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Chocolate is made ____0____ the fruit of the cacao tree. _____16_____ trees like warm
weather and so only grow ____17______ hot countries. They grow to about seven meters
tall and _____18_____ small leaves and pink flowers. Each tree usually has twenty fruits.
The fruits are quite large and some of them are more ____19______ thirty centimeters
long. The fruits are cut from the tree, left to dry for a few hours, and then they are
__20_____ into chocolate. They are ____21_____ used to make soap and medicines.
Chocolate was first brought ____22___ Europe around the year 1600. Now it is a favorite
food and drink for adults and children in almost _____23_____ country in the world.
Serious Desert
In 2003 eight teenagers went on an expedition called ´Serious Desert.
They went to Namibia in south-west Africa to help the black rhino, an
animal that is very rare.
More than 6,500 teenagers wanted to go on ´Serious Desert´, but there were only eight
winners. They did some difficult tests in England. They swam in a cold lake, climbed high
ropes, and camped in strong winds. They also touched snakes and scorpions, but they
weren’t scared!
The group was in Namibia from 13 April to May and there were lots of challenges. They
traveled long distances, built camps, and ate strange food. They tracked black rhinos and
found useful information about them.
The weather was also a problem. It was very hot in the day-sometimes 40 °. At night, there
were no clouds in the sky and so it was very cold. At the start of the expedition, there was
even a lot of rain!
In the last week, the teenagers crossed the desert on foot with camels to the Skeleton Coast.
This was a difficult journey because the dunes were very high. When they arrived at the
coast, they swam in the Atlantic Ocean. A fantastic end to a fantastic expedition!
Vocabulary: A wacky festival

1. Choose the correct words.

Every year 1in/on August, people in Bourton-on-the-Water in England 2have/make a
football game. But they don’t play in a park or in a field- they play 3in/on the river! The
river Windrush runs 4under/next to the high street of the village, and it is only three meters
across. The people 5use/uses two bridges as the goals.
The festival 6start/started in the 1930s and lots of people enjoy 7it /them every year. The
plays/players are from local football teams, and they play in teams of six. The teams play
for only 15 minutes each way because it’s 9tired/tiring to play in the water. Some of the
teams 10wear/ are wearing colorful clothes.
Hundreds of people come to the festival to watch the game. They can get very 11wet/dry if
the game is fast, but it isn’t a problem because the game is in the 12winter/summer. The
festival is good 13funny/ fun because there 14is/are also games for children, and you can buy
nice food.

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