How To Set Up A CAPA Program From Scratch

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How To Set Up

A CAPA Program From Scratch

By Gabriela Bodea

Part I of this article, “What Companies Should Know and Consider when Designing a CAPA System,”
introduced the reader to the multiple facets of Corrective And Preventive Action (CAPA) as a fundamental
quality subsystem and pointed out the various factors to be considered for the development of a CAPA pro-
gram. Part I of this article appeared in the July 2005 issue of the Journal of GXP Compliance, Volume 9
Number 4.


When developing a CAPA program, a controlling The Corrective Action (CA) request process
policy must be in place either as a standalone docu- should be initiated whenever a quality problem war-
ment (policy) or incorporated into the Quality Man- rants an investigation to determine whether correc-
ual. A policy is a controlled document that typically tive or preventive action is required. The first step to-
includes: title, purpose, mission, scope (all quality ward completing a CAPA request is to understand
subsystems that feed into CAPA), and responsibili- the key or satellite suppliers. All quality systems
ties. Depending upon the organizational structure of have some quality subsystems. The subsystems
CAPA within each company, a CAPA system is the comprise satellite suppliers to CAPA. The informa-
responsibility of top management constituted into a tion provided by these sources becomes the input to
quality council that includes all managers with exec- the CAPA system. Capturing the data electronically
utive functions along with a CAPA administrator. The will make it easily available when CAPA is launched.
policy is the base upon which the system is to be
built. Quality data that typically requires CAPA, classi-
A CAPA system is a quality improvement vehicle fied according to the source origin, include:
that is the basis of both reactions to deficiencies • Internal data
and of proactively addressing the prevention of defi- ✓ Information obtained from internal audits
ciencies. The controlling policy for the system ✓ Information resultant from internally identi-
should establish the foundation for this quality im- fied problems
provement vehicle. A CAPA policy should empha- • External data
size the active involvement and support of top man- ✓ Information obtained from external audits
agement and the need for recruiting and assigning a (audit and non-conformity reports issued
Management Representative (MR) responsible for by regulatory authorities or customers)
quality system management. The MR should report ✓ Data resultant from complaints, returned
directly to appropriate executive management. products, and customer feedback

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research and development to customer support

and any quality activity in between. Because of
Refer to Part I of this paper, section two, “Poten- its far reaching affect, when considering an elec-
tial Sources of Quality Problems,” (found on pages tronic system, it is crucial to look for CAPA soft-
61 and 62 of the July 2005 Journal of GXP Compli- ware with at least two essential features: ability to
ance), wherein is provided a detailed presentation of integrate all key supplier systems and compatibil-
the quality problems that should be analyzed to de- ity with all other software within the company. The
termine whether CAPA is warranted. final target is an integrated electronic record
management module that generates a traceable
PLANNING: record of all elements taking part in CAPA (struc-
THE PROJECT DEVELOPMENT PLAN tures, teams, outputs, documents, etc.).

It is well known that the success of a program is The purpose of either the electronic or paper-
impacted by the effectiveness of its project planning. based program is to provide the organization with
Planning is mandatory for the success of a CAPA an efficient CAPA system that will integrate all
program’s design and implementation. Planning a other quality systems of the company in an effort
CAPA program is a complex project, especially to ensure that quality problems are accurately
when CAPA system use is intended to extend to identified, investigated in a timely manner, and
other locations including users from multiple facilities effectively corrected. Appropriate and effective
of the company. A written plan, in the form of a con- measures should be implemented to prevent re-
trolled document that has been reviewed and ap- currence. Thus, by itself, the CAPA system con-
proved by corresponding, responsible parties from stitutes a valuable improvement tool.
each location, should be the starting point for the re-
alization of a CAPA system or any improvement to The scope of the system involves senior man-
an existing one. agement, Quality Assurance (QA), all quality-re-
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engi- lated departments within the organization, and IT.
neers’ (IEEE) “Standards for Software Project Man- The scope should also include a description of
agement Plans, 1058-1998,” and the International what is outside the purpose of the system.
Organization for Standardization’s (ISO) “Standard
12207, Software Life Cycle Processes,” are two References
sources that were considered during the design of A list of all documents and other sources of infor-
the model of Project Development Plan template mation (scientific literature, industrial guidelines) ref-
proposed below: erenced in the plan should be provided.
Guidance for industry and guidelines, along with
TEMPLATE: industrial practices, should be referenced to justify
PROJECT DEVELOPMENT PLAN the need for a CAPA system or for an improvement
to such a system. At post implementation, during
Introduction the monitoring phase, regulatory trend reviews are a
➣ Purpose, Scope and Objectives must to maintain the compliance status of CAPA as
The policy includes the mission, vision, and ob- a quality system in the context of a changing regula-
jectives of a CAPA program. tory environment.
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are of
From the very beginning it is essential to clearly prime importance for this project. All components of
establish the kind of CAPA system management a CAPA system should be formalized and controlled
has decided to implement or improve: paper- by SOPs. A proposal for a CAPA SOP is provided
based or electronic, due to the major differences (see Figure 1). A CAPA SOP incorporates all the
between the two categories. CAPA involves all steps and sub steps in the process of addressing
quality-related structures of an organization. quality problems once the CAPA program has been
CAPA procedures affect all those structures, from implemented and delivered. SOPs should be written

