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A high performing academy providing excellence for all Autumn 2014

A Level Success
e celebrated another successful year of A Level
results with an impressive 100% pass rate grades
at A*-E. Over 72% of students achieved grades of
A*-C, of which over 40% achieved top A*-B grades.
Weatherhead’s results, as the second biggest Sixth Form
in the county, reflect its status as an Ofsted graded
‘outstanding’ school. We were delighted that over 120
students secured places at the universities of their choice,
including the following high achievers:

Hannah Perry A* A* A Newcastle University - English Literature Other notable successes include
university entrants to study Philosophy,
Katie Usher A* A* B Liverpool Community College - Art Foundation
International Business, Computer
Natasha Jones A* A B King’s College, University of London - Mathematics Science, Law and Criminology,
Olivia McLaughlin A* A B Edge Hill University - Psychology Aerospace Engineering, Construction
Management, Biomedical Engineering,
Emily Sharp A* A C Sheffield University - History and Politics
Nursing, Media, Dance and Sports
Emily Xu AAA Edinburgh University - Chemistry related courses.
Erin Courtney AA B C Bristol University - Modern Foreign Languages
Catherine Bunting AA B Manchester University - Geography Mr Dyment commented, “It is a very
rewarding day to see so many of our
Charlotte Burgess AA B Sheffield University - Psychology
young people achieve their ambition
Anna Capon AA B Aberdeen University - History after so much commitment and hard
Sarah Hanna AA B Huddersfield University - Textiles work. With 100% pass rate and most
students securing grades for their first
Esther Richardson AA C Sheffield University - History & Politics
choice places at top universities, I am
Rebecca Edwards AA B Liverpool University - Chemistry delighted.”

GCSE Joy Some of this year’s top performers:

Danielle Hesketh 6 A*, 7 A, 1 B

tudents rejoiced with another excellent year for GCSE results, with 78% of students Lauren Pringle 6 A*, 5 A, 3 B
achieving the critical five A*-C grades including English and Maths. This year’s results
Ellen Goulding 5 A*, 8 A
were outstanding in all areas, with 85% of students achieving A*-C grades in both Maths
and English. The new more challenging GCSEs and changes to the way papers are marked have Ellen Brown 4 A*, 7 A, 3 B
not impacted on our students and the results far exceed national performance projections. Isobel Wilton 3 A*, 8 A, 2 B
Emily Cook 3 A*, 6 A, 2 B
Annie Taylor 3 A*, 5 A, 3 B, 2 C
Bria Bain 2 A*, 10 A, 1 B
Alexandra Jones 2 A*, 9 A, 2 B
Mr Dyment
celebrates Lauren Francom 2 A*, 9 A, 1 B
students Beth Raynor 2 A*, 8 A, 3 B, 1C
Melissa Saunders 2A*, 8 A, 3 B
Student Achievements

Headteacher’s Welcome
I am very proud of the excellent results achieved across A level and GCSE this summer which all come
down to the hard work and commitment put in by all staff and students at Weatherhead. This Autumn
edition of Weather Report is a great celebration of the wealth of talent and opportunity that exists in the
school. I am grateful to everyone who contributes to making the activities and initiatives possible, including
parents for all the support and encouragement they give to students. I am pleased to welcome our new
Year 7 students and their families to Weatherhead and hope that Weather Report will give them a positive
introduction to the school.

Search for a Hero Girls Reach New

e were delighted
that two of
our students aredevil sister act
were nominated and Emma and Charlotte
shortlisted for a Wirral Cotgrove, from Years
Youth Heroes Award. The 8 and 10, raised an impressive
Awards recognise young £2,000 for St. John’s Hospice
people who have made an when they abseiled down
outstanding contribution to local landmark Leasowe
their community and are Lighthouse. Supported by
an inspiration to others. their friends, family and staff
Emma Segar (Year 11) from Weatherhead the girls
was nominated in the bravely climbed the 130 steps to the top of the Lighthouse to
Enterprise/Fundraising abseil 33 metres - an amazing achievement!
category by Year Leader,
Miss Smith. Emma has
raised almost £1,500 for
local mental health charity
Hitting the
MIND and volunteered at the Hard Day’s Night Hotel in Liverpool.
Beth Newcombe (Year 12) was nominated by Head of Dance,
High Notes
Miss Chappell, for contribution to the arts. Beth was nominated for e are delighted
her continued support to the Weatherhead Dance department, that Year 10
performing in school events and shows, and helping with Junior student Frances
Dance clubs. Beth is also an active member of local dance company, Jory has passed her Grade 8
Anamal, and hopes Associated Board of the Royal
to follow a career in Schools of Music (ABRSM)
Dance. A presentation on Tenor Horn. A very proud
ceremony took place Head of Music, Mr Brown,
at the Floral Pavilion said, “This is an excellent
ERHGIVXM½GEXIW[IVI achievement for a Year 10
presented by the student, and being the highest
Mayor of Wirral. grade expected by Music Colleges, sets Frances well on the way
Both our girls were to pursuing a successful career in music.” Frances performs in
delighted to be the Orchestra and Brass Ensemble and is one of many talented
shortlisted in the students emerging in the Music Department, where this year there
top three within have been a record number of students entering and passing
their category and Music exams. Weatherhead’s Hitting the High Notes students
enjoyed attending Paige Beckett, Jasmine Bungay, Julie Gallagher, Ayva Gilmour, Emma
the evening with Hesketh, Jenna Sanders and Erin Thomson (Year 7) and Sophie
their families. Sutcliffe and Megan Warren (Year 9) have all passed their Grade 1
Music Theory.

Student Achievements

Working 9 to 5… SSLT with speaker Gavin Davies

What a Way to Make a Living

ear 10 students spent the last week of June out of school on work
experience. Amber Blair-Keyes and Rebecca Head spent an amazing
week in the kitchens at Hickory’s, West Kirby, experiencing how a busy
restaurant runs. As winner and runner-up earlier this year in the Hickory’s YYear
ear 8 celebration lunch
Junior Masterchef 2014 competition, the girls were also treated to a day
out with Company Directors. Both girls mastered basic health and safety,
food hygiene, and by the end of the week were competent in preparing
restaurant quality salads and starters and smoking meat. Four students
took the opportunity to join Merseyside Police and were involved in a wide
management. They were shown how an evidence search is carried out, how
bomb search is co-ordinated and even spent time in a court room! Staff
commented on the levels of competence and maturity shown during the Work Hard,
week - well done Year 10.
Aim High
ur end of term Key Stage 3 Awards Evening celebrated
the achievements, hard work and efforts of over
one hundred students in Years 7, 8 and 9. A number
of students also received special Year Leader Awards for
outstanding contribution to their year group or for personal
achievement. The evening was an opportunity to showcase
the fantastic talents of our Performing Arts students.
The Year 7 Dance group kicked off proceedings with an
energetic routine to Pharrell William’s Happy, followed
Hickory’s work experience by Year 8 who danced to Weapon of Choice by Fat Boy
Slim. The audience also enjoyed performances from the
Orchestra, with Rebecca Barrow on cornet and a vocal solo
by Georgia Foundation with Rebecca Smith on guitar. Our
Celebrate Good Times guest speaker, Mr Gavin Davies, from Tremendous Training,
gave an insightful talk about his career as a business coach,

ear 10 students experienced a mock GCSE Results Day to sharing his career experiences and encouraging students to
prepare them for a positive GCSE year ahead. During their work hard and aim high!
excellent attendance and various awards from their Form Tutor, Year
Leader and Learning Mentor. Star Talent

alented Year 9 vocalist, Jess
Year 10 celebrations
Henry, was successful in
the UK. The competition attracts over 8,000 acts as judges
from the record industry and world of music travel across
the country in the search of the UK’s best teen talent.
About It ensured that she was amongst the winners in the
was stiff and Jess narrowly missed out on a place in the
of a packed audience. Jess’ audition performance can be
viewed online at

