Abstract Painting

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art is a journey, not a destination

Zichi Lorentz

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Artist Statement
Art is a journey not a destination A journey, a dance of light from the island of the shining. I don't have a xed style of art because I want to be a seeker until the moment of my death. To expand my humanity, to polish my personality and bring myself to a higher position. I believe this is the road to lead and to give birth to the masterpiece as an artist. The reection of the personality is art; sometimes the heart gets over the techniques. I want to break the shell which is tightening myself, with a free spirit and reach a fullled life. The excitement of the life becomes the joy to create. An eternal traveler, on a journey without destination, a dance of light. From time to time, I want to share this dance with others by having exhibitions and events. Stress is a child of yesterday, we must never allow it to become an adult of tomorrow. Seize the moment and live today. Memories are only shadows of the real thing. Art is a powerful healing force, not only for the artist but also for the art viewer. With art we can over come our stress. The healing process begins the moment we take control of our lives.

Dreamlines 1 2006 Acrylic on Paper 41 x 36 cm

Dreamlines 2 2006 Acrylic on Paper 41 x 36 cm

Dreamlines 3 2006 Acrylic on Paper 41 x 36 cm

Dreamlines 4 2006 Acrylic on Paper 41 x 36 cm

Dreamlines 5 2006 Acrylic on Paper 41 x 36 cm

Dreamlines 6 2006 Acrylic on Paper 41 x 36 cm

Dreamlines 7 2006 Acrylic on Paper 41 x 36 cm

Dreamlines 8 2006 Acrylic on Paper 41 x 36 cm

Dreamlines 9 2006 Acrylic on Paper 41 x 36 cm

Dreamlines 10 2006 Acrylic on Paper 41 x 36 cm

Dreamlines 11 2006 Acrylic on Paper 41 x 36 cm

Dreamlines 12 2006 Acrylic on Paper 41 x 36 cm

Freedom is a Metamorphosis 2006 Acrylic on Paper 80 x 100 cm

Kaleidoscope Eyes 2005 Acrylic on Wood 130 x 162 cm

Mind Body & Spirit 2005 Acrylic on Paper 56 x 76 cm

Naruto 2005 Acrylic on Paper 80 x 100 cm

New Heavy 2005 Acrylic on Paper 56 x 76 cm

Silence 2005 Acrylic on Paper 56 x 76 cm

Synchronicity 2005 Acrylic on Paper 56 x 76 cm

Dawn After Dark 2004 Acrylic on Paper 56 x 76 cm

Hope of Humanity 2004 Acrylic on Canvas 91 x 116 cm

Peace of Humanity 2004 Acrylic on Canvas 91 x 116 cm

Music of Setsu Getsu Ka 2005 Acrylic on Canvas 38 x 46 cm

Waterfall 1 2004 Acrylic on Paper 80 x 100 cm

Waterfall 2 2004 Acrylic on Paper 80 x 100 cm

WWW 2004 Sumi-e on Paper 46 x 60 cm

Imagine 2004 Paper Mask 56 x 76 cm

Art Attack 2005 Acrylic on Wood 54 x 74 cm

ArtSpace 2005 Acrylic on Wood 54 x 74 cm

Censored 2005 Acrylic, wood, paper, string. 24 x 36 cm

Dark Side of the Moon 2004 Acrylic, wood, paper, mask. 46 x 60 cm

Fragile World 2004 Acrylic on Canvas 53 x 65 cm

Ikebana 2005 Acrylic, wood, paint tubes 46 x 60 cm

Kiss 2004 Acrylic on Silk 80 x 80 cm

Message in a Bottle 2006 Acrylic on Canvas 36 x 42 cm

Purple Snow 2004 Acrylic on Silk 80 x 80 cm

Setsu Getsu Ka 2005 Acrylic on Silk 54 x 74 cm

Splash 2006 Acrylic on Paper 46 x 60 cm

Stairway to Heaven 2004 Acrylic, wood, paper mask, 54 x 74 cm

Sunset NY NY 2005 Acrylic on Silk 54 x 74 cm

This is not a Pipe 2004

Today 2005 Acrylic on Canvas 130 x 162 cm

Virus 2004 Sumi-e on Paper 46 x 36 cm

Ki 2004 Acrylic on Paper 56 x 36 cm

Wabi Sabi Line 2004 Acrylic on Paper 36 x 27 cm

Wabi Sabi Triangle 2004 Acrylic on Paper 36 x 27 cm

Wabi Sabi Square 2004 Acrylic on Paper 36 x 27 cm

Wabi Sabi Circle 2004 Acrylic on Paper 36 x 27 cm

Waterfall 2005 Acrylic on Paper 36 x 27 cm

Wi- 2004 Acrylic, wood, paper mask 54 x 74 cm

zen Bubbles 2005 Acrylic on Silk 54 x 54 cm

Four Seasons 2005 Acrylic on Silk 80 x 80 cm (x2)

Four Seasons 2005 Acrylic on Silk 80 x 80 cm (x2)

Four Seasons Spring 2005 Acrylic on Silk 80 x 80 cm (x2)

Four Seasons Summer 2005 Acrylic on Silk 80 x 80 cm (x2)

Four Seasons Autumn 2005 Acrylic on Silk 80 x 80 cm (x2)

Four Seasons Winter 2005 Acrylic on Silk 80 x 80 cm (x2)

Kakejiku 2005 Acrylic on Silk 76 x 120 cm

Antique iPod 2004

Japanese Politician 2005

Wabi Sabi 2005 Acrylic on Silk 76 x 120 cm Double sided painting

Exhibition 2005

Still White 2004 Acrylic on silk 65 x 80 cm

Sunset Beach 2004 Acrylic on silk 80 x 65 cm

Blue Wave 2004 Acrylic on silk 80 x 65 cm

Autumn Jazz 2004 Acrylic on canvas 54 x 74 cm

Firey 2005 Acrylic on canvas 41 x 32 cm

Fuji 2004 Acrylic on paper 60 x 46 cm

Garden 2005 Acrylic on silk 74 x 64 cm

Ikebana 2005 Acrylic, wood, wire paint tubes

Iris Portrait 2006 Acrylic on paper 100 x 80 cm

Iris 2006 Acrylic on paper 37 x 80 cm

Lavender 2005 Acrylic on canvas 60 x 53 cm

Leafs 1999 Acrylic on canvas 91 x 73 cm

Metamorphosis 2005 Paper, CDs

Non Thought 1999 Acrylic on canvas 80 x 65 cm

Right Brain Iris 2006 Acrylic on paper 27 x 36 cm

Sea Clouds 2005 Acrylic on wood 53 x 46 cm

Spirit 1999 Acrylic on silk 80 x 65 cm

Spring Mindscape 2006 Acrylic on paper 80 x 100 cm

Stolen Art 2005 Acrylic on canvas 50 x 50 cm

Waterfall 2005 Acrylic on plexiglass 27 x 23 cm

Zichi Lorentz 2008


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