LMTs 4. Procedure and Professional Ethics

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of the Court of Agrarian Reform [Sec.

REMEDIAL LAW 19(7), B.P. 129, as amended by R.A. 7691]
6. All cases not within exclusive jurisdiction of
any court, tribunal, person, or body
exercising judicial or quasi-judicial
CIVIL PROCEDURE functions [Sec. 19(6), B.P. 129, as
amended by R.A. 7691]

Q1: Over which cases do Regional Trial Q2: Over which cases do Municipal,
Courts exercise original jurisdiction over? Metropolitan and Municipal Circuit Trial
A1: Courts exercise exclusive original
1. All civil actions in which the subject of the jurisdiction over?
litigation is incapable of pecuniary A2: Municipal, Metropolitan and Municipal
estimation [Sec. 19(1), B.P. 129, as Circuit Trial Courts exercise exclusive original
amended by R.A. 7691] jurisdiction over cases:
2. Civil actions involving title to, or possession 1. Where the value of personal property,
of real property, or any interest therein, estate, or amount of demand does not
where assessed value exceeds P400,000 exceed P2,000,000, exclusive of interest,
[Sec. 19(2), B.P. 129, as amended by R.A. damages of whatever kind, attorney’s fees,
11576] litigation expenses, and costs, in the
3. Any action if the amount involved exceeds following cases:
P2,000,000 in the following cases [B.P. a. Civil actions,
129, as amended by R.A. 11576]: b. Probate proceedings, (testate or
a. Actions in admiralty and maritime intestate)
jurisdiction, where the amount refers to c. Provisional remedies in proper cases.
demand or claim [Sec. 19(3)] [Sec. 33(1), B.P. 129, as amended by
b. Matters of probate (testate or R.A. 7691 and RA 11576]
intestate), where the amount refers to 2. Forcible entry and unlawful detainer
gross value of estate [Sec. 19(4)] (FEUD)
c. In all other cases where the amount
refers to the demand, exclusive of Note: When a defendant raises questions
interest, damages of whatever kind, of ownership in his pleadings and the
attorney’s fees, litigation expenses, question of possession cannot be resolved
and costs [Sec. 19(8)] without deciding issue of ownership, the
4. All actions involving the contract of latter issue shall be resolved only to
marriage and family relations [Sec. 19(5), determine the former issue [Sec. 33(2),
B.P. 129, as amended by R.A. 7691], and B.P. 129, as amended by R.A. 7691]
all civil actions and special proceedings
falling within exclusive original jurisdiction 3. All civil actions involving title to, or
of Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court possession of, real property, or any interest
[Sec. 19(7), B.P. 129, as amended by R.A. therein where assessed value of property
7691] or interest therein does not exceed
P20,000 outside Metro Manila, or does not
Note: This jurisdiction is deemed modified exceed P50,000 in Metro Manila [Sec.
by Sec. 5, R.A. 8369, the law establishing 33(3), B.P. 129, as amended by R.A. 7691]
the Family Courts. However, in areas 4. Inclusion and exclusion of voters [Sec. 49,
where there are no Family Courts, the Omnibus Election Code]
cases within their jurisdiction shall be
adjudicated by the RTC [Sec. 17, R.A. Q3: What is the totality rule in computing
8369] the jurisdiction of courts?
A3: Where there are several claims or causes
5. All civil actions and special proceedings of actions between the same or different
falling within exclusive original jurisdiction parties, embodied in the same complaint, the

