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SIJ Feature JUN E 2 0 0 6

‘Biomimicry’ pioneer
Janine Benyus shows
business that waste is a
terrible thing to mind

t’s redwing blackbird season in Montana,
and Janine Benyus is weeding her
flowerbeds. In the background, showy
male birds are courting returning females
with their distinctive, plaintive trill. Over
the phone line, the bird calls sound like the puls-
ing of insects on a hot summer’s evening.
“It’s like playing pool,” Benyus is saying.
“Really good pool players have a good leave. They
really care about where they’re leaving the cue ball
for the next player. Natural systems have done
that too.”
The lesson that she’s trying to explain has to
do with waste. The business community, she says,
has to learn to have a good “leave” on the table at
the end of the day. In healthy ecosystems, “you
don’t see a lot of nutrients leaking away,” Benyus
says. Waste products in one part of the system are
brought back in at another point in the system,
creating relationships between organisms.
Industry is at a point where it can no longer
afford to let the knowledge and resources of the
natural world leak away, says Benyus. In her 1997
book, “Biomimicry: Innovation inspired by
nature,” Benyus detailed an emerging methodolo-
Jennifer Brinkman

gy of borrowing from biology’s blueprints. The

allure of biomimicry shimmers in the book’s
pages, tantalizing readers with promises of a
future in which abundant energy is provided by

14 Sustainable Industries Journal

JUN E 2 0 0 6

solar cells that gather and store energy as effi-

ciently as leaves; of cities filled with cleverly
curved buildings constructed of lighter, stronger,
Branding Novomer LLC
Currently, most of the carbon
and more flexible bone-like materials; and of com-
puters that learn processing power from our biology in plastics comes from
petroleum products, but

Courtesy VInventa
human brains. In April, Janine Benyus spoke Novomer has developed a
Such technologies haven’t burst onto the mar- to a group in Portland about process that allows researchers
ketplace, radically transforming our everyday lives some of the technologies being to make plastics with carbon
in the decade that has passed since the book’s developed by biomimics dioxide and biologically derived
publication. Biomimics are still a fledgling where the beetle lives, it compounds. The plastics show
around the globe. A handful of
species, testing their wings in university laborato- extends its wings away from its promise for use in medical
the technologies have been
ries and federal military research. body, and the peculiar set of devices and thin-film
embraced by private
In reality, biomimicry has emerged more grad- bumps on its surfaces packaging for food, electronics
companies that are now
ually, primarily in small victories won at the inter- encourages the water to and pharmaceuticals.
seeking to commercialize their
section of modern science and current manufac- condense and roll down to the
products. Some of the seven
turing practices. insect’s mouth. The material Biosignal
examples below are in the early
has been talked about as a way
stages of research and
to supply water in refugee
WWND: What would nature do? development while others are
already succeeding in the
camps, and as a way to
Biosignal produces protective
coatings that discourage
In theory, biomimicry is simple. Nature has improve the efficiency of bacterial growth — without
been around solving problems for thousands of heating, ventilation and air killing the bacteria. The
millennia. The plants and animals that survive conditioning systems.
today have successfully adapted to their place and
solved their problems over time. If we can exam- Baleen Filters
Lotus leaves have a remarkable
ine their successes and adapt them to our own
ability to shed water and
needs, biomimicry backers say, we’ll be better off. Like its name implies, Baleen
whatever dirt, mud or bacteria
However, in practice, biomimicry proves Filters found inspiration in the
is in its path. The surface of

Courtesy NOAA
slightly more challenging. Bringing a successful baleen whales use to separate
the leaves, which repels water
biomimetic product to market requires a unique krill from ocean water while
drops with both chemistry and
combination of biological expertise and business feeding. Whales scoop up
savvy. mouthfuls of water then force company discovered that red
Biomimicry is, at its root, a research methodol- water out through the baleen. algae uses natural chemicals
ogy, Benyus points out. “If you really want to real- Krill are trapped in the spiny called “furanones” to keep
ize the potential of biomimicry as a sustainability structures and eaten. Baleen their surfaces clean. Furanones
tool, you have to go through an iterative process Filters uses a similar technique “jam” bacteria signal systems
to separate solids from
Courtesy BASF

