zona subduksi Jawa.
* Corresponding Author.
Berdasarkan morfologi dasar laut, karakteristik
Email : prisma akresi dan cekungan busur muka
bervariasi di sepanjang palung sebagai respon
terhadap variasi morfologi dasar laut. Fitur
seperti seamount dan punggungan yang diamati di
cekungan samudera menunjam di bawah prisma
akresi dan mengganggu morfologi prisma akresi,
©2020 Pusat Penelitian Geoteknologi
Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia
Patria and Aulia. : Structural And Earthquake Evaluations Along Java Subduction Zone, Indonesia

cekungan busur muka, dan palung. Aktivitas 13 m and caused more than 200 casualties (Tsuji
gempa bumi umumnya didominasi oleh patahan et al. 1995). Then the Mw 7.7 2006 Earthquake
normal di palung, yang dikaitkan dengan patahan was occurred in the south of West Java and
tekukan lempeng sedangkan patahan naik diamati followed by a tsunami with around 8 m average
di daerah cekungan busur muka. Aktivitas sesar run-up, which has caused more than 600 deaths
naik di dalam prisma akresi berkurang ke arah (Fritz et al. 2007).
timur, di mana tidak ada patahan naik yang
Structures along Java Subduction Zone has mainly
teramati di ujung timur zona subduksi. Beberapa
been studied using seismic refraction, seismic
mekanisme patahan mendatar diamati dan
reflection and high-resolution bathymetry to
terutama terletak di dalam lempeng samudera
reveal structural elements and their earthquake
yang menunjam. Struktur dan fitur di kerak
hazards (e.g. Malod et al. 1995; Kopp et al. 2002;
samudra yang menunjam dapat mengontrol
Kopp and Kukowski 2003; Susilohadi et al. 2005;
aktivitas gempa bumi di mana deformasi terjadi di
Kopp et al. 2009; Krabbenhoeft et al. 2010;
tepian fitur ini. Dua gempa bumi besar dengan
Planert et al. 2010; Lüschen et al. 2011; Shulgin et
sifat patahan naik pada tahun 1994 dan 2006
al. 2011). Although the results from studies were
ditafsirkan sebagai hasil dari deformasi di
successfully mapped the plate structures,
sepanjang antarmuka lempeng pada sedimen
geological structures, morphology, and many
lunak atau tidak terkonsolidasi di atas lempeng
tectonic features both on the oceanic and
yang masuk. Gempa bumi besar akibat sesar
overriding plate, there was little attention to the
normal dengan magnitudo 8,3 mungkin
link between observed structures and earthquake
disebabkan oleh patahan skala-kerak yang
activities along this margin and its surrounding.
menghancurkan seluruh kerak samudera.
Previous studies were mainly concerned with the
Kata kunci: Zona Subduksi, Batimetri, Gempa deformation of the megathrust or plate interface,
Bumi, Struktur Geologi, Indonesia. but the nature of other parts of the subduction zone
remains problematical. Using combined analysis
INTRODUCTION of Indonesian Bathymetry Data (BATNAS),
Sunda Subduction Zone, which elongates from the residual bathymetry data (from Bassett & Watts,
Andaman Sea to the south of Lesser Sunda along 2015) and earthquake catalogue (ISC-EHB and
7000 km, is an active convergent margin resulting Global CMT) with as well as previous result from
from subduction of Oceanic Australian Plate many authors (i.e. Kopp et al. 2009; Planert et al.
beneath Southeast Asia (Hamilton 1979). Java 2010; Lüschen et al. 2011; Shulgin et al. 2011) is
Subduction Zone as part of Sunda Subduction in expected to give a chance in assessing different
the east is located in the south of Java and hypotheses. This study presents interpretations of
commonly considered as a classic example of bathymetric data and seismicity around the region
orthogonal subduction system. It has been active combined with published data from several
since Paleogene (Hamilton 1979; Hall 2012) and authors, in order to characterize the structure of
now converge with velocity around 70 mm/yr both upper and lower plates and to investigate
(Simons et al. 2007; DeMets et al. 2010). It has their roles and interactions on controlling
significant along-trench variabilities in trench occurrences of the earthquake.
depth, orientation, convergence velocity, seafloor
morphology, and seismicity. It also has
contributed to earthquake activities along the Java Trench marks the southern end boundary of
south of Java in some of which have caused convergence between the Australian Plate and
tsunamis that hit south Java coast. At least three Southeast Asia (Figure 1). The Australian plate
significant and instrumentally-recorded moves toward the northeast and is relatively
earthquakes with the tsunami have been generated perpendicular to Java Trench with the velocity
along Java Subduction Zone (Figure 1). The Mw with eastward increase of velocity from 68 mm/yr
8.3 1977 Earthquake in the south of Sumba was to 73 mm/yr (DeMets et al. 2010). The
caused by outer-rise deformation (Lynnes and deformation along Java Subduction region is
Lay 1988) with an 8 m maximum tsunami run-up. mainly accommodated by thrust faults (e.g. Kopp
The Mw 7.8 1994 Earthquake in the south of East et al. 2002; Kopp and Kukowski 2003; Kopp et al.
Java has produced a tsunami with run-up around 2009; Planert et al. 2010; Lüschen et al. 2011;