Page 2 of 54

amount of the demand shall be the totality of It is when the order of the court to implead an
the claims in all the causes of action, indispensable party goes unheeded that the
irrespective of whether the causes of action case may be dismissed. The court has
arose out of the same or different transactions authority to dismiss a complaint due to the fault
[Sec 33(1), B.P. Blg 129] of the plaintiff when he does not comply with
any order of the court [Plasabas v. CA, G.R.
Restated, if several claims or causes of action No. 166519 (2009)]
are embodied in the same complaint, the
amount of all the demands shall be the basis in Q7: What must every pleading contain?
computation of the amount involved, if A7: Every pleading stating a party's claims or
1. Claims are in the same complaint defenses shall, in addition to those mandated
2. Claims are against the same defendant by Section 2, Rule 7, state the following:
3. There is no misjoinder of parties [1 Riano 1. Names of witnesses who will be presented
104, 2016 Bantam Ed.] to prove a party's claim or defense;
2. Summary of the witnesses' intended
Q4: Prohibited Pleadings in Small Claims testimonies, provided that the judicial
and Summary Procedure affidavits of said witnesses shall be
A4: attached to the pleading and form an
1. Motion to dismiss the complaint except on integral part thereof, and
the ground of lack of jurisdiction;
2. Motion for a bill of particulars; GR: Only witnesses whose judicial
3. Motion for new trial, or for reconsideration affidavits are attached to the pleading shall
of a judgment, or for reopening of trial; be presented by the parties during trial.
4. Petition for relief from judgment;
5. Motion for extension of time to file XPN: If a party presents meritorious
pleadings, affidavits, or any other paper; reasons as basis for the admission of
6. Memoranda; additional witnesses
7. Petition for certiorari, mandamus, or
prohibition against any interlocutory order 3. Documentary and object evidence in
issued by the court; support of the allegations contained in the
8. Motion to declare the defendant in default; pleading. [Sec. 6, Rule 7]
9. Dilatory motions for postponement;
10. Reply; Q8: What are the elements of forum
11. Third-party complaints; and shopping?
12. Interventions. A8: The elements of forum shopping are:
1. Identity of parties, or at least such parties
Q5: What is an indispensable party? representing the same interests in both
A5: An indispensable party is a party in interest actions;
without whom no final determination of an 2. Identity of rights asserted and reliefs
action can be had. prayed for, the relief being founded on the
same facts; and
Q6: Is the non-impleading of an 3. The identity of two preceding particulars,
indispensable party a ground for dismissal such that any judgment rendered in the
of action? other action will, regardless of which party
A6: No. Failure to implead an indispensable is successful amount to res judicata in the
party is not a ground for dismissal of an action, action under consideration [Buan v. Lopez,
as the remedy in such a case is to implead the G.R. No. 75349 (1986)]
party claimed to be indispensable, considering
that the parties may be added by order of the Q9: What is the period to invoke the rule on
court, on motion of the party or on its own forum shopping?
initiative at any stage of the action. [Galido v. A9: GR: It should be raised at the earliest
Magrare, G.R. No. 206584 (2016)] opportunity.