192 I n s t i t u t e o f Va l i d a t i o n Te c h n o l o g y
Gabriela Bodea

Figure 1


Analysis 1. Quality Records Review QA Audit Manager

(Quality A. Audit and Nonconformity Reports
problems - Audit findings review
feeding into - Systemic analysis
CAPA) B. Other Quality Problems QA Manager
- Screen in conformity with defined
criteria to determine the need and level
of further actions
2. C/PAR Initiation QA Audit Manager, QA Man-
ager, or affected Department
A. C/PAR Log into system CAPA Administrator
- C/PAR Routing
B. C/PAR Review to identify whether CA QA Audit Manager or QA
or PA is warranted Manager
C. C/PAR Approval or rejection
D. C/PAR Tracking CAPA Administrator
3. C/PAR Processing – manual or electronic
A. Risk Assessment QA and Department Manager
B. Root Cause Analysis MR or Quality Council
C. Development of C/PA Plan Assigned Responsible
D. C/PA Plan review and approval MR or Quality Council
- Determine whether escalation is needed
Implementation, 1. Execution of C/PA Plan as it was Assigned Responsible or
Monitoring, and approved, using change control procedure designated team member
Control for the approval of all changes to
documents or for creation of the required
documents; monitoring of implemented Assigned Responsible, Team
solutions; data collection and analysis; and Leader, and Department
validation of implemented actions Manager
Verification 1. Effectiveness Verification
A. Review and sign off the documents QA Audit Manager or QA
(new or revised) as required by the C/PA Manager
Plan QA Audit Manager, QA
- Determine whether escalation is needed Manager, and MR
B. CA effectiveness verification
C. CA implementation approval MR
D. Quality Council Meeting to identify MR
required PA
Review 1. CA Results review at MR request to Top Management/Quality
identify PA Council
2. Periodic review of CAPA reports and
3. Disposition
4. Resource allocation

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to document all aspects important for the implemen- departments or functional areas within the or-
tation and maintenance of an efficient CAPA sys- ganization. Team leaders and team members
tem, e.g.: procedures on how to conduct risk as- should have diverse skills and experience
sessments and root cause analyses, procedures on and be guided by the same objectives. IT rep-
periodical Corrective Action (CA) results, review and resentatives play an important role, particu-
effectiveness verification, etc. larly during the implementation of an elec-
tronic CAPA system.
Project Organization • CAPA Administrator is one of the team
➣ Internal Structure members who has been assigned the overall
Describe the internal management structure of responsibility for the system.
the project, as well as how the project relates to the • Contractors and Consultants could be in-
rest of the organization. Include employees and volved, depending on the magnitude of the
eventual contract staff that will be part of this project project and company policy.
and how the staff will be organized and supervised.
Organizational charts to show the structures and Process Plans
functions that are involved in the project and the top ➣ Start-up Plan
down hierarchy, from the senior executive to the Describe how the project effort, cost, and
team members, are helpful. schedule will be estimated.
Example: Experience with the existing CAPA pro-
➣ Roles and Responsibilities gram showed clearly that the program does not
Responsibilities should be assigned to each meet the desired performance, but we are not
major role in the project, and the individuals re- aware at what level all problems exist.
sponsible for those functions and activities
should be identified. Key players on this project Gap analysis should be performed to determine
are represented by: the correct course of action. Gap analysis is a
• Senior (executive or top) Management is comparison of the existing system, support docu-
the first line called to take the initiative and mentation, and resources with defined require-
set a healthy basis for the company’s quality ments, e.g.: references to be considered, existing
systems. Executive management issues the standards, or internal customer (departments in-
policy that, as mentioned earlier in this paper, volved in quality activities) expectations.
is the base upon which the CAPA system is
built. Implementation and maintenance of the CAPA
• Management Representative (MR). Accord- system is a regulatory requirement, as indicated
ing to the draft guidance recommendation: “an in Part I of this paper. For the purpose of gap
organization also has the responsibility to give analysis, and in addition to the regulatory re-
the individual who is appointed to manage the quirements (Food and Drug Administration
quality system the authority to detect problems (FDA), ISO), comparison should be made with in-
and effect solutions. Usually, a senior manager dustrial standards, information offered by Warn-
administers the quality system and can, thus, ing Letters, previous experience, and references
ensure that the organization receives prompt expressing authorized points of view (e.g.: FDA
feedback on quality issues.” officials, representatives from professional orga-
• Process Owners. The MR will identify the nizations, etc.).
process owners who typically are the man-
agers of the quality-related departments. The Describe how staffing will be done, along with the
process owners represent an intermediate expected level of staffing by project phase, types
level of decision-making between the team of skills needed, and sources of staff (may be
members and the MR. employees or contract personnel). For any re-
• CAPA Team. This cross-functional team is sources needed in addition to personnel, such as
made up of individuals who represent quality hardware, facilities, service contracts, and soft-

