Rose Bible Echarts - CHTL Time Line of Martin Luther and Reformation

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ISBN 9781596360846. © 2020 Rose Publishing, LLC.

Here are 6,000 years and 20 feet of time lines in one beautiful hard-bound cover book! Read it like a book, or pull out the You may print 10 copies, but do not
20-foot time line and post it on the wall. post on the internet or send via email.
AD 1300 AD 1400
Bubonic Plague and Papal Schism Printing Press, Spanish
Franciscans active in Mongol empire 1302 Joan of Arc Kisses the In England, it becomes illegal to translate or read th
Sword of Liberation Pope John XXIII excommunicates Jan Hus fo
Pope Boniface VIII claims supremacy over secular rulers 1302 by Dante Gabriel
Rosetti (1863) Jan Hus writes De Ecclesia, which suppo
efy the Dante Alighieri composes Divina Commedia (The Divine Comedy) 1307
saders Council of Constance 1414-1418
The “Babylonian Captivity” 1309 The Council condemns Wycliffe on 267
For the next 68 years, the papacy resides in Avignon, France. The new pope and is burned at the stake as a heretic. C
favors French policies and convenes the Council of Vienne that abolishes the (conciliarism), a decision later overturned
Order of Knights Templar and gives their wealth to King Philip IV of France.
cans) 1209 Thomas á Kempis, German monk
Marsilius of Padua writes Defensor Pacis, stating that the church should be Torquemada, the future Spanish
ermany set out on ruled by general councils; he is condemned as heretical 1312-1324
William Tyndale, Trial of Joan of Ar
Molay, Grand Master of the Templars, burned at the stake in Paris for heresy 1314
Jacque de Molay called the “Father of Joan of Arc, a Fren
rine of transubstantiation 1215 the English Bible” telling her to save F
The pope forbids the use of counterpoint in church music 1322 whose version formed she is taken prison
the basis of the King
Thomas Aquinas is canonized 1323 James Bible. The double-hea
each to the sultan 1217
The Bubonic Plague 1348-1351 Counci
9 Also known as the Black Death, the plague kills 33% of the people in Europe (about 40 million). People blame The Cou
the disease (which is transmitted by fleas living on rats) on the Avignon papacy, the Jews, or personal immorality. reunion b
John Wycliffe proposes that papal taxation and civil power should be limited 1371
Wycliffe believes Scripture should be available to the people in their own language;
people inspired by Wycliffe (derisively called “Lollards,” meaning mumblers), translate
the entire Bible into English (1382) from Latin, and call it the Wycliffe Bible.
CHIVES Oxford becomes the spiritual center of England 1372
nstruments of torture 1252
Julian of Norwich, English mystic, is born 1373

ost influential medieval theologian, writes Summa Theologiae 1255

Jan Hus, forerunner of the Reformation, is born 1373
al consecrated 1260
Catherine of Sienna, mystic, sees a vision calling the new pope, Gregory XI, to

inas publishes Summa contra Gentiles 1264 return the papacy to Rome, which he does in 1377. 1376
ader Kublai Khan asks the pope to send 100 Christian Great Papal Schism: Two popes at one time 1378
o baptize him and teach his people 1266 The College of Cardinals elects an Italian pope, Urban VI, but later denies
sends seven. In 1295 the Mongols begin to convert to Islam. Gutenberg the validity of the decision and elects Clement VII instead. Urban remains in
Page Rome; Clement goes to Avignon, France. The schism continues until 1417.
Second Council of Lyon decrees unification of the Eastern
and Western Church to avoid conquest of Constantinople, but Wycliffe Bible completed: first complete Bible in any modern European language 13
unification is rejected in the East 1274
Wycliffe expelled from Oxford, his doctrines condemned 1382
Edward I expels all Jews from England 1290
John Wycliffe, “morning star of the Reformation,” dies 1383
Johann Gutenberg King Henry VIII
printed the Latin broke from Roman
Vulgate, the first Catholicism and
book printed using established the
movable metal Church of England
type. with himself as the
supreme head.

