Student Athlete

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A Qualitative Research Paper

Presented to the
High School Department
Malayan Colleges Mindanao
General Douglas MacArthur Highway,
Matina, Davao City


Castillanes, Nicholas Klein Y.

Cuyos, Lance Issiah L.
Lagradilla, Franz Harvey C.
Mesagrande, Jeshrey L.
Sumalinog, Craig Daniel L.
Usman, Ameer Qayz Aarifh U.



A Qualitative Research Presented to

the High School Department of
Malayan Colleges Mindanao
General Douglas MacArthur Highway,
Matina, Davao City

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for APP3:
Practical Research 1 (Qualitative Research)



Castillanes, Nicholas Klein Y.

Cuyos, Lance Issiah L.
Lagradilla, Franz Harvey C.
Mesagrande, Jeshrey L.
Sumalinog, Craig Daniel L.
Usman, Ameer Qayz Aarifh U.


Research Adviser

Republic of the Philippines
General Douglas MacArthur Highway,
Matina, Davao City

Declaration of Originality

We, Nicholas Klein Y. Castillanes, Lance Issiah L. Cuyos, Franz Harvey C.

Lagradilla, Jeshrey L. Mesagrande, Craig Daniel L. Sumalinog, and Ameer Qayz

Aarifh U. Usman, declare that this research is original to the best of our knowledge. We

declare further that this activity was undertaken by us.

Castillanes, Nicholas Klein Y. Mesagrande, Jeshrey L. Sumalinog, Craig Daniel L.

Researcher Researcher Researcher

Lagradilla, Franz Harvey C. Cuyos, Lance Issiah L. Usman, Ameer Qayz Aarifh U.
Researcher Researcher Researcher


This research paper entitled, “A QUALITATIVE RESEARCH ON MMCM

SET-UP,” prepared and submitted by Nicholas Klein Y. Castillanes, Lance Issiah L.
Cuyos, Franz Harvey C. Lagradilla, Jeshrey L. Mesagrande, Craig Daniel L.
Sumalinog, and Ameer Qayz Aarifh U. Usman, in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the subject APP3: Practical Research 1 (Qualitative Research), has been
examined and is, hereby, recommended for the corresponding oral presentation, approval,
and acceptance.


Research Adviser



APPROVED by the Panel of Examiners with a grade of _____.


Chairman Member


APPROVED and ACCEPTED in partial fulfillment of the requirements for

the subject APP3: Practical Research 1 (Qualitative Research).


School Principal

First and foremost, on behalf of our group (GAL002), all compliments and

thanks to God, the Almighty, and Allah (SWT) for His guidance during our research

for the successful completion of our paper.

We would like to express our deepest gratitude to our research adviser, Ms.

Louisa Angelica B. Ulo, and also to our two panelists, Mr. Marjhuvyn B. Lapiras and

Ms. Mira Sol Cabal, for their help and guidance throughout the writing process. We

appreciate their patience, as well as all of their recommendations, and comments for

the improvement of our work.

Also, to our Research Teacher, Ms. Cielo Batingal and to our dearest principal,

Dr. Flora Mae Ypparaguirre, PhD, for allowing us to conduct this research.

The researchers would also like to thank the eight participants from Mapua

Malayan Colleges in Mindanao who voluntarily cooperated with us and made time for

the interviews despite their busy schedules.

Lastly, We send our thanks to our parents, classmates, and friends for the

support that they’ve given from the start.


This study is dedicated to our family and friends who supported us throughout

this research.

To all the student-athletes who experience challenges in the Hyflex setup, your

determination inspires us all.

To the participants who shared their valuable experiences, perspectives, and

insights, allowing us to gain a better view of the lived experiences of student-athletes,

Lastly, we dedicate this study to the Almighty God and Allah (SWT) who

brought us guidance, strength, and determination.


This research paper entitled "A Qualitative study on MMCM Student-athletes

experiences in Hyflex setup" is a phenomenological study which discusses the lived
experiences of student-athletes from Mapua Malayan Colleges of Mindanao and
understanding their experiences, how they cope and their insights in Hyflex setup. The
research questions it answers are: 1) What lived experiences do student-athletes face in
balancing their academic and athletic responsibilities in a Hyflex setup?. 2) What
coping strategies do student-athletes use to achieve both athletic and academic success
in the Hyflex setup?. 3) What are the insights of student-athletes in a HyFlex setup
regarding their experiences and behaviors?. For the researchers to understand the lived
experiences, insights, and challenges of MMCM Student-athletes, the chosen
participants were given specific questions regarding the topic to find out their
experiences and gain better insight into their point of views. To collect the data needed
for the study, the researchers selected 8 participants under specific criteria: the
participants must be senior high school student-athlete from MMCM, with 3 years of
experience being an athlete. The method for conducting the research was through
one-on-one In-Depth Interviews with the participants who agreed to participate. A
thematic analysis was utilized to analyze the responses and conclude the results of the
study wherein the themes found were: Emotional and Psychological Well Being, Time
Management and Scheduling, Positive Integration, Seizing Advantages, Health and
Wellness, and Social support.

Key words: Student-athletes, Hyflex setup, Lived Experiences, Challenges Insights,




Background of the Study 10
Research Questions 12
Theoretical Lens 13
Related Literature 15
Importance of the Study 26
Limitation of the Study 27
Definition of Terms 27

Research Design 29
Research Participants 29
Data Analysis 30
Data Sources 31
Data Collection Procedures 31
Trustworthiness of the Study 32
Ethical Considerations 33


Research Question 1 34
Research Question 2 45
Research Question 3 49


Summary 57
Conclusions 58
Recommendations 60


A. Statement of Project Member Contribution 68
B. Permission Letter 70
C. Letter of Informed Consent 71
D. Interview Guide Questions 79
E. List of Validators 82
F. Validation Results 82
G. Transcriptions 85
H. Turnitin Result 110


Chapter 1


Background of the Study

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to the widespread adoption of hybrid education

models, including the HyFlex setup, where students can attend classes in-person, online,

or both. This approach has provided flexibility and accessibility to students, including

student-athletes who face unique challenges in balancing their academic and athletic

commitments. However, little is known about the experiences and perceptions of

student-athletes in a HyFlex set-up. Therefore, the purpose of this qualitative research

study is to explore the experiences of Mapua Malayan Colleges of Mindanao Senior High

School student-athletes in a HyFlex setup, including their perceptions of the benefits,

challenges, and support mechanisms that impact their academic success and well-being.

This study aims to provide insights into effective strategies and practices for delivering

hybrid and online education to student-athletes and to inform the development of

policies, guidelines, and support services that promote the academic success and

well-being of student-athletes in a HyFlex setup.

The research problem that will be addressed by this qualitative research study on

Malayan Colleges of Mindanao Senior High School student-athletes' experiences in a

HyFlex setup has implications at global, national, and local scales. On a global scale, the

COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted traditional education delivery modes and led to the

widespread adoption of hybrid and online education models. According to the United

Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), over 1.2 billion
students worldwide have been affected by school closures due to the pandemic, leading to

a shift towards remote learning (UNESCO, 2020). In response, educational institutions

have been forced to adapt and innovate, resulting in the adoption of new delivery models

such as the HyFlex setup (UNESCO, 2020). Therefore, this study's findings on the

experiences and perceptions of student-athletes in a HyFlex setup could contribute to the

development of effective hybrid and online education models that can be adapted

globally. On a national scale, the Philippine government has implemented measures to

mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on education, including the

implementation of distance learning modalities such as the HyFlex setup (Department of

Education, 2020). However, the experiences and perceptions of student-athletes in a

HyFlex setup have not been adequately explored, limiting the government's ability to

develop policies and guidelines that promote academic success and well-being. On a

local scale, MMCM Senior High School is one of the educational institutions in the

Philippines that has implemented a HyFlex setup in response to the COVID-19

pandemic. This study's findings can contribute to the development of targeted

interventions and support services that better meet the needs of Malayan Colleges of

Mindanao Senior High School student-athletes, improving their academic success and


The research gap that will be addressed by this qualitative research study is the lack

of exploration of student-athletes' experiences and perceptions in a HyFlex setup,

particularly in the context of Malayan Colleges of Mindanao Senior High School. While

there is a growing body of literature on HyFlex course delivery models and

student-athlete perceptions, there is a dearth of studies that focus specifically on the

experiences of student-athletes in a HyFlex setup. Therefore, this study aims to fill this

research gap by exploring the experiences and perceptions of student-athletes in a HyFlex

setup at Malayan Colleges of Mindanao Senior High School. The purpose of conducting

this study is to provide insights into the experiences and perceptions of student-athletes in

a HyFlex setup, particularly in the context of Malayan Colleges of Mindanao Senior High


Research Questions

The purpose of the study is to investigate how student-athletes see and use the

Hyflex setup, which blends in-person and online learning methods. The study aims to

learn more about the challenges and effectiveness of the Hyflex learning strategy from

the viewpoint of student-athletes. This study seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What lived experiences do student-athletes face in balancing their academic

and athletic responsibilities in a Hyflex setup?

2. What coping strategies do student-athletes use to achieve both athletic and

academic success in the Hyflex setup?

3. What are the insights of student-athletes in a HyFlex setup regarding their

experiences and behaviors?

Theoretical Lens

These data are analyzed utilizing specific theories that are relevant to the study's

objectives. The theories that are utilized in this study are the Social Learning Theory by

Albert Bandura (1977), Goal-Setting Theory by Edwin Locke and Gary Lotham (1990),

and the Expectancy-Value Theory by Martin Fishbein and Icek Ajzen (1975).

Social Learning Theory (Bandura, 1977)

This theory was proposed and published by Albert Bandura in 1977. This theory

suggests that individuals learn when observing the behavior and actions of their peers, it

also proposes that people tend to gain new attitudes and behavior through observing

others. It emphasizes the importance of observing, and imitating the behaviors, attitudes,

and emotional reactions of others. According to Bandura (2006) people observe behavior

either directly through social interactions with others or indirectly by observing behaviors

through media.

This theory is relevant to the study because Social Learning theory can help the

researchers understand how the environment influences the learning outcome. This

theory can be used in the study by exploring the social norm and expectations that can

influence the experience of student-athletes. In addition, cited by Cavanaugh (2020) on

Bandura (1977) mentions the use of social learning theory in the HyFlex course led to

increased student participation, engagement, and motivation. Overall, Social Learning

Theory provides a theoretical framework on understanding how Malayan Colleges of

Mindanao Senior High School student-athletes gain knowledge, develop, and navigate

their experience in a HyFlex setup.

Goal-Setting Theory (Locke & Lotham, 1990)

This theory was proposed and published by Edwin Locke and Gary Lotham in

1990. This theory suggests that setting specific goals leads to improved performance.

According to Smith, Locke, & Barry, (1990), if the task for which a goal is assigned is

new to people, they will engage in deliberate planning to develop strategies that will

enable them to attain their goals. In addition, cited by Herman, J. H., & Turos, J. S.

(2021) on Locke & Lotham (1990) mentions that goal-setting activities should be

designed to be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

According to Herrity (2019) SMART method provides a way to measure your progress

and be accountable for your success.

This theory is relevant to the study, because Goal-Setting Theory provides a

theoretical framework for understanding how setting goals can influence an individual's

motivation, behavior, and performance (Locke & Latham, 2019). This theory can be used

in the study by exploring how setting specific goals can influence student-athletes’

motivation, behavior, and performance. Student-athletes could be more motivated to

develop and maintain good hygiene practices by setting specific goals and monitoring

progress. Overall, Goal-Setting Theory provides a good theoretical framework for

exploring how setting specific goals can affect Malayan Colleges of Mindanao Senior

High School student-athletes’ experience and behavior in a HyFlex Setup.

