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you lie suis, University of Pretoria - Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics Universiteit van Pretoria - Departement Wiskunde en Toegepaste Wiskunde MATHEMATICS WIW158 / WISKUNDE WIWI58 SEMESTER TEST 2 / SEMESTERTOETS 2 Date / Datum: May /Mei 2018 = Marks /Punte:50 Time / Tyd : 24 hours / ure , [ MARKS FOR SECTIONS B & C | PUNTE VIR AFDELINGS B & C | | 35 i SURNAME / VAN | | A | | L FIRST NAMES / VOORNAME, STUDENT NUMBER | STUDENTENOMMER i \ SIGNATURE HANDIEKENING CIRCLE YOUR LECTURE GROUP NUMBER / OMKRING JOU LESINGGROEPNOMMER 1 2 Hae 4 10 Dr Jooste | Prof Harding | Dr Garba | Dr van der Hoff] Mev Dreyer READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS ‘The paper consists of pages 1 to 11. Check whether your paper is complete. No calculator may be used. I ‘No question paper may be removed from the venue. ‘Any queries about the marking must be done within three days after the tests have been handed back. PON LEES DIE VOLGENDE INSTRUKSIES Die vracstel bestaan uit bladsye 1 tot 11. Kontroleer of u vraestel volledig is. Geen sekrekensar mag gebruik word nie, Geen vraestel mag uit dic lokaal geneem word nie, |. Enige navrae oor die nasienwerk moet binne drie dae nadat die toetse teruggegee is, gedoen word. aeNe p 1 vanfof il SECTION A: MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS - (15 Marks) 1. The questions in Section A must be completed on SIDE 2 of the optical reader form in soft pencil. 2. First circle your answers on this paper and then transfer these to the optical reader form. AFDELING A : MEERVOUDIGE KEUSEVRAE - (15 Punte) 4. Die vrae in Afdeling A moet op KANT 2 van die merkleesvorm met ’n sagte potlood voltooi word, 2, Omizing eers jou antwoorde op hierdie vraestel en dra dit dan oor na die merkleesvorm. Question 1 / Vraag 4 If/ As flx) = cosh(In 2x) then / dan is f'(x) = (@)| = sin) | @)} sink) (©) | ~sinh(in2x) x (@) sinh(In 2x) x £ | (e) sinh(In2x) x (A). | None of these / Geen van hierdie Question 2 / Vraag 2 I/ As fa) = sindx+3* then/danis f(x) = (@) |=sin3x + 3*(n3)? [(@)) -9sin3x + 3*(n3) | (@) |-9sin3x + 3*Cnd) | @ | =sin3x + 3*(in9) | (@) |—9sin3x+3"(In3) | (A) | None of these / Geen van hierdie | Question 3 / Vraag 3 Given / Gegee: (x) = ve ‘The equation(s) of all horizontal asymptotes is/are Die vergelyking(s) van alle horisontale asimptote is (a) |x=1and/enx = 2 |(6)|y=land/eny=2[(c)[x=-3 (a) |x=3 @)y=3 (A) | None of these / Geen van hierdie Question 4 / Vraag 4 Suppose fhas @ local maximum or minimum at the point e. What theorem guarantees that if (eo) = if F (©) exists? ‘Veronderstel fhet ‘n lokale maksimaum of minimum in die punt c. Watter stelling waarborg dat, f'(c) = 0 indien f'(c) bestaan? (a) | Mean Value Theorem /Middebwaardestelling | (i) Fermat's theorem / Fermat se stelling () | Extreme Value Theorem / Ekstreemwaardeste (@ | Rolle’s theorem /Rollese stelling (@) | None of these / Geen van hierdie p 2 vanof 11 Question 5 / Vraag 5 _ _sin(S8) lim 39-sind ~ [@ zo £ lod 2) £ [( None ofthese / Geen van hierdie Question 6 / Vraag 6 e iffas x=3 Consider / Beskou f2)=$ 2 4 9x — BateslS thas x43 Determine the value of ¢ for which fwill be continuous on R. Bepaal die waarde van c waarvoor f kontinu is op R. @ 3 [@ 0 JO M1 (G8 [© 9 | @ None ofthese / Geen van hierdie Question 7: / Vraag7 JE f{1) = 4 and f'(@) > 2 for 1 < x < 4,whatis the smallest possible value of (4)? Indien f(1) = 4 enf'(e) 2 2vir 1 0 and f(x) < 0 ona given interval J, then fis Veronderstel f(x) > 0 en f(x) < 0 op 'n gegewe interval J, dan is f (a) | increasing and concave up on J/ stygend en konkaaf na bo op J (© increasing ‘and concave down on 1/ stygend en konkaafna onder op J (©) | decreasing and concave down on 1/ dalend en konkaaf na onder op T (d) | decreasing and coneave up on I/ dalend en konkaaf na bo op I ore / Geen van hierdie p 3 vawof 11 f f SECTION B (14 Marks) / AFDELING B (14 Punte): 1. The questions in section B must be completed on this paper in pen. 2. Only the answer in the provided box will be marked. 3. Calculations can be performed on the facing empty pages and will not be marked. 4. Die vrae in afdeling B moet op die vraestel voltooi word in pen. 2. Slegs die antwoord in die gegewe blok sal gemerk word. 3. Berekeninge kan op die oop teenblaaie gedoen word en sal nic gemerk word nie. Question 11 / Vraag 14 (2, 1) ‘The graph off" is given. / Die grafiek van f’ word gegee. 