Mali Empire reaches its height (Africa) under King Mansa Musa 1312 Johann Gutenberg, inventor of the printing press with movable typ
is born 1396
Hundred Years’ War: English and French kings fight for control of France 1337–1453
Portugal’s Prince Henry the Naviga
rco Polo of Venice travels to China, in court of Kublai Khan (1275–1292), returns to Genoa (1295) and writes Travels 1271 Ming Dynasty begins in China, expels Mongols 1368
Moses de Leon, Jewish theologian, produces the
Zohar, fundamental work on Jewish mysticism 1275 Salic Law, excluding women from succession to throne, adopted in France 1317 Compilation of “Yung Lo Ta Tien,” Chinese encycloped
22,937 volumes, only three copies made 1403
ecomes ruler of Mongols (1259), establishes Beginning of the Renaissance in Italy 1325 Robin Hood appears in English popular literature 1375
invades Burma (1287), dies (1294) 1251
Aztecs found Tenochtitlán, their capital, on site of modern Mexico City 1327
Invention of the glass mirror 1278
Poland Ivan I, Grand Duke of Russia, makes Moscow his capital 1328 Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales appear 1387
Invention of spectacles 1290 Bubonic plague originates in India 1332 Byzantines lose last possessions in Asia Minor to Turks 1390
ieri is born 1265 English King Edward I summons Peak of Muslim culture in Spain 1333 Restoration of the Great Wall of China 1368 Holland is center of Europ
the Model Parliament 1295
Modern English de
oll roads used in England 1269 Petrarch is crowned poet on the Capitol, Rome 1341 Timur, the Mongol conqueror, begins
last great conquest—Delhi 1398 Incas ru
Late Middle Ages Ren
book RosegrantedBook of
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Title: What the Bible Says About Fasting Product Code: 4092X ISBN-13: 9781628623185
AD 1400 AD 1500
Printing Press, Spanish Inquisition, and Humanism Rise of Protestantism, Age of Explo
In England, it becomes illegal to translate or read the Bible in English without permission of a bishop 1408 Papal bull orders burning of books against authority of the Church 1501
Pope John XXIII excommunicates Jan Hus for heresy 1411 Fifth Council of Lateran 1512-1517 Lateran V pronounces “Imm
Jan Hus writes De Ecclesia, which supports ideas popularized by Wycliffe 1413 of the Church; forbids printing of books without permission of Rom
Erasmus, priest and Greek scholar, publishes a Greek tr
Council of Constance 1414-1418
The Council condemns Wycliffe on 267 different heresies and demands that Jan Hus recant; he refuses Martin Luther posts 95 theses in Wittenberg; the Prot
and is burned at the stake as a heretic. Council affirms that general councils are superior to popes Luther challenged the Church to a discussion on the subje
(conciliarism), a decision later overturned. Pope Martin V is elected; the Great Papal Schism ends. authority, and the selling of indulgences.
Thomas á Kempis, German monk, writes the Imitation of Christ, a devotional 1418 Swiss Ulrich Zwingli preaches in Europe spreading
Torquemada, the future Spanish Grand Inquisitor, is born 1420 Luther translates the New Testament into Ger
William Tyndale, Trial of Joan of Arc 1431 Erasmus, priest The Anabaptist movement begins in Zurich; sp
called the “Father of Joan of Arc, a French peasant girl during the Hundred Years’ War, sees visions and hears voices and Greek scholar, The Anabaptist movement, predecessor to Bre
the English Bible” telling her to save France. She leads a successful military expedition at Orleans. At about age 19, wanted everyone believers’ baptism only, democratic decision ma
whose version formed to be able to read
she is taken prisoner, tried for witchcraft, and is burned. In 1456, the verdict is reversed. the Bible.