Expectancy-value theory (Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975)

This theory was proposed and published by Martin Fishbein and Icek Ajzen. This

theory suggests that a person's behavior is determined by their beliefs about the outcomes

of their actions and the value they place on those outcomes.

According to this theory, an individual's behavior is influenced by their beliefs

about the likelihood of achieving a certain outcome if they perform a particular action

(expectancy) and the value they place on that outcome (value). In addition, cited by

Bolliger and Halupa's (2018) on Fishbein & Ajzen (1975) individuals are more likely to

engage in activities that they perceive as valuable and in which they have a high

expectation of success.

The Expectancy-Value Theory may be used to investigate how student-athletes'

expectations and beliefs about their ability to succeed, as well as their reasons and values,

influence their behavior in the hybrid learning environment (EVT). EVT provides a

theoretical framework for understanding how a person's ideas, beliefs, and behaviors

interact in a difficult learning environment.

Review of Related Literature

For this section of the chapter, it will discuss ideas and literature which are much

related to this study. The following ideas will be tackled: Perception, Experience,

Challenges, Coping Mechanisms, and Social Interactions. The ideas and information

gathered will help in understanding the goal of the study and the research more.
Student-Athletes' Perceptions of Hybrid Learning

Although little is known about teaching staff perspectives on giving

student-athletes flexibility, this information is crucial to comprehend when providing

student-athletes with education. An article conducted by English et al., (2022) discusses a

study conducted in Australia to explore the perceptions of university teaching staff

regarding academic flexibility and support for student-athletes.

The survey discovered that teaching staff members usually had favorable opinions of

offering student-athletes academic freedom and support. They understood the difficulties

student-athletes experienced in juggling their academic and athletic responsibilities and

believed that offering flexibility and assistance was crucial for their success. However,

the survey also showed that academic staff members were worried about how academic

flexibility would affect academic standards and whether student-athletes would receive

preferential treatment. Several people believed that to assure fairness and consistency,

academic flexibility should be offered to all students, not only student-athletes. The

article's main point is the significance of considering the opinions of the teaching staff

while providing academic flexibility and assistance for student-athletes. (English et al.,


The article by Dave (2014) discusses a study conducted to explore the perceptions

of student-athletes regarding the effectiveness of online blended learning. An American

Division I university's student-athletes were polled, and the author examined their replies.

The survey discovered that most student-athletes had favorable opinions of online

blended learning. They claimed it gave them more freedom and made it easier for them to

successfully juggle their academic and sports responsibilities. Also, they valued how easy
it was to acquire course materials and get in touch with their lecturers online.

Student-athletes' worries regarding the caliber and consistency of online blended learning

were also indicated by the survey. Several students expressed dissatisfaction with the

degree of assistance and feedback offered by their professors, while others thought the

online component was less involved or interesting than traditional classroom training.

Ultimately, the paper emphasizes how critical it is to comprehend student-athlete attitudes

while implementing online blended learning.

Institutions may design more efficient and interesting learning experiences for this group

of students by taking into account their comments and resolving their problems (Davis,


The study conducted by Priambodo et al., (2019) discusses a study on formulating

blended-learning as an academic service for student-athletes. To find out how

student-athletes felt about blended learning, the authors carried out a learning needs

assessment. According to the study, student-athletes had favorable opinions of blended

learning, particularly in terms of its ease and flexibility. Also, they indicated a need for

more individualized and engaging learning opportunities that would be tailored to their

requirements as athletes. Ultimately, the paper emphasizes how crucial it is to take

student athletes' wants and views into account while creating academic programs like

blended learning. Institutions can more effectively help this set of students' academic

progress by considering their feedback and preferences (Priambodo et al., 2019).

The article by Wallace (2022) examined the impact of student-teacher interactions

on academic achievement among first-year university student-athletes with online

education. To investigate participants' opinions of their relationships with professors and

how these interactions affected their academic achievement, the study employed a

phenomenological research approach. The study's conclusions showed that

student-athletes believed their relationships with instructors influenced their academic

success in a good way. The participants claimed that their professors' encouragement,

responsiveness, and personal attention helped them stay interested in their work and

perform better. The survey also found that student-athletes encounter difficulties with

time management and a lack of structure in their online courses.

The flexibility of online courses, according to the participants, may be both a help and a

disadvantage because it takes a lot of self-control and organization to stay on task.

Overall, the research points to the importance of student-teacher relationships for

student-athletes taking online courses to succeed academically (Wallace, 2022).

The four studies under discussion center on student athletes' opinions and

experiences with academic flexibility and blended online learning, as well as those of the

teaching staff. The research highlights how crucial it is to consider the views of both

groups when developing academic programs and putting rules into place to guarantee

equity, consistency, and academic success for student-athletes. According to the studies,

student-athletes usually have good opinions regarding online blended learning and

academic flexibility and value the convenience and flexibility it offers in juggling their

obligations to school and sports. The studies also voiced reservations about the need for

unique and interesting possibilities as well as the consistency and quality of online

learning experiences. Nevertheless, they voiced worries about how academic flexibility

would affect academic standards and if student-athletes would receive preferential

treatment. Teaching staff members also supported giving student-athletes academic

freedom and assistance. The findings demonstrate the importance of considering

student-athlete attitudes and comments when developing academic programs and putting

in place regulations that assist their academic development.

Learning Experience in Hyflex Set-Up

A HyFlex set-up allows students to choose between attending class in person or

remotely, depending on students’ individual needs and preferences.

HyFlex set-up requires careful planning and structuring to ensure that both in-person and

online students receive an equal learning experience. This approach can have several

potential impacts on students. According to Means et al. (2014), on average pupils who

received their education online performed better than students who received it in person.

The findings also indicated that, compared to either online or face-to-face training,

blended learning—a combination of online and in-person instruction—had a more

substantial impact on student learning outcomes. The study also uncovered several

evidence-based strategies that were discovered to be successful in online learning,

including engaging activities, prompt feedback, and explicit learning objectives (Means

et al. 2014).

Malczyk (2019) asserted that students performed well in HyFlex courses because

it was assumed that they had already established their own social networks outside of

class. This partially refutes Koskinen's (2018) assertions that any form of online learning

has disadvantages, including the potential for it to be less engaging and more of a

passive, disconnected experience. Since simply adapting an existing curriculum may not

be the most effective HyFlex strategy, active learning methods can help close the gap
between physical and virtual students. Students valued the flexibility of a HyFlex

learning environment despite feeling like their workload had increased (Kohnke, 2021).

Given the recent development of this strategy in this state, a rising body of

literature is being written about here, despite the worldwide studies that were made prior

to the pandemic. Wright (2015) claimed that for Hyflex to be implemented properly, four

primary criteria need to be taken into account: equivalence (of experiences), reusability,

accessibility, and learner choice. Triyason et al. (2020) addressed design possibilities and

limitations of HyFlex (of participation mode). Since students can access hybrid

classrooms in a variety of methods, it is crucial to research how the design of the

synchronous hybrid learning environment as well as the style of participation affect

student engagement as an effective learning outcome (Heilporn et al., 2021)

The study's overall finding reveals that the HyFlex set-up gave students a flexible

and tailored learning environment. Given only a few drawbacks that can be resolved with

an organized plan of action. Understanding the learning experience of students can help

educators identify these barriers and provide appropriate support and resources to

overcome them and identify what is working and what needs improvement in the Hyflex

setup. A Hyflex learning environment must be well-examined, considering how both

academics and students will interact with it.

Challenges of Student-Athletes

Student-athletes deal with a variety of special difficulties that may have an impact

on their success in class and on the field of play, as well as their general well-being. Time

management issues, the need to excel in both academics and athletics, injuries, and stress

from their dual duties are a few examples of these obstacles. According to a study
(Apaak et al., 2015), time restrictions and emotional/physical exhaustion were significant

obstacles impacting student-athletes’ academic success in Ghanaian public colleges. The

management of the various public universities, college athletic directors, and the Ghana

Universities Sports Association (GUSA) are encouraged to work together to schedule

sports events during each academic year so that student-athletes have enough time to

participate in their various sporting endeavors and study for exams.

Coaches in public universities should make sure that student-athletes are not overworked

during practice or competitions so that the athletes do not get physically and emotionally

exhausted because this can affect their academic performance. University sports

administrators should also give advice to student-athletes on how to manage the time

available to them on campus to ensure that their academic work and athletic pursuits do

not suffer (Apaak et al., 2015).

The study conducted by Ballesteros et al., (2022) showed many student-athletes

strongly connected with their athletic role and felt under pressure to put their sport before

other facets of their lives, like school and their social lives. Stress, worry, and feelings of

loneliness were frequently caused by this strain. The study did discover, however, that

student-athletes who were able to keep their athletic identity and other facets of their lives

in balance tended to be in better psychological health. According to the study, it is

important for colleges, athletic departments, and coaches to help student-athletes explore

hobbies and connections outside of their sport to help them establish a strong sense of

self. Student-athletes may be better equipped to handle the rigors of their sport and retain

positive psychological well-being by encouraging a more balanced approach to their

athletic identity. (Ballesteros et al., 2022).

The article "From the playing field to the classroom: The academic challenges for

NCAA Division I athletes" (Huml et al., 2019) explores the academic challenges faced by

student-athletes in the United States who participate in National Collegiate Athletic

Association (NCAA) Division I sports. The study collects data from focus group

interviews with 42 Division I student-athletes using qualitative research methodologies.

According to the report, student-athletes encounter a range of academic hurdles, such as

time management issues, the pressure to do well both athletically and academically, and a

lack of assistance from academic advisers and coaches. Several of the student-athletes

who were questioned said they felt overburdened by the demands of both their sport and

their homework, and some expressed worry that this had a negative impact on their

academic performance. In order to help NCAA Division I student-athletes combine their

sports and academic obligations, the article addresses the problems they confront and

underlines the necessity for colleges to offer more extensive support (Huml et al., 2019).

Rothschild-Checroune et al. (2013) conducted a study focused on university

football in their qualitative study of first-year student-athletes' experiences combining

academic and athletic duties. The study used focus group interviews to gather

information from 16 male student-athletes who played football for a Canadian university

team. According to the study, student-athletes had a difficult time juggling their academic

and athletic obligations. Several people said they had trouble efficiently managing their

time, and others said they felt overburdened by the demands of their sport and their

schoolwork. Other student-athletes also mentioned feeling under pressure to put their

sporting obligations ahead of their academic obligations. To help student-athletes

reconcile their academic and athletic responsibilities, the study proposes that colleges and
sports departments may offer additional assistance. Academic time-management classes,

providing academic support services catering to the requirements of student-athletes, and

urging coaches to place equal importance on academic achievement and athletic

performance are some examples of how to do this (Rothschild-Checroune et al., 2013).

These studies show that balancing academic and athletic responsibilities is

especially tough for student-athletes. Time management, physical and emotional

exhaustion, pressure to prioritize athletics over academics, and a lack of assistance from

coaches and academic counselors are all common issues. Colleges and athletic

departments should work together to provide aid and resources tailored to the needs of

student-athletes in order for them to thrive both on and off the field. This includes

scheduling sporting events around job obligations, providing study skills and time

management training, and encouraging a more balanced perspective of one's athletic

identity. By doing so, student-athletes may achieve academic and athletic success while

still maintaining their well-being.

Coping Mechanisms of Student-Athletes

Student-athletes have unique challenges in balancing the demands of academic

studies and athletic competitiveness. These obligations may put them under pressure,

endangering their physical, mental, and athletic wellbeing. To deal with these problems,

student-athletes may employ a variety of coping strategies. McDermott (2013) conducted

a study to better understand the relationship between stress, coping techniques, and injury

in high school and collegiate basketball players. Individuals completed a questionnaire

that assessed their stress levels, coping techniques, and injury history. According to the

research, being stressed increases the student-athletes’ chances of getting wounded.

