Unit 8 Text and Lab Questions - LODIN - R - 1887829

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OTH039- Criminology Unit 8 Text Questions

Name: Rehana lodin

Unit 8 Text Questions
Please complete the following questions. It is important that you use full sentences. Each Text
question should be answered using at least 3 sentences.

1. Some scholars have argued that the parole system should be abolished. Do you agree or
disagree with this? Why?
No, I don’t think the parole system should be taken away and abolished fully. It does have its
pros and cons but that does not mean it should be abolished. The system should be kept but also
should be improved on who is able to get it and how it should be different for everyone
depending on the crime committed.
2. Some prisons are now being run on a “for-profit” basis. Do you think that this is a good or bad
idea? Why?
I personally think that this basis is a great idea. The overall cost for a prison to be operating
correctly is a lot of money and even prisoners’ essentials cost about 20k a year. Paying less is
much better and studies have shown that prisons in the for-profit prisons are more likely to work.
3. Do you think that any of the current punishments deter or reduce crime? Why or why not?
Which punishment do you think is most likely to reduce crime in society?
I think many punishments deter and reduce crime. It is common for most people not to want to
go to prison and get punished. I believe the death sentence reduces the most crimes since some
criminals don’t mind staying in prison, but they also don’t want to be faced with death.
4. Which alternative sanction do you think is best? Why?
A lot of them are good but I personally think community service is a great one. It is usually a
safe environment for prisoners to work in and isn’t as harsh as other sanctions. It also can boost a
prisoner’s happiness and self confidence in good things.
5. If you had to reform the system of punishments and corrections, what would you do? Why?
Although I did state that the death penalty is a scary enough punishment for people not to
commit crimes, I also believe it shouldn’t always be used. There were many occasions where
innocent people have been punished by death. In my opinion, they should abolish it overall or
they should be extremely cautious when picking who to put on death sentence.
Unit 8 Lab Questions
No lab questions! Study for the Unit 8 quiz and final! :)

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