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Bebington DofE meetings Autumn 2011 Date Meeting

7:30-8:30 Group H - Planning meeting for assessment 8:30-9:30 Group B1 and 2 - Catch up on other areas of DofE and input onto eDofe - planning the assessment Wed 7th Sept presentation. Plan presentation. 7:30-8:30 Group H - Planning meeting for assessment 8:30-9:30 Group B1 and 2 - Catch up on other areas of DofE and input onto eDofe - planning the assessment Wed 21st Sept presentation. Plan presentation. Group H - Planning meeting for Assessment weekend. The group are expected to get together between tonight and the kit check on 26th March to finalise any items for Wed 28th Sept assessment.

What to bring
H - Pens, notebook etc B2 - Presentation information and DofE packs H - Pens, notebook etc B2 - Presentation information and DofE packs

Group B1 and B2 only - Practice presentations and input Wed 5th Oct onto eDofe. Group B1 and B2 - Presentation night in form of county Wed 19th Oct DofE assessor.

All groups - Catch up on other areas of Dofe, progress on Wed 2nd Nov skill, activity and community. Wed 23rd Nov Registration date for new groups.

H - Pens, notebook, maps, route cards. H - Presentation materials on assessment weekend. B1 - evidence from other sections. All members must attend and take part in the presentation. All groups, bring evidence from all sections, log on details and passwords. Any materials needing scanning.

All meetings are at the brew house, Bebington 7:30-9:30 unless otherwise stated.
Group B1 Emma, Emma, Pip, Kate, Beth, Sam and Robert. Group B2 sia Group H Amy, Amy, Hannah, Sain, Catherine and Bob.

Bebington DofE meetings Spring 2012 Date Meeting

Monday 5th March Monday 12th March Saturday 17th March New group planning and food night.

What to bring
Notebook, pencil and registration pack. Notebook, pencil and registration pack. Permission form for day walk. Day sack, warm clothes, waterproofs and lunch. All kit needed for expedition. Permission slip for assessment.

New group planning and map reading. New group day walk - Halkyn.

Monday 26th March Group H - Kit check. Friday 30th March - Sunday 1st April Group H - Assessment weekend Peak District Monday 9th April New group planning night for practice weekend away.

Thursday 26th April Saturday 28th Sunday 29th April

New group kit check

All kit needed for expedition. Notebook, pencil and registration pack. All kit needed for expedition and permission slip for expedition. At 15 Monks way 7:30-8:30

New Group - Moel Famu weekend

Monday 7th May Planning night Monday 14th Group H - Presentation night for final assessment May New group - Planning night

Thursday 24th May Saturday 26th Sunday 27th May Monday 11th June Monday 25th June

New Group kit check

All kit needed for expedition. Notebook, pencil and registration pack. Notebook, pencil and registration pack. All kit needed for expedition and permission slip for expedition. At 15 Monks way 7:30-8:30

New group Llangollen weekend practice expedition. Planning assessment weekend Final planning for assessment weekend

Thursday 5th July New group Kit check Friday 6th Sunday 8th July New group Assessment weekend peak district.

All kit needed for expedition. Notebook, pencil and registration pack. Notebook, pencil and registration pack. All kit needed for expedition and permission slip for expedition. At 15 Monks way 7:30-8:30 All kit needed for expedition.

Presentation night for new group to be confirmed nearer the time. Helen Lubbe District DofE advisor

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