Moreover, a greater risk of harm was connected to the use of ineffective coping methods

such as self-blame and denial.

However, a lower risk of injury was associated with the use of more effective

coping techniques, such as seeking social support and adopting a positive outlook.

The study recommends that coaches and sports trainers consider stress management and

coping skill therapies to assist basketball players avoid injury (McDermott, 2013). The

study of Shpakou et al. (2022) investigated the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on

physical activity, life satisfaction, anxiety, stress perception, and coping strategies in

student-athletes in Belarus and Poland. The pandemic had a detrimental effect on

participants' life satisfaction and mental health, with the Belarusian group reporting

greater levels of stress and worry. According to the study, both groups employed a variety

of coping strategies, such as problem-solving, looking for social support, and avoidance

coping. The Belarusian group, however, reported using avoidance coping mechanisms

more frequently.

The study emphasizes how critical it is to offer student-athletes the right kind of

assistance and therapies to help them deal with the pandemic's detrimental impacts on

their mental health and well-being (Shpakou et al., 2022). The purpose of the study by

Omar-Fauzee et al. (2014) was to investigate the coping mechanisms employed by

student-athletes who were forced to give up their academic aspirations. The findings

showed that the student-athletes employed a variety of coping mechanisms to manage the

loss of their academic objectives. These tactics included reaching out for social support

from friends, family, and coaches, taking on side jobs and volunteering, reinventing their

identity as an athlete rather than a student, and having a positive outlook on the situation.
In order to deal with the issue successfully, the participants also emphasized the need to

have a positive atmosphere and a strong feeling of personal drive. The study highlights

the significance of offering assistance to these people in order to help them adjust to their

new circumstances and throws insight into the coping mechanisms employed by

student-athletes who must give up their academic aspirations. The research might be used

to create support systems and interventions for student-athletes who struggle with the

same issues in both their academic and athletic endeavors (Omar-Fauzee et al., 2014).

In the study, Ines (2021) explored the stress and coping strategies of college

student-athletes. The study involved 200 participants and utilized a mixed-methods

approach to collect data through questionnaires and in-depth interviews. The data

revealed that academic commitments, time management, and athletic performance all

contributed to a high level of stress among student-athletes. Individuals utilized a range

of coping techniques, including problem-focused, emotion-focused, and avoidance

coping. The study also stressed the need for social support and time management skills in

stress management for student-athletes (Ines, 2021).

The four studies examined the student athletes' stress levels and coping

mechanisms in diverse situations. Student-athletes must manage pressures including

injuries, pandemics, and giving up academic ambitions in addition to the difficulties they

encounter in juggling their academic and athletic responsibilities. They respond by using

a variety of coping mechanisms, such as problem-solving, reaching out for social support,

and maintaining a positive viewpoint. The findings emphasize the value of offering

student-athletes the right kind of support and treatments to help them cope with stress and

manage it. Given the multiple challenges student-athletes experience, while they pursue
their academic and athletic goals, the results' overall message emphasizes the need to pay

priority to their well-being and mental health.

Importance of the Study

This study aims to understand and explore the experiences of MMCM

Student-athletes in the Hyflex learning setup. The following are the beneficiaries of the

study and their benefits from the study:

Student-athletes. This study can provide insights into their experiences and

challenges in a Hyflex set-up.

Educators. Through this study it can provide insights into their effective

strategies and practices for delivering hybrid education to students.

Schools Administrators. Through this study it can provide valuable information

on the factors that support or hinder student-athletes' academic success in a Hyflex


Parents. The study can benefit parents of student-athletes by providing them with

insights and strategies for supporting their child's academic and athletic pursuits in a

Hyflex set-up.

Future Researchers. This study can contribute to the growing body of

knowledge on hybrid education and also the student-athletes.

Limitations of the Study

While this qualitative research study aims to explore the experiences and

perceptions of student-athletes in a HyFlex setup at Malayan Colleges of Mindanao

Senior High School, it is essential to acknowledge the limitations inherent in the study

design. There are several limitations in this study. These include the sample size, scope,

and time constraints.

Limited sample size. Since there are only a small number of student-athletes in

MMCM the researchers only had a limited sample of student-athletes due to the small

number of participants from the population.

Limited scope. By limiting the focus on student-athletes in Mapua Malayan

Colleges of Mindanao it limits the broader implications of the findings for other contexts.

Time constraints. The researchers will not be able to get their desired objective,

and the study will be in surge. This can affect the quality of the study since it may

obstruct the researchers in creating or producing great-quality research.

Definition of Terms

In order to understand the technical words, this segment will explain the

following words that are found in our qualitative research. The different key terms are the


Hyflex Setup. This term refers to the learning modality in Mapua Malayan

Colleges of Mindanao used by student-athletes.

Experiences. This term refers to the student-athletes’ insights on their challenges,

coping mechanisms, and behaviors due to Hyflex set-up.

Student-Athlete. This term refers to the Senior High School students of the

Mapua Malayan Colleges of Mindanao who participate in both athletic and academic

Chapter 2


In this chapter, it will discuss the processes researchers conducted in order for this

study to be possible. It will also discuss the research design, research respondents, data

sources, data gathering procedure, the trustworthiness of the study, and ethical


Research Design

This qualitative study conducted will be a phenomenological research approach.

This approach involves studying a phenomenon as it is experienced by individuals and

aims to uncover the essence of that experience. According to Creswell (2013),

phenomenological research "focuses on the meaning of human experiences as they are

lived" (p. 61). It involves a thorough and systematic analysis of participants' descriptions

of their experiences, and aims to uncover the underlying structure and essence of those

experiences. The phenomenological research approach can be particularly useful in

exploring the experiences of MMCM SHS student-athletes in a HyFlex course delivery

system. By using this approach, the researchers can gain a deeper understanding of the

lived experiences of the student-athletes in this specific context and identify the essential

qualities that define these experiences.

Research Participants

The participants of this study will be student-athletes from Mapua Malayan

Colleges of Mindanao. For this qualitative research on MMCM SHS student-athletes’

experiences in a Hyflex set-up, a purposive sampling method will be employed.

Purposive sampling is a non-probability sampling technique that involves selecting

participants based on specific criteria that fit the research objective (Creswell, 2014). The

specific criteria for selecting participants in this study are Mapua Malayan Colleges of

Mindanao Senior High School student-athletes who have experience in the Hyflex setup,

actively participate in sports, and are willing to share their experiences with at least 3

years of experience in being an athlete and have competed. The sample size for this study

will be 8 participants. The selected participants will be Grade 11 and 12 student-athletes

from different sports teams such as basketball, volleyball, and football, and will include

both male and female athletes. This sampling method will ensure that the research

objectives are met by selecting participants who have the necessary experience and

knowledge on the topic.

Data Analysis

Thematic analysis will be employed to analyze the qualitative data collected in

this study on student-athletes' experiences in a HyFlex setup. Thematic analysis involves

identifying, analyzing, and interpreting patterns or themes within the data (Braun &

Clarke, 2006). Thematic analysis will allow for the identification of patterns and themes

within the data, providing a deep understanding of the experiences of student-athletes in a

HyFlex setup. The findings will contribute valuable insights to inform educational

practices, policies, and support services for student-athletes in similar educational

Data Sources

This Study will have 2 data sources. The primary data source will be collected

from the participants’ disclosure and create a transcript version. In the interview,

participants can discuss their personal experiences in the Hyflex set-up. Participants will

also talk about the challenges and coping strategies they’ve experienced. The data will be

gathered from the participants coming from Mapúa Malayan Colleges Mindanao Senior

High School Department, particularly student-athletes. The secondary source of data will

be blogs, articles, and literature. These data sources will help in supporting the study and

give credibility.

Data Gathering Procedure

It is important that researchers follow a structured process to ensure a successful

data collection process. The interview questions will be developed based on the research

objectives and are intended to gather information to help evaluate the research questions

that have been expressed in Chapter 1. The researchers will identify and contact potential

interviewees. Informed consent will be obtained from each participant prior to conducting

the interview. The interview will be recorded using an audio and video recorder, with the

participant’s permission. The recording will be transcribed accurately. and will be

analyzed to identify key themes and patterns. To protect the privacy of the participants,

the transcripts will be anonymized. After transcribing the data will be analyzed.
Trustworthiness of the Study

The purpose of this part is to show that every stage of the research process was

dependable in terms of credibility, confirmability, dependability, and transferability.

Credibility. According to Creswell (2013), credibility "refers to the believability

of the findings and their interpretation in the eyes of the participants and other

stakeholders”. To ensure credibility, the study will use multiple sources of data,

confirming to the participant if their answers were accurately interpreted, using

triangulation, and not showing bias.

Confirmability. According to Creswell (2013), confirmability "refers to the degree

to which the findings could be confirmed or corroborated by others". To ensure

confirmability, the study will ask for peer feedback and have an external auditor review

the research.

Dependability. According to Tracy (2013), dependability "is demonstrated by the

consistency of the findings when the inquiry is repeated with the same participants or in

different contexts". To ensure dependability, the researchers must avoid any biases in

making the interview questions.

Transferability. According to Tracy (2013), transferability "is assessed by

considering whether the findings might be transferable to other settings or populations".

To ensure transferability, careful selection of study participants must be done, and a

detailed description of the study context.

Ethical Considerations

The researchers evaluated two ethical considerations: Confidentiality Anonymity,

and Informed consent. Firstly, to protect the participant’s personal information,

codenames will be randomly assigned. Codenames will be based on their characteristics

or personality; researchers must also first seek the participants in giving codenames.

Lastly, participants will be given consent letters in which they will be informed of their

rights as research participants, such as the right to withdraw their statements and

cooperation, as well as the nature of the research.

Chapter 3


In this chapter, we delve into the invaluable insights gained from the lived

experiences of the participants, as they provide a profound understanding of the Hyflex

Set-up at hand. It will also discuss the coping strategies, and the insights of participants

regarding the Hyflex Set-up.

Lived Experience of MMCM student-athletes (Research Question 1)

This section discusses the first research question regarding the lived experiences

of MMCM student-athletes, This includes different factors that may influence their

ability to effectively manage their commitments and navigate the challenges they face.

Table ___.

Summary of the Themes in Research Question 1

What lived experiences do student-athletes face in balancing their academic and

athletic responsibilities in a Hyflex setup?

Core Idea/s Theme/s

Mental Stress
Tiring Emotional and Psychological Well
Struggling Being
Keeping up with deadlines
Efficiently organizing
Balancing academic and athletic Time Management and Scheduling
Struggling to keep up
No Pressure
Good Experience Positive Integration
Having No Problem
Attending class while in training
Using blackboard for advantage Seizing Advantages
Utilizing possible advantages
Emotional and Psychological Well Being. Maintaining good grades and meeting

deadlines while at the same time excelling at sports can take a huge toll on

Student-Athletes mental health. Emotional and Psychological well being plays a crucial

role, impacting motivation, self-confidence, resilience when facing challenges. manage

time effectively, maintain focus, and prioritize tasks. Below are the statements of the


The… one of the difficulties is like uh mental

stress and keeping up with the homework during class

and after class.[One of the difficulties I face is mental

stress and keeping up with the homework during class

and after class.] (P1, IDI1, Q1)

Uhmm… it affects me like in overall… Uh I

can’t… really focus… You have to sacrifice one thing

to achieve the other.[It affects me overall, I can’t

focus, but you have to sacrifice one thing to achieve

the other.] (P5, IDI5, Q2)

Ah, my first experience is was very hard kasi

pag uli nimo og balay kay daghan kayg himuonon

tapos like galing raka practice so kapoy kaayo.[My

first experience was very hard because when you get

home there’s so much to do and you just came from

practice so it's very tiring.] (P2, IDI2, Q3)

My experience– my challengers are ano… uh

wait lang... time management.. Oh mao ra.[My

challenges are time management. That's it.] (P5,

IDI5, Q3)

Student athletes are having a hard time keeping up with their emotional and

psychological needs. In the survey that NCAA (2020) conducted in the United States

where 37,000 student-athletes partook, revealed that majority of the athletes experienced

mental distress, and others felt forlorn, dormant, intellectually depleted and encountered

a feeling of misfortune. Student-athletes generally recognize academic demands such as

homeworks a major source of stress which can lead to negative well being of

student-athletes (Hwang and Choi, 2016). Discussions about mental health are becoming

more prevalent due to the prevalence of both healthy and harmful expressions within the

careers of athletes (Henriksen, et al., 2020).