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XPN: It may be invoked in later stages only if 3. A party may only avail of 1 motion for
the violation arises from or will result in: extension The court may still allow, in its
1. The loss of jurisdiction over the subject discretion, any other pleading to be filed
matter; after the time fixed by the Rules. [Sec. 11,
2. The pendency of another action between Rule 11]
the same parties for the same cause;
3. Barring of the action by a prior judgment; or Q12: What is to be alleged in the pleadings?
4. The Statute of Limitations has been A12: Every pleading shall contain in a
crossed [Young v. Keng Seng, G.R. No. methodical and logical form:
143464 (2003)] 1. A plain, concise and direct statement of the
ultimate facts,
Q10: Who signs a certificate of non-forum 2. The evidence on which the party pleading
shopping? relies for his or her claim or defense, as the
A10: The general rule is that the Plaintiff or case may be
Principal party signs the certificate of non- 3. If the cause of action or defense is based
forum shopping. This is because the plaintiff, on law, the pertinent provisions of the law
not the counsel, is in the best position to know and its applicability. [Sec. 1, Rule 8]
whether he or it has actually filed or caused the
filing of a petition. [Anderson v. Ho, G.R. No. Note: Prior to the Amended Rules, evidentiary
172590 (2013)] facts were supposed to be omitted from
pleadings, as these matters should be
However, if, for justifiable reasons, the party- presented during trial. However, the contents of
pleader is unable to sign, he must execute a pleadings are no longer limited to ultimate facts
Special Power of Attorney designating his since under Sec. 6, Rule 7, the witnesses,
counsel of record to sign on his behalf [Vda. de summaries of their testimonies, their judicial
Formoso v. PNB, G.R. No. 154704 (2011)] affidavits, and documentary and object
evidence should already be included in the
In cases of a juridical entity, the certification pleading. Likewise, Sec. 1 of Rule 8 also states
may be executed by a properly authorized that every pleading must contain the ultimate
person through due authorization by a board facts, including the evidence on which the party
resolution. [Cosco v. Kemper, 670 SCRA 343 pleading relies
(2012)] Note: Similar to the new requirement
under verification, the authorization of the Q13: What are the affirmative defenses?
affiant to act on behalf of the party, should be A13: The affirmative defenses include
attached to the pleading. 1. fraud,
2. statute of limitations, release,
Q11: Can a party move to extend the time 3. payment, illegality,
for filing pleadings? 4. statute of frauds,
A11: Generally, no. A motion for extension to 5. estoppel, former recovery,
file any pleading is prohibited and is considered 6. discharge in bankruptcy, and
a mere scrap of paper. [Sec. 11, Rule 11] A 7. any other matter by way of confession and
motion for extension of time to file pleadings, avoidance. [Par 1, Sec. 5 (b), Rule 6]
affidavits, or any other papers is a prohibited
motion and shall not be allowed. [Sec. 12 (e), Affirmative defenses may also include grounds
Rule 15] for the dismissal of a complaint, specifically:
1. That the court has no jurisdiction over the
However, there are exceptions to this rule. A subject matter
party may move to extend the time for filing 2. That there is another action pending
pleadings: between the same parties for the same
1. For meritorious reasons, cause (lis pendens), or
2. For a period not more than 30 calendar 3. That the action is barred by a prior
days, and judgment. [Par 2, Sec. 5 (b), Rule 6]

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Note: The foregoing three (3) grounds need not said case [Figueroa v. People, G.R. No.
be included in the answer due to the use of the 147406 (2008)]
word “may”. Also note that these grounds for
dismissal (in addition to statute of limitations) Even if Sec. 12(b), Rule 8 of the Amended
may still be raised at any time since they are Rules provides that the failure to raise an
not waivable. [Sec. 1, Rule 9 in relation to Sec. affirmative defense at the earliest opportunity
12 (a), Rule 15] constitutes a waiver thereof, the failure to raise
lack of jurisdiction over the subject matter as an
The following are also affirmative defenses: affirmative defense in the answer does not
1. Lack of jurisdiction over the person of the waive such defense. The retention of Sec. 1,
defendant, Rule 9 maintains the status of lack of
2. Improper venue, jurisdiction over the subject matter as a non-
3. Lack of legal capacity to sue of the plaintiff, waivable defense. As such, the proper action if
4. Failure to state a cause of action, and one failed to raise the court’s lack of jurisdiction
5. Failure to comply with a condition over the subject matter in the answer would be
precedent. [Sec 12(a), Rule 8] to file a motion to dismiss, which can be filed at
any point during the proceedings, subject to the
Note: The court must motu proprio resolve doctrine in Tijam.
these affirmative defenses within 30 calendar
days from the filing of the answer. [Sec. 12(c), Q15: When may the Court decline to issue
Rule 8] summons?
A15: Under Rule 14, Section 1, summons shall
Q14: Can lack of jurisdiction be raised for not be issued, and the case shall be dismissed
the first time on appeal? If so, are there any if the complaint on its face is dismissible under
exceptions to this rule? Sec. 1, Rule 9. Such provides for the non-
A14: The general rule is that lack of jurisdiction waivable grounds for dismissal of a complaint,
over the subject matter may be raised at any to wit:
stage of the proceedings, even for the first time 1. The court has no jurisdiction over the
on appeal. The reason for this is that subject matter
jurisdiction is conferred by law, and lack of it 2. Litis pendentia
affects the very authority of the court to take 3. Res judicata
cognizance of the action [Asiatrust 4. The action is barred by the statute of
Development Bank v. First Aikka Development, limitations.
Inc., G.R. No. 179558 (2011)]
Q16: How is summons served on domestic
However, in Tijam v. Sibonghanoy [G.R. No. private juridical entities?
L21450 (1968)], the Court espoused the A16: Service shall be made on the:
doctrine of estoppel by laches, which held that 1. President;
a party may be barred from questioning a 2. In-house counsel wherever they may be
court’s jurisdiction after invoking the court’s found,
authority in order to secure affirmative relief 3. General manager;
against its opponent, when laches would 4. Corporate secretary;
prevent the issue of lack of jurisdiction from 5. Managing partner; or
being raised for the first time on appeal by a 6. Treasurer;
litigant whose purpose is to annul everything 7. On their secretaries, in case of their
done in a trial in which it has actively absence or unavailability [Sec 12, Rule 14]
If such service cannot be made upon any of the
Note that Tijam v. Sibonghanoy must be foregoing persons, it shall be made upon the
construed as an exception to the general rule person who customarily receives the
and applied only in the most exceptional cases correspondence for the defendant at its
where the factual milieu is similar to that in the principal office.

