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License Plate Recognition System-Survey

P. R. Sanap and S. P. Narote

Sinhgad College of Engineering, Pune, India
Abstract: License Plate Recognition (LPR) systems commonly have framework of processing steps such as: Detection of number plate,
Segmentation of plate characters and Recognition of each character. Number plate detection is a challenging task due to diversity of plate
formats and environmental conditions during the image acquisition. Accuracy of character segmentation and recognition rely on the
efficiency of plate detection. Various algorithms are developed for this work. Purpose of this paper is to categorize and brief them. Key
words: Number plate detection, Character segmentation, Character recognition.
Hence it is inappropriate to explicitly conclude which
I. INTRODUCTION method actually demonstrates the highest performance. So
License Plate Recognition is an advanced machine the scope of this paper is to highlight only, the methods used
vision technology used to identify vehicles by their number for number plate detection, character segmentation and
plates without direct human intervention. This development recognition.
of Intelligent Transportation System provides the data of The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 explains
vehicle numbers which can be used in follow up, analyses various algorithms employed for number plate detection.
and monitoring. Besides traffic monitoring this technology is Character segmentation methods are discussed in Section 3,
gaining popularity in various applications day by day, such
as, highway toll collection, border and custom checkpoints, whereas Section 4 introduces the character classification and
parking access control system. Recently, with the increase of recognition techniques. Section 5 concludes the paper
terrorism acts, it is strongly expected that LPR will gain great followed by references.
importance in security all over the world. LPR algorithm
consists of the following three processing steps: 1) Number
plate detection, 2) Character segmentation, and 3) Character II. METHODS FOR NUMBER PLATE DETECTION
recognition. The accuracy of plate extraction relies on the Character segmentation and recognition relies on the
character segmentation and character recognition. accuracy of number plate extraction. Hence this processing
Detection of number plate is difficult task, due to step is critical one and emphasizes on developing numerous
the following reasons: 1) Generally number plate occupies a techniques so that number plate detection is faithful.
small portion of the whole image 2) Large varieties in Methods to detect the number plate are based on: texture,
number plate formats, styles and colors which differs from edge detection, histogram, morphological processing, and
one country to another, 3) There are several other factors transformation. In this paper we have covered the brief
which could influence the efficiency of the extraction, are, addressing of these methods.
blurry image, uneven or low illumination, vehicle motion,
low resolution of the input image, distorted characters, dirty
plates, shadow and reflection etc. Similarly, there are many A. Texture based Candidate Extraction
difficulties faced in character segmentation, such as, Texture and edge information are considered for
influence of image noise, plate frame, rivet, space mark, and number plate extraction in [1]. The method uses projection
plate rotation and illumination variance. It is also difficult for properties to detect the candidate number plate. Since the
accurate and real time character segmentation under the maximum projection does not correspond to the plate area
situation where number plate boundaries are close to the all the time, several peak lines in vertical projection are
characters, or the characters are spaced closed to each other detected and maximum peak values are considered as
or the characters are broken. reference lines. After binarization, all connected component
Accuracy of character recognition will be areas across each reference line, are sorted by acreage,
significantly reduced if the characters are not properly which is used to calculate the size of sliding window. All
segmented. Improper segmentation of characters will result candidates are extracted along with Rank filter and Robert’s
in mis-recognized characters. operator. The result of searching reference line is as shown
Various algorithms have been developed for in Figure. 1. To reject the detected fake candidates, auto-
number plate detection. Generally, number plate detection correlation followed by projection algorithm has been
algorithm consists of three state frameworks: 1) Pre- implemented. The method is used to detect different types of
processing of the input image, 2) Number plate detection and Chinese name plates and different illumination conditions in
3) Extraction of number plate and plate validation. Literature
survey is based upon the number plate extraction algorithm real scene. The performance was reported for 1704 images
that follows three state frameworks. Methods have been with the recognition accuracy of 97.5%.
evaluated at different conditions such as size of input image,
distance between camera and vehicle, different illumination
conditions, type of name plate.
Methods evaluated for character segmentation work
under different conditions such as size of input image,
different illuminating conditions, orientation of name plate.
There is no uniformity in the techniques used for character
segmentation. (a)

CP1324,InternationalConference on M ethods and M odels in Science and Technology (ICM 2ST-10)

edited by R.B.Pateland B.P.Singh
© 2010 A m erican Institute ofPhysics 978-0-7354-0879-1/10/$30.00

(b) (c) (b)

Figure 1. Searching reference lines: (a) input gray scale

image; (b) result of Rank filter; (c) vertical projection and
reference lines corresponding to the peaks featured in [1].