For all the latest news visit 3

Student Achievements

End of an Era
ear 11 attended a special leavers’ assembly and were treated to a buffet in the Sixth
Form Common Room as a reward for their hard work and commitment towards
their GCSEs. Miss Smith and the Year 11 team said their farewells but were delighted
that most of the girls returned to school in September to join the Sixth Form after a hard
earned rest over the summer. Over 50 awards (nominated by staff) were presented to
students for Most Improved Student, Most Unique Student, Most Hardworking Student and
Form Tutor Award. Ellen Gill and Lucy Rylott delivered inspirational and emotional speeches
with rapturous applause for Leah Sage collecting the Year Leader’s Award and Shauna Crook
collecting the Learning Mentor Award. The celebration concluded with a brilliant performance
by the Year 11 dancers.

Vocation, Vocation, Vocation

Staff & students attend the Echo Awards

taff and students from Years 10, 11 and 12 celebrated another
successful year of vocational learning with a special buffet lunch
Cookery and Childcare, along with two Year 12 students obtaining a

Echo Echo, Read All About It

Award in the category of Best School Newspaper/Website.
The awards ceremony at the Crowne Plaza, Liverpool, was
a great opportunity for two members of our newly elected SSLT, Jess
Chong and Ellie Brough-McLean, to represent the school, together
with the Website and Weather Report production team represented
by E-Learning Manager, Miss Parkins, Communications Manager, Mrs
Leweson and Media Arts Coordinator, Mrs Carney.

Wise Beyond Words

ead of German, Mrs Wiseman, was nominated by an A level student for the German Teacher
Headteacher, Mrs Rogers, Mrs Wiseman took her place in the line-up of outstanding teachers.
The Sommerfest der Deutschen Sprache (German Language Summer Party) was hosted by the
German Ambassador, Dr Peter Ammon, and attended by almost 200 teachers and representatives
from education and language teaching sectors from all over the UK. The Rt. Hon. Baroness Coussins
of Whitehall Park and Head of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Modern Languages was the
keynote speaker for the event. The Sommerfest recognises outstanding achievements and pays tribute
to German teachers in primary and secondary schools. Gut gemacht (well done) to Mrs Wiseman
who is a credit to the department and the school. The German Teacher Award is jointly organised by
the German Embassy London, Deutsche Schule London, the Department for Education and other

International Links

Achtung Baby!

Ich Bin Ein Berliner

ntrepid AS History and Sociology students were delighted to visit the captivating city of Berlin. Once the centre of Nazi Germany, an ally target
in iconic landmarks such as the Brandenburg Gate and the remains of the Berlin Wall decorated with amazing paintings by those who lived in the East
during the Cold War.They also visited Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp, Check-Point Charlie, the Reichstag parliamentary building and the Kaiser Wilhelm
Church. Students were also treated to a trip to Berlin Zoo, a relaxing cruise along the River Spree and a meal at the Hard Rock Café. No wonder students
found it hard to say auf wiedersehen!

Benvenutii A
B Amici
i i
J Einfach Wunderbar!
ust before Easter our Italian friends visited the Wirral
on the return leg of our Italian exchange programme.
Weatherhead students welcomed the group with a

presentation about their stay in Salerno followed by traditional rs Wiseman took a group of Year 9, 10 and 11 linguists on a
English afternoon tea. The week was spent learning about mini-exchange to the picturesque town of Gladenbach in central
life on the Wirral - the group enjoyed attending lessons and Germany. The group visited Wetzlar, Marburg and Frankfurt and
experiencing school life in England. The busy programme attended the Europaschule Gladenbach where sixth former, Rachel Dunster,
included a trip to the Liverpool cathedrals, a ride on the famous worked with a Year 8 class during February half term. The girls were assigned
Ferry ‘Cross the Mersey, a day in Chester and a whistle-stop German exchange partners who hosted them for a day and showed them
tour of Wirral visiting Port Sunlight, the Lady Lever Art Gallery the local sights. The group soaked up the World Cup atmosphere and were
and Parkgate. The students stayed with host students and lucky enough to celebrate with 3,000 Germans in a marquee in Gladenbach
their families and were given a very warm Wirral welcome. as Germany beat Argentina to win the World Cup - an experience which
The Italians thoroughly enjoyed their stay and we were sad to none of them will ever forget! We hope to continue strengthening our links
see them go but Weatherhead look forward to continuing the with the Europaschule Gladenbach in the future.
exchange programme with future student groups.

Italian Exchange visits Port Sunlight

For all the latest international news visit 5

Weatherhead Plus!

Duke of Edinburgh
Success at Weatherhead
he Extended Schools Programme continues to go from strength to
strength and offers a number of activities to students. This year saw
the launch of the Duke of Edinburgh scheme. Over 150 students
from Years 9 to13 took part in the Bronze, Silver and Gold schemes with an
army of staff volunteers. The Awards aim to help students develop important D of E Silver dry run
skills development, planning, preparing and taking part in a residential expedition.
Students attended regular evening sessions at school and completed weekend
expeditions in North Wales and Yorkshire. Following their practise expedition,
Year 9 students carried out their Bronze expedition on a very rainy Saturday
followed by a very sunny Sunday in North Wales. The twenty strong group of
girls followed a planned route to camp at Fron Farm, erected their own tents and
prepared their own meals. Students working towards their Silver Award spent a
practise weekend exploring the Yorkshire Dales followed by the ‘real deal’ three
weeks later - this time planning their own route. Congratulations to all the girls
who have completed their Awards and many thanks to everyone who has
helped to make the scheme such a success this year.
Setting up camp!
How to get involved in the Duke of Edinburgh
programme at Weatherhead: Bronze D of E Training

Award Day & Time

Bronze Award for Year 9 students Tuesdays from 6.00pm til 8.00pm
Silver Award for students in Mondays from 6.00pm til 8.00pm
Years 10, 11, 12, 13 meeting every other week
Gold Award for students in Mondays from 6.00pm til 8.00pm
Years 10, 11, 12, 13 meeting every other week
Our Duke of Edinburgh scheme is open to all students in Years 9 to 13.
All sessions cost £2.00.
For more information on the full range of Extended Schools activities,
! including the Duke of Edinburgh, visit the school website schools

The Rainforest Roadshow Reels in Year 7

two day visit to the Geography
department by the Rainforest
Roadshow gave our Year 7
students an invaluable insight into the
fragile world of the Rainforest. The girls
were shown regional artefacts and given
an up close and personal view of some
exotic creatures including tarantulas,
bugs and piranha. They were also given
a taste of the Rainforest with organic
chocolate and edible plant samples. The
workshops were lively and engaging as
discussions looked at conservation and
development in the region and how the
balance is often hard to strike. It was
certainly a memorable day for the girls.
A big thanks to Geography staff and
Rainforest Roadshow
visiting team for creating such a vivid

Weatherhead Plus!