RISET Geologi dan Pertambangan, Vol.30, No.1, Juni 2020, 65-79

Shulgin et al. 2011), different to oblique Sumatra change of morphology of accretionary wedge
Subduction Zone which is characterized by (Masson et al. 1990; Kopp et al. 2006). These
combination of thrust faults and strike-slip faults oceanic structures were also considered to play a
(e.g. Sieh and Natawidjaja 2000; Henstock et al. role as either asperity or barrier for the earthquake.
2006; Natawidjaja and Triyoso 2007; Singh et al. The Mw 7.8 1994 Earthquake is interpreted to slip
2008; McCaffrey 2009; Chauhan et al. 2009; over subducting seamount (Abercrombie et al.
Singh et al. 2011; Mukti et al. 2012; Daryono et al. 2001; Bilek and Engdahl 2007) or plateau (Bassett
2012; Henstock et al. 2018). and Watts 2015) while the deformation of Mw 7.7
2006 Earthquake was limited by subducting
Based on seafloor morphology, the Oceanic
seamount in the east of hypocentre (Bilek and
Australian Crust consists of three major
Engdahl 2007; Bassett and Watts 2015). Argo
morphological features: Christmas Island
Abyssal Plain is a relatively smooth and low relief
Seamount Province, Roo Rise, and Argo Abyssal
morphology on Indo-Australian Oceanic Crust in
Plain (Figure 1). The Christmas Island Seamount
the south of Lesser Sunda. The age of oceanic
Province is a series of elevated seamount
crust in Java Subduction Zone becomes younger
morphologies, rising about 2 - 5 km from the
to the west from Late Jurassic in Argo Abyssal
surrounding in which exposed on land, forming
Plain to Early Cretaceous in the south of West
Christmas Island. The Roo Rice is a large plateau,
Java, Christmas Island with NE-SW trending age
elevated more than 1.5 km above the adjacent
lineament (Heine et al. 2004).
seafloor with 400 km length in the axis. It is
believed that the subduction of seamounts and Roo The Java Subduction Zone consists of a trench, an
Rise beneath accretionary wedge has contributed accretionary wedge, and forearc basins. The
to landward trench progression and to an abrupt trench shows variation in direction and depth. The

Figure 1. Tectonic elements and main morphological features of Java Subduction Zone. Subduction
Zone is indicated by toothed bold solid black lines. The surface expression of Banda
Subduction is marked by toothed dashed black lines. Red triangles denote volcanos. Focal
Mechanism Solution of three notable earthquake Mw ≥ 7 (from Global CMT Catalogue).
Plate motion vector and velocity are according to Global Velocity Model MORVEL (DeMets
et al. 2010). Bathymetry is from Indonesian Bathymetric Data (BATNAS).

