English Upper-Intermediate Second Partial Exam - Reading Text

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Hi Marcela

I’m sorry I haven’t been in touch for such a long time. I can’t tell you what
I’ve been through in the last few months. You might remember that I was
thinking of applying to be on My New Family (I can’t imagine what possessed
me!). Well, it all went ahead. I sent in my application, went through various
interview stages and to my surprise, I was accepted on to the show. I couldn’t
believe it. What had started out as a bit of a joke, turned out to be my worst
nightmare. Before I knew where I was, it was too late to pull out.
As soon as I set foot in the My New Family house, I knew that I’d made
the biggest mistake of my life. Imagine being stuck in a house together with
complete strangers for twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. It was
really difficult. You know how it is – the producers are really only interested
in getting good viewing figures. They deliberately chose participants who
were going to be controversial.
So there I was, a forty-year-old woman on national television, sharing
my every waking moment with my new family and wishing I could be
anywhere else. However, I decided to give it a go and try to get on with
everyone. It was hard work, I can tell you. Some of them were very hard to
To be honest though, one of the worst things about the whole
experience was sleep – or lack of it. Most of my fellow inmates were night
owls and would stay up until the early hours just messing around.
As you know, I’m never at my most alert late at night so I started to
feel quite groggy after a few days of sleep deprivation.
To cut a long story short, I was voted out after the first week –
probably because the viewers thought I was too boring. Well, I suppose I
was. I didn’t say or do anything outrageous so what was the point of being
I still have nightmares about it all and just hope things will get back
to normal soon. Next time I have a crazy idea, please do something to stop
me! Meanwhile, I’ve been asked to write about my mad media week for the
local paper. Perhaps there is something in me that does rather enjoy being
the centre of attention after all!

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