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1- Absence Type:

Below in the table are the types and the description:

Absence Type Description Companies Eligible to leave type

Company Annual Leave. (deduct from the annual balance of employee)
According the Egyptian law
The employee complete 10 year’s work or complete 50 years old he take 30
days annual other take 21 days annual it’s begin from the employee
completed the probation period before it appear massage to the HR
employee told them the employee at the probation period
Annual Leave The annual leave contain 2 type or leaves All Employees
1- Regular
2- Emergency it not greater than 6 days in year and not greater
than 2 days at sequence
If the employee at the probation period appear Notify
There some employees added to 21 or 30 dangers leaves 7 days according
this jobs
Female Married employee is eligible not greater than 90 days paid
All Egypt Companies for Females
Maternity Leave maternity leave
According the Egyptian law
Military Leave Military Leave is a Paid Leave Males only

Mission In case of employee on mission According company policy All Employees

In Case of sick leaves , sick leave is paid leave according the Egyptian law
Sick Leave All Employees

Employee can take Unpaid leave when he didn’t have annual leave vacation
Unpaid Leave balance or he didn’t reach six months from the hiring date All Employees
According company policy
Unpaid Leave with penalty
Absence without Permission All Employees
According company policy
Work Injury Work Injury is a Paid Leave according the Egyptian law All Employees
Elections Elections is a Paid Leave according the Egyptian law All Employees
Instead Instead is a Paid Leave according the company policy All Employees
Hajj Leave is a paid leave once after the employee completed 5 yeas work at
Hajj Leave All Employees
the company
Permission by hours Permission paid Leave According company policy it calc by hours All Employees
Permission by days Permission paid Leave According company policy it calc by days All Employees
Bus Delay In Case Bus Delay the delay not deduct of the employee it calc by hours All employees

NB – at the business case some employees write the absence form by overlap dates the system notified the HR employee that there are
overlap at this vacation if you want continue or modify it
The HR employee can change the total number of vacation also the system notified the HR employee that the total number of this vacation is
less than the actual if you want continue or modify it
- Absence Reason: Used in Our Company for annual leave type to differentiate between annual leave and emergency leave
- Dates: choose from the calendar the start date and the end date of the leave.
- Upload the previous history year’s form 2005to 2011 as the following
Year, previous year’s balance, due, taken, current balance
- Reset vacation balance at the certain date (paid)

- Notification message and error message

There are some notification messages and error message in popup at the following vacation
1-Annual leave if the employee in a probationary period notification should be displayed only then the user chose whether
to accept or reject it.
2-Annual leave if the employee take an emergency leave greater than 6 days at year notification should be displayed only
then the user chose whether to accept or reject it
3-Maternity Leave error message the user can insert the vacation if the employee is male or the employee female but the
vacation more than 90 days
4-Military Leave error message the user can insert the vacation if the employee is female

Calculation of days
Calculation of days will be conditional to the leave type as per the following:

Total Days Net Days (excluding Weekends and Off days)

Sick Leave Annual Leave
Hajj Leave Instead
Maternity Leave Mission
Military leave Unpaid Leave
Work Injury Elections

- All vacation calculated by days but permission by hours, Bus delay, mission types are calculated per hour.
- The accrual at annul leave 30 or 21 days according Egyptian low

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