B. Edge Detection based Plate Extraction

A new algorithm for plate extraction is proposed in [2]
which is double chance algorithm, Line grouping (LG) and (c)
Edge Density (ED) as an approach to car number plate
extraction. The first algorithm extracts the line segments and Figure 2. (a) Result of Line approximation; (b) Rectangles
groups them based on a set of geometrical conditions. It groups; (c) Detected Plate Region , featured in [2].
detects a rectangle at the plate boundary accurately. If no
rectangle group was made in LG, the image is rejected. The
rejected image is given a second chance in which the ED
method is used. The second algorithm finds plate regions at
which the vertical edges appear densest. The double chance
framework is evaluated with and without the verification
process. The verification process is performed using the
character segmentation module. Using a real-life database
collected by the speed enforcement camera, a high success (a)
rate of 99.45% is obtained, through use of the double chance
approach with verification. The results of LG and ED
algorithms are depicted in Figure.2 and Figure.3
In the method that uses local variance; vertical edges in
the input image are detected first by using Sobel vertical
gradient [3]. As the number plate is the area with large local
variance, it is measured and the maximum local variance
declares the possible candidate number plate. To verify the
real number plate, possibility measurement, based upon the Figure 3. ED algorithm as appeared in [2]: (a) Vertical edge
geometric features of plate, such as area, orientation and map; (b) Detected Plate region.
density is evaluated.
An approach to Korean number plate recognition based
An algorithm implemented in [4], commits the on vertical edge matching in developed by Mei Yu and
detection of number plate for overexposure and complex Youg Sealc Kim in [5]. Algorithm has edge detection, size
vehicle image. Instead of using traditional histogram and shape filtering, edge matching and plate extracting, as
equalization, novel equalization technique is to fill up all the important processing steps to extract candidate number
empty bins using linear interpolation technique is proposed. plate. Edge detection is based on the fact that, if the two
Sobel edge detection is used in this algorithm to find the vertical edges of the license plate can be detected exactly,
region which has a high pixel variance value. Then black four corners of the plate can be located and candidate plate
pixel regions are checked to find out candidate region. The can exactly be extracted from input image even if it is out of
plate verification processing step executes histogram shape. Vertical edges are found out by computing vertical
analysis to eliminate fake candidate areas. Plate extraction edge intensity function of the input image which is then by
performance rate found to be 94%. binarized with respect to threshold which is decided based
on mean and standard deviation of vertical edge intensity
function. After the vertical edge image is obtained, it is
filtered to remove edges that are impossible to be the edges
of the plate. This is done by using seed filling based filter
which uses a region of white pixels that are 8-connected to
each other. The edge area, slope and height are checked with
respect to predefined parameters. Unsatisfactory edges are
(a) removed and converted to black while the co-ordinates of