with the organism [you’re modeling],” she says. that encourage multiple
That requires asking at every step along the way, wastewater, primarily in the organisms to land on one
“How would nature do this?” food processing and wine surface. The coatings aren’t
Answering that question means companies industries. commercialized yet, but
shape, was successfully copied
need access to a particular type of high-level by a research team at Bonn Biosignal is working on
biological knowledge, says Benyus. “You have to Nike coatings for contact lenses,
University. German coating
be the kind of biologist that’s pretty rare these medical implants and marine
manufacturer Sto uses this
days,” she said. “You need a broad knowledge of Nike includes biomimicry in its surfaces.
“lotus effect” in its Lotusan
the taxa; I call it amoeba-through-zebra design principles. The
Color exterior paint for
knowledge. A biologist who has studied one gene company’s most successful MR3 Systems
buildings. The company claims
for their entire career may be stumped by that.” application to date is its
building surfaces stay clean
Benyus says she hopes that, as biomimicry Sphere React lines of clothing. MR3 Systems, Inc. creates
and dry, preventing the growth
gains momentum, the number of jobs for Modeled after the way nature filters that help glean tiny
of mosses and molds.
organismal and ecosystem biologists will multiply. regulates moisture — in the amounts of metals from
For now, however, many companies seem to find skin of reptiles, on the surface wastewater streams. The
it too difficult to create positions for full-time, of leaves, with birds’ feathers technology models the way
design-oriented biologists. Instead, they are — the materials changes with that microbes use specific
looking outside their walls for expertise. conditions to let sweat organic molecules to scavenge
Inventa Partners and QinetiQ
Benyus responded to this need by founding evaporate (and heat dissipate) metals — from nickel and
developed a material that
the Biomimicry Guild. Through the guild, Benyus more easily. The React fabrics copper to sulfer arsenic and
harvests water out of vapor in
and her colleagues work with companies as change shape in response to chloride — from their
the air. The fabric mimics the
consultants to help fold biological knowledge into moisture, curling and buckling, surroundings. MR3 licenses its
surface of the Namibian desert
business applications. Benyus says she and her either to lift off skin, to open technolgoy for use in a range
beetle’s wings. When fog rolls
team of Biologists at the Design Table push its mesh, or to repel rain. of industrial applications.
through the desert environment