Patria and Aulia. : Structural And Earthquake Evaluations Along Java Subduction Zone, Indonesia

direction changes from NW-SE in the south of morphology and its relations to residual
West Java to N-E in the south of Lesser Sunda, and bathymetry anomalies. BATNAS was compiled
the depth is more than 6000 m. The trench is in from gravity anomaly inversion resulting from
places deflected to the north in the response of the altimetry data inversion, with additional data from
subduction of seamounts and Roo Rise, and it is various sources (BIG, NGDC, BODC, BPPT,
shallower where the trench is in contact with LIPI, P3GL and other agencies) using single or
seamounts and Roo Rise (Kopp et al. 2006). Near multibeam surveys. Residual bathymetry data
trench, the area is dominated by abundant normal (from Bassett and Watts, 2015) were used to
faults formed due to the plate bending of the identify the anomalies or the structural highs on
subducting plate (Masson et al. 1990; Kopp et al. the lower plate, which were determined based on
2006; Lüschen et al. 2011). The accretionary a cut-off value of 0 m. This value marks the extent
wedge consists of the imbrication of landward- of seamounts and ridge on the oceanic crust and
dipping thrust faults in which detached on plate the landward extent of the forearc basin. Residual
interface (Kopp et al. 2009; Lüschen et al. 2011; bathymetry data were generated from Gridded
Nugraha and Hall 2012). The slope break of the Bathymetry Data (GEBCO) by subtracting the
accretionary wedge is interpreted as the up-dip average trench-normal profile so that bathymetric
limit of the seismogenic zone, while the landward anomalies, which represent subducting plate
limit of accretionary wedge marks the downdip structures, can be resolved. We also utilized the
boundary of the seismogenic zone in Java earthquake hypocentres from ISC-EHB Bulletin
Subduction Zone (Krabbenhoeft et al. 2010). The (, covering a period of 1976
forearc basin is divided into Java Basin and - 2015 and focal mechanism solutions of the
Lombok Basin. The depth of Lombok Basin Global Centroid-Moment Tensor (GCMT)
reaches more than 4200 m, deeper than Java ( The hypocentres
Basin, which is around 3600 m. It goes narrow to were relocated based on EHB Procedures which
the east and limited by Sumba in the west. A was described in Engdahl et al. (1998) while the
wrench fault is observed at the eastern boundary fault plane solutions were determined based on the
of Lombok Basin and interpreted as a zone of methodology in Dziewonski et al. (1981) and
transition from the subduction system to the Ekström et al. (2012). Both datasets were
collision regime (Lüschen et al. 2011). examined to show the dynamic of earthquakes in
the research area. The criterion for plotting in this
Seismicity in Java Subduction Zone is
paper was magnitude greater than or equal to 4.5
characterized by the absence of instrumentally-
and depth less than or equal to 50 km. Earthquake
recorded earthquakes with Mw ≥ 8 (Newcomb and
foci were subdivided into three main categories as
McCann 1987) in comparison to Sumatra
suggested by Hauksson (1990); thrust faults are
Subduction Zone which has generated an Mw 9.4
those with rakes of 45° to 135°, normal faults are
2004 Aceh Earthquake. This can be explained by
those with rakes of -45° and -135°, and strike-slip
the extent of seismogenic zone in these two
faults are those with rakes of 44° to -44° and 136°
regions where Java Subduction has narrower
and 224°. Along with seismicity, subducting plate
seismogenic zone than Sumatra Subduction (e.g.,
geometry SLAB 1.0 (Hayes et al. 2012) was
Kopp et al. 2002; Kopp et al. 2009; Dessa et al.
displayed to compare the top lower plate to
2009; Klingelhoefer et al. 2010; Krabbenhoeft et
hypocentres and earthquake activities. The
al. 2010; Planert et al. 2010; Shulgin et al. 2011;
interpretations based on previous datasets are
Widiyantoro et al. 2011).
discussed with some published seismic
interpretation profiles (i.e., Kopp et al. 2009;
Lüschen et al. 2011).
This study is based on observations of publicly
available datasets to identify geomorphic features, RESULTS
subsurface structures, and their relations to
The study area elongates 1800 km in the south of
seismicity along the Java Subduction Zone. The
Java and Lesser Sunda and trend in the E-W
Indonesian bathymetric data (BATNAS)
direction. Thus, the research area was divided into
( with
three divisions: (A) Western Area, (B) Central
six arc-second spatial resolution were analyzed
Area, and (C) Eastern Area.
and interpreted to understand the seafloor