14.4 Complete the following: ‘Veltooi die volgende: Phas alocal ...aAYLM LNA Si ‘fet ’n lokale 14.2. Write down the interval(s) on which f is concave up. Skryf die interval(le) ner waarop f konkaaf na bo is. Gy) (wt Question 12 / Vraag 12 (1) The critical number of f(x) = zlnx — x on the interval (0, ©) is Die kriticke getal van flz) = xInx—x op die interval (0, «) is c= lor wei) p 4 vanlof 11 Question 13 / Vraag 13 (2) ‘The equation of the tangent line to the graph of f(x) = cos3x at the point a Fis Die vergelyking van die raaklyn aan die grafiek van (x) = cos3x in die punt x y= 3lx-"h ) (ex 4 a — Li Eis Question 14 / Vraag 14 (1) Give the number c of the Mean Value Theorem for f(x) = cosx +x on [0,2] Gee die getal c van die Middelwaardestelling vir (x) = cosx +x op [0,2]. T eae Question 15 / Vraag 15 (2, 2, 2) Give the derivatives of the following. Do not simplify your answer. Gee die afgeleides van die volgende. Moenie jou antwoord vereenvoudig nie. 15.1 flx) = x? in(x? +2) 18.3. flx) = cosec(Inx) -(Oux), dot (Lox) «x Question 16 / Vraag 16 (1) p 5 vaniof 11 SECTION C (21 Marks) / AFDELING C (21 Punte): ‘The questions in soction C must be completed on this paper. ‘All calculations must be shown and will be marked. If you need more space for an answer, use the facing page and indicate it clearly. Also frame the answer on the facing page. 4, Attention should be paid to writing in a mathematically sound way. eNs Die vrae in afdeling C moet op die vraestel voltooi word. Alle berekeninge moet getoon word en sal gemerk word. 3. As jy nog ruimte vir ’n antwoord nodig het, gebruik die teenblad en dui dit duidelik aan. Trek ook *n raam om die antwoord op die teenblad. 4, Maak seker dat jou skryfwyse wiskundig korrek is. N Question 17 / Vraag 17 (2, 2) 474 Given/ Gegoe:y = (eotanx)* = (batanx)* = (an-x)*. Determine /Bepaal 2, awk Lawn ) Dax (are bour d “ey Tee, Lay larctann) 4h arckaw t rou : — = fowckomn) [Balarekow) * Cree p 6 vaniof 11 472 Determine & if eo aay. / Bepaal as ef = xy. Question 18 / Vraag 18 (2) Prove that / Bewys dat ~- cots = cosec*x. A Hx du Ob x = de ine _ sink. fin — O% OE Sin? % cn ) ee (sabe + gem? ee ern z =—¢ssec A> p 7 van/of iL Question 19 / Vraag 19 (2) ‘Use the squeeze theorem to find the limit. / Gebruik dic knyptangstelling om dic limiet te bepaal. lim Jee ot =| £toyie = = i Z coreg ee _ cHae , L > enehee « ee Jin , ele =O 7 : tee But tte eg Ve =O and 426 LA =0 => lim w0t he € Question 20 / Vraag 20 (2) Find the horizontal asymptotes of lz) = Loe. haw Ht KA — od l-2e” > Wand woo HA * With UH } (wn HK % p 8 van/of 11 Question 21 / Vraag 21 (1, 1, 3) Consider the functions f, "and". / Beskou die funksies f, fen f" fe) = In? +1) Hg) = 2k [@- 3a Wg) = 2a2e Se® Ge 21.4 Determine the interval(s) on which fis increasing. Bepaal die interval(le) waarop f styg. ee : evitical =p CFO Jae nun ber Pius FD WO 4s Increasing on (0,2? (or [e,@> 24.2. Determine the local extremes of f if they exist, ‘Bepaal die lokale ekstreme van f; indien dit bestaan. £ hae a local minimus iw %= 0 local Minimum ts #0) = Oui =O 21.3 Find the interval of concavity and the inflection points of f, if they exist. ‘Bepaal die intervalle van konkawiteit en die infleksiepunte van f, indien dit bestaan. . i 7 A" (n)=0 a-ax* =o D alin )#o x= 2 | yl | t 18 Cancave Up om (1,1 t on (-0,-1) wad on G, (-1y 1 Qu2} 2) and at 7 Our) 4 $15 Concave down Phas in flection por p 9 vanof 11 “) Question 22 / Vraag 22 (3) Prove that iff is differentiable at x = a, then f is continuous in the pointx = a. Bewys dat as f differensieerbaar is in x = a, dan is f kontinu in die punt x = a. \ we oe) =F) goon Morte, Wat Low en ists Yo pipe: ae Prost len Po = os fiw $00 £@) . (u-o) bi) KAD alow £0 8G) Lm Go) + fla) X3a ea WAP S'@) rere wumber peHCvtEe bls) a ¢ fa) p 10 van/of 11 Question 23 / Vraag 23 (3) ‘Use the Closed Interval Method to find the extreme values of f(x) = In(1 +x +x?) on the interval [1,1]. Gebruik die Geslote Intervalmetode om die ekstreemwaardes van f(x) = In(i +x +22) op die interval [-1, 1] te bepaal. Coico] wom ber’ fi) = + GQ) = Had VOD) = On3 \S the abslule waximum of Ff 24) = ge 1. the absolute Wmimun off Bonus question / Bonusvraag (1) Let be a function with f >-0 and suppose g = -L. Show thatif 1,f is increasing, then g is decreasing. 2.f is concave down, then g is conceye up. Laat ’n funksie wees met /> 0 en veronderstel g =f. Wys dat as 1.f stygend is, dan is g dalend. 2. konkaaf na onder is, dan is g konkaaf na bo. ? But Gro and 4! ?O » 5 IS decreasing 7 ' ¢ é i. ~ seat 34d OY a = 8 IS Concave ups f p 11 van/of 11

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