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Article · September 2020

DOI: 10.46607/iamj0807112020

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Santosh Kadam
Krishna Ayurved Medical College


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Review Article ISSN: 2320 5091 Impact Factor: 5.344


Santosh T. Kadam1, Ashalata D. Pawar2

PG Scholar, 2Associate Professor,
Department of Dravyaguna, R. A. Podar Medical College (Ayu), Mumbai 400018., Maharashtra, India

(Published online: July 2020)
Open Access
© International Ayurvedic Medical Journal, India 2020
Article Received: 25/03/2020 - Peer Reviewed: 13/04/2020 - Accepted for Publication: 13/04/2020

Ayurveda [traditional medicine of India as per WHO], the holistic science of medicine, as practised and utilized by
Indians at large since centuries is now being globally accepted which has increased the demand for medicinal plants.
Majority of population in the developing countries like India depends on the traditional systems of medicine like
Ayurveda for their primary healthcare needs. Increasing demand of medicinal plants leads to irrational cutting de-
forestation leading to depletion of the wild resources. Moreover, the natural and manmade calamities lead to further
depletion of medicinal plant diversity. Conservation aims at supporting sustainable development by wing the bio-
logical resources in ways that don’t deplete the world’s variety of species or destroy their ecosystems. It involves
measures such as collection, propagation, evaluation, disease identification and elimination, storage and distribu-
tion. Conservation of medicinal plants and their genetic resources can be undertaken by in-situ and ex-situ conser-
vation. Ex-situ conservation involves conservation of medium plants outside their natural habitat used to safeguard
them from destruction, replacement or deterioration. Ex-situ conservation includes procedure like seed storage,
DNA storage, field gene banks and botanical gardens etc

Keywords: Ayurveda, Medicinal plants, Conservation, In-situ, Ex-situ.

WHO (World Health Organization) estimated that 80 plant species have the potential for getting used as me-
percent of people worldwide rely on the traditional sys- dicinal plants. Thus, the economic importance of me-
tems of medicines for some aspect of their primary dicinal plants is much more to countries such as India
health care needs. According to WHO, around 21,000 than to rest of the world.[9] India has a rich resource
Santosh T. Kadam & Ashalata D. Pawar: Conservation Of Medicinal Plants: A Review

base of medicinal plants, plush with about 8,000 dif- Traditional Methods of Conservation: People living
ferent species. According to the Government of India in rural areas mainly depend on their surrounding for-
(GoI), traditional medicines are the sole means of ests and vegetation for fuel wood and medicine. This
health care for about 65 percent of the population. [6] population cannot afford alternative fuel and expensive
Treatment with medicinal plants is considered very safe modern medicines. Hence, the environmental degrada-
as there is no or minimal side effects. These remedies tion and ecological loss takes place for which serious
are in sync with nature, which is the biggest advantage. measures must be undertaken. Conservation of medic-
The golden fact is that, use of herbal treatments is in- inal plants can be done by discouraging people for cut-
dependent of any age groups and the sexes.[9] Increasing ting down trees and encouraging them to plant fast-
demand of medicinal plants leads to irrational cutting growing indigenous trees for their domestic used. But
deforestation leading to their depletion in wild. Moreo- this alone cannot majorly lead to conservation. There-
ver, the natural and manmade calamities lead to further fore, other newer conservation strategies must be
depletion of medicinal plant diversity. The flora of the planned and brought into action. Biotechnological tech-
world is being destroyed at an alarming rate. The trop- niques and procedures must be used for the same.
ical moist forests, home to about half the world's plants, [Fig. 1 Diagram of methodological systems involved in
are especially danger, declining at an estimated 16.8 the conservation of medicinal plants]
million ha/annum consistent with UNEP/FAO. Com- 1. To Conserve Medicinal Plant Species In Situ -
bined with exploitation, this is often putting many me- In-situ method of conservation deals with the “on-site
dicinal plants in grave risk of genetic erosion and even conservation” of the wild genetic diversity in natural
extinction. [4] habitat. In India, the conservation of forest areas pre-
In order to serve the health needs, Various conservation serves through Protected Areas like National Parks,
measures must be undertaken. Conservation is an act Wildlife Sanctuaries and Biosphere Reserves.[8] The
of careful preservation and protection of natural re- Government should prepare a policy at national level
sources or habitats of medicinal plants especially on the conservation and utilization of medicinal plants
through planned management.[8] It will keep check on in protected areas. This type of conservation is
their rational and legal collection and maintain their bi- achieved both by setting away areas as nature reserves
odiversity in the wild.[3] and wild nurseries and by ensuring that as many wild
species as possible can still survive in managed habi-
DISCUSSION tats, like farms and plantation forests.[4] The Govern-
Need For Conservation ment should assess the extent to which the protected
Conservation aims at supporting sustainable develop- areas system covers the medicinal plants of the country.
ment by wing the biological resources in ways that Species that are heavily depleted by over-collection
don’t deplete the world’s variety of species or destroy should be re-introduced into areas where they origi-
their ecosystems. It involves measures such as collec- nally grew in wild.
tion, propagation, evaluation, disease identification and Natural Parks - Natural Parks are protected areas of
elimination, storage and distribution. Conservation of important wild resources created to preserve and re-
medicinal plants and their genetic resources can be un- store biodiversity. [17,18] Around the world, more than
dertaken by in-situ and ex-situ conservation. Ex-situ 12,700 protected areas have been established.[19] Con-
conservation involves conservation of medium plants serving medicinal plants in their natural habitat requires
outside their natural habitat used to safeguard them evaluating the contributions and ecosystem roles of in-
from destruction, replacement or deterioration. Ex-situ dividual habitats.[20]
conservation includes procedure like seed storage, E.g. Velavadar National Park in Gujarat, Ranthambore
DNA storage, field gene banks and botanical gardens National Park in Rajasthan, Corbett National Park in
etc. [1] Uttarakhand. [14]