Time Management and Scheduling. These are vital skills for student athletes as

they balance their athletic commitments with academic responsibilities. Effective time

management involves prioritizing tasks, establishing routines, setting goals, using time

blocking techniques, being flexible and adaptable, and managing stress. By developing
these skills, student athletes can excel in both their sports and academics, leading to

improved performance and overall well-being. Below are the statements of the


The… one of the difficulties is like uh mental

stress and keeping up with the homework during class

and after class.[One of the difficulties I face is mental

stress and keeping up with the homework during class

and after class.] (P1, IDI1, Q1)

Umm since ano, umm back from February kay

nag join ako ng prisaa meet and city meet, so uh like

its kind of difficult na mag miss out ako ng classes

because mag training for like meets so pero ok lang

man kase, kanang may ano, blackboard, so didto pod

nako makita ang mga lessons.[Back then in February

I joined PRISAA meet and city meet, so it’s kind of

difficult to miss out on classes because I need to train

for meets. But it’s kind of okay because there's

blackboard so I can also see the lessons from there.]

(P3, IDI3, Q1)

Kanang, kanang daghag mga lacking

assessment nya musabay ang dula, mga ingana

ba.[Like, there's a lot lacking then it goes together

with the game.] (P4, IDI4, Q1)

Uhmm mostly… it’s my time for time when I

have to do my acads and time for my training.[Mostly

it's my time when I have to do my acads and my

training also.] (P5, IDI5, Q1)

Ah, my first experience is was very hard kasi

pag uli nimo og balay kay daghan kayg himuonon

tapos like galing raka practice so kapoy kayo.[My

first experience was very hard because when you get

home there’s so much to do and you just came from

practice so it's very tiring.] (P2, IDI2, Q3)

My experience– my challengers are ano… uh

wait lang... time management.. Oh mao ra.[My

challenges are time management. That's it.] (P5,

IDI5, Q3)
Nasrullah and Khan (2015) looked at time management of university students

determining that it ‘plays a vital role in improving students’ academic performance and

achievement,’ (Nasrullah & Khan, 2015:66). Time management and scheduling are vital

for student athletes because they must balance their academic commitments with

exhausting training schedules, requiring appropriate prioritizing and allocation of limited

time to maintain academic performance while engaging in sports. Taking time for

students to identify goals, gather information and plan, are all EF and time management

skills which benefit students. Strom et al states, ‘...helping them (students) to improve

time management habits is a daunting challenge’ (Strom et al., 2016:48). Additionally

according to (Nasrullah & Khan, 2015). Time management practices, such as goal

setting, prioritization, and motivation are some of top indicators of high levels of

academic success.

Positive Integration. Integrating academic pursuits with athletic commitments is

crucial for student athletes to excel in both domains. Student athletes have the option of

attending classes, whether in-person or online, allowing them to balance their academic

and athletic commitments with training and other activities. This integration allows

student athletes to maintain good academic performance while actively engaging in their

sports activities. Below are the statements of the participants:

My experiences is medyo okay lang kay di

man masyado pressured kay since pwede ka maka

pick if gusto ka mag online so like maka manage

man.[My experiences are good, it’s not that

pressuring since you can pick if you want to learn

online so like I can manage.] (P2, IDI2, Q1)

Umm, lisod na sya kay, ay dili gud sya lisod

pero lisod sya gamay kay naa man gud online class

dali pod sya kay blackboard2 lang.[It’s hard, I mean

it's not hard but it's a bit hard because of online class

and it's easy because of blackboard.] (P8, IDI8, Q1)

It didn’t really affect my academic

performance and anything, it’s just the same. (P1,

IDI1, Q2)

Uhm, it doesn’t affect my academic like badly

naman like siguro it affects like parang mas maka

focus ko more on academic also like parang take

turns lang.[It doesn’t affect my academics badly but

maybe it affects me in a way where I can focus more

on academics also only like taking turns.] (P2, IDI2,

I think it's better for me kase ano uhh dili ko

kaayo maka miss out on like topics kung unsa na ang

na discuss because naa rasya online btaw and I have

access to it anytime na kinahanglan nako sya.[I think

it’s better for me because I can’t miss out on many

topics as to what has been discussed because it's

online and I have access to it anytime I need it.] (P3,

IDI3, Q2)

Ah, makatabang kay importante man, kay

pwede man ka maka like pwede ka maka online or

face to face.[It helps because you can attend online or

face to face] (P4, IDI4, Q2)

Just like I said in the first question, It is a

good advantage having a Hyflex setup, which boosts

my academic and athletic performance. (P6, IDI6,


Ummmm ano lang kanang ok lang.[It’s okay]

(P7, IDI7, Q2)

Experience? Uhh, wala man siguro same

lang.[Experience? none, it’s just the same.] (P1,

IDI1, Q3)

Digital technologies have shown positive promises in education such as

“promoting active learning, knowledge generation, inquiry, and exploration, all of which

enable remote communication and information exchange between teachers and/or

students in different classroom locations” (Kalolo, 2019, p. 347). This integration

ensures that students may benefit from technology-enhanced learning settings while

participating regardless of their physical presence, resulting in a more accessible and

dynamic educational experience. Another significant advantage of the synchronous

HyFlex model is its ability to support differentiated instruction in order to provide the

best approach to varying student needs (Parra & Abdelmalak, 2016). For example, you

can have the ability to attend class even if you’re not in school, whether you are

traveling or in training.

Seizing advantages. The implementation of online classes for student athletes

provides a great opportunity to seamlessly balance their athletic and academic

commitments. Online classes allow student athletes to continue their education without

disruptions, whether they are recovering from an illness or while being in training. By

seizing the advantage of attending classes online, student athletes can maintain their

academic progress and ensure that there's no conflict in their athletic and academic

commitments. Below are the statements of the participants:

Umm since ano, umm back from February kay

nag join ako ng prisaa meet and city meet, so uh like

its kind of difficult na mag miss out ako ng classes

because mag training for like meets so pero ok lang

man kase, kanang may ano, blackboard, so didto pod

nako makita ang mga lessons.[Back then in February

I joined PRISAA meet and city meet, so it’s kind of

difficult to miss out on classes because I need to train

for meets. But it’s kind of okay because there's

blackboard so I can also see the lessons from there.]

(P3, IDI3, Q1)

For me, the Hyflex setup is a advantage as a

student athlete because I can answer my online even

if I’m busy training. (P6, IDI6, Q1)

Umm, lisod na sya kay, ay dili gud sya lisod

pero lisod sya gamay kay naa man gud online class

dali pod sya kay blackboard2 lang.[It’s hard, I mean

it's not hard but it's a bit hard because of online class

and it's easy because of blackboard.] (P8, IDI8, Q1)

I think it's better for me kase ano uhh dili ko

kaayo maka miss out on like topics kung unsa na ang

na discuss because naa rasya online btaw and I have

access to it anytime na kinahanglan nako sya.[I think

it’s better for me because I can’t miss out on many

topics as to what has been discussed because it's

online and I have access to it anytime I need it.] (P3,

IDI3, Q2)

Ano maka absent ko tas maka train ko unya

pabalikay na akong performance sauna karon.[ I can

miss class whenever and train, now my performance

from before is returning.] (P8, IDI8, Q2)

Ah, makatabang kay importante man, kay

pwede man ka maka like pwede ka maka online or

face to face.[Helpful, because it’s important, because

you can, like you can attend online or face to face.]

(P4, IDI4, Q2)

It was developed to provide attendance choice flexibility to students in the

graduate setting (Bell et al., 2014; Binneweis & Wang, 2019). Allowing them to choose

on what way they want to attend class, even if they’re not feeling well or in training.
According to Koskinen (2018) HyFlex courses provide students the ability to choose

their own learning platform, whether it is through face-to-face, online, or blended

contact with an instructor. This flexibility improves their overall learning experience by

accommodating individual preferences and optimizing engagement with course content.

Coping Strategies of MMCM student-athletes (Research Question 2)

This section focuses on coping strategies adopted by MMCM student-athletes,

exploring their lived experiences and how they employ various strategies to effectively

manage their commitments and overcome the challenges they encounter.

Table ___.

Summary of the Themes in Research Question 2

What coping strategies do student-athletes use to achieve both athletic and academic
success in the Hyflex setup?

Core Idea/s Theme/s

Traveling Health and Wellness
Playing Games Social support
Recreational Activities

Health And Wellness. Student-athletes can maintain their physical condition,

improve their focus, effectively manage their stress, and avoid injuries by placing a high

priority on health and well-being in a blended learning setting. Athletes' bodies and

brains can relax and recharge with the help of getting enough sleep, which enhances

general well-being. These elements support their general academic and athletic

achievement and well-being. Below are the statements of the participants:

Ah, this coping strategies relate to my

performance because, while I’m exercising and

playing sports it helps me boost my performance as a

student athlete. (P6, IDI6, Q2)

Ah, laag, adtog bukid.[Travel, go to rural

areas] (P4, IDI4, Q1)

Ano… for sleeping I get more rest, so the– for

the next day I get more ano… I have more… power in

me?[For sleeping I get more rest so for the next day i

have more power in me? I guess that's the right term.]

(P5, IDI5, Q2)

Ummm, matulog[sleeping] (P7, IDI7, Q1)

Uhm I deal with stress with uh meditating or

like sleeping. (P5, IDI5, Q1)

One way of I deal stress is through exercise

and playing sports. (P6, IDI6, Q1)

The discussion of mental health is increasingly becoming more popular due to

the amount of healthy and unhealthy manifestations that occur within an athlete’s career

(Henriksen et al., 2020). Student athletes' health and wellness are vital because they

directly improve their performance, with coping strategies such as exercise, restful sleep,

and engaging in activities that recharge and boost energy levels all playing important

roles in supporting their athletic and academic achievements. According to (Reddy &

Ramgopal, 2022) Performance can be predicted through the knowledge of the coping

strategies used in response to stressful situations.

Social support. Student-athletes devote both their physical and mental effort

when playing their chosen activity and their academic endeavors. By playing online

games, hanging out with friends, and engaging in activities with family and friends,

student athletes can find a supportive network that offers emotional support, distraction,

and relaxation, helping them cope with the pressures of their athletic and academic

commitments. These factors all play a role in their overall performance in both

academics and athletics. Below are the statements of the participants:

Magdula games, online games[By playing

online games] (P8, IDI8, Q1)

Mmm siguro mag play ug games ana, mag

hangout with friends.[mmmmm.. I think playing some

games and hanging out with friends.] (P3, IDI3, Q1)

Uhm… Some of the ways I deal with stress

would be playing games with my friends and family.