All in a Day’s Work

tudents in Year 7 and 8 were given a day off timetable to take part in
a variety of creative and cultural activities as part of our World Arts
Day celebrations. The day also allowed students to spend valuable
time discussing their academic progress on a 1-1 basis with their form tutors.
The girls enjoyed Zumba classes, making button bracelets and bows, Samba
drumming, drama, mini Olympics activities, circus skills, belly dancing and
cheerleading! Year 8 students also recorded vox pops detailing their hopes,
dreams and ambitions under the theme ‘in 10 Years’ time’. During the last
lesson of the day the girls watched a Ready, Steady, Cook! challenge run by
the school caterers, Chartwells, which saw Miss Elliott’s green team narrowly
beaten by their Year Leader, Mrs Ronan and the reds!
Circus skills
Students live for sport!

Living the Dream

eatherhead was delighted to take part in the
Sky Sports Living for Sports Project this year and
as a result we were matched with Everton
and England Goalkeeper, Rachel Brown-Finnis, as our Sky
Sports Living Mentor. The project, which was guided and
assessed by Rachel, aimed to develop community cohesion
between Weatherhead and local primary schools. Rachel
visited Weatherhead many times to oversee the project
and promote sporting opportunities. She delivered two
inspirational sessions to Year 7 and 8 students that centred
round the six key concepts to success and put them through
their paces in a Football masterclass. Her talk engaged
over 400 girls as she described her journey and successes
throughout her career and her role as a Living Mentor. Rachel
also worked closely with our Year 12 Sports Leaders and
was hugely impressed with their hard work and commitment
Ready Steady Cook! to the project.

Creative Arts Showcase Check Mate!

taff from the Art, Music, Media and DT departments celebrated
another year of talent in the annual Creative Arts Showcase. Stunning ix Year 7 pupils and one Year 8 pupil who attended
examples of Fine Art, Textiles and Product Design GCSE and A level Miss Lowe’s lunchtime Chess Club visited Riverside
work were exhibited 4VMQEV]7GLSSPXSGSQTIXIMRXLI½VWXWirral Chess
alongside A level Film Championship.The girls competed against teams from other
Studies blogs, Media Wirral and Chester schools, including some county and
magazine front covers international players. Our girls played extremely well, gained
and Year 8 Horror valuable experience, and are looking forward to their next
posters. Students, parents p
and guests were invited
to view the work and
share in our students’
achievements whilst the
Chamber Choir and the
Orchestra provided the

For news updates follow us on Twitter @WeatherheadHigh 7

Student Leadership

Students are up
Key speaker
Rachel Brown-Finnis

for a Challenge
Year 10 students from schools across Merseyside, including students complete
Woodchurch High School, the Heath School, Bebington the Logical
High School, Calday Grange, Archbishop, Greenbank
High School and the North Liverpool Academy, visited Weatherhead to
TEVXMGMTEXIMRSYV½VWXLeadership Challenge Day. The students were treated
to a keynote speech from Everton and England goalkeeper Rachel Brown-
Finnis. The students then worked in their school teams of 10 to complete a
series of physical, mental and logical challenges. Wonderful weather enabled
the activities to take place outside and the students enjoyed the day
immensely. A visiting member of staff praised the day commenting, “I would
like to thank your staff for your hard work. The boys thoroughly enjoyed
themselves and they were shattered by the end of the day which is no
mean feat. I would also like to mention how well your students did helping
out. They were a credit to the School and made a big impression with us all
with their enthusiasm. Thanks again”.

SSLT are Awesome!

e are delighted to announce the new Senior Leadership Team (SSLT) for the 2014/2015 academic year who play an important
role in sixth form and school life.
Jade Franks Head Girl
Isabella Mawdsley Deputy Head Girl
Ethan Dunbar Deputy Head Boy
Ella Brough-McLean Assistant Head Girl
Jessica Chong Assistant Head Girl
Caroline Duncan Assistant Head Girl
Jessica Gay Assistant Head Girl
Adam Davies Assistant Head Boy


Evans and Mrs Lambert. The students were awesome, many overcame their fear of heights and they worked incredibly well as a team,
putting them in good stead for this year’s SSLT duties.

Students Lead by
ur Young Artists in Residence initiative goes from
strength to strength with eight of our Year 12 Art
and Textiles students continuing to work with the
Educational Managers based at the Walker Art Gallery,
Liverpool. The aim of the programme was to create a team
based at the Gallery who were trained to deliver live art
sessions and lead tours for the public. After weeks of training
and planning the students delivered some fabulous tours at
the Liverpool Light Night festival.
Students at the
Walker Art Gallery

Subject Matters


Mall Galleries RARE Dance Company visit the Dance Department

he Art department
were delighted to
submit a selection
of our students’ A level Art and
Textiles work to be considered
for the annual National Students’
Exhibition at the Mall Gallery in
London. This prestigious event,
run by the Dover Federation for

A RARE Opportunity for

the Arts, celebrates the best of
the best with tough competition
from schools and colleges
throughout the country. Mrs Dance Students
Freckleton was thrilled that six indsay Inglesby and students from RARE Dance Company
pieces of art from Weatherhead visited the Dance department to offer students dance tuition
were selected to be exhibited in preparation for a professional career in the arts. The group
this year. Miss Thomas was lucky included ex-Weatherhead student Abbigayle Shallcross who will
enough to attend the opening soon be joining Urdang Dance Company in London as a result of her
on 8th July to see our students’ training. The workshop included an interactive session for our Years
work alongside examples of 9 to 13 and a performance from the RARE students. We are proud
the best artwork in the country. to announce that another ex-student, Katy Maddock, will be training
Representatives from the Royal with RARE this year. We wish her all the best.
Society of British Artists mingled
with artists and students in a
celebration of aspiring artists and
talent. Student work at the Mall
CAT Masterclass

Bags of Love
iss Stewart and students from Years 10 and 11 have
been designing bags for charity which have been
donated to Macmillan nurses, based at Clatterbridge
Cancer Centre. Patients who need constant medication
can choose a unique bag to carry ttheir syringe driver and Students are captivated by CAT
medication around with them

which allows them to be ‘hands ance students
t d t were treated
t t d tot a Masterclass
M t l run by b CAT
free’, whilst always maintaining (the Centre for Advanced Training in Dance) to develop
access to their medicines. There the Contemporary Dance skills of our GCSE and A Level
are also bags for unexpected students. CAT is a national project which provides technical training
hospital stays, which Macmillan for students who successfully audition for the programme. The event
nurses pack with essential was a great opportunity for our girls with live music accompanying
toiletry items, chocolate and a their performances.
magazine which look so much

Upcoming Dance Events

nicer in a hand decorated
canvas tote bag, than in a plastic

carrier bag (and much better
for the environment too!). The ook out for Dance department trips to see Akram Khan’s
scheme allows patients to keep work and Matthew Bourne’s Edwards Scissor Hands during the
tthe bags for as long as they are
th Autumn Term. The next whole school production Oliver! also
nneeded. To date, the girls have needs dancers - auditions will take place during this term. Keep an
ccreated over 100 bags. eye out on the Dance department notice boards for further details.