doi: 10.46607/iamj.0807112020 | IAMJ July 2020 |
Santosh T. Kadam & Ashalata D. Pawar: Conservation Of Medicinal Plants: A Review

Wild nurseries - The populations of medicinal plants E.g. Government Botanical Gardens in Tamil Nadu,
are under hefty burden because of overexploitation, Garden of Medicinal Plants in west Bengal and Em-
habitat degradation and invasive species, wild nurseries press Garden in Maharashtra [14]
can provide an effective approach for in situ conserva- Seed banks – Seed banks proposed a better way of
tion of medicinal plants that are endemic, threatened, storing the genetic diversity of many medicinal plant’s
and in-demand. [11] ex situ than through botanic gardens. They are recom-
E.g. Periyar Wildlife Sanctuary, Bandipur Wildlife mended to help preserve the genetic diversity of wild
Sanctuary in Karnataka and the Dandeli Wildlife Sanc- medicinal plant species. Seed banks allow quick access
tuary in south India. [14] to plant samples for the evaluation of their properties.
Biosphere Reserves – Out of the 34 biodiversity rich The challenging tasks of seed banking are how to intro-
spots in the world, three lies in India; they are the West- duce again the plant species back into the wild and how
ern Ghats, the Eastern Himalayas and Indo-Burma re- to actively assist in the restoration of wild popula-
gion. There are 18 biosphere reserves in India. These tions.[15]
aim at securing the ecosystem by stopping irresponsible Field Gene Banks - Field gene banks conserve plants
interference of humans with the ecosystem and also to by using tools of biotechnology. These include –
conserve the endemic and endangered species. Out of - In vitro conservation :
these 18, 4 are part of the World Network of Biosphere - In vitro propagation and re-introduction of plants to
Reserves.[14] their natural habitats.
E.g. Nilgiri 2000, Sunderban, 2001, Nanda Devi, 2004, - Molecular masker technology :
Pachmarhi, 2009, Great Nicobar, 2013, Agasthyamala, Various In-vitro techniques have been developed to
2016 and Khangchendzonga, 2018. [16] store vegetatively propagated seed producing species.
2. To Conserve Medicinal Plant Species Ex Situ - These can be categorised as –
Ex-situ conservation deals with the “off-site conserva- • slow growth procedures, where germplasm is kept
tion” of the wild genetic resources in natural habitat. It as sterile plant tissue, or as plantlet on nutrient gel.
includes the collection, preservation and maintenance • Cryopreservation, where plant materials are stored
of certain genetic resources from wild. Ex-situ method in liquid nitrogen.[2]
of conservation is a complementary action to conserve I. Germplasm Technique of Conservation -
the genetic diversity, thereby reducing pressure on wild Germplasm conservation of vegetative propagated
environments and enhancing raw material availability. plants and forest species in life field gene banks require
For many species of medicinal plants their wild popu- land and labour for annual or perennial replanting. On
lation is on life-threatening level and it is not suitable the other hand, in-vitro or reduced growth storage re-
for dealing in-situ conservation action. It can be served quire little space in growth rooms which maintain thou-
as field gene banks and also help to engaging the num- sands of genotypes together, reduces pest attack and
ber of stakeholders in production and regeneration of diseases in the culture vessels. It further eliminates the
medicinal plants. [8] need for long procedures during movement and ex-
Botanic gardens – should set up seed banks for the me- change of germplasms. [3]
dicinal plants native and cultivated in the country. Bo- This technique also has certain disadvantages as fol-
tanic gardens should set up alternative means of ex situ lows -
conservation for those species which cannot be stored - Certain plants may not produce viable seeds.
in seed banks. Botanical Survey of India is actively en- - Certain plant seeds deteriorate rapidly due to seed-
gaged in the ex-situ conservation through its chain of borne pathogens.
Botanic gardens established in different regional cir- - Certain plant seeds are heterogenous and are not
cles. [15] suitable for maintaining true to type genotypes.

