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Volunteer Essay and Reflection

Jonathan Lee

This year, like many previous years beforehand, I have felt that my volunteer experience
has once again allowed me to grow as a student and a part of the community. The volunteer
experience broadened my perspective and allowed me to positively impact my community.
Many of these opportunities taught me the value of empathy, teamwork, and the importance of
giving back.

The previous year, I have done multiple hours volunteering at community events like the
annual flea market sale and the library book sale. Through these events which benefit both the
community and those who live within it, it gives me a greater understanding of what it means to
be an important part of the community. Aside from volunteering at such events, I also earned
hours independently attending some general meetings. However, one of the most helpful
volunteer opportunities I had was donating to support multiple food drives and school supply
drives. These opportunities allowed me to support other people in need in my community, while
also teaching me the importance of helping others who are less fortunate than me.

In conclusion, my volunteer experiences from the previous year have continued to teach
me invaluable lessons and instill important values within me. By participating in community
events like the flea market and library book sale, I learned the significance of being an active and
essential member of my community. Moreover, donating to multiple drives throughout the year
taught me the importance of helping others who are less fortunate. Although I feel that I have
done less with volunteering this year through Youth Council, I have also put a lot of time into
other volunteer experiences through programs like NHS and IHS. Overall, these experiences
have shaped me into a more compassionate, responsible, and prepared individual, and I hope to
continue making a positive impact through volunteering in the future.

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