For all the latest Dance updates, follow us on Twitter @WHSDanceDept 9

Subject Matters


Girls Make Time for Festival Fever

Chamber Choir at Chester Music Festival
Times Tables eatherhead’s talented
musicians performed

imes Table week returned in the Summer Term for girls exceptionally well at
in Years 7 and 8. Throughout the week, students were the 2014 Wirral Festival of Music,
encouraged to practise their tables ready for a test. Speech and Drama at Birkenhead
Teaching groups 8W, 8H and 8S planned extra activities to share High School. The Brass Ensemble
with other classes and at lunchtime sessions. This extra focus on XSSO½VWXTPEGIMRXLI-RWXVYQIRXEP)RWIQFPI
Times Table skills resulted in an impressive 126 students gaining a test section and, although not overall winners of
result of 100%. Well done to those who achieved top marks and to the festival, were ‘highly commended’ and
all the girls for their endeavour. impressed the adjudicators. Similar praise for
performances were given to Autumn Townsend
(vocal), Cheryl White (cornet) and Jess Henry
(vocal), with Jess coming second out of thirty
one competitors. Frances Jory, (Tenor Horn)
came fourth and performed extremely well in
a very tough group. Talented sixth former Becky
Smith (guitar) came second in her category
place. The results were a real high note for staff
and students after months of hard work and
practice. Congratulations to all our musicians who took part.
Chamber Choir pulled off a fantastic performance at the Chester
Festival of Performing Arts at the Kings School, Chester. The Choir
were pleased with second place and excellent feedback from the
adjudicators. Elizabeth Elson (Flute) and Frances Jory (Tenor Horn)
Students Put Their both achieved distinctions within their categories, whilst Rebecca
Barrow was highly commended for her performance on the cornet.
Houses in Order
And the Band Played On
he 2014 Maths House Competition was won by Young

House who were crowned champions with a score of he Orchestra and Choirs had a busy term polishing their
147 points. Fawcett House came a close second with 138 repertoire to perform at Key Stage 3 Awards Evening.
points, Nightingale House took third place with 133 points and Scott They had the challenge of playing ten National Anthems at
House were fourth with 108 points. Points were awarded for a range our Commonwealth Games-themed Sports Day, performed at the
of activities including winning form time numeracy activities, attending Year 10 Celebration and end of term assemblies, as well as playing to
Maths extra-curricular clubs, entering Number Day competitions, and parents and visitors at the Summer Sizzler and the Creative Showcase.
winning the Memorise Pi Competition. A winners’ celebration lunch

Disneyland Paris 2015

was held and members of the winning house were invited to attend.
Prizes were given out by Mr Dyment to the Heads and Assistant
Heads of Houses together with the Year 12 House Captains.
Here We Come…
members of the Orchestra and Choirs will be travelling
to Disneyland Paris next July. The group will stay three
nights in the outskirts of Paris, perform a mini concert
within Disney, as well as a performance in a public park in central
Paris. The students will also
have time to enjoy a day on
the rides at Disney and a river
cruise down the Seine.
Maths Houses winners

Subject Matters

Music Students Make the Grade Performing Arts students

r Brown was delighted that so many students achieved
grades in a variety of disciplines including four distinctions!
Well done to all our students who worked so hard and
took exams this year.
Rebecca Barrow Grade 6 Cornet (Distinction)
Paige Beckett Grade 1 Music Theory
Emily Beresford Grade 6 Musical Theatre (Distinction)
Jasmine Bungay Grade 1 Music Theory
Georgia Foundation Grade 3 Musical Theatre (Distinction)
Thomas Forfar Grade 6 Drums

Look How Far We’ve Come

Grade 6 Guitar
Julie Gallagher Grade 1 Music Theory

Ayva-Mae Gilmour Grade 1 Music Theory
s part of their GCSE examination, Year 11 Performing Arts
Emma Hesketh Grade 1 Music Theory students produced and performed a play entitled Look
Shanane Hollingsworth Grade 2 Pop Vocals How Far We’ve Come8LITIVJSVQERGI[EWEVI¾IGXMSR
Grade 8 Tenor Horn on Wirral’s local history, taking its ‘spirit’ from the opening song Be
Frances Jory
Proud of Where You Come From. Students showcased historic events
Craig Pugh Grade 8 Guitar
which changed and shaped the Wirral through drama and song.
Jenna Sanders Grade 1 Music Theory The performance was split into two acts, presented by two teams
Charlotte Sutcliffe Grade 6 Trumpet of students. Corney Productions presented a moving performance
Sophie Sutcliffe Grade 1 Music Theory about the development of the New Brighton community - past
and present - entitled The Spirit of New Brighton. Oculas Productions
Erin Thomson Grade 1 Music Theory
created a performance about Leasowe Castle, entitled The Lady
Megan Warren Grade 1 Music Theory of Leasowe. As well as creating the
Samantha Williams Grade 1 Pop Vocals (Distinction) performance, students oversaw Tech crew
the marketing and management of
the event, from press and publicity
PERFORMING ARTS to ticketing and technical support
backstage. One student commented,

Pure Theatrics “This experience has opened doors

not only developing my Performing

Arts skills but also developing my
keen Year 10 GCSE Performing Arts students visited St.
understanding of the local area and its
George’s Primary School to perform as part of their
Theatre-in-Education Unit which forms part of their
Funbugs and Little Reds. Funbugs created a performance based in the
insect kingdom about friendship and treating others with kindness,
whilst Little Reds chose to mix up well-known fairy tale characters Every Dog Has Its Day
to create an original story about stealing. The girls worked hard on level Drama
their performances, showcasing their talents in singing, dancing and students enjoyed
acting, and demonstrated great teamwork and commitment. The a performance of
performances were very well received by a packed audience of almost A Dead Dog in a Suitcase
100 pupils who responded with much clapping and enthusiasm. at the newly refurbished
Liverpool Everyman. The
Performing Arts
students on tour performance was staged
by Knee High, an exciting touring theatre company, and was
invaluable for the students’ devised performance which they will
begin work on this term. The performance was based on John
Gay’s, The Beggar’s Opera, and was a visual revelation. Drama
Teacher, Miss Elliott, commented that it was one of the best
plays students have ever been to see.