194 I n s t i t u t e o f Va l i d a t i o n Te c h n o l o g y (Continued on page 197)

Gabriela Bodea

Figure 2

Step CAPA Fundamentals Software Specific Aspects

1. Policy CAPA policy should emphasize the ac- Idem

tive involvement and support of top man-
agement and the need of recruiting and
assigning a Management Representative
(MR) responsible for Quality System
management. The MR will report to ap-
propriate executive management.
The policy is the base upon which the
system is to be built and should be com-
municated across the company.
2. Identification All quality systems have some quality Idem
of Key subsystems. The subsystems comprise
Suppliers satellite suppliers to the CAPA program.
3. Planning The CAPA program should be viewed as Gap analysis is the mechanism for identi-
an addition of new procedures and forms fication of improvement opportunities
to the subsystems that feed into CAPA to be implemented into the automated
(in companies that document quality oc- CAPA system, based on experience
currences on specific templates, e.g., with the paper-based system.
OOS Result Investigation Report, Devia- CAPA software must be able to integrate
tions and Nonconformity Report, Stability all key supplier systems and, therefore,
Report, etc.) or as an improvement to ex- be compatible with the other computer-
isting subsystems (in medical device or ized systems that provide input data
ISO certified companies). for CAPA, e.g.: LIMS, documentation
management system, audit management,
A Program Development Plan should be calibration management, etc.
written, approved, and controlled. The re-
sult of the planning phase should be a The software must be validated to
clear understanding of what is needed comply with 21 CFR Part 11.
and how the company will succeed at im- Many factors must be considered during
plementing an efficient CAPA system. this phase so that an optimal solution re-
sults. The final software, either an existing
An in-house training plan should be ap- one to be upgraded or new
proved and executed. Separate, specific software, must be suitable for the
training programs are recommended for company’s intended applications.
upper management and staff respec-
tively. The supplier of software will provide user
training and technical support.
Key deliverables resulting from the In-house training plans will be developed
planning process should be identified. for legacy software.
4. Role of Assessment of qualification, need Risk-based validation of CAPA software
Automation for infrastructure, and software and is recommended initially at installation,
in a CAPA application’s validation. after changes (e.g., updates) that impact
System the validation status, or when system re-
views or regulations changes indicate

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Step CAPA Fundamentals Software Specific Aspects

that the extent of qualification or validation may

need to be changed.
5. Team Building The organizational structure should The structure of the team will be different due to
include a cross-functional team with specific features of an automated program, but
established roles and responsibili- the principles are the same.
ties to ensure the success of a IT representative will be a team member, provid-
CAPA program. ing technical support (software and infrastructure
installation, qualification, maintenance, etc).
6. CAPA SOPs During the implementation phase, Writing effective procedures prior to automation is
before the system becomes effec- key as well.In most of the cases, if not always,
tive, the SOPs will be adjusted. companies decide to implement an automated
If this is the beginning of the imple- system after years of experience with a paper-
mentation of a CAPA program based quality management. The past experience
within a company, many changes is valuable, helping in the development of a good
will be made and additional instruc- procedure that will require minor modification dur-
tions will be included in the SOP ing the implementation phase of an automated
based on practical experience and system.
lessons learned. Effective manual procedures do not necessarily
translate into automated procedures. Automation
most often helps streamline processes and may
result in the elimination of steps that may be ap-
propriate in the manual world, but are unneces-
sary in the world of automation.
7. Implement- During the transition from paper- In cases involving multiple facilities or locations or
ation based records to an electronic for- for multinational organizations, start within a sin-
mat, keeping paper copies is critical gle business unit, as a pilot project.
for remaining compliant during im- Developing a system for global use that has been
plementation, in that phase when optimized locally implies risks in terms of security,
the automation system is not yet in intellectual property protection, successful collab-
place. oration environments, etc. The commonly used
means for this type of development is the Inter-
A strategy for implementation net; the CAPA system will be Internet based.
should follow the requirements of The implementation strategy avoids some of the
the approved Project Development many steps and communications involved in a
Plan. paper-based CAPA system due to the ability of
well designed software to launch step after step
according to a pre established workflow and to
send alert notifications in case of missed steps,
deadlines overdue, etc.

8. Effectiveness The program must meet the estab- Idem

Measurement lished objectives. The ability of a
CAPA system to “learn” from past
mistakes allows for the design of fo-
cused improvement efforts directed
toward chronic or systemic root
causes (Preventive Action).

196 I n s t i t u t e o f Va l i d a t i o n Te c h n o l o g y
Gabriela Bodea

(Continued from page 194)