(P1, IDI1, Q1)

Ah I usually play games or gala.[I usually

play games or wander with my friends,] (P2, IDI2,


Ay ano, like ano for example, sa mga gala like

mag dula dapat jud dapat like before ko muhimgo

things kay sa dapat like himuon nako tanan ana.[For

example, when I wander or play games like before I

do these things, everything must be done.] (P2, IDI2,


Samuel et al., (2020) stated that in order for athletes to properly deal with The

uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 They could adopt adaptive coping mechanisms in

the event of a pandemic, comprising (a) suitable coaching and fitness support trainers

and dietitians, (b) emotional and psychological support psychological assistance from

family, friends, and others consultants, (c) developing action plans and taking immediate

action actions to improve their physical and psychological well-being. Athlete burnout

can be alleviated by social support, mental toughness, and sports motivation, while
social support can affect mental toughness; social support and mental toughness can also

affect sports motivation. Mental toughness and athletic motivation might be considered

mediators of social support on athlete burnout. Yang, et al. (2014) found athletes who

were satisfied with their social support were 70% less likely to report depressive

symptoms than athletes who were not satisfied with their support.

Insights of MMCM Student-Athletes (Research Question 3)

This section delves into the insights provided by MMCM student-athletes,

addressing the first research question that explores their lived experiences. It examines

various factors that influence their capacity to effectively manage their commitments and

navigate the challenges they encounter in their academic and athletic commitments.

Table ___.
Summary of the Themes in Research Question 3

What are the insights of student-athletes in a HyFlex setup regarding their experiences
and behaviors?
Core Idea/s Theme/s
Not pressured
Good Experience Positive Integration
Having no problem
Taking advantage when not feeling well Seizing Advantages
Attending class while in training
Utilizing Platforms

Positive Integration. Integrating academic pursuits with athletic commitments is

crucial for student athletes to excel in both domains. Student athletes have the option of

attending classes, whether in-person or online, allowing them to balance their academic

and athletic commitments with training and other activities. This integration allows
student athletes to maintain good academic performance while actively engaging in their

sports activities.

Ano… ‘di naka mahasol na muadtog

skwelahan naa nakay– makachoose naka kung if

ganahan ka mag online or dili… labaw na– for

exAmple na if naa kay lakaw sa mgalaing lugar tapos

kailangan nmo maka adto sa skwelahan pero naa kay

choice na makajoin kag online[It's not a problem

going to school anymore cause you can choose if you

want to go online or not. For example you have other

places to go to and you need to go to class but you

have a choice that you can go online.] (P5, IDI5, Q3)

My experiences is quite good because I’ve

been able to answer my activities and attend class

while being in training and it didn’t stop me from not

struggling in maintaining a good academic

performance. (P6, IDI6, Q1)

It's not pressuring because you have ano like

nakay, like nakay right, like nakay rights na pwede

mag pili kung mag online ba ka or mag physical

learning[It’s not pressuring because you have the

rights to choose whether you learn online or physical

learning.] (P2, IDI2, Q1)

Ah yes, ang face to face kay ano like very

pressure kay daghan kay silag ihatag na mga physical

activities while remote learning modality is like diba

online ramana? While remote learning modality kay

it’s not ano, it’s less pressure kay daghan og mga like

platforms na you can use to help you. [Yes, face to

face is very pressuring because they give us a lot of

physical activities while remote learning modality is

less pressuring considering that there are a lot of

platforms that you can use to help you.] (P2, IDI2,


Ah, as a student athlete ang mga advantages

ko kay like it makes me less pressured and ano like,

like I can balance ay like parang mas maging

independent ako sap ag manage og ano sa time.[As a

student athlete, the advantages are it makes me less

pressured, like I can balance and I will be more

independent in managing my time.] (P2, IDI2, Q3)

Digital technologies have shown positive promises in education such as

“promoting active learning, knowledge generation, inquiry, and exploration, all of which

enable remote communication and information exchange between teachers and/or

students in different classroom locations” (Kalolo, 2019, p. 347). This integration

ensures that students may benefit from technology-enhanced learning settings while

participating regardless of their physical presence, resulting in a more accessible and

dynamic educational experience. Another significant advantage of the synchronous

HyFlex model is its ability to support differentiated instruction in order to provide the

best approach to varying student needs (Parra & Abdelmalak, 2016). For example, you

can have the ability to attend class even if you’re not in school, whether you are

traveling or in training.

Seizing advantages. The implementation of online classes for student athletes

provides a great opportunity to seamlessly balance their athletic and academic

commitments. Online classes allow student athletes to continue their education without

disruptions, whether they are recovering from an illness or while being in training. By

seizing the advantage of attending classes online, student athletes can maintain their

academic progress and ensure that there's no conflict in their athletic and academic


Katung nagkasakit ko, kanang pwede ko

makaonline if magkasakit, kanang wala kay. Kanang

dugay paka maayo ba unya di paka maka face to

face.[When I got sick, I can attend online if I got sick.

Like, where you've been recovering for a long time

and you still can’t attend face to face.] (P4, IDI4, Q1)

Mm umm kung usually kay naga sulod mn jud

kog f2f as much as possible pero kanang kintahay ma

late nako like gisakit ko pwede rako mag join online

kanang like diko maka miss out btaw.[Umm usually i

always attend f2f classes, as much as possible,

however, if there was some instances that i will be late

or if i'm sick, i could just enter/join online class, so i

can’t really miss out the lessons.] (P3, IDI3, Q1)

The advantage of Hyflex, you can attend

classes whenever I go to a public place or even if I’m

training I can still answer my activities. (P6, IDI6,


Ang advantage kay maka ano lang ka online

like for example mag sakit ka maka ano lang ka maka

online lang ko or kung naakay training.[The only

advantages of hyflex for me is you could just join

online whenever you want, even if you are sick or if

you have training.] (P8, IDI8, Q3)

Ah yes, ang face to face kay ano like very

pressure kay daghan kay silag ihatag na mga physical

activities while remote learning modality is like diba

online ramana? While remote learning modality kay

it’s not ano, it’s less pressure kay daghan og mga like

platforms na you can use to help you. [Yes, face to

face is very pressuring because they give us a lot of

physical activities while remote learning modality is

less pressuring considering that there are a lot of

platforms that you can use to help you.] (P2, IDI2,


Kanang, sa online kay pwede man ka

makakuan maka eskwela diha nya, ay pwede man

makasulod sa klase diha kay naa man japon access

ang school ana, nya kanang sa face to face kay

depende rapud na saimoha kung musulod kag face to

face.[Like, in online you can attend class through

online, because the school has access to that. And, in

face to face, it depends on you if you want to attend

face to face.] (P4, IDI4, Q2, PQ1)

The differences that I have noticed is in a

remote learning modality you can have class

anywhere, anytime you want. (P6, IDI6, Q2)

Ano, parihas atong gi ingon nako ganiha na

pag hyflex kay nay choice if mag f2f or mag online, si

even though if there's some instances na dili ka pwede

mag f2f pwede ka mag join online.[like i said earlier,

if Hyflex you are given a choice whether to join online

or f2f, if there are some instances that you can’t

attend f2f you can join online class] (P3, IDI3, Q3)

Kanang, katung ingon nako ganina kanang

kuan, kanang magkasakit ko nya musulod kog online,

dili lang ko musulod og face to face kay nagkasakit ko

ana, nya pwede pud ko maka answer Blackboard,

website sa school. [Like what I said earlier, If I get

sick I can attend through online, I will just not attend

face to face because I get sick, things like that. Also I

can answer through Blackboard, website of the

school] (P4, IDI4, Q3)

It was developed to provide attendance choice flexibility to students in the

graduate setting (Bell et al., 2014; Binneweis & Wang, 2019). Allowing them to choose

on what way they want to attend class, even if they’re not feeling well or in training.

According to Koskinen (2018) HyFlex courses provide students the ability to choose

their own learning platform, whether it is through face-to-face, online, or blended

contact with an instructor. This flexibility improves their overall learning experience by

accommodating individual preferences and optimizing engagement with course content.

Chapter 4


This chapter gives its final remarks on the paper, mentioning a few

recommendations that future researchers can take to add upon the insight found in this

study. It serves as a synthesis of the research conducted and aims to draw meaningful

insights, highlight the implications, and offer actionable suggestions for further study or

practical application. By examining the main points and outcomes of the study, this

chapter brings closure to the research project while paving the way for future directions

and potential areas of improvement.


The research problem addressed in this study focuses on exploring the

experiences of student-athletes at Malayan Colleges of Mindanao Senior High School

within a HyFlex setup. The purpose of the study is to investigate how student-athletes

perceive and utilize the HyFlex model. This study explored the experiences of

student-athletes in a HyFlex setup, uncovering the challenges they face in balancing their

responsibilities, the coping strategies they employ, and their insights on their experiences

and behaviors within the model. These results may contribute to a better understanding of

how student-athletes perceive and navigate the HyFlex setup, providing valuable insights

for educators, administrators, and researchers in supporting student-athletes' academic

and athletic success.

Three research questions were created to guide the study. The first research

question examines the lived experiences of student-athletes in balancing their academic

and athletic responsibilities in a HyFlex setup. The results indicated that student-athletes

faced challenges in managing their time and dealing with overlapping schedules.

However, they also recognized the benefits of flexibility and personalized learning

opportunities afforded by the HyFlex model, which allowed them to adapt their academic

and athletic commitments more effectively. The second research question explored the

coping strategies employed by student-athletes to achieve success in both athletics and

academics within the HyFlex setup. It revealed that student-athletes utilized various

coping strategies, including engaging in regular exercise, practicing mindfulness

techniques, maintaining proper nutrition, and ensuring sufficient rest. These strategies

enabled student-athletes to manage stress, maintain focus, and strike a balance between

their athletic and academic responsibilities. The third research question aimed to gain

insights into the experiences and behaviors of student-athletes in a HyFlex setup. The

results showed that student-athletes valued the autonomy and control over their learning

provided by the HyFlex model. They emphasized the flexibility offered by the HyFlex

model. Additionally, student-athletes highlighted the significance of maintaining a

positive mindset, practicing self-care, and fostering a supportive environment to thrive

within the HyFlex setup.


The lived experiences of MMCM student-athletes. The findings reveal that

MMCM student-athletes face a range of experiences and emotions as they strive to meet
the demands of both their academic and athletic commitments. Balancing rigorous

training schedules, travel requirements, and coursework poses a significant challenge,

often resulting in heightened stress levels and time constraints. The hybrid nature of the

Hyflex setup, with its combination of in-person and remote learning, adds an additional

layer of complexity to their daily lives, requiring adaptability and self-discipline. The

findings also discovered that student-athletes may feel pressure to perform well in both

areas, which may lead to mental stress and feelings of being overwhelmed. However, the

experiences shared by student-athletes also highlighted their resilience, discipline, and

determination in overcoming these challenges. They demonstrated a strong commitment

to their goals and a drive to succeed. The lived experiences of student-athletes in the

HyFlex setup underscore the complex nature of balancing academic and athletic

responsibilities, emphasizing the importance of understanding their unique needs and

providing appropriate support to foster their success.

Coping Strategies of MMCM student-athletes. The findings indicate that MMCM

student-athletes utilize a variety of coping strategies to effectively manage the demands

of their academic and athletic responsibilities. The ability to manage time emerges as a

critical element, with student-athletes employing methods like prioritization, scheduling,

and establishing structured routines to optimize their productivity and make efficient use

of their limited time. Moreover, MMCM student-athletes recognize the importance of

self-care and well-being practices in maintaining their physical and mental health while

dealing with the pressures of their dual roles. Engaging in regular exercise, practicing

mindfulness techniques, maintaining proper nutrition, and ensuring sufficient rest all
contribute to their overall resilience and enhance their performance both academically

and athletically.