For all the latest news visit 11

Subject Matters


Students enjoy the

scenic location Athletics Results
8th April - Wirral Schools’
Relay Championships
A group of 22 girls travelled to Bebington Oval to compete in
the Wirral Schools’ Relay Championships. There were powerful
and promising performances from the girls in Years 7 to 10
completing in the 3 x 800m relay and 4 x 100m relay and this

30th April - Dave Jeffs’ Memorial Trophy

Memorial Trophy event in memory of a local athletics coach in
outstanding performances by girls in Years 8 to 10. Some of our
top results from the day:

Niamh Rattray 1st 200m

3rd Long Jump

St d t T Take
k UUp R
id Alex Collins 3rd 100m

Chloe Roscoe 4th 200m
he Performing Arts team took 37 Lois Campbell 4th Shot Put
talented Year 8 Dance, Music and
Drama students on a weekend 6th May - Year 8 to 11 Wirral Athletics Trials
residential to the beautiful Howell’s School in
Niamh Rattray 1st 200m
Denbighshire. The trip was an opportunity to
widen students’ experience of the arts and to Megan Trevor 2nd Discus
encourage girls to consider taking arts subjects Chloe Roscoe 4th High Jump
at GCSE level. The girls spent the weekend
working in small groups with a practitioner in 13th May - Year 7 Wirral Athletics Trials
their subject area to create a piece of music, Mr Brown does
the Crate Stack Lauren Ayers 3rd High Jump
dance and drama. The setting at Howell’s was
stunning and provided a great backdrop to inspire the students to 24th June - Wirral Schools’ Track & Field
be creative. The group also found time to take part in archery, crate Championships
stacking and aeroball (netball on a trampoline). After a delicious tea in
the Dining Room (which was likened to the Great Hall at Hogwarts) Lauren Ayers 3rd High Jump
Saturday night. The girls loved staying in the dormitories where each
room was named with a Harry Potter theme!

Oliver Cast Announced!

lmost 100 students from all year groups
auditioned in May for a part in the next
school production of Oliver! which will take
place on 10th, 11th and 12th December. Competition
Artful Dodger routines and Oliver solo performances. The cast was
announced after half-term with twenty named parts and a chorus of
additional places available for Year 7 students who will be auditioned
this term. Congratulations to Hannah Whiting who will play Oliver,
Olivia Ord as Artful Dodger, George Jones as Bill Sykes, and Emily
Beresford as Nancy, and Connor Robson as Fagan.

Subject Matters

A Team Above All, Above All A Team

pirits were high as almost 1,000 students prepared to take part in
Weatherhead’s Commonwealth Games celebrations. After weeks
of preparation, students dressed in the colours of the country they
were representing (complete with face, arm and leg painting) and lined
The Commonwealth countries represented were England, Scotland, Wales,
Northern Ireland, Australia, Ghana, Jamaica, New Zealand and South Africa.
Each country entered the astro-turf accompanied by their national anthem,
brilliantly performed by Mr Brown, Mrs Rees and members of the Orchestra.
The Gymnastics Squad performed a breathtaking routine before the Games
began and the IceRadio team broadcast throughout the day keeping everyone
entertained. Students from Years 7 to 10 took part in a variety of activities
Winning team representing South Africa
including rounders, netball, badminton, trampolining, duathlon and athletics,
earning points for their country and winning medals. There were some
outstanding performances cheered on by classmates, staff, parents and special
guests. Students from Year 12 demonstrated their outstanding leadership skills
a day of intense competition, 7CDN, 8BK/NRO, 9TR and 10MWI, representing
second and third place respectively. After such a successful event, the school
very much enjoyed watching the Commonwealth Games and following ex-
student Natasha Jonas’ progress in the boxing.

Rounders Results Soccer Round Up

Wirral Schools’ Rounders Tournament ur talented Year 7 footballers reached Round 5 in the Under 12
Teams from Years 8, 9 and 10 were English Schools’ Football Association (ESFA) 9-a-side Cup. Sadly,
Year 8 Rounders squad
entered into the Wirral Schools’ the girls were knocked out by Wilmslow High School in a hard
Rounders Tournament in June with some fought match and reached the last 16 out of 130 teams putting them
pleasing results. in the top 20 in the country - a fantastic achievement! Head coach,
The Year 8 squad played nobly Miss Lilburn, was delighted that the girls went on to win Wirral
throughout the day narrowly losing to 7-a-side tournament held at Woodchurch High School. The team
Birkenhead High, West Kirby, Wirral B won all their matches against Neston High, Birkenhead Academy
and Woodchurch. Despite their losses, and Woodchurch High without conceding any goals and scoring an
the girls’ competitive streak did not impressive 12 goals in the process!
wane nor did their determined effort
and team spirit!
The Year 9 squad played extremely
well winning three out of their four
were placed an impressive fourth out
of eleven teams. Year 9 Rounders squad
Year 10 girls faired equally well
winning their games against St. Mary’s (3-2), South Wirral (8.5-3.5)
and Wallasey (3.5-2.5). However some narrow losses to Birkenhead
High Academy, Wirral A and Woodchurch meant that the team
Ainsworth, Janie Allen, Megan Cockcroft, Charlotte Egen, Louise
Evans, Chloe Jones, Rene Kearney, Gemma Moreland, Natasha
Murrell, Lucy Seddon and Jessica Spilsbury.
Under 12 Soccer Team

For all the latest sports updates, follow us on Twitter @WeatherheadPEdept 13

Read All About It

Home Grown Writing Talent Carnegie Reading

reative writing and poetry competitions continued to attract an
array of talented and creative writers from Years 7 to 11. Miss
Group Visitor
Grainger was overwhelmed by the response - congratulations to judge from the prestigious children’s book award,
all the entrants and especially our winners. the Carnegie MedalNSMRIH=IEVWXYHIRXWXS½VI
up their passions for reading. The Carnegie Medal
is a long-running and prestigious children’s book award
presented each year to the writer of an outstanding book
World Book Day Writing Molly Parry (9HCO) for younger readers. This year, LRC Manager, Miss Grainger,
Extravaganza Short Story arranged for one of her Year 9 reading groups to ‘shadow’
World Book Day Writing Taylor Pumford (7MGR) the award. The group met weekly to read and discuss the
Extravaganza Poetry eight shortlisted books, write their own reviews, and explore
World Book Day Writing Sam Balmer (9JTO) the Carnegie website. One lunchtime in May, Librarian and
Extravaganza Descriptive Carnegie Judge, Kara Orford, joined the group. This was Kara’s
Joanne Spamer (9SWO) opportunity to hear all about the process. The students
Spring Has Sprung Olivia Churchill (7MTA) found out how an initial list of seventy nominations is
Paige Ryding (7NJ) shortlisted to just eight books. Safe to say there was an awful
lot of reading involved! Kara also chatted with the group
Bonus Day Tiffany Barnes (7CDN)
Jenna Harding (8KCH) about the books they’ve been reading, and their opinions
about the award and the shortlist. The winner, announced in
Summer Time Louise Bryan (7MTA)
Georgia Foundation (8PGR) June, was Kevin Brook’s, The Bunker Diary.