the basis of the King William Tyndale completes printing of the
James Bible. The double-headed eagle becomes the emblem of the Holy Roman Empire 1433 Greek without permission. Copies circulate
Augsburg Confession adopted by Lu
Council of Florence 1438 King Henry VIII recognized as Supre
of the people in Europe (about 40 million). People blame The Council of Florence affirms the primacy of the pope over general councils. It declares
) on the Avignon papacy, the Jews, or personal immorality. reunion between the Roman and Orthodox churches, but is not accepted by the Orthodox. First Act of Supremacy ends pa
The act is repealed in 1554 and
Vatican Library founded 1450 Catholic control, the new “Churc
s that papal taxation and civil power should be limited 1371 Gutenberg prints the Constance Mass Book 1450 statement, The 39 Articles, and w
ure should be available to the people in their own language;
liffe (derisively called “Lollards,” meaning mumblers), translate Ottoman Turks capture Constantinople 1453 Jesuit order, started by Ignatius
lish (1382) from Latin, and call it the Wycliffe Bible. The Turks make the Church of St. Sophia (Hagia Sophia) a mosque. Scholars Coverdale Bible: first complete
flee to the West with Greek literary and scientific manuscripts, including
spiritual center of England 1372 important manuscripts of the Bible. These manuscripts help to revive classical The Munster Rebellion 1536 A
learning during the Renaissance. Later, a pacifist Anabaptist movem
English mystic, is born 1373 John Calvin establishes Refor
Plans begin to build a new St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome 1453 John Wycliffe Reading
r of the Reformation, is born 1373 His Translation of the Act of Parliament declares th
Bible to John of Gaunt William Tyndale strangled an
Johann Gutenberg prints the Latin Vulgate 1456 by Ford Madox Brown
enna, mystic, sees a vision calling the new pope, Gregory XI, to Gutenberg’s Vulgate is the first book printed using moveable metal type. (1847-1861) John Calvin’s Institutes of th
acy to Rome, which he does in 1377. 1376 The invention of printing makes the Bible accessible to more people who The Matthew’s Bible: first E
previously could not afford handmade copies, which cost a year’s wage. The king orders The Grea
Schism: Two popes at one time 1378 John Knox leads reform
f Cardinals elects an Italian pope, Urban VI, but later denies Pope Paul III reestabl
the decision and elects Clement VII instead. Urban remains in Beginning of the Spanish Inquisition under joint direction of state and church 1478 First Protestants bu
nt goes to Avignon, France. The schism continues until 1417. At the initiation of King Ferdinand V and Queen Isabella of Spain, and approved
by the pope, the Inquisition is established to investigate and punish heretics. Its Council of Trent
fe Bible completed: first complete Bible in any modern European language 1382 cruel methods (torture, death by burning), secret trials, and favoritism toward the immorality of cler
Spanish monarchy continue despite protests from Rome.
e expelled from Oxford, his doctrines condemned 1382 Jesuit Franci
Martin Luther is born 1483 Que
Wycliffe, “morning star of the Reformation,” dies 1383
Peak of papal corruption: Rodrigo Borgia buys Q
berg King Henry VIII cardinals’ votes and becomes Pope Alexander VI 1492 She
n broke from Roman and
st Catholicism and Martyrs’ Dominican friar Savonarola preaches reform 1497-1498
sing established the Memorial Savonarola encourages the people of Florence, Italy, to
Church of England in Oxford burn luxury items and return to a humbler Christian life.
with himself as the commemorates
supreme head. the death of three Michelangelo paints the
Protestant leaders Sistine Chapel 1503-1512
(Cranmer, Ridley, and
Queen Mary banned Protestant translations of
Johann Gutenberg, inventor of the printing press with movable type, the English Bible and burned more than 300
is born 1396 men, women, and children at the stake.