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SIJ Feature JUN E 2 0 0 6

companies to use biomimicry as a methodology at Australian Department of Fisheries and Wildlife. sectors — not just in areas related to biomimicry.
every step of the way, from product design What he found, over and over, was the peculiar Rather than using patents to defend their turf,
through manufacturing, shipping and delivery, to shape known as the logarithmic or “golden” companies are using patents “offensively,” as well.
end-of-life disposal. spiral. Hurricanes and nautilus shells use the “We’re constantly doing R&D, and every so
One company that embraced the guild’s help same mathematical pattern of arcs efficiently to often something spins off for commercializing,”
early on was Nike (NYSE: NKE). Shortly after move fluids and Harman realized technology Arnold-Ince says. “We’re spending a lot of time
“Biomimicry” was released, the company collabo- could do the same [see “PAX Scientific goes with and focus on, How can we know as much as
rated with Benyus’ guild to bring a “biologist in the flow,” SIJ, March 2005]. possible about the streamline geometry? Then we
residence” on staff. David Hammond joined the So-called fluid handling technologies are used can go, Ah, yes, we understand this so well, we
Nike design team for about six months, learning in a wide array of applications, primarily in the can make this a good match.”
about the company’s specific challenges and form of fans — fans to draw heat from a PaxFan and PaxIT are the company’s two
investigating natural models for solving these computer’s processor, to draw smoke from a hot offshoots responsible for matchmaking. With
problems. Hammond’s research insights haven’t pan on the stove, to create power from steam, to sustainability entrepreneur-author Paul Hawken
left the company’s Beaverton campus along with push a boat through the water. Harman’s as their CEO and boards that include Janine
him, however. The “Biologist’s Notebook,” a sum- technology claims to do these and other things Benyus, the two companies have begun to secure
mary of his research for the team, is available to astonishingly well. In air-handling applications, clients for their technologies. No products have
designers in Nike’s in-house design library. PAX Scientific says its technology uses 50 percent been released, but Broan-NuTone, which earned
For Nike, a brief infusion of knowledge has less energy and is 75 percent quieter than $350 million in revenues for 2005, is reportedly
been a valuable start down the path of nature- competing products. The U.S. Patent Office has set to launch a new line of kitchen and bathroom
inspired design. “That inspiration is brought back issued two patents to Harman for the technology, fans this summer.
into the business... and you have a different angle and published three other applications. PAX The companies won’t disclose financial infor-
to look at things,” says Shelley Zimmer, senior Scientific now holds more than a dozen patents in mation, but Arnold-Ince says PAX Scientific, as
manager for the Nike Considered team. countries throughout the industrialized world, well as Hawken’s PaxFan and PaxIT, are “doing
Benyus admits she’s surprised there have been according to Arnold-Ince. very well.” Licensing, she says, gives PAX the
no other commercial start-ups acting as consult- flexibility to price the use of their technology
ants that she’s aware of. The guild now counts
close to 60 organizations — from Nike to General
“Biomimicry is just according to the benefits gained by the licensee.
“In one case, it may really reduce the size of
Electric (NYSE: GE) to the U.S. Environmental one of the tools companies the motor,” she says. “In another case, it’s more
Protection Agency to more than a dozen universi- quiet, and that makes them competitive. So it
ties — among those asking for advice on how to can use to have a more really depends. You do it on a case-by-case basis.
bring biological insights to their work.
“I think that in some ways it’s easier to use the
robust innovation process.” That’s the delicate balance of licensing.”
Arnold-Ince says she believes licensing is a
in-house approach, because when we’ve Janine Benyus good fit for many of the inventors who are discov-
conducted our own research, its something we’re ering useful applications through biomimicry.
proud of — we’re more excited to see the result in Traditionally, companies that invent products Researchers and inventors who are tapped into a
product,” says Zimmer. “But on the other hand, use patents as a way to protect their innovation. particular set of biological knowledge aren’t likely
some of the expertise we can find elsewhere is By owning the rights to a particular way of doing to be the best manufacturers, she points out.
helpful. ...There’s someone who spends all day something, companies prevent their competitors “You have to bring together the client who has
everyday thinking about how biomimicry offers from occupying precisely the same niche. the know-how in the industry and the person with
us possible solutions.” But Harman didn’t form a company to the biomimetic solution who has a lot of know-
That idea — leveraging outside expertise — is manufacture any high-potential fans. Instead, in how in a specific area,” she says. “I think with
another model that seems to be gaining currency, 1999, he patented the core technology, formed biomimicry there’s going to be a lot of that.
through commercial licensing of biomimetic PAX Scientific, and began pursuing opportunities They’re not going to go into manufacturing.”
technologies. to license — and sublicense — applications of the But for companies already on the manufactur-
technology to other companies with ing side, licensing has its appeal as well.

License to build manufacturing capacity and expertise.

“I will sell you the idea,” Arnold-Ince explains.
Biomimicry happens in two ways, says Kasey “I will license you the ability to use this solution. Mimicking sea mussels
Arnold-Ince, director of communications for PAX I’ll customize it, shape it, work with your people. “I think companies understand that we’re
Scientific. Either “companies have a problem and You will license it from me and pay me a royalty moving into a period when one of the real value
a very large encyclopedia of nature’s patents, if on every product we sell.” propositions is good design — not just aesthetic,
you will, to look through, or someone comes The licensing arrangement allows PAX but ‘works-well’ good design — and that to
upon a solution and now needs to figure out who Scientific to stay focused on its area of expertise survive as a company, you have to not just
would most benefit from it. How do you line up and pursue other applications of its technology, espouse innovation but have a really robust
the benefit with the need?” says Arnold-Ince. By focusing on research and innovation process,” Benyus says. “Biomimicry is
That’s a challenge the San Rafael, Calif., development, the company says it can “realize the just one of the tools companies can use to have a
company set out to answer. potential” of its technology. more robust innovation process.”
The company’s founder and CEO, Jayden According to West Coast law firm Blakely Phil Guay, director of marketing and strategic
Harman, got interested in how nature moved Sokoloff Taylor & Zaffman, similar changes in planning for Columbia Forest Products, agrees.
fluids while working as a naturalist with the patent uses are happening across all technology “That’s really the start of the story: our

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Courtesy Columbia Forest Products