ware, describe the plan for acquiring those re-

sources. ➣ Control Plan
Describe any training that will be needed for Describe how the project will be monitored and
CAPA implementation, in both technical and controlled. In this respect, activities like continual
managerial skills. For managers and directors, progress monitoring, team reviews, formal progress
one training session comprising a high level reviews, change management, and plan review will
overview, regulations overview, benefits of regu- be part of the control plan. The company’s change
lations, and consequences of non-compliance is control system will be used for impact analysis of
enough. Include a schedule for the training to be proposed changes, and for approving changes,
provided, number of people to be trained, and monitoring implemented solutions, data collection
how the training will be conducted. and analysis, as well as validation of implemented
An in-house training plan should be executed as • Schedule Control
it was approved and should include: Describe how progress will be monitored and
• Training needs assessment for team mem- controlled. Address how the schedule will be con-
bers according to their roles (roles and re- trolled for all items including: milestones, progress to
sponsibilities attributed to the functions de- plan activities, and corrective action upon serious
fined in CAPA draft SOP) deviation from the plan; when reporting will be done
• Plan development for both the project team and management; and
• Plan implementation what tools and methods will be used.
• Training efficiency evaluation • Reporting and Communication Plan
• Training documentation Describe the mechanisms, formats, frequencies,
and information flow to be used for communicating
➣ Work Plan the status of project work, progress of the project,
Specify the work activities and their relationships and other information as needed for the project.
depicted in a work breakdown structure. Decom-
pose the structure to a low enough level to facilitate ➣ Closeout Plan
sound estimating, tracking, and risk management. Describe the plan for closing out this project. In-
Work activities should detail the approach, needed clude descriptions of how staff will be reassigned
resources, duration, and acceptance criteria. and project materials will be archived, how post-pro-
• Schedule ject analysis will be gathered, how lessons learned
Specify the schedule for the project showing will be documented, along with the analysis and
sequencing and relationships between activi- documentation of project objectives achieved. In-
ties, milestones, and any special constraints. clude an examination of the initial cost/benefit analy-
• Resource Allocation sis to see whether objectives have been met. In-
Identify the resources associated with each clude knowledge transfer plan.
of the major work activities as well as an If this project is to be followed by a next release
overall summary of the resource loading for effort, for instance to other facilities within a corpora-
the project. tion, such as operations and maintenance, describe
• Budget Allocation how those efforts will be planned.
Estimate the budget for each of the major
work activities. Use the organization’s stan-
dard cost categories such as personnel
costs, equipment, and administrative support.

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Supporting Process Plans The result of the planning phase should be a

➣ Reviews Plan clear understanding of what is needed and how the
Describe the processes, techniques, and tools company will succeed in implementing an efficient
that will be used for verification and validation of the CAPA system.
work products and activities. Identify which work Key deliverables resulting from the planning
products will receive what types of peer reviews, process include:
such as inspection and technical reviews, and what • Structure of the team, including roles and
roles will participate in such reviews. Identify the responsibilities
types of testing that will be done throughout the life- • Communication at each structure level and
cycle, and which roles will be involved in each, such among different levels
as unit testing, module testing, integration testing, • Work activities and their relationships
system testing, and acceptance testing. For the pur- • Schedule and schedule control
pose of verification, objective criteria to be used for • Resources and budget needs
acceptance should be included. Roles and responsi- • Activities reporting, control, and verification
bilities for reviewing the plan, generating the accep- • Improvements implementation processes
tance tests, running the tests, and reviewing results
should be established as well. ROLE OF AUTOMATION IN
➣ Project Reviews
Describe the planned schedule for conducting Well-configured CAPA software should signifi-
project reviews, who is to be involved, and what pro- cantly simplify the CAPA process and constitute a
cedures will be used for preparing and conducting failsafe quality management system.
the reviews. Include reviews that are done for the From CAPA initiation to close out, an automated
project team only, for local management, and for CAPA system should play an essential role at each
any external organizations, such as an acquirer or step, ensuring that all quality problems are identified
subcontractor. and addressed through a controlled sequence of
• Process Improvement Plan events that avoids missing steps or activities. This is
Describe the activities that will be done to pe- accomplished due to the software’s ability to auto-
riodically assess the project’s processes, matically begin the next subsystem when one sub-
identify areas for improvement, and imple- system is completed - until the CAPA loop is closed.
ment improvement plans.
• Document Control CAPA Initiation
Based on the changes required as part of im- Any authorized user could initiate a CAPA. Users
provement, the process management plan should collect and analyze data according to the na-
will be updated through the change control ture of the problem. A CAPA Request (C/PAR) may
system of the company. The change history be automatically routed to appropriate departments
will reflect all modifications for each revision. for initial review and approval. Relevant related elec-
• Document Storage tronic files may be attached as reference documents.
Indicate the electronic file where the docu-
ment and its eventual revisions will be stored. Investigation and Root Cause Analysis
• Document Owner Once a CAPA has been initiated, it will follow its
Typically, Quality Assurance (QA) or Quality assigned workflow process. For instance - the first
Unit (QU) is responsible for developing and step after problem verification may be to initiate in-
maintaining this document. vestigations to properly identify the root cause of the
• Appendices problem. The software should link investigation
Include any relevant additions or supporting records to the parent CAPA record, facilitating root
documents. cause analysis of the problem, provide full follow-up
and tracking of investigation assignments and due
dates, manage the investigation workflow approval