nce 1337–1453
Portugal’s Prince Henry the Navigator sponsors exploration of Africa’s coast 1418–1460
China, expels Mongols 1368 Columbus discovers the Americas 1492
Beginning of the Renaissance; Florence
Compilation of “Yung Lo Ta Tien,” Chinese encyclopedia in becomes center of arts and learning c. 1450 Copernicus publishes that the earth
22,937 volumes, only three copies made 1403 actually revolves around the sun 1512
ears in English popular literature 1375 Leonardo da Vinci is born 1452
The Wars of the Roses, civil wars between rival noble factions, in England 1455–1485 Peasants’ Revolt in Germany 1525
Turks conquer Egypt, control Arabia 1517
Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales appear 1387 Ivan the Great rules Russia until 1505 as first czar; ends payment of tribute to Mongols 1462
Byzantines lose last possessions in Asia Minor to Turks 1390 Portuguese navigators discover West Africa 1470 Hernando Cortes conquers Mexico for Spain 1519
Troops of the Holy Roman Empire attack
all of China 1368 Holland is center of European music c. 1426 The first orphanages open in Holland and Italy 1490 Ivan IV (“the Ter
Modern English develops from Middle English 1430 Moors are conquered in Spain by troops of Ferdinand and Isabella 1492 Ak
Timur, the Mongol conqueror, begins
last great conquest—Delhi 1398 Incas rule in Peru 1438 Vasco da Gama sails around Africa and discovers sea route to India 1497–1498
Renaissance Reformation
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Title: What the Bible Says About Fasting Product Code: 4092X ISBN-13: 9781628623185
500 AD 1600
Rise of Protestantism, Age of Exploration, and Puritanism King James Bible and Galileo
al bull orders burning of books against authority of the Church 1501 Persecution of Catholics in Sweden under Charles IX 1600
Fifth Council of Lateran 1512-1517 Lateran V pronounces “Immortality of the Soul” as dogma Jesuit missionary and scholar, Matteo Ricci, starts
of the Church; forbids printing of books without permission of Roman Catholic authorities. evangelizing China 1601
Dutch Reformed theologian Jacobus Arminius c. 1582 Arminius’s studies of Romans
Erasmus, priest and Greek scholar, publishes a Greek translation of the New Testament 1516 becomes professor at Leiden. 1603 doctrine of predestination, resulting
ability to choose Christ and Christ’s
Martin Luther posts 95 theses in Wittenberg; the Protestant Reformation begins 1517 Gunpowder Plot fails 1605 Catholic extremists
Luther challenged the Church to a discussion on the subjects of penance, the pope’s attempt to kill King James I and blow up
authority, and the selling of indulgences. Parliament, seizing the government.
Swiss Ulrich Zwingli preaches in Europe spreading reform 1519 First Baptist church is founded in
Luther translates the New Testament into German 1522 Amsterdam by John Smyth, who
baptizes himself 1609 1618–1648 Thirty Years’ War:
Erasmus, priest The Anabaptist movement begins in Zurich; spreads to Germany 1522 Protestants revolt against Catholic
and Greek scholar, Emperor Rudolph II permits freedom
wanted everyone
The Anabaptist movement, predecessor to Brethren and Mennonite churches, teaches of religion in Bohemia 1609 oppression; ends with princes of
believers’ baptism only, democratic decision making, and separation of church and state. the Holy Roman Empire receiving
o be able to read King James Version Bible (The freedom to choose the religion of
he Bible. William Tyndale completes printing of the New Testament from Authorized Version) published 1611 their territories.
Greek without permission. Copies circulate throughout England 1526 Galileo is prohibited by Church
Augsburg Confession adopted by Lutherans 1530 from scientific studies 1617
Monument to 1618–1619 The Synod of Dort
King Henry VIII recognized as Supreme Head of Church in England 1531 Peter the Great Thirty Years’ War 1618-1648
Dutch Reformed Synod denounces Arminianism and
. First Act of Supremacy ends papal authority over the English church 1534 of Dort 1618 responds with five points of
The act is repealed in 1554 and reinstated in 1559. Breaking away from Roman Calvinism. They are (using the
Catholic control, the new “Church of England” will eventually set forth a doctrinal Pilgrims land at Plymouth mnemonic TULIP): the total
statement, The 39 Articles, and will be referred to as the Anglican Church. Rock on Cape Cod, depravity of mankind, unconditiona
Massachusetts 1620 election, limited atonement, the
Jesuit order, started by Ignatius Loyola, vows to evangelize the heathen 1534 irresistibility of grace, and the
cholars Coverdale Bible: first complete Bible to be printed in English 1535 Orthodox Patriarch of Constantinople perseverance of the saints (an elect
g befriends Protestants, presents earliest known person cannot “lose” his salvation).
