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EXAM (December 2021)

International Master REMENA

Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency for the Middle East and North Africa

Course: Project Management and Industrial Marketing

Duration: 2 hours

Part 1: Reflection (5 marks)

Please, try to use your own words in answers

Question 1:
Do you think that the salary is the only source of motivation for an employee?
Explain your point of view.
No. Salary is only one of the way of motivation. There are various
ways for a manger in order to motivate employees. Employee
motivation is defined as the enthusiasm, energy level, commitment
and the amount of creativity that an employee brings to the
organization on a daily basis.There are different techniques, for
example, say thank you, providing a pleasant of workplace, training
essential skills to them, set a clear goal and also give a positive
feedback to them. Other techniques include:Let Them Know You
Trust ThemPrioritize Work-Life BalanceHave an Open-Door
PolicyLet Them Lead
Question 2:
Can you explain the relation between lack of communication and Project

A lack of or poor communication leads to misunderstanding in the
workflow, weak return on investment (ROI), and even loss of
revenue. According to the Project Management Institute, the lack of
communication leads to project failures over 30 percent of the time.
It will lead to the friction, frustration, and confusion. Poor
communication often creates a tense environment where people are
not motivated to be productive and not inspired to collaborate.Poor
communication can quickly isolate team members, who become
disconnected from the purpose of the project, their roles, and the
value of their contributions. Work is executed in silos and conflicts
quickly arise as individuals lose track of completed and upcoming

Question 3:
How can soft skills develop your Project Management ?
Soft skills, sometimes known as “people skills,” apply to all jobs in all
industries, particularly leadership positions. They include the ability to
communicate well, build trust and resolve conflicts. Soft skills can
help provide an edge to managers who have learned to use them
8 soft skills a Project Manager should have
Conflict management.

Part 2: Multiple Choice Questions (15 marks)
Only one true answer; Circle the right answer

Question 1: In B2B marketing, products are:

(A) Specially made
(B) Stereotyped
(C) Both (A) and (B)

Question 2: Which of these is not an example of a project?

(A) Computerizing a manual system
(B) Planning for your friends wedding
(C) Evacuation of city before a major storm expected this weekend
(D) Preparing the daily staff meeting
(E) Managing political compaign
Explain :…………………………………………………………………………
The time constraint refers to the project's schedule for completion,
including the deadlines for each phase of the project, so the daily
staff meeting could not be considered as a project.

Question 3: The successful project managers deploy most of its efforts:

(A) Planning withstakeholders
(B) Makingprojectfeasibility
(C) Listing imputsoand outputs of processes
(D) Communicating and motivating the project team

Question 4 : The scope creep :
(A) Any change of Project Scope after the project charter has been
(B) The correction of errors in the Project plan that requires scope activities
to be added or duplicated
(C) The uncontrolled expansion to Project Scope without adjustement to
time, cost or resources
Question 5: Ahmed is actively initiating a project, so he plans to invite all
relevant internal and external stakeholders including sponsors, customers,
project teams, etc. for a kick-off meeting.
To ensure all of them are covered in the stakeholder register, which
document is the most helpful for Ahmed to look at?
Select one:

(A) Project team activities

(B) Scope statement
(C) Project charter
(D) Work packages
(E) Project funding agents

Question 6: What is the term for the process of dividing a total market into
subgroups so that each group consists of buyers and users who share similar
characteristics, but who are different from those in the other groups?
(A) Market subdivision
(B) Market targeting
(C) Market positioning
(D) Market segmentation
(E) Niche marketing
Question 7: Which of the following is an example of a behavioral
segmentation base?

(B)User status
(D)Socio-economic class

Question 8: In which of the following project phases is the project schedule
(A) Initiation
(B) Planning
(C) Execution
(D) Closure

Question 9: Project Scope:

(A) Is of concern only at the start of the project
(B) Is mainly a problem to be handled by the change control procedures
during the project execution phase.
(C) Should be managed and controlled from the project concept
through close-out.
(D) Is usually not a problem after the contract or other document
authorizing the project has been approved.