RISET Geologi dan Pertambangan, Vol.30, No.1, Juni 2020, 65-79

Figure 2. a) Bathymetric map of the western area with structural interpretation, compiled with
seismicity and extent of coseismic slip of Mw 7.7 2006 Earthquake. b) N-S oriented ridge
near subduction trench. c) Series of parallel ridges on oceanic crust. d). Seamounts which
associated with the landward progression of the trench.

Christmas Island. Close to the western trench, a

Western Area
single N-S trending ridge is cut by E-W
The western part of Java Subduction Zone is lineaments (Figure 2b). Series of Parallel Ridge,
characterized by the NW-SE trending trench slightly elevated about 600 m from surrounding
(Figure 2a). The maximum depth of the trench bathymetry and trending NE-SW, are found in the
reaches 6900 m. The accretionary wedge is about northwest of Christmas Island (Figure 2c). In the
120 km in width and associated with trench- eastern part, some small seamounts are
parallel ridges. Between the accretionary wedge converging with the accretionary wedge in the
and Java, the forearc basin is narrowing to the trench (Figure 2d). The trench is progressed
west, and it disappears in the south of the western landward about 7 km, which is comparable to the
end of Java. Normal faults can be traced on size of approaching seamounts. It is also shown
oceanic crust along the subduction trench. South that the seamounts are faulted by E-W normal
of the trench, many seamounts are observed in the faults. There are three residual bathymetry
oceanic crust with width up to 128 km. Seamounts anomalies that overprint the accretionary wedge
can emerge till 6000 m from adjacent seafloor in area, and they are located within the coseismic slip
which was exposed above sea level, forming extent of the 2006 earthquake. These anomalies

Patria and Aulia. : Structural And Earthquake Evaluations Along Java Subduction Zone, Indonesia

are interpreted as subducting seamount beneath GCMT; Pesicek et al. 2010) as it has generated
wedge and possibly associated with seamount in tsunami around south of West Java. Some thrust
further seaward. faults are also found beneath the top of the
subducting plate, and there are three earthquakes
Seismicity in the western area is mainly
which attributed to the megathrust earthquake
concentrated in the east, area of Mw 7.7 2006
(Figure 3a). Based on seismic interpretation from
Earthquake, and fairly distributed along with
Kopp et al. (2009), splay faults in accretionary
accretionary wedge (Figure 2a). Seismicity in the
wedge may contribute to earthquakes occurrence
accretionary wedge area mainly has a shallow
in the accretionary wedge, above the top of the
depth, less than 30 km. Deeper hypocentres are
subducting plate (Figure 3a and 3b). Normal fault
observed within the forearc basin. Several
events mainly took place in oceanic crust, up-dip
earthquakes are found in the oceanic crust with
from the hypocentre of Mw 7.7 2006 earthquake.
depth less than 20 km. Thrust fault solutions are
Anomalously, several normal fault activities are
the most common and distributed in the trench,
located close to plate interface and are plausibly
accretionary wedge, and forearc basin. Normal
related to local deformation due to subducting
faulting activities are majorly observed in the area
ridges on top of oceanic crust. These ridges were
of 2006 Earthquake rupture, both in the
previously interpreted as seamount by Kopp et al.
accretionary wedge and near-trench oceanic crust.
(2009), but we consider as ridge as it has relatively
Two normal fault solutions are associated with a
small geometry (Figure 3b), and it might be
ridge in the western end. Strike-slip fault solutions
similar to series of parallel ridge further seaward
are limited in the west of Java and oceanic floor,
(Figure 2a). Strike-slip fault earthquakes in the
south of trench.
northwest part of the area are considered as a result
The largest thrust fault event is Mw 7.7 2006 of deformation at the southern tip of Sumatran
Earthquake with depth of 29 km (Figure 3a), Fault. Strike-slip faulting activities are also
suggesting that this earthquake is located in observed in the oceanic crust (Figure 3a).
oceanic mantle but we prefer the result from that
located the hypocentre at a depth of 20 km (USGS; Central Area

