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A Story of Redemption: Lessons in the Life of Ruth

Sons: Mahlon

Daughters in law:
All three
+16 “Entreat me not to
leave you, or to turn
back from following
after you; for wherever
you go, I will go; and
wherever you lodge I
will lodge; your people
shall be my people, and
your God, my God.
+17 Where you die, I will
die and there will I be
buried. The Lord do so
to me, and more also, if
anything but death
parts you and me.”
+Ruth 1:16, 17
Lesson 1

Ruth chose to surrender.

“… and your God, my God.”

Surrender - Submit to authority

Ruth recognizes that Naomi’s

God is the One true God.
Lesson 2
Ruth chose to serve Naomi.

11 And Boaz answered and

said to her, “It has been fully
reported to me, all that you
have done for your mother-
in-law since the death of your
husband, and how you have
left your father and your
mother and the land of your
birth, and have come to a
people whom you did not
know before.
12“The Lord repay
your work, and a full
reward be given you
by the Lord God of
Israel, under whose
wings you have come
for refuge.”

Ruth 2:11, 12
+Philippians 2:4
+Let each of you look not only to his own interests,
but also to the interests of others.

+Our lives are not our own. We are meant to do

service for others. And choosing to serve others
will always bring us more blessings.
1 Then Naomi her mother-in-law said to her, “My
daughter, shall I not seek security for you, that it
may be well with you?

2 Now Boaz, whose young women you were with,

is he not our relative? In fact, he is winnowing
barley tonight at the threshing floor.

3 Therefore wash yourself and anoint yourself,

put on your best garment and go down to the
threshing floor; but do not make yourself known
to the man until he has finished eating and

4 Then it shall be, when he lies down, that you

shall notice the place where he lies; and you shall
go in, uncover his feet, and lie down; and he will
tell you what you should do.”

Ruth 3:1-4
Lesson 3
Ruth chose to be intimate with her
kinsman redeemer.

7 And after Boaz had eaten and

drunk, and his heart was cheerful, he
went to lie down at the end of the
heap of grain; and she came softly,
uncovered his feet, and lay down.
Intimate- closely acquainted
familiar Ruth 3:7
10 Then he said, “Blessed are you of
the Lord my daughter! For you have
shown more kindness at the end
than at the beginning., in that you
did not go after young men,
whether poor or rich.”
11 “And now, my daughter, do not
fear. I will do for you all that you
request, for all the people of my
town know that you are a virtuous

+Ruth 3:10
+Sitting at the feet of Jesus
+O, what words I hear Him say
+Happy place, so near so precious!
+May it find me there each day.

+Sitting at the feet of Jesus

+Where can mortals be more blessed
+There I lay my sins and sorrows
+And when weary find sweet rest.
At the feet of When we are
Worship should be burdened, we need
Jesus is found an experience of to spend time at the
instruction for falling at the feet of feet of Jesus. He will
life and Jesus in humility, give us peace,
salvation. adoration, and healing and power.
The very act of falling at
someone’s feet
indicates submission. At At the feet of Jesus we
the feet of Jesus our can find forgiveness,
mind and heart say, cleansing and a new life.
“Not my, will but Thine.”
Like Ruth with her kinsman
redeemer, when we sit at the feet of
our redeemer Jesus Christ, we will
get acquainted with Him, we will get
to know more of Him, we will be
closer to Him.
And because Ruth chose to do these three things,

chose to surrender to Naomi’s God

chose to serve Naomi
chose to be intimate with her kinsman redeemer

God blessed her. From a life of

hopelessness, she received a life full of
hope. From being a gentile, she was chosen
to become one of the ancestors of King
David. This is a story of redemption.
If we,
chose to surrender to God
chose to serve others
chose to be intimate with
our redeemer Jesus Christ

we too can have a beautiful

story of redemption. We can be
with Jesus in that heavenly home
of the redeemed.

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