classical The Munster Rebellion 1536 Anabaptist revolutionaries take over Munster and are slaughtered. copy of the Bible in Greek (Codex Alexandrinus)
Later, a pacifist Anabaptist movement develops under the leadership of Menno Simons. to Charles I of England 1629
John Wycliffe Reading John Calvin establishes Reformed and Presbyterian form of Protestantism in Switzerland 1536 Catholicism wiped out in Japan thousands of
His Translation of the Act of Parliament declares the authority of pope void in England 1536 martyrs killed by the government 1630 Westminster Confession accepted as
Bible to John of Gaunt William Tyndale strangled and burnt at the stake 1536 Presbyterianism in Scotland and Engla
by Ford Madox Brown First Baptist church formed in London 1633
type. (1847-1861) John Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion explains Protestant beliefs 1536 Inquisition forces Galileo to recant his belief
e who The Matthew’s Bible: first English Bible published with the king’s permission 1537 in Copernican theory 1633
wage. The king orders The Great Bible to be placed in English churches 1539 Beginnings of the Quaker movemen
John Knox leads reformation in Scotland 1541 Welsh Puritan Roger Williams
Pope Paul III reestablishes the Roman Inquisition to fight Protestantism 1542 banished from Massachusetts; establishes Providence, Oliver Cromwell, Puritan member
n under joint direction of state and church 1478 Rhode Island; proclaims complete religious freedom 1636 Later as Lord Protector he seeks tolera
and Queen Isabella of Spain, and approved First Protestants burned at the stake by the Spanish Inquisition 1543
shed to investigate and punish heretics. Its Council of Trent 1545-1563 The Catholic Counter-Reformation condemns indulgence sellers,
ning), secret trials, and favoritism toward the immorality of clergy, nepotism (appointing family members to church offices), and Protestantism. Waldensians embrace Pro
protests from Rome.
Jesuit Francis Xavier begins missionary efforts in the Indies and Japan 1548 Cromwell dies 1658
Queen Mary Tudor restores Roman Catholicism to England 1555 Civil war in England 1642
Restoration of Charle
orruption: Rodrigo Borgia buys Queen Elizabeth I becomes queen of England and Supreme Governor of the Church of England 1558
and becomes Pope Alexander VI 1492 She aims for a compromise between Catholics and Protestants. She is excommunicated by the pope in 1570, Galileo
and then persecutes Catholics. Translation of the Bishop’s Bible begins in 1561. agreed with I
an friar Savonarola preaches reform 1497-1498 Copernicus’s
a encourages the people of Florence, Italy, to John Knox’s Reformed church begins in Scotland 1560 theory that the
y items and return to a humbler Christian life. earth moved
Beginning of Puritanism in England 1560 Puritans sought to purify the Church of England around the
through emphasis on Scripture reading, less church ceremony, and diligence. sun. He was
Michelangelo paints the censured by
Sistine Chapel 1503-1512 The Geneva Bible—first Bible printed with verse divisions 1560 the church
and kept from
en Mary banned Protestant translations of Heidelberg Catechism formed—the most widely held Protestant doctrinal statement for centuries 1562 teaching his
e English Bible and burned more than 300 First War of Religion begins; 1,200 French Huguenots are slain; ends with Peace of Amboise 1562-1563 views because
men, women, and children at the stake. Protestant Netherlands revolts against Catholic Spain 1568 his proofs were
Massacre on St. Bartholomew’s Day in Paris: 2,000 Huguenots murdered 1572 inadequate.