198 I n s t i t u t e o f Va l i d a t i o n Te c h n o l o g y
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process, provide notifications, alerts, and escala- will be generated, edited, captured, and stored on
tions of overdue investigations. electronic format, mainly as Excel® spreadsheets or
formatted MSWord® files, along with the paper
CAPA Plan Issuance and Approval copies e.g.: calculations, templates, plans, and re-
A CAPA plan should be created and routed for ports. Based on the criticality of the application, the
approval. The CAPA plan should be routed for ap- risk assessment analysis will indicate the infrastruc-
proval using a serial or parallel approval process in- ture and computerized systems that should be sub-
cluding required signatures and optional signatures. jected to qualification or validation.
Moreover, the system should be capable of Unlike paper-based programs, automatic or elec-
producing CAPA traceability reports, which relate tronic systems must be validated. Risk-based valida-
corrective and preventive actions to root causes. tion of CAPA software is recommended initially at in-
The records should be routed for approval via an stallation, after changes (e.g., updates) that impact
automated workflow process. The system should the validation status, or when system reviews or
verify that all required information has been cap- regulation changes indicate that the extent of qualifi-
tured before moving it on to the approval stage. cation or validation may need to be changed.
Typically, the system owner defines the validation
CAPA Implementation steps for the lifecycle phases. For validation pur-
Once the CAPA plan has been approved, plan poses, the following steps could be considered:
implementation can begin. As work is completed, planning, specification setting, vendor assessment
different users should be notified when certain mile- (audit or documentation review), installation, func-
stones have been achieved, or when they have not tional testing, maintenance, security control, change
been completed within a given timeframe. control, and audits of system and subsystems.
By using an electronic CAPA system, follow-up, Planning the implementation of an automated
tracking, and monitoring activities can be auto- CAPA system should address aspects such as:
mated. Workflow steps such as “In Progress,” “Com- cost-benefit analysis, determination of user and
pleted,” “Verified,” “Approved,” and “Closed,” should computer numbers, need for audit of supplier ac-
be configured specific to the workflow process. cording to Good Automated Manufacturing Practice
Alerts should be issued and appropriate individuals 4 (GAMP 4) guide, and an overall validation plan. A
should be notified concerning items falling past due, validation plan containing templates, guidelines, and
requiring approval, or verification. Search capability step-by-step procedures for all steps of the valida-
should enable users to quickly find items past due, tion of the software would definitely assist the plan-
assigned, etc. The software providing status infor- ning.
mation, workload distribution, timing, etc., should At this stage, end users should be trained on
generate fully integrated reports. software application(s).

Effectiveness Verification
The software should automatically initiate and
schedule effectiveness checks of the implemented
CAPA by tracking individual effectiveness checks
and links to specific root causes, documenting that
corrective actions have effectively addressed the
root cause. The software should also monitor and
track CAPA success rates and related metrics and
communicate changes to the organization via an au-
tomated notification process. Reporting tools should
allow the design of a wide range of graphical and
statistical reports.
Software Installation and Validation
With a paper-based CAPA program, certain data

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CAPA SOPs of the CAPA procedure requiring the recording of all

Standard Operating Procedures relevant information for a full and correct under-
SOPs concerning the CAPA system will be writ- standing of the process flow, as follows:
ten in order to:
• Define how CAPA will incorporate all quality • Type of quality problem (audit nonconformity,
issues. Using a flow chart, CAPA steps may deviation, Out of Specification (OOS) result,
be specified from failure investigation to track trending data, training, validation, change
the CAPA process and for periodic manage- control data, complaint, recalled, returned
ment review. product, or other)
• Establish responsibilities for the members of • Description of the problem (specify what is
the cross-functional team responsible for con- not met or should be met)
ducting the project from remediation planning • Evidence observed
to verification. • Preliminary assessment of potential impact
• Define the Root Cause Analysis (RCA) tech- and risk
niques for assessment and identification of • Immediate corrective action
gaps in each process. • List of possible causes and supporting data
• Identify the statistical tools, such as Statistical • Analysis results and data (supportive docu-
Process Controls (SPCs) to be used for ments attached)
CAPA validation, etc. • Root cause analysis
• Show documentation flow. • CAPA plan number
• Plan evaluation and implementation recom-
An outline example of a CAPA SOP is presented mended
in Figure 1. The corresponding flowchart appears in • CAPA implementation
Figure 5, page 64. Looking at the flowchart, it is • Description of implemented actions
easy to seize the two loops inside corrective action • CAPA effectiveness verification
and preventive action processes. • Quality Council meeting required or not

Note: Comprehensive SOPs that should be Risk Assessment

written to document CAPA subsystems Like CAPA, risk assessment is a regulatory re-
are not the subject of this paper; how- quirement and a valuable instrument for the correct
ever, several milestones are empha- evaluation of the risk that a quality problem repre-
sized here. sents to the product’s quality, the company’s quality
system, or to the final user of the product.
Glossary of Terms The FDA draft guidance released on September
Due to the complexity of the CAPA concept, a 29, 2004 - “Guidance for Industry Quality Systems
Glossary of Terms can be of real use. The develop- Approach to Pharmaceutical Current Good Manu-
ment of a vocabulary will facilitate a good under- facturing Practice Regulations” 1 places the risk man-
standing of key elements, making up a common lan- agement in the large context of a GXP environment:
guage within the organization and preventing confu-
sion with semantics. “The concept of risk management is a
major focus of the Pharmaceutical
C/PAR cGMPs for the 21st Century Initiative.
The author proposes a Corrective/Preventive Ac- Risk management can guide the setting
tion Request (C/PAR) template. This is the template of specifications and process parame-
to be used for the initiation and documentation of ters. Risk assessment is also used in
CAPA components (see Figure 3). Once the need determining the need for discrepancy in-
for CAPA is determined, a C/PAR will be processed vestigations and corrective action. As
in order to identify the root cause(s) of the problem. risk assessment is used more formally
The C/PAR template provided follows the steps by manufacturers, it can be imple-