Design A Postcard Kim Moore (7KAL)

The 2014 Carnegie shortlist (all available to
Leah Smith (8RPE)
borrow from the LRC):
O All The Truth That’s in Me Julie Berry
As well as taking part in monthly competitions, there are plenty
O The Bunker Diary Kevin Brooks
of other ways to get involved with the LRC.You can post Eclipse
O The Child’s Elephant Rachel Campbell-
book reviews to earn IRIS points or if you’ve read something brilliant you
just want to shout about, why not try a Review Tweet notelet which
O Ghost Hawk Susan Cooper
will be displayed to help students choose what to read next.
O Blood Family Anne Fine
Or perhaps you just want to give a book a like by O Rooftoppers Katherine Rundell
completing a one-word description on a thumbs-up notelet O Liar & Spy Rebecca Stead
to let everyone know. O The Wall William Sutcliffe

Our own Weatherhead Book Awards opened for votes in

September, so start thinking about which books/characters

you would pick and get voting.
his year has seen huge numbers of books
borrowed from the LRC and next year
we want you taking out even more. Year 7
were miles ahead with almost 2,000 books loaned
this year. Next year, we want every year group Carnegie
aiming for 2,000 books. Medal winner

giving us a great target to aim for next year. Well
done to everyone who took part and all those
who achieved their reading personal challenge.

There are also more ‘proof ’ copies than ever (sent to us

! before publication) of new books available for online

review - just ask Miss Grainger.
Visiting Carnegie judge Kara Orford

Sixth Form

Year 12 Residential to the University of Chester

ix Year 12 students attended a residential trip to the University of Chester to learn more
about the UCAS process, how to research different universities and how to write a
successful Personal Statement. Not only was the visit informative but also a great way for
our students to mix with other like-minded sixth formers and forge new friendships. The group
thoroughly enjoyed the residential and commented on its worth.

Intromed Peer Mentoring

ix keen
uring the
Year 12
Spring term,
and in
interested in a
preparation for their
career in Medicine
examinations, Year 12
attended an
students embarked
Intromed course
on a Peer Mentoring
run by Wirral
Programme. Every
University Teaching Hospital at Arrowe
Friday morning,
Park Hospital. The course is designed
mentees from
to help and support students apply
Year 12 met their
for medical related university courses.
Year 13 mentors
As well as a taste for what it is like
who had been
to work in a busy A&E department,
theatre, and on the wards, the day Peer
by Curriculum Leaders tto workk with
ith certain
t i groups off students
t d t mentoring
included talks with medical students
regarding applications to medical
school and the expectations.

Powerful New Tool For Sixth Form

provides comprehensive higher education and careers guidance. Unifrog pulls together all the relevant
data into one place for making choices about university or further training making it more easily
accessible. The system includes data from UCAS, the Guardian, the Department for Business Innovation and Skills,
the best options for each student based on their expected grades and helps them select aspirational, solid and safe course options. The
Unifrog system is overseen by Weatherhead staff who work alongside students to help them with their choices for UCAS application. With
development for Weatherhead Sixth Form this year.

International Festival for Business

group of Year 12 Business students visited Aintree Racecourse for the International Festival for Business. This global festival attracted
a range of businesses including Jaguar Land Rover, Airbus and BT to name just a few, with universities and training providers also in
lie in an apprenticeship, school leaver programme or university. The trip also proved useful for the completion of part of their Business Studies
course, analysing university and non-university routes and collating evidence.

Follow Sixth Form news and Future Choices alerts on Twitter @Weatherhead6th 15
Sixth Form

Prom Pizazz!
nce again Weatherhead students teamed
up with Mosslands School for the end of
year Senior Prom which was held at the
elegant Liverpool One Hilton Hotel. The students
all looked amazing extremely glamorous -
some students even chose to travel in style in
stretched limousines! Staff commented that
it was a beautiful evening with a really lovely
atmosphere and much fun was had by all. The
prom marks the end of an era for our Year 13
students as they embark on the next stage of
their lives at university and in employment.

World Challenge

World Challengers Return!

ur 15 adventurous Year 12 and 13 ‘World Challengers’
successfully completed their Malaysia expedition with Mrs
Walton in July and came back to regale the school with newss
and photos of two unforgettable weeks on the other side of
the world! In total 336 teams from 218 schools nationally took
part, with only 34 from the North of England, so it was a massive
achievement by our students to be part of the Challenge, never
Phase one of the trip saw the team travel to the Cameron
Highlands where they visited a tea plantation and factory, then
set off on an arduous trek through the Malaysian jungle to Ipoh
where they white water rafted down the rapids of the Kampar
Phase two of the trip centred on a charity project at Taman
Megah Centre for children and adults with disabilities. The group
met with residents and shared the array of gifts kindly donated
by the Weatherhead community. The students spent a few days
at the Centre, getting to know the children, playing games and
making special friendships. This aspect of the trip was particularly
important to the students in the group, many of whom are
keen to develop medical and social care skills for future career
Lumpur, where they visited the major sights such as the night
market in Petaling, where they bartered for gifts and souvenirs
and sampled local food.
Besides creating a once in a lifetime experience, The World
Challenge Programme draws on diverse project management
and life skills – all fundamental to the initiative. Students take it
transport, food and general logistics.
Mrs Walton was very proud of her dynamic team of students on
this challenging adventure.
‘I was already so proud of our team for putting such efforts into
fund raising to take part. That by itself showed serious commitment
and initiative by our students. The group had an amazing adventure,
proved their mettle in more ways than one, and have created
experience! I have enjoyed watching them grow through the
experience and am very proud to have led such a great team of
people. I am also extremely grateful to everyone who has helped us
to make this expedition possible.’
Thanks go to all staff, family and sponsors who made the trip
possible and Weatherhead hope to re-launch the next Challengee
for 2016.
Jumpa Lagi (see you soon) Taman Megah!
For an inspiring video capturing the trip, visit our website and click
on World Challenge.

For more visit International Links on our website: 17

End of Term Trips

Tapas at La Tasca Year 10 Go Further

L 82
inguists from Year 8 could be forgiven for
passionate history students visited the
thinking that they were on foreign shores as
infamously haunted Speke Hall to carry
they visited La Tasca Spanish restaurant with
out a controlled assessment worth 25%
its coastal setting, Mediterranean music and Spanish
of their GCSE course, whilst 50 keen geographers
waiters - and all that before they even tried the Paella!
visited the Albert Dock to carry out their GCSE
MFL department staff were proud of the girls’ efforts
controlled assessment.
at speaking Spanish and their willingness to try new
foods. A great night was had by all and we hope to
repeat the event again in the future.
Alton Towers
oach loads of excited Sixth Formers left
New Designer Exhibition school early one morning to enjoy a
day at Alton Towers. Students (and some

in London staff) were brave enough to put their mind and

body to the test riding on the newly opened

rs Freckleton and Miss Robinson SmilerXLI[SVPH´W½VWXPSSTMRKVSPPIVGSEWXIV
took 10 AS Fine Art and Textile - whilst others chose to stick to
students to London to visit New old favourites such as Oblivion, the
Designers at the Design Centre, Islington. Pirate Ship, the Congo River Rapids,
New Designers is the UK’s most important Runaway Mine Train,
exhibition for emerging design full of Rita and Thirteen.
innovation and fresh thinking. It provided
students with a wealth of further education
course options and prospective future Year 9 thrill seekers
university options. Students collected
prospectuses, viewed degree shows, toured
graduate exhibitions, and gained a wealth of
inspiration for their personal investigation
coursework. Staff were delighted to see
Christiana Eaton, an ex-Weatherhead
student, exhibiting from Leeds College
of Art. Students also visited the Victoria
and Albert Museum in South Kensington.
The V&A is one of the world’s greatest
museums for art and design and students
had the opportunity to wander round
exhibitions, take photographs, and gain