Figure 3. a) Cross-section showing seismicity and focal mechanism within a zone of 100 km width
from the centerline in the Western Area. Mantle-crust boundary is adapted from Kopp 2009.
Top of subducting geometry based on SLAB 1.0 (Hayes et al. 2012). b) Seismic
Interpretation Profile SO137-03 (modified after Kopp et al., 2009).

RISET Geologi dan Pertambangan, Vol.30, No.1, Juni 2020, 65-79

In Central Area, the depth of the trench goes the accretionary wedge. The westernmost residual
shallower towards east from about 7100 m to 6200 bathymetry high is located further north from the
m in WNW-ESE direction (Figure 4a). deepest trench, which is progressed about 20 km
Accretionary wedge orientation is deflected landward (Figure 4a and 4b). Two ridges are
further landward, and it coincides with narrower subducted beneath the accretionary wedge in this
forearc basin, comparing to the Western Area. A part of the trench (Figure 4b). Further to the
large oceanic feature, Roo Rise, which elevated up central part, a seamount bends the trench and is
to 3500 m from seafloor occupies most of the situated just south of uplifted seafloor with
oceanic crust in the south of the subduction trench. residual bathymetry anomalies (Figure 4c). This
There are five residual bathymetry anomalies, indicates that a seamount might be lies underneath
which are incorporated to the uplifted zone within this uplifted seafloor. The existence of large

Figure 4. a) Bathymetric map of the Central Area with structural interpretation, compiled with
seismicity and extent of coseismic slip of Mw 7.8 1998 Earthquake. b) NNE-SSW oriented
ridge near subduction trench, associated with the landward progression of the trench. c)
Seamount is in contact with the trench and uplifted seafloor in front of the seamount. d).
Uplifted zone with high residual bathymetry is in further landward from Roo Rise.

Patria and Aulia. : Structural And Earthquake Evaluations Along Java Subduction Zone, Indonesia

residual bathymetry high in uplifted seafloor in the south of East Java. A number of seismicities are
accretionary wedge may indicate that part of Roo observed on top of the subducting plate, but most
Rise has been subducted (Figure 4d). This large solutions are the normal fault.
residual bathymetry is included within the
Based on seismic interpretation profile from
coseismic slip extent of the 1994 earthquake.
Lüschen et al. (2011), a set of normal faults which
The earthquake activities of the Central Area are offsets a strong key reflector on upper part oceanic
shown in Figure 4a. The accretionary wedge is not crust might be related normal fault activities at the
dominated by thrust faulting event. An area with trench and high subducting relief underneath
large residual bathymetry anomaly within accretionary wedge are possibly
accretionary wedge in the west has only two subductingseamount, indicating that part of Roo
earthquake activities, while another large residual Rise has been subducted (Figure 5b). Although the
bathymetry high in the east which is included seismic reflection profile shows that thrust faults
within coseismic slip extent of Mw 7.8 1994 dominate in the accretionary wedge, it is also
Earthquake dominated by normal faulting found a normal fault solution with an oblique-to-
activities with several strike-slip faulting at the trench orientation, suggesting that local
edge of deformation extent. Most of the deep extensional deformation has happened within the
seismicity (30 - 50 km) is located beneath the accretionary wedge.
forearc basin with thrust fault solutions in the
north of the west residual bathymetry anomaly and Eastern Area
in the east end forearc basin. Oceanic crust is a Eastern Area consists of E-W oriented subduction
relatively aseismic area, and few earthquakes in trench where it connected to the deformation front
which with normal fault solutions mainly occurred of Banda Subduction, Timor trough, which is
close to the trench. deflected seaward about 120 km. The trench
The Mw 7.8 1994 earthquake is a significant possesses depth reaching 7000 m. Morphology of
earthquake in the central area. It has a depth of accretionary wedge is characterized by uplifted
35.5 km but, based on USGS, the depth of this region in the west, and then it changes, becoming
earthquake hypocentre is about 18 km (Figure 5a). two trench-parallel ridges, and these ridges
The depth from USGS seems realistic since this disappear further east with the eastward deepening
earthquake is associated with the tsunami in the trend. Forearc Basin, which known as Lombok

