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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Talib, Aroroy, Masbate

Module 3 Promoting Quality Teaching and Learning

PPSSH Domain: Focusing on Teaching and learning
Strand 3.3.2 Use validated feedback obtained from learners, parents and other
stakeholders to help teachers improve their performance
Topic 2 Feedback to Improve Teacher Performance
Objectives  Reviewed the concept of effective coaching and performance feedback
and its processes.
 Used validated feedback obtained from learners, parents and
stakeholders to help teachers improve their performance.
 Reflected on the importance of providing feedback to teachers.

Let’s Try It!

Recall & Write. List down feedback received from the learners, parents and
stakeholders to one of your beginning teachers and your action as school head.
Learners Learners were happy and grateful of their
Newly Hired Kinder Teacher because of
the energy exerted from morning till I commended her for a job well done, and
afternoon, learners were able to learn advise her to continue nurturing children
new nursery rhymes, children songs and in the best they she can be.
most of all they love the golden voice of
their teacher
I advised her that if she will late for a
Teacher sometimes late in the Monday consecutive day I will let her absent for a
morning, and it tend to the learners to go day. I also advise her to come during
home. Sunday afternoon, in order for her to
prepare her lesson. (Commuter Teacher)
Teachers employ traditional methods of Called the attention of teacher’s
teaching by just letting them copy the concerned and talked to him in the office
lectures on the chalkboard with confidentiality and privacy.
Explained to him the advantages and
disadvantages of employing traditional
methods of teaching and let him see the
difference between modern method and
traditional one. Let him realized what is
the best method of teaching he needs to
employ in teaching-learning process

TA has been also extended to him with

the use of modern technology even

Address: Talib, Aroroy, Masbate

School ID: 113416
Cellphone No.: 09078034129
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Talib, Aroroy, Masbate
without electric current he can proceeded
to have a tarp paper during his
discussion. I also reminded him to be
always ready just like evaluation day.
Called a Staff Conference and discussed
the Grading system.

Included grading system in the

Dissatisfaction of Parents on Teachers
Parents discussion of agenda during the conduct
computation of Student’s Grade.
of GPTA meeting.

Oriented the parents, teachers and

learners on how grades are computed.
Revisited the code of Ethics for
Teachers professional behavior in the Professional Teachers during the
school community conduct of IN-SERVICE TRAINING for

Analyze the feedback matrix, write your answers in your journal.

1. How important are the feedback from the identified sources to you as a school head?

Feedback from the different identified sources are very important for us
school heads whether it is positive nor negative feedback, there are feedbacks
maybe because there is progress or rather there is an issue to be solved.
Feedbacking from our clienteles is important for us school heads because through
these feedbacks given we can provide adjustments and interventions addressing the
needs of teachers in improving their teaching practice that lead to a higher student
achievement in the process. We can also give appropriate Technical Assistance for
some aspects of their weaknesses, and commendable and rewards for their

Performance feedback may demonstrate positive impacts because of how

performance feedback aligns with effective instructional methods that involve
modeling a skill followed by practice with feedback. Specific feedback provides
teachers with the information they require to improve practice. In other words,
performance feedbacks would benefit not only the teachers but as well as learners
and the School Heads. Feedback will also be one of the ingredients for success.

2. What is the impact of your action to the teacher?

Honestly speaking, once I receive feedback it gives me stress and doubts in

my leadership journey before, but now I consider feedback as my assessments to

Address: Talib, Aroroy, Masbate

School ID: 113416
Cellphone No.: 09078034129
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Talib, Aroroy, Masbate
correct and to relearn its lesson for my professional growth. My actions on the
feedback received from the identified sources have a great positive impact to my
colleagues. It improved their teaching practice. Their weaknesses were developed
into strengths because they became aware of those areas they need to improve
relative to their profession. We need these feedbacks good or bad in order for us to
move forward without hesitations of mockery because we are humans sometimes we
committed mistakes because we are not perfect, as I advised my teachers.

Let’s Practice!

Task 1. From the Feedback Matrix, select one (1) feedback from any of the
sources. Write a scenario showing that you have to reinforce and redirect
feedback to your beginning teacher.