Just for the Thrill of It

research to use back at school. Mrs
Pearson, Mrs Smith, and 30 DT students

from Years 9 and 10, visited the same ear 9 and Year 11 trips to Drayton Manor
Ex student & exhibitor,
Christiana Eaton exhibition a week later. Theme Park were enjoyed by over 250 girls
and staff. The girls had a fabulous day in the
Students visit New Designer exhibition blazing sun enjoying a host of thrill and water
rides as well as ice creams, face painting and the
Zoo, which hosts over a hundred species from all
over the world. Many girls were brave enough to
ride the Apocalypse (the UK’s scariest ride), the
intense Pandemonium and G-Force, whilst the
non-thrill seekers enjoyed Splash Canyon, the
vintage carousel, arcades and the 4D cinema.
Miss Smith commented on the wonderful
atmosphere and attitude of Year 11 who attended
this well-deserved treat after all the hard work and
study towards their GCSEs.

End of Term Trips

All Around the World ... Museum

he Science Department took the whole of Year 7 to Liverpool’s World Museum for
a day of hands on science activities. The day began with a visit to the Planetarium
to learn about how the development of the telescope has changed the way
Scientists view the Universe. This was followed by a session by the Rock Pool where the
girls learnt about the diversity of life within our local shore ecosystems. The girls studied
of live vertebrates and invertebrates within the exhibits. The session concluded with the
through the recreation of a fossil footprint to work out what the creature was like millions
girls were introduced to several museum specimens and live creepy crawlies to learn about
several taxonomic groups including insects, arachnids and myriapods. Armed with this knowledge, the students visited the Bug House to
learn more about the world of the arthropods.

Outward Bound The Open Championship

s golf fans from all over the world descended upon the
Wirral, Miss Byrne and Mrs Crichton took 16 Year 10 PE
year group visited the Conway Centre set in idyllic
surroundings on the Isle of Anglesey at the end of term. students to The Open Golf Championship at Royal Liverpool,
As well as taking part in an extensive range of activities the Hoylake. The girls watched the professionals warm up in the practice
residential offers students the opportunity to develop new skills area and were lucky enough to witness 1997 Open Winner, John
ERHJSVWSQIMXMWXLI½VWXXMQIXLI]LEZIFIIRE[E]JVSQLSQI Daley, teeing off on the 18th hole. The girls participated in a Street
The girls spent a glorious three days kayaking, taking part in team Golf session and had a lesson with a professional at the course. It was
building challenges and ‘the night line’, trying their hand at rock an excellent day and an unforgettable experience for all the girls.
climbing, the zip wire, drama and orienteering. The girls had an
Students enjoy the Open
opportunity to work within new groups and as always the last
night disco proved a hit!

Team building at Conway

Ani-mazing Summer!
Students Were Bowled Over
lmost the whole of Year 8 enjoyed a day out to Chester

Zoo which was recently voted the sixth best zoo in the students from Years 7 to 11 visited the Riverside Bowl,
world. The girls were lucky to see New Brighton, with the PE Department to unleash their
the ‘Spectacled Bear’ Bernardo who arrived competitive streaks trying their hand at ten pin bowling
from the USA in June. As usual, face painting and a highly contested game of Laser Quest. This well-deserved
and animal masks proved popular, as did the trip was organised as a reward to the girls’ commitment to and
monorail, the orangutangs, the baby meerkats participation in Extra Curricular PE Clubs.
and the bat house!

For all the latest news visit 19


Calling Former Alumni engaged to date: 0184

Weatherhead Students!
orking in partnership with Future First, Weatherhead is working to create
a thriving community of engaged Alumni who can inspire and mentor our
current students, offer work experience opportunities and share their own
academic and professional experiences. We are proud of the achievements of all our
students, many of whom are first generation university undergraduates who go on to
diverse and exciting careers. We also have notable Alumni, including Dr Katie Petty-
Saphon, MBE (Weatherhead 1962-1969 and later Newnham College, Cambridge) who
is now Chief Executive of the Medical Schools’ Council and Olympic Boxer, Natasha
Jonas, (Weatherhead 1995-2002). Both have returned to Weatherhead this year to
mentor students interested in careers in Medicine and Sport.
Dr Petty-Saphon mentors
We are keen to hear from all former students regardless of when they left our prospective medics
school, in further education or employment, whether they still live nearby or
have moved further away. The important factor for Weatherhead is to stay
connected as a school community and create an inspiring learning environment
and offer a supportive network to all our students.

! Click on the Alumni tab on the school website for more information.
Weatherhead Alumni
Natasha Jonas

Birthday Celebrations!

Happy Birthday Weatherhead!

eatherhead celebrated 10 years at
the Breck Road site by recognising
the commitment and support
provided by the community. The Weatherhead
Outstanding Winners Awards celebrated the
relationships that have evolved over the
past ten years which have contributed to
the success of the school and enriched
the experiences for students. A traditional
afternoon tea was the perfect occasion to
celebrate to which over forty of our community partners were invited to
attend. All our guests were presented with a piece of student artwork and
the school enjoy the success and reputation it holds today. Mr Dyment celebrates with award
recipient Dean Cattel,
from Brook
on our good fortune and achievements. It is important to acknowledge
everyone - to value the unsung heroes - who contribute daily to the growing
success of Weatherhead. It has been a decade of exceptional development for

! For more information about the Awards and the winners

visit Left: Afternoon tea

G & T Programme


Nulli Secundus
Year 9 Gifted students who
achieved GCSE equivalent Latin
Poppy Smith, Autumn Townsend, Georgia
Bewley and Georgia Hepke took on
the challenge as an additional academic
achievement and secured impressive
15 members of the Year 7 Gifted Year 10 students in Oxford
and Talented cohort visited Liverpool
University with Miss Brough for a day of
Oxford University Trip
Latin. The girls spent the day exploring ix Year 10 students visited the University of Oxford in May with Mr Reid for a
the ancient language, studying artefacts, university taster day. The girls attended lectures in History and Computer Science,
experiencing a gladiatorial battle and then received a whistle stop tour of the university and visited St. Peter’s College
presenting their own play in Latin. The day which was founded in the 13th century and whose alumni include Mark Carney, current
was a real eye opener on ancient language Governor of the Bank of England. The trip unveiled the possibilities of studying at this
and culture and highlighted the value of prestigious university for our students and we look forward to future Oxbridge Alumni
Latin as a language to study today. hailing from Weatherhead in the near future.


Investigative What a Cracker!