Question 10: Developing a technology is an example of:

(A) Process
(B) Project
(C) Scope
(D) All of the above

Question 11: The entire process of a project may be considered to be made

up on number of subprocess placed in different stage called the:
(A) Technical key resources
(B) Work key structure
(C) Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
(D) None of the above

Question 12: In Project Management, resources refer to:

(A) Manpower
(B) Machinery
(C) Materials
(D) All of the above

Question 13: The ability to influence and align others towards a common
purpose is a possible definition of:
(A) Teamwork
(B) Motivation
(C) Management
(D) Leadership

Question 14: Documentation in Project Management: What is a visual

representation of a project’s planned activities against a calendar called?
(A) Gantt chart
(B) Critical path network
(C) Product flow diagram
(D) Pareto chart

Question 15: The justification for the investment to be made in a project is

documented in the:
(A) Work Breakdown Structure
(B) Summary of risks
(C) Business case
(D) Project Management Plan

Question 16: Teamwork is:

(A) People working collaboratively towards a common goal.
(B) Developing skills that will enhance project performance.
(C) Gathering the right people together to work on a project.
(D) Establishing vision and direction towards a common purpose.

Question 17: Which one of the following is captured in the WBS?

(A) The life cycle phases
(B) The project risks
(C) The scope of the project
(D) The project costs

Question 18: Which one of the following best describes Project Management?
(A) Using PM’s Body of Knowledge 6th edition as a guide to all projects.
(B) Employing a project manager who has undertaken similar projects.
(C) Utilizing team members who can work on a project full time.
(D)Application of processes and methods throughout the project life
Question 19: The phases of a project life cycle are:
(A) starting, planning, control and closing.
(B) Initiation, planning, execution and closure.
(C) initiation, definition, planning, monitoring and operations.
(D) concept, definition, implementation and operations.

Question 20: In Project Management, vision and goals are the same thing?
(A) True
(B) False

Can you explain your answer with some examples (in your own
A vision statement is the main tool to give knowledge on where the project should
be going and thus should not be underestimated. ... It motivates to complete tasks
that are necessary for the end goal. And it inspires new action or solutions to
achieve the desired result.
Goals are set as a specific target that move you towards your vision. Goals can be
set, for example, for feelings, results, skills, knowledge, new job, physical and
mental training. Goals help you to stay focused and on track.

Question 21: A ____ is a set of activities which are networked in an order

and aimed towards achieving the goals.
(A) Project
(B) Process
(C) Project management
(D) Project cycle

Question 22: Which one of the following best describes a project issue?
(A) A major problem that requires formal escalation.
(B) A problem that the project manager has to deal with on a day-
to-day basis.
(C) An uncertain event that may or may not occur.
(D) An opportunity that occurs through change control.

Question 23: By economic feasibility of a project, we mean that:

(A) The Project is economical to operate
(B) It is expensive to operate
(C) It will be cost-effective if implemented
(D) Finances are available to implement the project and cost-benefit
analysis is done

Question 24: A Project is said to be feasible if:

i- it is cost-effective and finance is available to implement it
ii-technology is available to implement it
iii-it can be adapted to work in an organization’s environment
iv- it has been implemented in another organization

(A) ii and iii

(B) i, ii and iii
(C) i and iv
(D) i, ii and iv

Question 25: In which phase you must consider risks in order to decide if the
project should be chosen?
(A) Completion
(B) Closure
(C) Execution
(D) Monitoring
(E) Initiation

Question 26:
There is ………………….correlation between project complexity and
project risk.
(A) An unknown
(B) A positive
(C) No
(D) A negative
(E) A general
Question 27: Which one of the following is the last step of project closings?
(A) The client has accepted the product.
(B) Archives are complete.
(C) The client appreciates your product.
(D) Lessons learned are documented.
(E) Temporary staff is released.
Question 28: Jack is in charge of a project team. Due to an unexpected
project change, some issues with the project have come up. Two key team
members, Samantha and Felix, are arguing their solutions to the project
problems. They can’t convince each other, and their conflict is creating a
negative impact on the project’s progress. As a Project Manager, which of
the following would be the best advice for Jack to manage this conflict?
(A) Confront the problem early, and invite Samantha and Felix to private
(B) Force Felix to give up and to support Samantha.
(C) Suggest that Samantha concede to Felix.
(D) Let Felix and Samantha exercise their concerns through conflict
(E) Delay this issue for now until it becomes a significant conflict.