doi: 10.46607/iamj.0807112020 | IAMJ July 2020 |
Santosh T. Kadam & Ashalata D. Pawar: Conservation Of Medicinal Plants: A Review

- Application of cryopreservation technology can in composition and quality, due to the environmental
circumvent the above problems. and genetic differences. This variation and the uncer-
II. Cryopreservation Technique of Conservation – tainty in their therapeutic benefit can be much reduced
Cryopreservation is defined as the viable freezing of bi- by their proper cultivation. The possibility of misiden-
ological material and their subsequent storage at ultra- tification and adulteration also greatly reduces due to
low temperature (-196˚C) using liquid nitrogen.[3] cultivation. Thus, medicinal plant cultivation can help
[Fig. 1 Diagram of methods Of Cryopreservation] in the conservation of the wild stocks and can fulfil the
New Cryopreservation techniques – global health needs.[12]
a. Encapsulation and dehydration.
b. Vitrification CONCLUSION
c. Encapsulation and vitrification Day by day demand of medicinal plants is increasing
d. Desiccation exponentially, causing depletion of naturally occurring
e. Pre-growth resources. Therefore, it is urgent need to focus on con-
f. Pre-growth and Desiccation servation of medicinal plants so that is will compensate
g. Droplet freezing loss of wild variety of plant sources as well as compli-
Tissue Culture Techniques Used For Conservation ment demand of medicinal plants. Various conserva-
– tion techniques discussed above can initiate and sup-
Plant tissue culture is the in vitro aseptic culture of port conservation management and sustainable wage of
cells, tissues, organs or whole plant under controlled medicinal plants for human healthcare needs. The best
nutritional and environmental conditions. [23] means of conservation is to make sure that the popula-
Application of Cryopreservation and Tissue culture tions of species of plants still grow and evolve within
techniques – the wild in their natural habitats.
- Plant species where regeneration by conventional
methods is difficult, tissue culture is applied to REFERENCES
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Santosh T. Kadam & Ashalata D. Pawar: Conservation Of Medicinal Plants: A Review

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Figure 1: Diagram of methodological systems involved in the conservation of medicinal plants

Natural reserves
In situ conservation
Wild nurseries

Conservation Botanic gardens

Ex situ conservation
Seed banks

Cultivation practice Good agricultural

practices (GAP)

doi: 10.46607/iamj.0807112020 | IAMJ July 2020 |
Santosh T. Kadam & Ashalata D. Pawar: Conservation Of Medicinal Plants: A Review

Figure 2: Methods of Cryopreservation

Source tissue
(Suspension cells, somatic and zygotic embryos)

Dehydration (high osmotic pressure)

Pre growth


Liquid Nitrogen

Temperature 45˚C increased osmotic pres-


Viability test



Test for somaclonal variation


Source of Support: Nil

Conflict of Interest: None Declared

How to cite this URL: Santosh T. Kadam & Ashalata D. Pawar: Conservation Of Medicinal Plants: A Review. International Ayurvedic
Medical Journal {online} 2020 {cited July, 2020} Available from:

doi: 10.46607/iamj.0807112020 | IAMJ July 2020 |

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