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The enumeration above is exclusive [Cathay Q19: How is extraterritorial service of

Metal Corporation v. Launa West Multi- summons effected?
Purpose Cooperative Inc., G.R. No. 172204 A19: Extraterritorial service may, by leave of
(2014)] court, be effected out of the Philippines by:
1. Personal service as under Section 5, Rule
Q17: When may substituted service of 14; or a
summons be made? 2. As provided for in international conventions
A17: Substituted service of summons may be to which the Philippines is a party; or
made when, for justifiable causes, the 3. By publication in a newspaper of general
defendant cannot be served personally after at circulation in such places and for such time
least three (3) attempts on two (2) separate as the court may order, in which case a
dates, service may be effected: copy of the summons and order of the court
1. By leaving copies of the summons at the shall be sent by registered mail to the last
defendant’s residence to a person at least known address of the defendant, or in any
eighteen (18) years of age and of sufficient other manner the court may deem
discretion residing therein; sufficient.
2. By leaving copies of the summons at the
defendant’s office or regular place of Any order granting such leave shall specify a
business with some competent person in reasonable time, which shall not be less than
charge thereof. A competent person sixty (60) calendar days after notice, within
includes, but not limited to, one who which the defendant must answer. [Rule 14,
customarily receives correspondences for Sec 17]
the defendant;
3. By leaving copies of the summons, if Q20: What is the current rule on motions to
refused entry upon making his or her dismiss?
authority and purpose known, with any of A20: Motions to dismiss are currently
the officers of the homeowners’ association prohibited motions under Sec 12(a), Rule 15.
or condominium corporation, or its chief
security officer in charge of the community However, the following may still be grounds for
or the building where the defendant may be a motion to dismiss:
found; and 1. The court has no jurisdiction over the
4. By sending an electronic mail to the subject matter
defendant’s electronic mail address, if 2. Litis pendentia
allowed by the court. [Rule 14, Sec 6] 3. Res judicata
4. The action is barred by the statute of
Q18: In which situations can extraterritorial limitations.
service of summons be availed of?
A18: Extraterritorial service of summons may Notably, the Amended Rules empower the
be made in the following cases: court to dismiss a case motu proprio if the
1. When the defendant does not reside and is aforementioned non-waivable grounds are
not found in the Philippines, and apparent on the face of the complaint. [Sec. 1,
2. The action affects the personal status of Rule 14]. Moreover, subject to the right of
the plaintiff appeal, an order granting a motion to dismiss
3. The action relates to, or the subject of on the above grounds shall bar the refiling of
which is, property in the Philippines, in the same action or claim. [Sec 13, Rule 15]
which the defendant has or claims a lien or
interest, actual or contingent, or in which Q21: State the omnibus motion rule
the relief demanded consists, wholly or in A21: Under the omnibus motion rule, a motion
part, in excluding the defendant from any attacking a pleading, order, judgment, or
interest therein, or; proceeding shall include all objections then
4. The property of the defendant has been available, and all objections not so included
attached within the Philippines [Rule 14, shall be deemed waived. [Sec 9, Rule 15]
Sec 17]