Insights of MMCM Student-Athletes. Through this study, valuable insights have

been gained regarding the experiences and behaviors of student-athletes in a HyFlex

setup. The findings reveal that student-athletes appreciate the flexibility offered by the

HyFlex model, which allows them to balance their academic and athletic commitments

effectively. The ability to choose between attending in-person or remote classes provides

them with autonomy and accommodates their training and competition schedules.

Moreover, the study highlights that student-athletes value the increased communication

and collaboration facilitated by technology in the HyFlex setup. Overall, the insights

from student-athletes demonstrate that the HyFlex setup has positively influenced their

experiences by promoting flexibility, enhancing communication, and creating a

conducive environment for academic and athletic pursuits.


The study offers several recommendations to benefit its various beneficiaries.

Student-athletes can benefit from the study's findings by gaining a deeper understanding

of how the Hyflex setup can support their academic and athletic pursuits. Workshops and

seminars can be organized to provide them with essential skills such as time management

and goal setting within this hybrid learning environment. Additionally, creating tailored

support systems and resources, such as academic advisors or mentors, can assist

student-athletes in navigating the challenges they may encounter. Encouraging their

active participation and feedback in ongoing research will contribute to the continual
improvement of the Hyflex model. Educators can utilize the study's results to enhance

their teaching practices and better support student-athletes. Professional development

sessions can be organized, focusing on practical strategies derived from the study. School

administrators can benefit from the study's recommendations by implementing policies

and initiatives that promote the successful integration of the Hyflex setup for

student-athletes. They can allocate resources and establish effective communication

channels to address any concerns or challenges that may arise. Parents can benefit from

the study's findings by gaining insights into how the Hyflex model can positively impact

their children's academic and athletic development. They can support their children by

understanding the unique demands and opportunities presented by the hybrid learning

environment. Lastly, future researchers can build upon this study to further explore the

implications of the Hyflex setup on student-athletes and contribute to the existing body of

knowledge in this field.



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Statement of Project Member Contribution


% of
Name of Member Contribution
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Other Parts
to the Whole
1. Castillanes, - Background of -Research -Result and -Summary -Appendix A
Nicholas Klein
the study
- Review of
Discussion(RQ1) -Conclusions
-Appendix B
-Appendix C
Related Literature Participants ns -Appendix E
4 Themes -Data Analysis -Appendix F
-Importance of the -Trustworthiness -Interviewing
Study of the Study
-Limitations of the
-Definition of
2. Usman, Ameer -Research -Data Sources -Result and -Appendix A
Qayz Aarifh U.
-Data Gathering
-Result and
-Appendix D
-Appendix F
Framework -Ethical Discussion(RQ2) -Interviewing
Consideration -Result and -Transcribing
Discussion(RQ3) -Coding
-Table of
3. Lagradilla, Franz -Importance of -Conclusions -Interviewing
Harvey C.
the Study -Transcribing
4. Mesagrande, -Review of -Result and -Appendix F
Jeshrey L. Related Literature
1 Theme
Discussion(RQ2) -Interviewing
(Role) -Coding

5. Cuyos, Lance -Summary -Interviewing

Issiah L.
6. Sumalinog, Craig -Limitations of the -Interviewing
Daniel L.
Study -Transcribing
Total 100%

Permission Letter

March 31, 2023


High School Principal
Mapua Malayan Colleges Mindanao
Gen. MacArthur Highway, Matina, Davao City

Dear Doc Flora,


In partial fulfillment of our requirements for the subject APP3 (Practical Research 1), we,
the undersigned of 11-Galilei, are currently conducting a study entitled, A
SET-UP. This study aims to learn more about the challenges and effectiveness of the
Hyflex learning strategy from the viewpoint of student-athletes.

In connection with this, we would like to ask your office to allow us to conduct our study
in Mapua Malayan Colleges Mindanao. Rest assured that information provided by the
students shall be kept confidential and will be used for academic purposes only.

Looking forward to your positive response to this request.

Thank you very much.

Respectfully, Noted by:

Nicholas Klein Y. Castillanes John Albert M. Nares

Ameer Qayz Aarifh U. Usman Cluster Head, English and Research
Franz Harvey C. Lagradilla
Lance Issiah L. Cuyos Gerlyn Otero
Jeshrey L. Mesagrande Academic Coordinator
Craig Daniel L. Sumalinog
Cesar Glenn A. Josio
Assistant Principal

Letter of Informed Consent


Interview Guide Questions

Research Question: Interview Guide Questions: Probing Questions:

What lived experiences do 1. What experiences did

student-athletes face in you face in balancing your
balancing their academic athletic and academic
and athletic responsibilities responsibilities in a Hyflex
in a Hyflex setup? setup?

2. How do you think the

Hyflex setup affects your
overall academic and
athletic performance?

3. What challenges did you

experience in the first year
being a student-athlete in a
Hyflex setup?

Research Question: Interview Guide Questions: Probing Questions:

What coping strategies do 1. What are some of the What is your most effective
student-athletes use to ways that you deal with coping strategy?
achieve both athletic and stress?
academic success in the
Hyflex setup?
How and Why?
2. How do these coping What changes in your
strategies that you use performance have you
relate to your performance? noticed?

What coping strategy

helped you most?

3. Do you think you have If so, what are these

changed the way you deal changes?
with stressful situations?

How has the way you deal

with stressful situations
changed impacted you?

Have these changes

impacted you in a good
way? or a bad way?

4. Are you supported in If yes, who are these

overcoming these supporters?

How are you supported?

If not, why not?

Research Question: Interview Guide Probing Questions:

What are the insights of 1. Tell me a little about
student-athletes in a your experience in a
HyFlex setup regarding HyFlex course. Describe
their experiences and your experiences during
behaviors? the course.

2. Is there any If so, what are these

difference in learning differences?
experience being
face-to-face, or remote
learning modality?
Do you find these
differences significant?

What is the most

impactful difference that
you have experienced?

3. What do you see as Are there any changes

advantages of HyFlex? that you would suggest
to improve the Hyflex

What are these changes?


List of Validators


Stage 1:

Research Question 1:What lived experiences do student-athletes face in balancing their

academic and athletic responsibilities in a Hyflex setup?



1.1 Sub-Question:

What experiences did you face in balancing your athletic and academic responsibilities in a
Hyflex setup?

IDI1: Mental Stress Emotional and

The… one of the difficulties is like uh mental stress Keeping up Well Being
and keeping up with the homework during class with
and after class. deadlines Time
Management and
Balancing Scheduling
academic and

Struggling to
keep up

IDI2: No Pressure Positive

My experiences is medyo okay lang kay di man Good
masyado pressured kay since pwede ka maka pick if Experience
gusto ka mag online so like maka manage man.

IDI3: Keeping up Time

with Management and
umm since ano, umm back from February kay nag deadlines Scheduling
join ako ng prisaa meet and city meet, so uh like its
kind of difficult na mag miss out ako ng classes Efficiently Seizing
because mag training for like meets so pero ok lang organizing Advantages
man kase, kanang may ano, blackboard, so didto Balancing
pod nako makita ang mga lessons. academic and

for advantage

IDI4: Keeping up Time

with Management and
Kanang, kanang daghag mga lacking assessment deadlines Scheduling
nya musabay ang dula, mga ingana ba.
academic and

Struggling to
keep up

IDI5: Keeping up Time

with Management and
Uhmm mostly… it’s my time for time when I have deadlines Scheduling
to do my acads and time for my training.

academic and

IDI6: Attending Seizing

class while in Advantages
For me, the Hyflex setup is an advantage as a training
student athlete because I can answer online even if
I’m busy training. Using
for advantage


Nag struggling ako sa acads.

IDI8: Having No Positive

Problem Integration
Umm, lisod na sya kay, ay dili gud sya lisod pero
lisod sya gamay kay naa man gud online class dali Using Seizing
pod sya kay blackboard2 lang. blackboard Advantages
for advantage

1.2 Sub-Question:

How do you think the Hyflex setup affects your overall

academic and athletic performance?

IDI1: No Pressure Positive

it didn’t really affect my academic and uhh Having No
academic performance and anything, just Problem
it’s just the same.

IDI2: No Pressure Positive

Uhm, it doesn’t affect my academic like badly
naman like siguro it affects like parang mas
maka focus ko more on academic also like
parang take turns lang.

IDI3: No Pressure Positive

I think it's better for me kase ano uhh dili ko Having No
kaayo maka miss out on like topics kung Problem
unsa na ang na discuss because naa rasya
online btaw and I have access to it anytime Using Seizing
na kinahanglan nako sya. blackboard Advantages
for advantage

IDI4: Good Positive
Experience Integration
Ah, makatabang kay importante man, kay
pwede man ka maka like pwede ka maka Using Seizing
online or face to face. blackboard Advantages
for advantage

IDI5: Mental Stress Emotional and

Uhmm… it affects me like in overall… Uh I Tiring Well Being
can’t… really focus… You have to sacrifice
one thing to achieve the other. Struggling

IDI6: Good Positive

Experience Integration
Just like I said in the first question, It is a good
advantage having a Hyflex setup, which Having No
boosts my academic and athletic Problem

IDI7: Good Positive

Experience Integration
Ummmm ano lang kanang ok lang.

IDI8: Attending Seizing

class while in Advantages
Ano maka absent ko tas maka train ko unya training
pabalikay na akong performance sauna
karon. Utilizing
1.3 Sub-Question:

What challenges did you experience in the first year

being a student-athlete in a Hyflex setup?

IDI1: Having No Positive

Problem Integration
Experience? Uhh, wala man siguro same lang.

IDI2: Mental Stress Emotional and

Ah, my first experience is was very hard kasi Tiring Well Being
pag uli nimo og balay kay daghan kayg
himuonon tapos like galing raka practice so Struggling Time
kapoy kayo. Management and
Balancing Scheduling
academic and


umm siguro kay ano because mag learn ko kay

mas better if kanang f2f btaw kay dili
kaayo ko makasabot pag kanang ako lang
mag read so, tungod atong mag training ko
instead of mag adtog class kay mag lisod
kog sabot sa lessons so medyo na fall
behind jud ko ato.


Ah, lisod kay nabaguhan, wala na anad sa


IDI5: Mental Stress Emotional and

My experience– my challengers are ano… uh Balancing Well Being
wait lang... time management.. Oh mao ra academic and
athletic Time
commitments Management and

When the pandemic started I was first skeptical

about the Hyflex setup, I was having a hard
time and struggling but over the years and
months it became a habit to me in using
Hyflex setup.


Unsa kanang, na unsa ko kanang nanglisod ko



Ang challenges kay nanlisod ko kay katong

pandemic dili baya maka training unya,
karon na naga balik, murag from the start
napod tungod sa pandemic

Research Question 2: What coping strategies do student-athletes use to achieve both athletic
and academic success in the Hyflex setup?



2.1 Sub-Question:

What are some of the ways that you deal with stress?

IDI1: Playing Social Support

Uhm… some of the ways I deal with stress would be
playing games with my friends and family. Coping Recreational
strategy? Uhhh… hmm... sleeping? because it uhh it Activities
resets my mental state.
IDI2: Playing Games Social Support

Ah I usually play games or gala. Recreational


IDI3: Playing Social Support

mmm siguro mag play ug games ana, mag hangout
with friends. Recreational
PQ1: What is your most effective coping strategy?

uhh sguro kay mag alone time like magpa music.

IDI4: Traveling Health and

Ah, laag, adtog bukid.

PQ1: What is your most effective coping strategy?