Figure 5. a) Cross-section showing seismicity and focal mechanism within a zone of 100 km width
from the centerline in the Central Area. Mantle-crust boundary is adapted from Luschen 2009.
Top of subducting geometry based on SLAB 1.0 (Hayes et al. 2012). The yellow rectangle
indicates the approximate boundary of figure 5b. b) Seismic Interpretation Profile BGR06-
305 (modified after Lüschen et al., 2011).

RISET Geologi dan Pertambangan, Vol.30, No.1, Juni 2020, 65-79

Figure 6. a) Bathymetric map of the Eastern Area with structural interpretation, compiled with
seismicity and extent of coseismic slip of Mw 8.3 1977 Earthquake. b) Comparable residual
bathymetry highs on both oceanic crust and accretionary wedge. c) Ridge on Oceanic crust.
d). Isolated residual bathymetry anomalies in accretionary wedge and normal faults in the
near trench zone.

Basin, is narrowing eastward and bounded by In general, earthquake activities in the Eastern
Sumba in the east. Argo Abyssal Plain is a Area are mainly located in the near trench zone
relatively low relief oceanic crust, comparing to and forearc basin (Figure 6a). Further seaward of
the oceanic floor in western and central areas. the trench, Argo Abyssal Plain is a relatively
Seamounts which indicated by uplifted seafloor aseismic zone. Seismic activities in the forearc
and residual bathymetry anomalies are found in basin are more intensive in the east with a depth of
the east, which in line with residual bathymetry 10 - 50 km. Thrust fault solutions dominate the
anomaly further landward within accretionary basin, and many of the activities are located in the
wedge (Figure 6b). Several ridges are oblique to west of Sumba and south of Sumbawa. The
trench in the central part, and there is no accretionary wedge is characterized by the
observable structural high further east (Figure 6c). absence of thrust fault activity. In the western part,
However, there are two residual bathymetry there are deep seismicities (30 -50 km) located at
anomalies observed in the eastern part of the the side of a residual bathymetry anomaly. Normal
accretionary wedge (Figure 6d). Normal faults are faults are the most common solutions in the near
common structures in the near trench area. trench area and more concentrated in the eastern

Patria and Aulia. : Structural And Earthquake Evaluations Along Java Subduction Zone, Indonesia