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Q22: Differentiate a Written Interrogatory Q23: State the rule on requests for
under Rule 25 from a Written Interrogatory admission as a mode of discovery
in Deposition under Rule 23 A23: In order to avoid unnecessary
A22: inconvenience before trial, a party may request
the other to:
1. Admit the genuineness of any material and
Interrogatory in
Written Interrogatory relevant document described in and
[Rule 25] exhibited with the request, or
[Rule 23, Sec.
2. Admit the truth of any material and relevant
matter of fact set forth in the request. [Sec.
A mode of discovery A mode of 1, Rule 26]
distinct from deposition deposition
A party may file and serve upon any other party
Purpose is: Purpose is to take a written request for the purpose mentioned
1. To elicit material the testimony of a above, at any time after issues have been
and relevant facts party out of court joined. [Sec. 1, Rule 26] Issues are joined when
from any adverse through written all the parties have pleaded their respective
parties [Sec 1, Rule interrogatories theories and the terms of the dispute are plain
25] before the court. [Rosete v. Sps. Lim, G.R. No.
2. To assist the parties 136051 (2006)]
in clarifying the
issues and in Q24: Can the admissions made by a party
ascertaining the be used for proceedings aside from the
facts involved in a pending action?
case. [Philippine A24: No. Any admission made by a party
Health Insurance pursuant to such request is for the purpose of
Corp vs Our Lady of the pending action only and shall not constitute
Lourdes Hospital, an admission by him for any other purpose nor
G.R. No. 193158 may the same be used against him in any other
(2015)] proceeding [Sec. 3, Rule 26]

Interrogatories may relate to any matter, not Q25: What is the effect of granting demurrer
privileged, which is relevant to the subject of to evidence?
the pending action, whether relating to the A25: If the demurrer is granted, the case shall
claim or defendant of any other party, be dismissed. However, if, on appeal, the order
including the existence, description, nature, granting the motion is reversed, the defendant
custody, condition, and location of any loses his right to present evidence [Sec. 1, Rule
books, documents, or other tangible things 33, Rules of Court; Republic v. Tuvera, 516
and the identity and location of persons SCRA 113, 136]
having knowledge of relevant facts. [Rule 23,
Sec. 4] Q26: What is the difference between
demurrer in a civil case and demurrer in a
Written interrogatories Written criminal case?
are served directly to interrogatories in A26:
the adverse party deposition are not
Demurrer in Civil Demurrer in
served upon the
Case Criminal Case
adverse party
directly. They are Leave of court is not A demurrer is filed
instead delivered required before filing with or without leave
to the officer a demurrer. of court [Sec. 23,
designated in the Rule 119].

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Q29: When may summary judgment be