The case was
Formula of Concord defines Lutheran beliefs 1577 closed in his
vers the Americas 1492 Pope Gregory XIII attempts to reconcile Roman Catholic favor in 1992.
and Russian Orthodox Churches 1581
Copernicus publishes that the earth Mary Queen of Scots executed for treason 1587
actually revolves around the sun 1512 The Rheims-Douay Bible,
first English translation of Henry IV of France converts to Roman Catholicism 1593
ngland 1455–1485 Peasants’ Revolt in Germany 1525 the Roman Catholic Bible Edict of Nantes grants freedom of worship to
1582/1609 Huguenots after 30 years of persecution 1598 Dutch peasants (Bo
Turks conquer Egypt, control Arabia 1517
ayment of tribute to Mongols 1462 Council of Brest-Litovsk 1596 Most Orthodox in Kiev, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Polish British take Ne
Hernando Cortes conquers Mexico for Spain 1519 Galatia (Uniat Churches) join communion with Roman Catholic Church.
Troops of the Holy Roman Empire attack Rome; end of Italian Renaissance 1527 Jamestown, Virginia, established—first
es open in Holland and Italy 1490 Ivan IV (“the Terrible”) crowned as czar of Russia 1547 permanent English colony on American
mainland 1607
uered in Spain by troops of Ferdinand and Isabella 1492 Akbar the Great becomes Mogul emperor of India 1556 Massachusetts
Gama sails around Africa and discovers sea route to India 1497–1498 Pompeii discovered 1592 Bay Colony founded 1630
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Title: What the Bible Says About Fasting Product Code: 4092X ISBN-13: 9781628623185
AD 1700 A
King James Bible and Galileo Great Awakening, American Independence, and French Revolutio
weden under Charles IX 1600 Pope Clement XI condemns “Chinese Rites,” the mixture of Confucianism and
ar, Matteo Ricci, starts ancestor worship with Christianity in China. 1704
an Jacobus Arminius c. 1582 Arminius’s studies of Romans lead him to doubt Calvin’s Death of Philipp Jakob Spener, the “father of Pietism” 1705
den. 1603 doctrine of predestination, resulting in doctrines emphasizing man’s Pietism emphasizes a personal religious experience, and living a life of intense devotion. Richard Allen foun
ability to choose Christ and Christ’s death for all people (Arminianism) the African Method
5 Catholic extremists First Presbyterian church in America 1706 Episcopal Church
s I and blow up Christian religious teaching prohibited in China 1716 Philadelphia.
overnment. Peter the Great appoints the Holy Synod to head the Russian Orthodox
ch is founded in church, putting the church under the state’s control until 1917. 1721
hn Smyth, who German Count Nikolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf welcomes fleeing Hussites from Moravia 1722
609 1618–1648 Thirty Years’ War: These Moravian Brethren form a piestic colony that sends out missionaries to Africa, India, and
II permits freedom Protestants revolt against Catholic Anglican minister the Americas.
oppression; ends with princes of John Wesley
emia 1609
the Holy Roman Empire receiving
rsion Bible (The freedom to choose the religion of Greek Catholic (Melkite) church established in what is now Lebanon 1724
sion) published 1611 their territories. Primarily located in Ethiopia and parts of Egypt, the Melkite church accepted the Council of Ch
is prohibited by Church
cientific studies 1617 Quakers demand abolition of slavery 1727
Years’ War 1618-1648 1618–1619 The Synod of Dort Jonathan Edwards, American theologian, preaches in Northampton 1729 father
Reformed Synod denounces Arminianism and
t 1618 responds with five points of Conversions of John and Charles Wesley founders of the Methodist Churc
Calvinism. They are (using the The Wesleys’ emphasis on living a holy life by doing specific spiritual discipline
rims land at Plymouth mnemonic TULIP): the total
ck on Cape Cod, depravity of mankind, unconditional John Wesley traveled The Great Awakening in New England, led by George Whitefield, Anglic
assachusetts 1620 election, limited atonement, the throughout Britain on Frederick II (the Great) introduces freedom of press and freedom of wors
irresistibility of grace, and the horseback, reportedly George Frideric Handel writes the Messiah in 18 days 1741-1742
nople perseverance of the saints (an elect giving 40,000 sermons Great Britain adopts Gregorian calendar 1752
sents earliest known person cannot “lose” his salvation). during his lifetime.