Bert Nelson
From the sea to the job site: Columbia Forest Products helped develop a formaldehyde-free plywood adhesive modeled after the protein structure that helps mussels cling to wet, rocky coastlines.

commitment to innovation,” he says. “There was nobody else in our industry in that Columbia Forest Products’ experience points to
Columbia Forest Products is North America’s meeting.” ways in which biomimicry, in even seemingly-
largest manufacturer of decorative hardwood After the session, he approached Li about small applications, can have long-ranging impacts.
plywood and veneers, and it also produces developing his research further with Columbia’s PureBond’s soy-based chemistry eliminates as
hardwood flooring and laminated wood products. support. “He was looking for funding that he much as 95 percent of the VOCs released by the
But the biggest part of the company’s business is could use to take this research to another level,” company’s urea-formaldehyde hardwood plywood
in hardwood plywood. The Portland-based Pung says. mills, Guay says. Considering that about 1 million
company produces roughly 400 million square Columbia Forest Products partnered with the metric tons of urea formaldehyde resins are
feet of hardwood plywood each year — about paper technologies division of Hercules Inc. produced annually, according to a 1996 report
$450 million worth, according to the company. (NYSE:HPC), a chemical company, to fund the from U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest
When Columbia’s OEM (original equipment research. Like PAX Scientific, Li and his team Service, an industry-wide alternative could have
manufacturers) customers began to express worked with the companies to fine tune the big environmental benefits.
concerns about formaldehyde used in research to their needs — improving water- Stricter air emissions regulations in Europe
manufacturing hardwood plywood, the company proofing, speeding up drying time for high-speed and Asia, as well as the growing prominence of
began looking for solutions, Guay says. “It’s not manufacturing, and keeping down cost. the U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED
like people have been beating our door down Oregon State University now owns three (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design)
saying, ‘Take formaldehyde out.’ But it’s an issue patents on the technology, and it licenses them to certification, have continued to drive the wood
we knew we should be working on.” Hercules and Columbia Forest Products. The products market away from formaldehyde-based
Hardwood plywood is made by binding companies get access to the technology, and adhesives. Columbia has become an advocate for
together thin slices of wood with an adhesive. For Oregon State University receives royalties from stricter regulation in the United States as well.
most interior plywoods, urea formaldehyde-based the sale of products using the glue, known as The California Air Resources Board is set to
adhesives are the sticky stuff of choice, because PureBond. make a decision about indoor air quality
they’re waterproof and durable. Unfortunately, The company launched its first commercial regulations later this year, and Columbia is
they also release volatile organic compounds product based on the mussel-mimicking adhesive actively supporting formaldehyde restrictions.
(VOCs) into the air during manufacturing, in April 2005. One year later, Guay says the While the company acknowledges that it stands to
transportation, and in their final location, company is on target to use PureBond as the gain from regulatory action, Columbia says it
impacting indoor air quality for the end user. adhesive in its entire hardwood plywood line. So doubts PureBond will provide more than a two-
In 2002, Steve Pung, then-director of technol- far, the products have been doing moderately well. year advantage.
ogy for Columbia Forest Products, attended the “I think we’re doing better than we would have “We don’t consider ourselves owners of
Forest Products Society Meeting in Seattle, where been doing,” is Guay’s cautious estimation. innovation,” Guay says. “The natural world is
he heard a presentation by Kaichang Li, a forestry By allowing other companies to own the where you’ll see the next great moves.”
school professor at Oregon State University. research and licensing the results, Columbia’s That kind of thinking is what Janine Benyus
Li presented a paper on the potential to develop team says it can focus its internal efforts on likes to see.
a non-formaldehyde-based adhesive by modeling finding ways to expand the uses for PureBond. An encounter with biomimicry, Benyus says,
the protein structure that helps sea mussels cling Currently, the company is pursuing relationships has the potential to open up new appreciation for
to wet, rocky coastlines. Pung was intrigued. with some international wood product the natural world. “If people understand how
“The other folks in the room were adhesive manufacturers to find new applications, such as amazing nature is, it becomes untenable to watch
manufacturers, so it wasn’t necessarily in their particleboard, for PureBond. the planet slip away.” ●
best interest, but we’ve been looking for a “This is a unique disruptive technology that’s
formaldehyde-free alternative for years” he recalls. going to change our industry,” Guay says. Contact Celeste LeCompte at

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