200 I n s t i t u t e o f Va l i d a t i o n Te c h n o l o g y
Gabriela Bodea

mented within the quality system frame- • Affects product, process, customers, or the
work.” quality management system
• Requires containment action
The role of risk management in a Medical Device • Has system-wide implications
company’s quality system is clearly defined by the • Has the potential for legal consequences
FDA in the preamble to the October 7, 1996 Quality • Affects company profit margins
System regulation.2 In one of the comments of the • Needs MR decision, etc.
preamble, which relates to the degree of corrective
or preventive actions expected, FDA states: The response to the question, “What quality
problems must be addressed with priority compared
“FDA cannot dictate in a regulation the to the others,” will be based on risk. This is a critical
degree of action that should be taken issue when the system is burdened with C/PARs
because each circumstance will be dif- due to an inefficient CAPA system or when existing
ferent, but FDA does expect the manu- procedures are not followed.
facturer to develop procedures for as- In the case study presented at the end of this
sessing the risk, the actions that need to paper (see section entitled “Implementation”), the
be taken for different levels of risk, and nonconformity does not pose any risk to the patient,
how to correct or prevent the problem but is of major risk from a regulatory perspective,
from recurring, depending on that risk customer dissatisfaction, company image, and auto-
assessment.” matically, business safety. If the nonconformity is re-
current and not solved, the Regulatory Body could
The recent draft guidance elaborated by the enforce penalties.
GHTF Group 3 3 emphasizes the place of risk man-
agement, considering it “an integral part of the qual- Root Cause Analysis (RCA)
ity management system CAPA processes.” More- A root cause analysis to isolate the cause(s) of
over, the guidance provides the view of the Group the problem may be warranted. The Assignee (indi-
on a risk-based CAPA system. The excerpt that ad- vidual responsible for implementation) will use his or
dresses this topic states: her best judgment to decide “how deeply” to investi-
gate the problem. This subjective decision will be
“It (risk management) provides the reached based on the magnitude and severity of the
mechanism for determining the severity problem. As part of the CA, qualitative and/or quan-
of items identified in one’s specific qual- titative effectiveness criteria for the prescribed action
ity data points (such as complaints, ser- may be identified.
vice reports, manufacturing defects, en- The basic reason for investigating and reporting
gineering non-conformities, supplier au- the causes of occurrences is to enable the identifi-
dits, and external/internal audits). The cation of adequate or efficient, corrective, and even-
CAPA process combined with risk man- tually preventive actions, to avoid recurrence and
agement output facilitates a closed loop thereby prevent consequences difficult to correct.
process and may be a measure of the Bottom line, the RCA should look not only at the
quality system effectiveness.” issue at hand and how to correct it, but also should
ask whether that quality problem is systemic in its
Risk management applies to the quality systems nature and should be addressed across the quality
of pharmaceutical companies as “members” of U.S. system.
FDA regulated companies and not only to medical
device manufacturers.
The category of risk under which the individual
cases of nonconformities fall could be determined
by evaluating whether the event or nonconformity:

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Gabriela Bodea

CAPA Plan The changes should be described. Enough

The assigned representative of the affected de- detail should be included so that what must
partment will be responsible for developing a Cor- be done is clearly understood. The expected
rective and Preventive Action plan that could incor- outcome of these changes should also be ex-
porate the sequence of elements on the model of plained.
the provided template (Figure 5, page 61).
• Training Required
➣ CAPA Plan Template Structure: Employee training is an essential part of any
• Date, Number, C/PAR# change that is made and should be part of
The CAPA plan will be assigned a date and the action plan. To ensure that the actions
number. For the purpose of traceability, the taken will be effective, any modifications
number of the C/PAR that documents the made to documents, processes, etc., should
quality problem should be referenced. This be effectively communicated to all persons or
will facilitate the understanding of the pro- departments that will be affected.
posed actions included in the CAPA plan.
• Qualitative and Quantitative Criteria
• Actions to be Completed Include a list of metrics to measure success
A detailed description of the activities and criteria. These could be qualitative, such as,
tasks that must be accomplished to either increased customer satisfaction or company
correct the existing problem or eliminate a po- ‘goodwill,’ etc., or quantitative, such as, per-
tential problem should be provided. For a cent of work accomplished, number of hours
CAPA program to be effective, it is important needed, number of changes completed, etc.
to take a global approach. Identify all actions
that will be required to address everything re- • Assignee and Team
lated to the situation. The structure of the team should be defined,
specifying name, department, and position for
• Document Changes Required each member.
List any documents that will be modified and
describe, in general terms, what the modifica- Effectiveness Verification
tions will be. In Part I, section four, “Attributes of a Good CAPA
Program,” page 63, the author defined and dis-
• Procedure, Process, or System Changes cussed the components of an effective CAPA pro-
Required gram and indicated that a CAPA program should be
Management should then review the CA plan SMARTER: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Re-
to determine whether proceeding with the im- sults oriented, Time based, Evaluated, and Re-
plementation is acceptable. The QA specialist viewed.
reviews the proposed CA and determines Corrective and Preventive Actions may be con-
whether implementation of the CA requires sidered effective when they result in the elimination
the creation of or revision to a document. The of nonconforming product, zero complaints, and
Document Manager will be notified that there subsequently, improve customer satisfaction without
will be a new document or a revision to an negative alteration of the company’s positive image
existing document resulting from the CA. This in the market.
alerts a watch for this document as a result of Measuring the effectiveness of implemented cor-
the CA and prepares the document staff to rective actions is a mandatory step of CAPA. This
review the created or revised document for its can be realized by comparing the actual results with
effectiveness as part of the CA when it is re- the performance criteria defined in the CAPA plan.
ceived. Depending on the nature of the implemented ac-
tions, QA/QU should:

202 I n s t i t u t e o f Va l i d a t i o n Te c h n o l o g y
Gabriela Bodea

• Review the newly generated or updated doc-

umentation (e.g.: training records)
• Assess the potential impact of the changes The Process Development Plan establishes all
on other systems or documents elements and sequences of events that constitute
• Inspect a subsystem or a monitoring program an implementation strategy.
• Review customer satisfaction questionnaires The flow of implementation effort should include,
• Analyze quality costs generated by lack of at a minimum:
quality • Availability of all resources identified as
• Review in-process and finished non conform- needed in the plan.
ing or rejected product • Written SOPs: All SOPs referenced in the
• Review regulatory and customer audits for plan should be ready by the time the project
potential, critical nonconformities identified begins. The existence of SOPs is mandatory
for both types of systems, either paper-based
TEAM BUILDING or (automatic) electronic, but is especially im-
portant for the paper-based system. The
The organizational structure of a CAPA program great advantage of an automatic system is
should include a cross-functional team with estab- that some of the SOPs are built into the soft-
lished roles and responsibilities to ensure success. ware and the system launches without
As presented earlier in this article, a CAPA team human intervention into next steps, which is
should include: not possible in a paper-based system.
• Senior (executive/top) Management • Team building: selection and training of staff.
• Management Representative • Work activities: In order to verify the suitabil-
• Process owners ity, correctness and completeness, and deter-
• CAPA team mine the need for improvements, the CAPA
• CAPA administrator SOP will be put into practice. It will be ap-
• Contractors and consultants plied, through practical exercises, to all cate-
• IT representative(s) gories of quality problems identified as being
key suppliers to the system (refer to section
The IT representative will provide technical sup- two of this paper, Identification of Key Suppli-
port (software and infrastructure installation, qualifi- ers). It is within the latitude of each company
cation, maintenance, etc). to decide the magnitude of this exercise so
This team will apply CAPA procedures to each that the newly created or improved CAPA
individual quality problem that will be addressed fol- system can be considered validated.
lowing the CAPA system. • Review and process improvement plan: Ac-
Many existing CAPA systems suffer from an cording to the plan provisions, the results of
overly broad distribution of responsibility. A dedi- all implementation efforts will be reviewed,
cated team should be created so that the team and consistent with the output of these re-
members are devoted exclusively to this effort. The views, improvements within the scope of the
team should be heavily involved with non-confor- plan should be proposed subject to approval.
mance triage, investigation, documentation, data • Monitoring and control of work and docu-
system entry, and closure. Such teams work best ments or records: The progress of work
when they consist of a combination of a) people fa- should be monitored to capture all eventual
miliar with the history of current, open non-confor- difficulties and to determine whether the work
mances and the existing CAPA system and b) out- is on schedule.
siders able to offer a fresh perspective. • Reporting and communication: The results
of work scrutiny and progress will be re-
ported and communicated to all appropriate

C o n d u c t i n g Au d i t s, G A P A s s e s s m e n t s, & C o r r e c t i ve A c t i o n s 203
Gabriela Bodea

• Team reassignment: A plan should exist for be accomplished only by following change control
team member reassignment at the end of the procedures. Multinational companies could have
project’s execution. manufacturing facilities in countries regulated not
• Documents storage: A detailed plan for the only by the U.S. FDA, but by Canadian, European,
storage and retrieval of documentation is re- Australian, or other regulatory authorities as well. If
quired. nonconformity is systemic and affects not only the
• Post project analysis: The execution of the initiator, but also other facilities from areas with dif-
project plan should be followed by a thorough ferent GMP practices compared with U.S. FDA regu-
analysis of implementation success and suc- lations, then the applicability of the change should
cess on reaching the goals of the project. The be assessed, and the appropriate solutions should
analysis should include a cost/benefit analy- be looked for. Closing the loop within a CAPA plan
sis and an analysis of lessons learned. when an open computer system does not exist to
• Subsequent efforts planning: When a project ensure the efficient flow of information is an exam-
is to be followed by a next release effort, for ple of how difficult it can be to implement a CAPA
instance to other facilities within a corpora- program in an international company and of how im-
tion, such as operations and maintenance, portant communication is between the partner-users
describe how those efforts will be planned. of a global CAPA software system.

The implementation strategy of an automatic or EFFECTIVENESS MEASUREMENT

electronic CAPA system avoids some of the many
steps and communication involved in a paper-based Effectiveness is verified for each corrective or
CAPA system. This is due to the ability of well-de- preventive action to determine whether CAPA was
signed software to launch step after step according efficient in eliminating the cause of a particular qual-
to a pre-established workflow and to send alert noti- ity problem to avoid recurrence and also to deter-
fications in case of missed steps, overdue dead- mine the effectiveness of the program as a whole.
lines, etc. The program must meet the established objec-
A paper or hybrid system cannot ensure the ex- tives. If, based on periodic reports, analysis during
pected efficiency that leads to growth and profitabil- management reviews, and comparisons with perfor-
ity, but during the transition from paper-based mance criteria, it is concluded that the CAPA pro-
records to an electronic format, keeping paper gram plays the role of a mere data base without
copies is critical to remaining compliant. reaching the objectives for which it was designed,
Implementing a CAPA system is not an easy the program must be improved and corresponding
task, especially for companies with multiple loca- changes should be implemented.
tions or within multinational companies. In cases of An effective CAPA system guarantees that infor-
companies with multiple facilities or locations or with mation regarding the nature and context of non-con-
multinational organizations, automation should be formances is captured, documented, investigated,
first limited to a manageable group. Depending on and closed. The ability of a CAPA system to “learn”
organizational size, it is best to start this phase from past mistakes allows for the design of focused
within a single business unit as a pilot project. improvement efforts directed toward chronic or sys-
Developing a global system that has been opti- temic root causes through preventive actions. Such
mized locally implies risks in terms of security, intel- concerted efforts can lead ultimately to significant
lectual property protection, successful collaboration reductions in non-conformance generation, one of
environments, etc. The commonly used means in the major objectives of a CAPA program. ❏
this case is the Internet; the CAPA system would be
Internet based.
I mentioned that a CAPA Plan should require the
identification of the need for review and adjustment
of existing document(s) or the issuance of new doc-
ument(s). Changes or creation of a document can