A commuter teacher come to school late during Monday morning. It tends to the
learners to go home since their teacher is out. What I did was I attended the class for 2
hours and not letting children to go home. Circumstances may come along our journey and
sometimes it surprised us and we caught to an act that we sometimes being notified by
learners and parents. I did some advice to my teacher to come Sunday afternoon in order
for her to prepare the first school days of the week, Monday is very important day for the
children because they were excited to go back to school, I will mark her absent if she will
late again. So far, this feedback from the parents and learners will not happened again. We
have resolved this issue and the teacher was amenable for her actions.

Task 2. Consider the situation below. What action would you result to the teacher’s
realization of his mistake and making himself fully mastered the lesson before facing
his class?

My action would be, I will call the attention of Teacher Matthew without Mr. Abbe, of
course I will defend Mr. Matthew from Mr. Abbe, maybe one of his classmates corrected the
paper of Mr. Abbe’s son.
I will present the corrected paper to Mr. Matthew and ask him what’s this all about. I
will listen to his explanation and I will give him my technical know-how, I will also let him
mentor by one of our colleagues through a form of SLAC, not counterfeits Mr. Matthew’s
privacy and rights. I will also monitor his performance through class observation. I will also
advise him to do some webinars concerning his weak points. I will let him know the
importance of having a correct concepts in mathematics because it will multiply if its nit be

Address: Talib, Aroroy, Masbate

School ID: 113416
Cellphone No.: 09078034129
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Talib, Aroroy, Masbate
corrected, it just like to a doctor operates his patient, if the operation failed the patient will
die, but in teaching if we have taught the wrong ones, it will kill the future of our learners.

Let’s Do This!

Taking into consideration the elements in feedback giving and receiving, make a
two-day developmentally sequenced post conferences with 3 of your priority
teachers whom you feel need technical assistance. This will be after you
conducted a classroom observation. Be sure to provide meaningful feedback.
Write your answer in the template provided.
My Performance Feedback Plan
Strength Areas for Time Persons
Teacher Recommendations Interventions
s Improvement frame involved
Explore various Continuous
Range of teaching strategies participation in School Head,
Mary Grace Year-
ICT Teaching that are accurate In-Service District
C. Lim Round
Strategy and suitable to Trainings or Supervisor
learners needs LAC Sessions
Explore various Continuous
Range of teaching strategies participation in School Head,
Cathy R. Riva ICT Teaching that are accurate In-Service District
Strategy and suitable to Trainings or Supervisor
learners needs LAC Sessions
Application of
Gradually use ICT
ICT in Attend webinar
devices in
Marivic E. Teaching classroom trainings on ICT Year-
classroom School Head
Terrel Strategy instruction or / enroll in short Round
instruction to
learning ICT courses
engage learners

Let’s Face It!

Write your reflection on these questions:

1. What performance feedback strategies did you learn from this topic that would help
you improve your skills in providing feedback to teacher?

Address: Talib, Aroroy, Masbate

School ID: 113416
Cellphone No.: 09078034129
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Talib, Aroroy, Masbate
The performance feedback strategy that I have learned from this topic,
through observation and communication and conducting In-person classroom
observation is needed in addressing the needs of teacher towards improving a range
teaching practices and strategies for a better learner achievement in the process.
The Performance feedback and how It should be able to deliver them to achieve the
desired outcome for teachers to constantly develop effective feedback, I should be
aware with the type of feedback that I should give to the teacher in a specific
situation, and its frequency and timing of feedback should also be aligned and

2. What is your realization on the importance of knowing and providing feedback to

teachers to improve the performance?
As a school head, my realization on the importance of knowing and providing
feedback to my colleagues, I will let them know that feedback will help them improve
their journey being a teacher, that feedbacking is part of school management. Not
only that I make sure that their direction is anchored towards the needs of the
learners but I should also provide them, with the right feedback to help them reflect
on their own skills and behaviors that would eventually improve their performance
and to achieve the school’s dream which is delivering quality education to all
3. Share what you feel and think after finishing this lesson by completing the statement
My knowledge and understanding teachers and their needs will help me to
become an effective and efficient school manager. To equip me the right skills and
aptitude in order for me have a bank of solutions and interventions for helping them
in their teaching career for them become effective teachers in a classroom setting
but also by understanding that their performance will eventually reflect to my
leadership and management being a school leader...
I find this lesson challenging, meaningful and informative. It allows me to reflect
on the way that I give feedback to my teachers in several aspects of their
performance by inspiring and motivating them to do good all the time, through which
delivering basic education to all learners will have a successful journey.

Address: Talib, Aroroy, Masbate

School ID: 113416
Cellphone No.: 09078034129

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