part, although only one strike-slip faulting is found normal faults, ridges, seamounts, and Roo Rise.
close to the trench. Normal faults that dominate the near trench area
are interpreted as a result of plate-bending
Seismicity is mainly observed below the mantle-
deformation. Some subducting seamount beneath
crust boundary in both oceanic plate and forearc
the accretionary wedge as indicated by residual
areas (Figure 7a). A normal fault is also
bathymetry anomalies are considered as a
responsible for the largest earthquake in the region
continuation of a series of seamount on oceanic
in 1977 with Mw 8.3 and a depth of 25 km. This
floor. Residual bathymetry anomaly highs in the
is an intra-slab earthquake located within the
eastern area also reflect the uplifted part of oceanic
mantle. Further landward, it can be observed that
crust, which is broken by a large normal fault. The
many thrust fault solutions might be related to
depth and orientation of the subduction trench may
plate interface deformation. According to previous
vary in response to the incoming oceanic crust
interpretation from Lüschen et al. (2011), a
features. The deepest part of the trench is subject
number of normal faults are shown dominated the
of tectonic erosion where the trench is progressed
near trench area and a large thrust fault breaks the
northward (Kopp et al. 2006), and it is associated
entire oceanic crust beneath the accretionary
with large subducting features beneath
wedge which we prefer to consider as normal fault
accretionary wedge as indicated by the uplifted
(figure 7b) and might be associated by two
accretionary wedge in front of trench and a
isolated residual bathymetry anomalies in west of
residual bathymetry anomaly. Some subducting
seismic reflection line.
seamounts are in contact with a trench ond have
DISCUSSION subducted beneath accretionary wedge, creating
landward deflection of the trench. South of West
Morphology along the Java subduction zone is Java, the accretionary wedge is characterized by a
laterally varying. The oceanic floor in the seaward series of parallel ridges, and the forearc basin is
subduction trench consists of features such as relatively flat. The central part of the accretionary

Figure 7. a) Cross-section showing seismicity and focal mechanism within a zone of 100 km width
from the centerline in the Eastern Area. Mantle-crust boundary is adapted from Luschen 2009.
Top of subducting geometry based on SLAB 1.0 (Hayes et al. 2012). b) Seismic Interpretation
Profile BGR06-311 (modified after Lüschen et al. 2011).

RISET Geologi dan Pertambangan, Vol.30, No.1, Juni 2020, 65-79

wedge is marked by an abrupt change in The two large thrust fault earthquakes in 1994 and
morphology and is slightly deflected landward. It 2006 are a result of megathrust deformations. Both
was also accompanied by narrowing and earthquakes were considered as tsunami
shallowing forearc basin which highly deformed. earthquakes and ruptured along with plate
Many thrust faults are observed beneath the interface with shallow dipping fault plane
forearc basin in the south of East Java and fold (Abercrombie et al. 2001; Kato et al. 2007; Bilek
entire basin strata (Nugraha and Hall 2012). To the and Engdahl 2007). It is also noted that these
east, the Lombok Basin is relatively flat and earthquakes are unusually characterized by long
deeper than Java Basin, and it is bounded by rupture durations and low rupture velocity
Sumba in the east. Horst and Graben structures are (Abercrombie et al. 2001; Kato et al. 2007; Bilek
observed in the basement, while the filling and Engdahl 2007). Raharja et al. (2016), based on
sediments are less deformed (Lüschen et al. 2011). GPS modeling, added that the 2006 Earthquake
The accretionary wedge in seaward of Lombok has ruptured in the region, which has low rigidity
Basin consists of two parallel ridges and narrower and tends to slip for long time periods
to the east. Changes in shape and orientation of the continuously. The Mw 7.8 1994 Earthquake
accretionary wedge and forearc basin indicate the possibly has occurred in a similar region as it
existence of subducting oceanic features beneath. comprises identic characteristics. Hence, we argue
The central part of accretionary wedge and forearc that both earthquakes are interpreted to be
basin where the regions are highly disrupted is nucleated on soft or unconsolidated sediment
situated close to Roo Rise and seamounts, while above the incoming plate. The 1994 earthquake
the approaching features in the western area are caused a larger tsunami run-up than the 2006
majorly oceanic ridge and the eastern area is earthquake as it slipped over a large subducting
relatively associated with low relief oceanic seamount (Abercrombie et al. 2001) or an oceanic
seafloor. plateau (Bassett and Watts 2015) on top of
subducting plate which more favor to generate
Seismogenic zone in Java Subduction Zone which
tsunami (Geersen 2019). They were then mainly
expected to be source of megathrust earthquake is
followed by up-dip normal fault seismicities, and
marked by seaward slope break of accretionary
this suggests that stress was transferred from
wedge and seaward limit of forearc basin
deeper to the shallower part of oceanic crust and
(Krabbenhoeft et al. 2010), but earthquake activity
reactivate normal faults.
within the seismogenic zone is characterized by
lack of thrust fault activity and the large thrust Plate bending is also responsible for deforming
fault earthquakes in 1994 and 2006 which located near the trench area and creating normal faults.
beneath accretionary wedge at a depth of 18 km This deformation has contributed as the most
and 20 km, respectively, located within the intensives source of earthquakes along Java
subducting oceanic crust. However, considering Subduction. Moreover, in the eastern part, a
the slab geometry, we argue that both earthquakes broken oceanic crust beneath the accretionary
have slipped along shallower depth about 12 km. wedge is faulted by the largest bending normal
Additionally, our observations suggest that most fault in the Java Subduction Zone. According to
thrust fault earthquakes associated with Lynnes and Lay (1988), the ruptured zone of Mw
deformation on plate interface are majorly located 8.3 1977 Earthquake has extended to about 30-50
beneath the forearc basin in Western and Eastern km depth. Thus we consider that this earthquake
Areas. It is also noted that the thrust fault activity may slip along the crustal-scale normal fault. The
beneath the accretionary wedge is absence in the existence of this large normal fault can be related
Eastern Area. Some normal faults took place in the to the geometry of the subducting plate, where it
plate interface, which can be local deformation becomes vertical at a depth of 400 km beneath
because of structural highs on top of the Flores (Widiyantoro et al. 2011). The vertical
subducting plate and occurred at the edge of geometry may contribute to a larger amount of
structural highs. The existence of these features on slab pull and lead to subduction roll-back and
top of oceanic crust lead local extensional might be responsible for the eastward increase of
deformation (Dominguez et al. 1998; Dominguez convergence velocity.
et al. 2000), and earthquakes have mainly
happened at the edge of subducting features.