John Newton, former slave trader conve
k (Codex Alexandrinus) Czarina Catherine the Great grants f
29 Fr. Junipero Serra founds the firs
Japan thousands of First independent Black Ba
overnment 1630 Westminster Confession accepted as statement of Pope Clement XIV dissolve
h formed in London 1633 Presbyterianism in Scotland and England 1646 “Sunday school”
t his belief Russian Orth
Beginnings of the Quaker movement (the Society of Friends) 1647 Mennonit
oger Williams Frenc
establishes Providence, Oliver Cromwell, Puritan member of Parliament, defeats the king’s troops. 1649 The Fr
ete religious freedom 1636 Later as Lord Protector he seeks tolerance for many Protestant groups. “The C
Waldensians embrace Protestantism 1655 S
Cromwell dies 1658 W
l war in England 1642 King James I of England commissioned
Restoration of Charles II in England 1660 54 scholars to undertake a new Bible
England 1558 First Bible translation into Arabic printed in Rome 1671 translation, which took six years to
the pope in 1570, Galileo complete.
agreed with Isaac Watts, hymn writer 1674-1771
theory that the
earth moved John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress published 1678 William Carey, called
the “Father of modern
nd around the
Edict of Nantes revoked; Huguenots flee France 1685 Protestant Missions”
sun. He was
censured by
the church Johann Sebastian Bach, composer called “The Fifth Evangelist” 1685-1750
and kept from
nt for centuries 1562 teaching his English Parliament issues Toleration Act (tolerating all Protestant groups, but not Roman Catholics) 1689
f Amboise 1562-1563 views because
his proofs were Chinese emperor officially allows Christianity; Ricci’s initial 2,000 converts multiply to 300,000 1692
dered 1572 inadequate.
The case was The Amish founded by Jakob Amman 1693
closed in his
favor in 1992.
United Kingdom of Great Britain formed: Publication of the Encyclopédie in France, the “bible” of
England, Wales, and Scotland 1707 Enlightenment 1751
atholicism 1593 Catherine II (“the Great”) becomes czarin
f worship to Mozart writes his first symphony at ag
ecution 1598 Dutch peasants (Boers) settle in South Africa 1660 Tibet becomes Chinese protectorate 1720 Britain imposes the Stamp Act on the
kia, Hungary, and Polish British take New Amsterdam from the Dutch and rename it New York 1664 Koran translated into English 1734 The Boston Massacre 1770
urch. American Revolution, D
War of European powers against the Turks (to 1699); high point of Turkish advance in Europe 1683
, established—first Act of Congress proh
olony on American James II of England calls for freedom of conscience; Protestants fear restoration of Constitu
Catholicism and demand “Glorious Revolution” 1687
usetts L
Colony founded 1630 Peter the Great becomes Czar of Russia; attempts to westernize nation and build Russia as a military power 1689
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Rose Publishing,LLC., publishes full-color, easy-to-use Bible reference materials, including charts, maps, time lines and biblical reference pamphlets for pastors, Bible study leaders, new member classes & small groups.
This free e-Chart is taken from the book Knowing God’s Will Made Easy ISBN 9781628628234. This book is packed with answers to tough questions, like: © 2020 Rose Publishing, LLC. You may print 10 copies,
Who is God and why should I trust him? What is God’s will? How can I recognize God’s leading? How does the Bible say God guides us? What does God do but do not post on the internet or send via email.
with failure? And more.

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