Kuan, kanang laag, laag.

IDI5: Sleeping Health and

Uhm I deal with stress with uh meditating or like

PQ1: What is your most effective coping strategy

Uhm my most effective is ano… sleeping

throughout the day.

IDI6: Exercise Health and

One way of I deal stress is through exercise and
playing sports.

PQ1: What is your most effective coping strategy?

Ah, doing exercise because it helps me release stress.

IDI7: Sleeping Health and
Ummm matulog.

PQ1: What is your most effective coping strategy?

Ano kanang mag ano, magkain

IDI8: Playing Social Support

Magdula games, online games

PQ1: What is your most effective coping strategy?

Mag-magdula magbreakdown

PQ3: How and why?

Sige lang man gud kog realise mao rajud tung maka
tabang sakoa

2.2 Sub-Question:

How do these coping strategies that you use relate to

your performance?


It improves my ano uhm way of thinking

during game or during class.


It makes me ano like less stress kanang murag

maka kalma sad.

PQ1: What coping strategy helped you most?

Ah ano, mag gala.


mas maka focus ko better kay usually pag

daghan ko kaila ma drain dayon akong
social batteries so kung ako lang mas focus

Ah, lisod usahay okay usahay lisod. Kay

makuan man ka mabelong man ka, kanang
mawala ka saimong focus sa eskwela kung
sige kag laag.

PQ1: What changes in your performance have

you noticed?

Ay, dakog tabang, dakog tabang.

PQ2: What coping strategy helped you most?

Dula, dula Volleyball.

IDI5: Sleeping Health and

Ano… for sleeping I get more rest, so the– for
the next day I get more ano… I have
more… power in me?

PQ2: What coping strategy helped you the


coping strategy? Sleeping… sleeping gihapon.

IDI6: Exercise Health And

Ah, these coping strategies relate to my
performance because, while I’m exercising
and playing sports it helps me boost my
performance as a student athlete.

PQ1: What changes in your performance have

you noticed?

Ah, some of my skills have gotten better.


Kanang na ok ka.

PQ1: What changes in your performance have

you noticed?
Naging ano naging naging low ang pag pag
alam sa mga knowledge

PQ2: What coping strategies help you the




Maybe oo kay tung naga ana ko kay gina gawas

nako akong stress

PQ1: What changes in your performance have

you noticed?

Mas naga gana ko

PQ2: What coping strategies help you the


Magdula games

2.3 Sub-Question:

Do you think you have changed the way you deal with
stressful situations?


Wala, wala may impact. Wala walay impact.

IDI2: Recreation Social Support

Ay ano, like ano for example, sa mga gala like
mag dula dapat jud dapat like before ko Playing
muhimgo things kay sa dapat like himuon Games
nako tanan ana.

PQ3: Have these changes impacted you in a

good way? or a bad way?

Yes, in a good way.


yes nag change sya kay before kay if ma stress

ko either mag over eat ko or mag oversleep


Wala, wala nabago.


No– Uh I’ve been changed since ano… since

grade 6? Grade 7?



PQ1: What are these changes?

I can see that my coping strategies right now

are very creative than before.

PQ3: Have these changes impacted you in a

good way? or a bad way?

This changes impacted me in a good way

because it boosts my performance.





PQ1: If so, what are these changes?

Umm mas murag na relax ana

PQ2: How has the way you deal with stressful

situations changed impacted you?
Umm impact, oo na improve ko

2.4 Sub-Question:

Are you supported in overcoming these challenges?


Yes, I was supported my uhh mother and father

PQ: How are you supported?

Financially and emotionally


Oo sila parents ko.

PQ2: How are you supported?

Like ano they to my games like tapos mag

watch sila ganyan ganyan.


hmmm sguro kay to some extent lang.

PQ1: If yes, who are these supporters?

akong friends mostly.

PQ2: How are you supported?

ano like moral support umm they give me like



Ah, akong Family.

PQ2: How does your family support you?

Kanang every game mutanaw sila, ana.


Yes from my friends and teammates.

PQ2: How are you supported?

Ano– Um usually when I go to training, they u–

usua– usually (stutters) see that I’m down
nga wala ko sa mood magtraining tas
mangutana sila kung “ok raba ka?” or
“unsay nahitabo nmo?”


Ah, yes.

PQ1: Who are these supporters?

My family, friends and girlfriend.

PQ2: How are you supported by them?

They support me by watching my games and

cheering me.


Umm no



PQ1: Who are these supporters?

Family and friends

PQ2: How are you supported?

Naga adto sila sakong games pero akong

friends lang kay akong family kay example
if magpapalit kog sapatos, kay palitan ko
Research Question 3: What are the insights of student-athletes in a HyFlex setup regarding
their experiences and behaviors?



3.1 Sub-Question:

Tell me a little about your experience in a HyFlex course. Describe your experiences during the


It was fun and boring at the same time.

IDI2: Not Positive

pressured Integration
It's not pressuring because you have ano like nakay,
like nakay right, like nakay rights na pwede mag pili
kung mag online ba ka or mag physical learning

IDI3: Taking Seizing

advantage Advantages
Mm umm kung usually kay naga sulod mn jud kog when not
f2f as much as possible pero kanang kintahay ma feeling well
late nako like gisakit ko pwede rako mag join online
kanang like diko maka miss out btaw

IDI4: Taking Seizing

advantage Advantages
Katung nagkasakit ko, kanang pwede ko when not
makaonline if magkasakit, kanang wala kay. feeling well
Kanang dugay paka maayo ba unya di paka
makaface to face.

It’s very difficult since (sighs) wala ni sauna tung

pandemic na time

IDI6: Good Positive

Experience Integration
My experiences is quite good because I’ve been able
to answer my activities and attend class while being
in training and it didn’t stop me from not struggling
in maintaining a good academic performance


Ano kanang first kay na okay pa man yung tas pag

matagalan nag ano nag hina hina na di na sya ok


Kanang kapoy, kay kapoy sigig sulod online, kapoy

pod answer

3.2 Sub-Question:

Is there any difference in learning experience being

face-to-face, or remote learning modality?


Uhh, I think learning in face-to-face is more

productive and more fun.

PQ1: How about Remote learning?

I think… Bad because it uhh lessens my

performance during class because uhh in
online setting it’s boring and not interesting
to listen.

PQ2: Do you find these differences significant?

No, ay yesyesyes

PQ3: What is the most impactful difference

that you have experienced?
Hmm… ay the most impactful would be my
laziness increased during the hyflex.

IDI2: Not Positive

pressured Integration
Ah yes, ang face to face kay ano like very pressure kay
daghan kay silag ihatag na mga physical activities Utilizing
while remote learning modality is like diba online Platforms
ramana? While remote learning modality kay it’s not Seizing
ano, it’s less pressure kay daghan og mga like Advantages
platforms na you can use to help you.


Umm for me easier kang jud like mag sabot ug

lessons f2f compared to kung remote lang
na ako lang so mao lang tung difference for

PQ2: Do you find these differences significant?

Yes, kay as I said easier lang jud magsabot if f2f

and it’s more interactive compared to if
remote lang

IDI4: Utilizing Seizing

Platforms Advantages
Naa, naa.

PQ1: If so, what are these differences?

Kanang, sa online kay pwede man ka makakuan

maka eskwela diha nya, ay pwede man makasulod
sa klase diha kay naa man japon access ang school
ana, nya kanang sa face to face kay depende rapud
na saimoha kung musulod kag face to face.

PQ2: Do you find these differences significant?

Oo, dakog tabang


Oh there is ah– each difference in face-to-face

learning and sa remote learning modality .
In face-to-face learning mas maka ano–
mas maka interactive with your classmates,
friends, and teachers… mas easy…
compared sa remote learning na madistract
ka kadali kay naa raka sa balay like mag
cellphone so… yan lang

PQ3: What is the most impactful difference

that you have experienced?

Sa hyflex? Uhm….. yung ano– yung being


IDI6: Utilizing Seizing

Platforms Advantages
The differences that I have noticed is in a
remote learning modality you can have
class anywhere, anytime you want

PQ2: Do you find this differences significant?

I find this differences significant, because it is

important to know what are the challenges
during face to face or remote learning
modality as a student athlete.


Yes there is difference

PQ1: If so, what are these differences?

Mga ano kay sap ag f2f kay more challenging

pag hindi kay pwede ka lang mag research
mga ganon

PQ2: Do you find these differences significant?


PQ3: What is the most impactful difference

that you have experienced?

Sa f2f kay nanglisod kagkag, kay bawal mn

yang cellphone so hindi ka maka research
tas duon sa isa pwede ka mag research


PQ1: If so, what are these differences?

Mas lingaw ang f2f kesa sa hyflex

PQ2: Do you find these differences significant?




3.3 Sub-Question:

What do you see as advantages of HyFlex?


Advantages? Uhh… Hmm… wa koy maisip na

advantages because in my experience
mostly it’s about uhh mostly it’s mostly

PQ1: Are there any changes that you would

suggest to improve the HyFlex setup?

Just…. Wala, wala koy maisip kay boring gyud

ang HyFlex di na madala ug advise.

IDI2: Not Positive

pressured Integration
Ah, as a student athlete ang mga advantages ko kay
like it makes me less pressured and ano like, like I can
balance ay like parang mas maging independent ako
sap ag manage og ano sa time.

PQ1: Are there any changes that you would suggest to

improve the Hyflex setup?

Siguro ano, Ill recommend like I suggest na ilessen nila

ang pagbibigay ng activities kay since yung MAPUA
school man kay like diba they care for our mental
health man, like not all students man ah ano goodshit.
IDI3: Utilizing Seizing
Platforms Advantages
Ano, parihas atong gi ingon nako ganiha na
pag hyflex kay nay choice if mag f2f or mag
online, si even though if there's some
instances na dili ka pwede mag f2f pwede
ka mag join online

PQ1: Are there any changes that you would

suggest to improve the hyflex setup?

mm not really it’s ok naman karon

IDI4: Taking Seizing

advantage Advantages
Kanang, katung ingon nako ganina kanang when not
kuan, kanang magkasakit ko nya musulod feeling well
kog online, dili lang ko musulod og face to
face kay nagkasakit ko ana, nya pwede pud Utilizing
ko maka answer Blackboard, website sa Platforms

PQ1: Are there any changes that you would

suggest to improve the Hyflex setup?

Wala, wala.

IDI5: Having no Positive

problem Integration
Ano… ‘di naka mahasol na muadtog skwelahan
naa nakay– makachoose naka kung if
ganahan ka mag online or dili… labaw na–
for example na if naa kay lakaw sa
mgalaing lugar tapos kailangan nmo maka
adto sa skwelahan pero naa kay choice na
maka join kag online

PQ1: Are there any changes that you would

suggest to improve the Hyflex set up?

Uhm.. none.. As of now.

IDI6: Attend class Seizing

while in Advantages
The advantage of Hyflex, you can attend classes training
whenever I go to a public place or even if
I’m training I can still answer my activities
PQ1: Are there any changes that you would
suggest to improve the Hyflex setup

Overall there is nothing to suggest the Hyflex

setup, because he Hyflex is already an
advantage for me


Pwede kanang maka research mga ganyan

IDI8: Taking Seizing

advantage Advantages
Ang advantage kay maka ano lang ka online when not
like for example mag sakit ka maka ano feeling well
lang ka maka online lang ko or kung
naakay training. Attend class
while in
PQ1: Are there any changes that you would training
suggest to improve the hyflex setup?


Stage 2:


Research Question 1: What lived experiences do student-athletes face in balancing their academic
and athletic responsibilities in a Hyflex setup?