Demurrer in Civil Demurrer in
resorted to?
Case Criminal Case
A29: A summary judgment can be resorted to
If the demurrer is The order of only where there are no questions of fact in
granted, the order of dismissal is not issue or where the material allegations of the
dismissal is appealable because pleadings are not disputed. [National Irrigation
appealable [Sec. 1, of the constitutional Administration v. Gamit, 215 SCRA 436
Rule 33, Rules of policy against double (1992)]. Where the defense interposed by the
Court] jeopardy. The defendant is not a valid defense, the court may
dismissal is render a summary judgment [Solid Manila Corp
equivalent to the v. Bio Hong Trading Co Inc., 195 SCRA 748
acquittal of the (1991)]
For the Claimant
If the demurrer is The accused may A party seeking to recover upon a claim,
denied, the adduce his evidence counterclaim, or cross-claim or to obtain a
defendant may only if the demurrer declaratory relief may, at any time after the
proceed to present is filed with leave of pleading in answer thereto has been served,
his evidence [Sec. 1, court. He cannot move with supporting affidavits, depositions or
Rule 33, Rules of present his evidence admissions for a summary judgment in his or
Court] if he filed the her favor upon all or any part thereof. [Sec. 1,
demurrer without Rule 35]
leave of court [Sec.
23, Rule 119, Rules For the Defendant
of Court] A party against whom a claim, counterclaim or
cross-claim is asserted or a declaratory relief is
sought may, at any time, move with supporting
Q27: What are the grounds for judgment on affidavits, depositions or admissions for a
the pleadings? summary judgment in his or her favor as to all
A27: The grounds for judgment on the or any part thereof. [Sec. 2, Rule 35]
pleadings are:
1. where an answer fails to tender an issue, Q30: May there be partial summary
or judgment? If so, what is its nature?
2. otherwise admits the material allegations of A30: Yes, there can be a partial summary
the adverse party’s pleading [Sec. 1, Rule judgment. Such judgment is merely
34] interlocutory and not a final judgment.
[Province of Pangasinan v. CA, 220 SCRA 726
Q28: What is a summary judgment? (1992)]. It does not dispose of a case totally
A28: A judgment which a court may render because the case can still be tried on the basis
before trial, but after both parties have pleaded of the remaining issues.
upon application by one party supported by
affidavits, depositions, or other documents, Q31: May the Court motu proprio order
with notice upon the adverse party who may file judgment on the pleadings and summary
an opposition supported also by affidavits, judgment?
depositions or other documents, should the A31: Yes. The court may motu proprio include
court find after summarily hearing both parties in the pretrial order that the case be submitted
with their respective proofs that there exists no for summary judgment or judgment on the
genuine issue between them [2 Herrera 118, pleadings without need of position papers or
2007 Ed., citing Evangelista v. Mercator memoranda, and without prejudice to a party
Financing Corporation, G.R. No. 148864 moving for either judgment on the pleadings or
(2003)] summary judgment when:
1. There be no more controverted facts,

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2. No more genuine issue as to any material

Discretionary Matter of Right
3. There be an absence of any issue, or to the adverse the court, execution
4. Should the answer fail to tender an issue. party; shall issue only on
[Sec. 10, Rule 18] 2. The motion must motion. A judge may
be filed in the trial not order execution
Q32: Compare and Contrast Discretionary or appellate of judgment in the
Execution v. Execution as a Matter of Right court; decision itself. Even
A32: 3. There must be if immediately
Discretionary Matter of Right good reason to executory, there
justify execution must be a motion to
When issued pending appeal that effect and a
4. The good hearing called for
May issue before the Period to appeal has reason/s must be that person.
lapse of period to already lapsed and stated in a
appeal, and even no appeal is special order
during appeal perfected after due
Discretionary upon Ministerial duty of the
the court; there is court provided there
inquiry on are no supervening Q33: How long is a writ of execution
whether there is events enforceable?
good reason for A33: A final and executory judgment or order
execution, stated in a may be executed on motion within five (5)
special order after years from the date of its entry. After the lapse
hearing [Sec 2(a), of such time, and before it is barred by the
Rule 39] statute of limitations, a judgment may be
enforced by action.
Who may issue
Q34: What is the nature of an action for
The court which has Only the court of revival of judgment? How many it be
jurisdiction over the origin can issue the enforced?
case: writ of execution. A34: An action for revival of judgment is a
1. May be the trial procedural means of securing the execution of
court while it has a previous judgment which has become
jurisdiction over dormant after the passage of 5 years without it
the case and is in being executed upon motion of the prevailing
possession of party. [Saligumba vs Palanog, 573 SCRA 8,
either the original 15-16 (2008)]
record or the
record on appeal A revived judgment is deemed a new judgment
2. The appellate separate and distinct from the original
court after the judgment. It is not a continuation. [PNB v.
trial court has Bondoc, G.R. No. L-20236 (1965)]
lost jurisdiction
over the case The revived judgment may also be enforced by
motion within five (5) years from the date of its
Procedure for issuance entry and thereafter by action before it is barred
by the statute of limitations. [Sec. 6, Rule 39].
1. There must be a While the issuance of
motion filed by the writ is ministerial Note: The action must be filed within 10 years
the prevailing upon from the date the judgment became final since
party with notice the action to enforce a judgment prescribes in

