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Foro Temático Calificable

Nombres: Yoshelin Shayuri Vásquez Landeo

Profesora: Delia Mahuire de la Cruz

ID: 001519131

Carrera profesional: Diseño Gráfico Dídigital

Topic: Presentación Personal

Lenguaje a usar (gramar and vocabulary):

Present simple/negative

Present/past simple

Family members/jobs/Adjectives to describe people

Time expressions

Daily routines

Likes and dislikes

Hi teacher, my name is Sayuri , in my family we are 6 people, starting
with my dad. His name is William and he is 55 years old, he is also a
taxi driver. Follow my mom Aydee, she is 50 years old and she is a
clothing seller. I have 2 older sisters, I am the last one. My family is
very happy and kind, they can get along with anyone.

Now I will say what I do in my day to day, In the morning I do my

chores at home, in the afternoon I do my homework and at night I go
for a walk to relax a bit.

I like to play videogames, and I don't really like going to parties, my

favorite food is hamburgers. Thanks for reading, have a good day.

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