top and bottom pixels of the selected edge area are recorded candidate plate. Candidates are verified by two stages,
for further edge matching process. In the edge matching evaluating width/height ratio and evaluation based on
step, the ratio of width to height is used to judge whether horizontal crosscuts. In the first stage, only selected
two edge areas are the pair of vertical edges of number candidates are verified against satisfactory predefined
plate. The real ratio may deviate due to the angle of view. constraints on width/height ratio. In the second stage, two
Hence the difference in the ratios of real plate and candidate horizontal crosscuts at 1/3 and 2/3 of candidate’s height are
plate is restricted to be within specified range. Also, two used. The number of objects that cut these crosscuts is
edge areas are matched for equal height. For true number counted. Two approximate constraints are predefined for
plate, the percentage of white pixels is checked for specified this evaluation. Correct accuracy of extraction is 98.76 % by
lower and higher range. This extracted plate is then this algorithm.
normalized and sharpened. Correct plate extraction rate
obtained is 98.45%. III. Methods for Character Segmentation
I. Number plate candidates considered in extraction
Nabeel Khan et al in [6] have developed a new
stage are examined in the phase of character segmentation.
algorithm for plate extraction. After the detection of gray
A wide variety of techniques to segment each character after
scale image, the brightness of image is enhanced by taking
plate localization has been developed. Segmentation
the power of each pixel value as given by (1),
techniques based on projection, Hough transform, region
I(i,j)=I(i,j)p (1) growing, and plate models are considered for addressing.
Where I (i, j) represents gray image, resulting in the image
A. Segmentation by Projection
with brighter edges. For plate segmentation SCAN_MP
In [10], horizontal histogram is used to find out upper
algorithm is implemented which finds out only those objects
and lower bounds of a number plate on the vertical edging
which have horizontal and vertical lines. It checks for
image first. After the area bounded by upper and lower
multiple rows and columns to ensure the correct extraction
bounds is found, the areas above the upper bound and the
of the object. Extracted plates are validated by using specific
areas below the lower bound of a number plate are removed.
features of it like width by height ratio and ratio of black
Area without the upper and lower bounds is considered for
character segmentation. Character segmentation phase is
executed in two steps. First the selected area is binarized
C. Morphological based Plate Extraction and secondly vertical projection is performed to find the
In [7], edges in the input images are detected first. Then gaps between characters for a number plate. Based on the
vertical projections of the edge image are found out. Due to results of vertical projection, each number plate is separated
vertical edges in structures such as fences or background, into blocks horizontally starting from the zero points in the
they can be selected as candidate regions. To prevent this, projection histogram. Figure.4 shows the block segmented
authors have proposed the compact factor. A number plate image of number plate. Because of the influence of noise,
has vertical edges in a narrow range but those structures rivet, space mark, rotation of plate, it may happen that one
have vertical edges in a wide range. This feature is used in character region has been separated or two characters are
compact factor. By using it, brightness of pixels in rows is grouped into one single character. Hence a refining
found out and local maximum in that gives the possible algorithm is developed by the authors. This refining is based
candidate area. Plates are extracted by using morphological on width of original number plate characters. The result of
operations. refining is demonstrated in Figure.5. This method has
correct character segmentation rate of 98.82%.

D. Plate Extraction by Smearing Algorithm

Serkan Ozbay, and Ergun Ercelebi used Smearing
algorithm in [8] to find the plate region. As Smearing is a
method of extraction of text areas on a mixed image, this
technique is used to find out the plate area. In this, the image (a)
is processed along vertical and horizontal scan lines
depending upon the prescribed minimum and maximum
thresholds, for both vertical and horizontal Smearing, white
pixels are converted to black. Then morphological operation
is applied to the image for specifying the plate location. (b)
Authors gained success of plate extraction f or 97.6%.

E. Plate Extraction by Image Transformation

In the method developed in [9], Hough transform and (c)
contour algorithm are combined from the extracted edging
image contour algorithm is used to detect closed boundaries Figure.4. Results featured in [10]: (a) input images detected;
of the objects. These contour lines are transformed to (b) binarized images with upper and lower bounds removed;
Hough, to find out two intersected parallel lines which (c) segmentation of number plate.
establishes parallelogram and which this is considered as

C. Region Growing based Segmentation
Six step algorithms is proposed in [13]: image
preprocessing, enhancement of character regions, edge
detection of characters, location of the candidate regions of
the characters, determination of character segmentation
Figure 5. Refining of character ‘A’ connected to the left regions, characters segmentation and binarization. This
boundary of the number plate. algorithm is processed on extracted car number plates.
Character regions are enhanced by contrast stretching
The method developed in [11] has been implemented transformation followed by edge detection using Laplacian
after the processing of captured image and number plate Transformation. Location of the candidate regions are found
extraction. The idea is based on the fact that, number plate out with the help of region growing algorithm. Region
area is usually vertically and horizontally centered. So by Growing is a procedure that groups pixels or sub regions
taking vertical concentration top and bottom positions of the into larger regions based on predefined criteria. The basic
characters is found out. By knowing these positions exact approach is to start with a set of ‘seed points’ and from these
plate area is segmented out. Character segmentation is seed points growing the regions by appending to each seed,
carried out by taking horizontal concentration of the image. to those neighboring pixels that have properties similar to
seed point. In this paper, starting pixels are selected having
B. Segmentation based on Hough Transform the grey value of 255 and region is grown from seeds to
Yungang Zang and Changshui Zhang developed a new with the pixels that are 8-connected to at least one pixel in
algorithm in [12] based on Hough Transform. As a that region. To eliminate the fake regions, standard value of
preprocessing step, extracted plate image is enhanced so that height and width of characters are used for comparisons.
most character pixel is brightened while, background pixels Refining process is also proposed for region growing
are weakened. Character segmentation algorithm is executed algorithm, which then extracts correct segmented characters.
in two stages: horizontal segmentation and vertical After getting the exact position of characters, characters are
segmentation. Horizontal segmentation is processed in three extracted from original image and binarized to get higher
steps: 1) image is divided into many blocks based on contrast. Figure.4 illustrates the execution of this region
vertical projection of the extracted plate image, 2) horizontal growing algorithm. In this method 320 images were tested
segmentation line is found put for each block by analyzing for character segmentation and the success rate obtained is
horizontal projection of the blocks, which is called as 97.2%.
subsection line, 3) using Hough transform on the midpoints
of all subsection lines, all incorrect subsection lines are
eliminated according to prescribed criteria, and then all
correct subsection lines are combined into a whole line.
Advantages committed by this algorithm are; no need of
rotation correction of plate images, influence of background
is weakened and also the illumination variance. Vertical
segmentation algorithm is based on the projection analysis
constrained by the prior knowledge of the number plate such
as, size of number plate and character, interval between the
characters and inters segment distance. Vertical
segmentation lines are decided on the basis of valleys in the
vertical projection, prior knowledge of the plate, and finding (b)
out the variance of pixel’s gray level in the image. Results
obtained for horizontal and vertical segmentation are
demonstrated in Figure.6.