204 I n s t i t u t e o f Va l i d a t i o n Te c h n o l o g y
Gabriela Bodea

Article Acronym Listing
1. U.S. FDA, “Draft Guidance: Quality Systems Approach for
Pharmaceutical Current Good Manufacturing Practices,”
C/PAR Corrective/Preventive Action
September 2004
2. U.S. FDA, “The Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP - Quality
System Regulation) Final Rule,” Federal Register / Vol. 61,
CA Corrective Action
No. 195 / Monday, October 7, 1996 / Rules and Regula- CAPA Corrective And Preventive Action
tions, 52633, pp. 33-34, cGMP Current Good Manufacturing Practice
3. GHTF Study Group 3, “Proposed Draft SG3/N15R6 - Risk FDAFood and Drug Administration
Management as an Integral Part of the Quality Manage- GAMP Good Automated Manufacturing
ment System” Practice
GHTF Global Harmonization Task Force
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics
ISO International Organization for
Gabriela Bodea is an industrial pharmacist with Standardization
combined experience in Quality Assurance and IT Information Technology
Manufacturing. She graduated from the University MR Management Representative
of Medicine and Pharmacy Gr.T.Popa Iasi, College OOS Out of Specification
of Pharmacy, Romania, where she received both PA Preventive Action
her B.Sc. degree and her Certificate of Specialist. QA Quality Assurance
She has gained experience during the seven years QU Quality Unit
she has worked in pharmaceutical companies in RCA Root Cause Analysis
both Romania and Canada where she has imple- SOP Standard Operating Procedure
mented quality systems for dosage forms and API SPC Statistical Process Control

Originally published in the October 2005 issue of the Journal of GXP Compliance

C o n d u c t i n g Au d i t s, G A P A s s e s s m e n t s, & C o r r e c t i ve A c t i o n s 205
Gabriela Bodea

Figure 3
Number # Date:


Actions to be Completed:

Document Changes Required:

Procedure, Process or System Changes Required:

Training Requirements:

Team Structure Name Department Position

Assignee (individual
responsible for
Process Owner)
Team Leader
Team Member
Team Member
Team Member

Qualitative and Quantitative Criteria

Implementation Schedule
Implementation Deadline

Name Position Signature Date


206 I n s t i t u t e o f Va l i d a t i o n Te c h n o l o g y
Gabriela Bodea

Figure 4

C/PAR #:

■ CA
■ PA

Type of Quality Problem

■ Audit nonconformity, deviation, OOS result, trending data, training, validation, change control
data, complaint, recalled, returned product, other

Description of the Problem (specify what is not met or should be met)

Evidence Observed

Preliminary Assessment of Potential Impact and/or Risk

Initiator’s Name Signature Date

■ Yes
■ No
If No, Justify:

Audit Manager/QA Manager Signature Date

Immediate Corrective Action

List of Possible Causes and Supporting Data

Analysis Results and Data

■ Supportive Documents Attached

Root Cause Analysis

C o n d u c t i n g Au d i t s, G A P A s s e s s m e n t s, & C o r r e c t i ve A c t i o n s 207
Gabriela Bodea

Assignee Signature Date

C/PA Plan number:

Assignee Signature Date

Plan Evaluation – Implementation Recommended
■ Yes
■ No
If No, justify:

QA Manager Signature Date

MR Signature Date

C/PA Implementation

Description of Implemented Actions

Assignee + team
Name Signature Date
Name Signature Date
Name Signature Date

CAPA Effectiveness Verification

Efficient CA:
■ Yes
■ No
If No, Justify:

Quality Council Meeting Required:

■ Yes
■ No

Audit Manager/QA Manager Signature Date

RM Signature Date

208 I n s t i t u t e o f Va l i d a t i o n Te c h n o l o g y
Gabriela Bodea

Figure 35
CAPA Plan Structure
Reports Complaints
etc. Quality Problem Screening

Reports No

CA needed? STOP


C/PAR Review

CA Approved? C/PAR Signed
and Archived

C/PAR Tracking

C/PAR Processing
CA Plan
Nonconformity Cause Analysis
RCA for Quality Problems

Creation or revision of a
document (need identification)

CA Plan Review

No CA Plan

CA Implementation

CA Effectiveness Verification

CA Effective?


CA Implementation Approval C/PAR Closure

Quality Council Preventive Actions


C o n d u c t i n g Au d i t s, G A P A s s e s s m e n t s, & C o r r e c t i ve A c t i o n s 209

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