Patria and Aulia. : Structural And Earthquake Evaluations Along Java Subduction Zone, Indonesia

CONCLUSIONS Chauhan APS, Singh SC, Hananto ND, Carton H,

Klingelhoefer F, Dessa J-X, Permana H,
We have presented evaluations of lower and upper
White NJ, Graindorge D, Team SS
plate structures in reference to their earthquake
(2009) Seismic imaging of forearc
activities. Features such as normal faults, ridges,
backthrusts at northern Sumatra
and seamounts which lie on oceanic crust can also
subduction zone. Geophysical Journal
exist on subducting oceanic plate beneath
International 179:1772–1780. doi:
accretionary wedge. Their presence can be
deducted based on morphology, residual
bathymetry anomalies, and seismic reflection Daryono MR, Natawidjaja DH, Sieh K (2012)
data. They influence the earthquake activities Twin‐Surface Ruptures of the March
which occurred in the subduction zone. Seismicity
2007 M>6 Earthquake Doublet on
along Java Subduction Zone is mainly
concentrated in the near trench area and secondly the Sumatran FaultTwin ‐ Surface
in the forearc basin area, while oceanic floor area Ruptures of the March 2007 M>6
relatively has a low level of seismicity. Although Earthquake Doublet on the Sumatran
Java Subduction Zone is resulting from the Fault. Bulletin of the Seismological
convergence between Oceanic Australian Plate Society of America 102:2356–2367. doi:
and Eurasia, much observable fault solutions are 10.1785/0120110220
normal faults which located beneath accretionary DeMets C, Gordon RG, Argus DF (2010)
wedge and associated with plate-bending Geologically current plate motions.
deformation. Thrust faulting activity is mainly Geophysical Journal International
found beneath the forearc basin that related to 181:1–80. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-
plate interface deformation, but two significant 246X.2009.04491.x
thrust faulting activities are now considered as
intra-slab deformation of the lower plate. Several Dessa J-X, Klingelhoefer F, Graindorge D, André
strike-slip fault solutions can be present in C, Permana H, Gutscher M-A, Chauhan
convergence regime and are mainly located within A, Singh SC, Team the S-OS (2009)
the lower plate. Megathrust earthquakes can nucleate in
the forearc mantle: Evidence from the
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