Figure 7. Region growing algorithm featured in [13]: (a)

Number plate after region growing, (b) Exact characters
(a) segmented, (c) Binarized character image.

D. Segmentation based on prior knowledge of number

plate models
In [3], and [14] characters were segmented based on
prior knowledge of the number plate model and connected
component analysis. To follow the connected component
analysis, it is necessary to know the standard number plate
Figure 6. Horizontal and Vertical segmentation proposed in
features such as horizontal orientation of characters, size
and font of characters, size of name plate, distance between
(a) Horizontal segmentation (b) Vertical segmentation.
the characters, distance of left and rightmost characters from

vertical edge of plate and distance of characters from
horizontal edge of the plate.
V. Conclusions
IV. Methods for Character Recognition This paper has attempted to provide a survey of
Character recognition fully relies on isolated characters. research on LPR algorithms and to offer addressing of some
Inefficiency of character segmentation influences the categories of the methods used in references. This paper
success of character to be recognized. For this work, various discusses the techniques of number plate detection,
techniques have been proposed which are based on character segmentation and character recognition. Though
statistical classifiers, computational intelligence architecture there are several commercial LPR systems, briefing the
and pattern matching. techniques used in these systems is beyond the scope of this
paper, as their operation is strictly confidential.
A. Statistical Classifiers LPR algorithms addressed were country specific. To
To eliminate the inefficiency of OCR and pattern predict the number plate, algorithms presented in the
matching techniques statistical classifiers employ Support literature are restricted to the working conditions such as,
Vector Machine for recognition. Authors in [15] employ distance, background, illumination, vehicle position.
SVM to recognize numbers. The algorithm starts from a LPR can be a measure of vehicle identification, it may
collection of samples of numbers from number plates. Each be further exploited for vehicle model identification and
character is recognized by an SVM, which is trained by speed estimation. The measure of section travel time could
some known samples in advance. In order to recognize a be useful in traffic management, planning and control.
number plate correctly, all numbers are tested one by one Increased mobility and globalization set the challenges
using the trained model. The recognition results are of developing effective LPR system that could handle plate
achieved by finding the maximum value between the from various countries with different character sets and
outputs of SVMs. Similar SVM based algorithm for syntax. Most LPR system focuses on processing of one
recognition is proposed in [16], and [17]. nameplate in the image. But, as, input image may contain
more than one name plates; the future challenging task is to
B. ANN Classifiers detect these plates.
IN [18], authors have formulated joint segmentation and
recognition in a unified framework instead cascaded VI. Acknowledgment
operation or feedback mechanism. A two layer Markov I express my gratitude towards my project guide, Prof.
network is proposed to integrate these two tasks into one S. P. Narote for, giving the valuable guidance, also, keen
statistical framework. Both low level cues and high level and active interest in my efforts, which contributed for the
prior knowledge are incorporated in terms of probabilities. solution of every problem at each stage of my project. I
An efficient non-iterative belif propagation algorithm is would like to thank Prof. S. A. Kulkarni for his valuable
used for state estimation. In [6], recognition algorithm uses support and advice on all the stages of the project.
both techniques of template matching and NN (Perceptron).
Compared with these two techniques, NN have provided REFERENCES
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