Explain :…………………………………………………………………………
The project manager's main goal is to avoid conflicts from falling into a
communication breakdown and to stimulate disagreements that can benefit the
project.Avoiding conflict in the first place is easier than dealing with conflict once it
has reached a boiling point. Because it’s built for effective collaboration, a
manager helps project teams avoid common causes of conflict by making it easy
to communicate with team members, stakeholders, and sponsors throughout the
entire project life cycle.

At the end of the day, conflict within teams and organizations is bound to happen.
But a manager can prevent unnecessary conflict with clear communication,
strategic planning, and full transparency along the entire project chain.

Question 29: Project Stakeholder Management is focused on engaging

project stakeholders with the project. What is the objective of keeping the
project stakeholders engaged with the project?
(A) To manage their expectations so that the project objectives are
(B) Using consistent project management methodology across
organizational projects.
(C) To motivate the project team members.
(D) To demotivate the negative stakeholders.

Can you explain your answer by taking the case of each stakeholder in the
If your project's stakeholders are aware of every project detail they're more likely to
help projects deliver it on time and within budget. They should be aware of project
risks and potential impacts at all times.
Actively managing stakeholder expectations decreases the risk that the project will
fail to meet its goals and objectives due to unresolved stakeholder issues, and
limits disruptions during the project.

Question 30: By operational feasibility, we mean:

(A) the Project can be operate nicely
(B) the Project is unusable by operators
(C) the Project can be adapted by the company without major disruptions
(D) the Project can be implemented

Question 31: Advertising and marketing are the same thing.
(A) True
(B) False

Explain :…………………………………………………………………………
In marketing, marketers conduct research and mine data to find opportunities to reach
audiences for products, services, and brands. This process informs the design and
creation of products after ideas are established. Additionally, marketers set value
propositions that guide promotions, and these selling points often define the product for
consumers more than its features.While Advertising is the process of making a product
and service known to an audience. It involves the development of messages that
present products, services, ideas, and brands to the world. These processes generally
entail advertising campaigns in the media. An advertising campaign relies on timely
offers, creative positioning, and catch-phrases to ensure products resonate with

Question 32: The B2B decision making process is longer and more formal
the Business to Consumer decision making process.
(A) True
(B) False

Explain :…………………………………………………………………………
B2B buyers therefore have a more complex set of needs in comparison
with consumer buyers. Like consumers, business decision makers have
both rational and emotional needs that must be fulfilled by suppliers. The
difference is that these two types of needs each operate on both a
personal and company level. Most B2B purchases include 5 discrete
tasks: recognizing there is a problem or need; evaluating and comparing
available solutions; defining the requirements for the product; selecting a
supplier; justifying the decision.
Question 33: When it comes to developing your organization’s mission +
(A) Your mission comes first, and your vision comes second.
(B) Your vision comes first, and your mission comes second.

Question 34: A ………………….analysis is based on customers changes in
attitudes, lifestyles and opinions:
(A) Social-cultural
(B) Geographic
(C) Demographic
(D) Behavioral

Question 35: B2B buying is: Organizations that buy goods or services to
use in the production of other goods and services.
(A) True
(B) False

If true, give an example; if false, explain.

For example, a tire manufacturer might sell merchandise to a car
manufacturer. Or a sugar manufacturer might sell sugar to Pepsi

Question 36: In Project Management, we can describe each process by:

(A) Skills, outputs and stakeholders
(B) Inputs, outputs and risks
(C) Inputs, tools and techniques, and outputs
(D) Documentation, skills and stakeholders

Question 37: What’s a stakeholder?

(A) Anyone who completes tasks on a project
(B) Anyone with an investment in or impacted by a project
(C) Anyone who receives communication about a project
(D) Only people on the project team

Question 38: What is the main focus of project scope management?
(A) Controlling tasks
(B) Avoiding exceed budget
(C) Defining resource skills
(D) What is and is not included the project

Question 39: According to PMBOK (6th edition), how many areas and
processes in Project Management?
(A) 4 areas, 40 processes
(B) 10 areas, 49 processes
(C) 09 areas, 04 processes

Question 40: In a process, Risk Management Plan can be:

(A) Input received
(B) Output received
(C) Both of (A) and (B)
(D) None of the above

Good Luck


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