Scientists in W
e invited
Year 5

the Making from our partner

primaries to a Gifted

Gateway Performing
cience surrounds us - it is Arts workshop
everywhere in our daily lives. to create a mini
Asking ‘why?’ brings science performance based on Tchaikovsky’s masterpiece.
to life and is the essence of being The Nutcracker is the most widely viewed and
a true Scientist. Weatherhead staff, in conjunction with the Mosslands School, performed ballet in the world. With many
delivered two half day Saturday Science workshops to Gifted and Talented pupils fascinating elements including fairies, fantasy, dancing,
future of science. Weatherhead developed this further and looked at the role of way to introduce the joys of theatre to primary
Food Scientists, our relationship with food, and considered the famous analogy, pupils. The pupils worked with Miss Elliott and Miss
‘you are what you eat’. The event was an opportunity to explore new ideas Chappell on their Drama and Dance performance
and the Year 5 primary pupils proved themselves keen scientists and talented skills. Key Stage 2-3 Gifted and Talented Coordinator,
investigators! Mr Riley, commented, “The pupils showed a
These workshops are part of a series of Gifted and Talented events at remarkable amount of creative talent developing
Weatherhead, organised to help primary school pupils experience different their own choreography and by taking on the
secondary curriculum subjects. The workshops have been well attended by pupils challenge of performing part of the Nutcracker
from our partner primaries and a new and exciting programme for 2014/2015 is which students study at GCSE!” Well done to
being developed. everyone involved - a real cracker of an event!

! For more information on our Gifted Gateway and Gifted Programmes visit the school website

For all the latest news visit 21

Primary Liaison

Weatherhead Sizzles
eatherhead’s annual community showcase, the Summer Sizzler,
took place over two nights and celebrated 10 Years at Breck
Road. Tickets for both nights sold out with an audience of
almost 700! The popular event showcased the performances of nine of
our partner schools, as well as our own dance acts, gymnasts, band and
choirs. Practitioners from Vox and Wirral Youth Theatre ran eight weeks
Mount, New Brighton, Park, Somerville, St. Alban’s, St. George’s, Liscard
and Somerville, culminating in a performance at the event. Two groups
from Wirral Youth Theatre, Inclusion and Contembreak, performed as well
as Vox’s own swing group 4EGM½G7[MRK. Our Year 7 dancers performed to
Pharrell William’s Happy using commercial dance style, Year 9 performed
with a mix of contemporary and carnival dance styles, whilst Year 12
performed a group piece in the style of Alvin Ailey in preparation for
whilst the Weatherhead Gymnasts and the Somerville dancers stole the
show on the last night.
CSI Weatherhead!
Year 8 Dancers with Miss Chappell
eatherhead’s Science department hosted
a special forensics workshop for Year 5
students from Christchurch, Egremont, Mount,
Somerville and St. George’s Primary Schools. A clever
‘who-dunnit’ activity had enthusiastic pupils with a
particular passion and talent for Maths, Science, creative
writing and the arts exploring the concepts of forensic
science. The pupils were great ambassadors for their
schools and adjusted maturely to the hustle and bustle
of Weatherhead’s Science department. The Science
team were impressed by their knowledge and everyone
had a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon.

Pupils Get Active!

ear 11 and 12 Community Sports Leadership Award
(CSLA) leaders led an action packed activities fun
day for almost 100 pupils and teachers from Bidston
Avenue Primary School and Mount Primary School. The
group of boys and girls took part in different activities on the
astro-turf including skipping, team building games, football,
dodgeball and games with the giant parachute. The pupils
really enjoyed their afternoon with us and said it was fantastic.

Primary Liaison
Greenleas Bird Boxes

Science Department Dazzle Year 5

with the Science of Fireworks!

Year 5 pupils from Liscard Primary School visited the
colourful. The group learnt how to safely use a Bunsen
burner before making their own golden sparklers using iron. The
highlight of the session involved experimenting with different
chemicals to reveal the metals used to produce the different


he DT team welcomed 54 pupils from Greenleas Primary and a fun afternoon was had by all!
to Weatherhead to spend an afternoon building their own 4YTMPWGVIEXI½VI[SVOW
bird boxes. The opportunity offered pupils experience in
using machinery and tools and demonstrated new skills including
drilling, sanding and sawing. The pupils were a delight and were very
keen and quickly mastered the use of a saw and a drill with some
great results! Greenleas will be using the bird boxes in the school
garden to promote bird life.

Sensational Samba! The Scottish Play Comes

to Weatherhead
ith Brazil’s World Cup

fever in the air, Mrs
e were delighted to offer pupils
Rees and a dozen
from Egremont Primary School
Year 12 BTEC Music students
the chance to perform their
visited Somerville Primary School
version of Shakespeare’s famous Scottish
to deliver three exciting Samba
play, Macbeth, in our state of the art
themed music workshops to
theatre. 25 talented pupils from Years 4,
over 100 Year 5 pupils. Our
5 and 6 performed an hour long adapted
students enjoyed introducing
version of the powerful story of a Scottish
Samba instruments to the
general, Macbeth, who receives a prophecy
pupils, including Surdos, Tamborims, Shakers, Claves, Agogo Bells and
from witches that one day he will become
Cowbells. After quickly mastering the instruments, pupils performed
King of Scotland. Egremont’s Headteacher,
as groups and learned to do Call and Response. The pupils thoroughly
Mr Greathead, and staff were delighted with the pupils’ performance
enjoyed the workshops as did our students - Courtney Campbell,
which was enjoyed by an invited audience of family and guests
Kerri Chamberlain, Jenna Doswell, Hannah Lamb, Sam Kydd and
including the Mayor and Mayoress of Wirral, Mr Dyment, and Chair of
Becky Smith should be proud of their hard work.
Governors for Egremont and Weatherhead, Mrs Owens.

Cupcake Bake
rs O’Hea and Food Technology staff hosted an afternoon Cup
Cake Bake for 30 Year 5 students from Mount Primary School. The
pupils made their own fairy cakes (aided by some helpful sixth
and team kits. The boys and girls were very proud of their cakes which they
took home to enjoy with their families. To welcome our new year 7s on
New Intake Day, students enjoyed a lesson making their own fairy cakes
and decorating them with butter cream icing. The girls worked very hard
and were really looking forward to taking Food Technology lessons and
joining Cookery Club next year.
The Great Weatherhead Bake Off!

For Primary Liaison updates visit liaison 23

Dates for Diary

Open Evening
Thursday 20th November 2014
6pm – 8pm
Tel: 0151 631 4401

IRIS Loyalty Card

uly saw the introduction of the IRIS Loyalty Card for

students, as part of the positive behaviour reward
scheme. The cards cost 50 points and will allow students
to roll over any unspent points into
the next school year. If you haven’t
already got your card, log on and
School closes Thursday 23rd October
order one today.
INSET Friday 24th October
Half term Monday 27th - Friday
31st October
Follow us for all the latest news
School opens Monday 3rd November @WeatherheadHigh
School closes Friday 19th December @Weatherhead6th
Christmas holidays Monday 22nd December @WhsDramdept
- Friday 2nd January @WHSDanceDept
School opens Monday 5th January

Weatherhead High School Breck Road, Wallasey, Wirral CH44 3HS

Tel: 0151 631 4400 Fax: 0151 637 1805 Email:

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