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Foreigners may acquire Real Estate properties in Mexican Territory, as long as they are located
outside of the restricted zone, which encompasses one hundred kilometers strip along the borders
and a fifty kilometers strip, along the beaches, as it is established by the “Political Constitution of
the United Mexican States”. (Constitución Política de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos).
However, the Foreign Investment Law, allows them to possess and utilize Real Estate properties
located inside those restricted zones for non-residential purposes, (that is, the owner’s housing or
third parties), through a Trust Agreement Constitution.
However, this Trust Agreement Constitution must be formalized by a Mexican Public Notary along
with a financial institution which will be acting as the Trustee, in order to manage the incomes and
contributions made by the Settlor for the Beneficiary.
It is important to consider that this legal figure, may vary upon the cost, depending on the financial
institution which will be participating in a Trust Agreement, which represents an approximate cost

 $600.00 USD + Mexican Value-Added Tax (IVA) for the study and acceptance fee by one-
time payment.
 $600.00 USD + Mexican Value-Added Tax (IVA) for the annuity.
 $30,000.00 MXN + Mexican Value-Added Tax (IVA) for lot, regarding the permission
before Secretary of Foreign Affairs (Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores).
Another way in which our investors will be able to continue with the title deed process, will be
through the Constitution of a Company. This is an important option to consider as well, since the
cost its lower (around $15,000.00 MXN) and shall have an additional Mexican shareholder who
acquires the same rights and obligations, such as the tax return filing.
Based on the above, in order for our investors begin the process, it is necessary that they opt for one
of the two previous options mentioned above.
In addition, it is necessary to consider that:

1. At the end of the promise of sale financing, it is meant to deliver to the client the
termination letter.
2. The termination letter shall be sent to our investors through a collection executive; who
certifies that has concluded the financing contractual payments, by leaving as pending the
administrative expenses and the corresponding matters according to the title deed process.
Tittle deed: In order to execute the title deed; investors must send the termination letter, along with
the required documentation to the customer service area, 60 days prior to the signing date with the
following documentation:
Please send the following documentation via e-mail to:
(PDF Scanned and legible formats, no pictures allowed)
 For Trust Agreements:
o Passport, driver’s license or military ID.
o For Mexican Identifications, such as passport and/or INE/IFE in case of the
Incorporation Deed).
o Birth certificate.
o Proof of residence.
o Marriage certificate (if applies).
 For Companies:
o Incorporation Deed.
o Current shareholder’s IFE/INE
o Shareholder’s CURP.
o Proof of the Company’s Tax Situation.
o Proof of residence.

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