Mental Stress Emotional and One of the difficulties I face is mental stress and
Psychological Well keeping up with the homework during class and
(P1,P2) Being after class. (P1, IDI1, Q1)

Tiring It affects me overall, I can’t focus, but you have to

sacrifice one thing to achieve the other. (P5, IDI5,
(P5, P2) Q2)

Struggling My first experience was very hard because when

you get home there’s so much to do and you just
(P2) came from practice so it's very tiring. (P2, IDI2, Q3)
Pressure My challenges are time management. That's it. (P5,
IDI5, Q3)

Keeping up with Time Management One of the difficulties I face is mental stress and
deadlines and Scheduling keeping up with the homework during class and
after class. (P1, IDI1, Q1)
(P1, P3, P4, P5)
Back then in February I joined PRISAA meet and
Efficiently city meet, so it’s kind of difficult to miss out on
organizing classes because I need to train for meets. But it’s
kind of okay because there's blackboard so I can
(P3. P5) also see the lessons from there. (P3, IDI3, Q1)

Balancing Like, there's a lot lacking then it goes together with

academic and the game. (P4, IDI4, Q1)
commitments Mostly it's my time when I have to do my acads and
my training also. (P5, IDI5, Q1)
(P1, P3, P4, P5, P6)
My first experience was very hard because when
Struggling to keep you get home there’s so much to do and you just
up came from practice so it's very tiring. (P2, IDI2, Q3)

(P1, P4) My challenges are time management. That's it. (P5,

IDI5, Q3)

No Pressure Positive Integration My experiences are good, it’s not that pressuring
since you can pick if you want to learn online so like
(P2, P1, P3) I can manage. (P2, IDI2, Q1)

Good Experience It’s hard, I mean it's not hard but it's a bit hard
because of online class and it's easy because of
(P2, P4, P6, P7) blackboard. (P8, IDI8, Q1)

Having No It didn’t really affect my academic performance and

Problem anything, it’s just the same. (P1, IDI1, Q2)

(P8, P1, P3, P6) It doesn’t affect my academics badly but maybe it
affects me in a way where I can focus more on
academics also only like taking turns. (P2, IDI2, Q2)

I think it’s better for me because I can’t miss out on

many topics as to what has been discussed because
it's online and I have access to it anytime I need it.
(P3, IDI3, Q2)

It helps because you can attend online or face to

face. (P4, IDI4, Q2)
Just like I said in the first question, It is a good
advantage having a Hyflex setup, which boosts my
academic and athletic performance. (P6, IDI6, Q2)

It’s okay (P7, IDI7, Q2)

Experience? none, it’s just the same. (P1, IDI1, Q3)

Attending class Seizing Advantages Back then in February I joined PRISAA meet and
while in training city meet, so it’s kind of difficult to miss out on
classes because I need to train for meets. But it’s
(P6, P8) kind of okay because there's blackboard so I can
also see the lessons from there. (P3, IDI3, Q1)
Using blackboard
for advantage For me, the Hyflex setup is an advantage as a
student athlete because I can answer online even if
(P3, P6, P8, P4) I’m busy training. (P6, IDI6, Q1)

Utilizing possible It’s hard, I mean it's not hard but it's a bit hard
advantages because of online class and it's easy because of
blackboard. (P8, IDI8, Q1)
(P6, P3, P8)
I think it’s better for me because I can’t miss out on
many topics as to what has been discussed because
it's online and I have access to it anytime I need it.
(P3, IDI3, Q2)

I can miss class whenever and train, now my

performance from before is returning. (P8, IDI8,

Helpful, because it’s important, because you can,

like you can attend online or face to face. (P4, IDI4,


Research Question 2: What coping strategies do student-athletes use to achieve both athletic and
academic success in the Hyflex setup?
Exercise Health And Wellness Ah, these coping strategies relate to my performance
because, while I’m exercising and playing sports it
(P6) helps me boost my performance as a student athlete.
(P6, IDI6, Q2)
Travel, go to rural areas. (P4, IDI4, Q1)
For me sleeping I get more rest so for the next day I
Sleeping have more power in me? I guess that's the right
term. (P5, IDI5, Q2)
(P5, P7)
Sleeping (P7, IDI7, Q1)

Uhm I deal with stress with uh meditating or like

sleeping. (P5, IDI5, Q1)

One way of I deal stress is through exercise and

playing sports. (P6, IDI6, Q1)

Playing Games Social Support By playing online games. (P8, IDI8, Q1)

(P8, P3, P1, P2) Mmmmm.. I think playing some games and hanging
out with friends. (P3, IDI3, Q1)
Activities Uhm… Some of the ways I deal with stress would be
playing games with my friends and family. (P1, IDI1,
(P3, P1, P2) Q1)

I usually play games or wander with my friends. (P2,

IDI2, Q1)

For example, when I wander or play games like

before I do these things, everything must be done.
(P2, IDI2, Q3)


Research Question 3: What are the insights of student-athletes in a HyFlex setup regarding their
experiences and behaviors?
Having no problem Positive Integration It's not a problem going to school anymore cause
you can choose if you want to go online or not. For
example you have other places to go to and you need
to go to class but you have a choice that you can go
(P5) online. (P5, IDI5, Q3)

Good Experience My experiences is quite good because I’ve been able

to answer my activities and attend class while being
(P6) in training and it didn’t stop me from not struggling
in maintaining a good academic performance. (P6,
Not pressured IDI6, Q1)

(P2) It’s not pressuring because you have the right to

choose whether you learn online or physical
learning. (P2, IDI2, Q1)

Yes, face to face is very pressuring because they give

us a lot of physical activities while remote learning
modality is less pressuring considering that there are
a lot of platforms that you can use to help you. (P2,
IDI2, Q2)

As a student athlete, the advantages are it makes me

less pressured, like I can balance and I will be more
independent in managing my time. (P2, IDI2, Q3)

Taking advantage Seizing Advantages When I got sick, I can attend online if I got sick.
when not feeling Like, where you've been recovering for a long time
well and you still can’t attend face to face. (P4, IDI4, Q1)

(P3, P4, P8) Usually I always attend f2f classes, as much as

possible, however, if there was some instances that I
Attend class while will be late or if I'm sick, I could just enter/join
in training online class, so I can't really miss out the lessons.
(P3, IDI3, Q1)
(P6, P8)
The only advantages of Hyflex for me is you could
Utilizing Platforms just join online whenever you want, even if you are
sick or if you have training. (P8, IDI8, Q3)
(P2, P4, P6, P3)
The advantage of Hyflex, you can attend classes
whenever I go to a public place or even if I’m
training I can still answer my activities. (P6, IDI6,

Yes, face to face is very pressuring because they give

us a lot of physical activities while remote learning
modality is less pressuring considering that there are
a lot of platforms that you can use to help you. (P2,
IDI2, Q2)

Like, in online you can attend class through online,

because the school has access to that. And, in face to
face, it depends on you if you want to attend face to
face. (P4, IDI4, Q2, PQ1)

The differences that I have noticed is in a remote

learning modality you can have class anywhere,
anytime you want. (P6, IDI6, Q2)

Like i said earlier, if Hyflex you are given a choice

whether to join online or f2f, if there are some
instances that you can’t attend f2f you can join
online class, (P3, IDI3, Q3)

Like what I said earlier, If I get sick I can attend

through online, I will just not attend face to face
because I get sick, things like that. Also I can answer
through Blackboard, website of the school. (P4,
IDI4, Q3)

Turnitin Result

Attach the result here.



Name: Ameer Qayz Aarifh U. Usman

Birthday: January 31, 2006
Age: 17
Grade and Section: 11- Galilei
Strand: STEM
Address: Juna Ave. Matina Crossing, Davao City
Contact Number/s: 09454052140
Email Address:


Senior High School: Mapua Malayan Colleges Mindanao

Junior High School: Notre Dame of Tacurong College
Elementary: Montessori Learning Center of Tacurong / Notre Dame of Tacurong College


1st Place, Mario went to the town, April 2023

Pasikatay 2023

3rd Runner-Up, Basketball Secondary, December 2019


3rd Runner-Up, Basketball Elementary, November 2016

NDEA 2016


Skill/s: Creative
Talents: Singing, Basketball
Hobbies: Playing video games, Playing Basketball, Listening to music

Name: Craig Daniel L. Sumalinog

Birthday: January 10, 2006
Age: 17
Grade and Section: 11- Galilei
Strand: STEM
Address: Juna Ave. Magallanes Residences, Davao City

Contact Number/s: 09296013832

Email Address: cdsumalinog75@gmail.con


Senior High School: Mapua Malayan Colleges Mindanao

Junior High School: Assumption Academy of Penaplata
Elementary: Penaplata Central Elementary School SPED Center


Champion, Mario Went To Town, April 2023

Pasikatay 2023

3rd runner up, Basketball Category April 2023

Pasikatay 2023


Skill/s: Drawing
Talents: Drawing
Hobbies: Drawing and Playing Basketball

Name: Jeshrey L. Mesagrande

Birthday: August 5, 2005
Age: 17
Grade and Section: 11- Galilei
Strand: STEM
Address: Buhangin, Cabantian, Country Homes, Davao City

Contact Number/s: 09761669489

Email Address:


Senior High School: Mapua Malayan Colleges Of Mindanao

Junior High School: Holy Child College Of Davao
Elementary: Holy Child College Of Davao


Champion, Mario Went To Town, April 2023

Pasikatay 2023

2nd Place, Lawn Tennis Elementary

April 2018
Palaro 2018

Champion, Lawn Tennis Elementary, February 2018


Champion, Lawn Tennis Elementary, October 2017

DCAA 2018


Skill/s: Flexibility
Talents: Drawing
Hobbies: Tennis

Name: Nicholas Klein Y. Castillanes

Birthday: February 07, 2007
Age: 16
Grade and Section: 11- Galilei
Strand: STEM
Address: Amarillo St. Dacoville, Dumoy, Davao City

Contact Number/s: 09194567447

Email Address:


Senior High School: Mapua Malayan Colleges Mindanao

Junior High School: Davao Central College
Elementary: Davao Central College / Don Juan Dela Cruz Elementary School


2nd Runner-Up, Volleyball, April 2023

Pasikatay 2023

1st Runner-Up, Futsal, April 2023

Pasikatay 2023

2rd Runner-Up, Football, March 2018

Blue Cup 2018


Skill/s: Critical Thinking

Talents: Drawing
Hobbies: Playing Games and Watching Anime

Name: Franz Harvey C. Lagradilla

Birthday: March 14, 2005
Age: 18
Grade and Section: 11- Galilei
Strand: STEM
Address: Avida Towers Davao, C.M RECTO
Contact Number/s: 09694335484
Email Address:


Senior High School: Mapua Malayan Colleges Mindanao

Junior High School: Notre Dame of Dadiangas University
Elementary: Mt. Matutum Christian School


1st runner up, Futsal Category April 2023

Pasikatay 2023

Ndea meet champions November 2019

NDEA Meet 2019

Sraa meet champions, region 12 represent May 2017

sraa meet 2017


Skill/s: Athletic
Talents: Football
Hobbies: Table Tennis, Playing Football
Name: Lance Issiah L. Cuyos
Birthday: March 13, 2006
Age: 17
Grade and Section: 11- Galilei
Strand: STEM
Address: Linao San Isidro Davao del Norte

Contact Number/s: 09088125107

Email Address:

Senior High School: Mapua Malayan Colleges Mindanao
Junior High School: Saint Mary’s College of Tagum
Elementary: Assumpta School of Tagum

1st Runner-Up, Basketball Elementary,

2nd Runner-Up, Basketball Secondary,

CSAA 2016


Skill/s: Creative
Talents: Basketball
Hobbies: Listening to Music

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