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10 years from the finality of judgment. [Art. 12. The right to receive legal support, or money
1144(3), CC]. The 10-year prescriptive period or property obtained as such support, or
commences to run from the date of finality of any pension or gratuity from the
the revived judgment and not the original Government;
judgment. [PNB v. Bondoc, G.R. No. L-20236 13. Properties specially exempted by law.
(1965)] [Sec. 13, Rule 39]

Q35: What are the properties exempt from Note: No article or species of property
execution? mentioned in this section shall be exempt from
A35: The properties exempt from execution execution issued upon a judgment recovered
are: for its price or upon a judgment of foreclosure
1. The judgment obligor's family home as of a mortgage thereon.
provided by law, or the homestead in which
he resides, and land necessarily used in Q36: What are the remedies of a third
connection therewith; person claimant over property subject to
2. Ordinary tools and implements personally execution?
used by him in his trade, employment, or A36: A party claiming any property that has
livelihood; been levied upon has the following remedies:
3. Three horses, or three cows, or three 1. Summary hearing before the court which
carabaos, or other beasts of burden, such authorized the execution
as the judgment obligor may select 2. “Terceria” or third-party claim filed with the
necessarily used by him in his ordinary sheriff [Sec. 16, Rule 39]
occupation; 3. Action for damages on the bond posted by
4. His necessary clothing and articles for the judgment creditor
ordinary personal use, excluding jewelry; 4. Independent reinvindicatory action
5. Household furniture and utensils
necessary for housekeeping, and used for These are cumulative remedies and may be
that purpose by the judgment obligor and resorted to by a third-party claimant
his family, such as the judgment obligor independently of or separately from and
may select, of a value not exceeding one without need of availing of the others. [Sy v.
hundred thousand pesos; Discaya, G.R. No. 86301 (1990)]
6. Provisions for individual or family use
sufficient for four months; Q37: What are the requisites for a claim by
7. The professional libraries and equipment of a third person?
judges, lawyers, physicians, pharmacists, A37: The requisites are:
dentists, engineers, surveyors, clergymen, 1. The property is levied;
teachers, and other professionals, not 2. The claimant is a person other than the
exceeding three hundred thousand pesos judgment obligor or his agent;
in value; 3. The claimant makes an affidavit of his title
8. One fishing boat and accessories not thereto or right to the possession thereof
exceeding the total value of one hundred stating the grounds of such right or title;
thousand pesos owned by a fisherman and and
by the lawful use of which he earns his 4. The claimant serves the same upon the
livelihood; officer making the levy and the judgment
9. So much of the salaries, wages, or oblige [Sec. 16, Rule 39]
earnings of the judgment obligor for his
personal services within the four months Q38: What is the effect of a third-party
preceding the levy as are necessary for the claim?
support of his family; A38: The officer shall not be bound to keep the
10. Lettered gravestones; property, unless such judgment obligee, on
11. Monies, benefits, privileges, or annuities demand of the officer, files a bond approved by
accruing or in any manner growing out of the court to indemnify the third-party claimant
any life insurance;

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in a sum not less than the value of the property under which it is sitting or fraud in procuring
levied on [Sec. 16, Rule 39] the judgment. [Philippine Aluminum v.
Fasgi Enterprises, G.R. No. 137378
Q39: What are the dual aspects of res (2000)]
A39: The dual aspects of res judicata are: Before our courts can give the effect of res
1. Judgment on the merits in the first case judicata to a foreign judgment, it must be
constitutes an absolute bar to the shown that the parties opposed to the judgment
subsequent action not only as to every had been given ample opportunity to do so on
matter which was offered and received to grounds under Section 48 of Rule 39 of the
sustain or defeat the claim or demand, but ROC. [Roehr v. Rodriguez, G.R. No. 142480
also to any other admissible matter which (2003)]
might have been offered for that purpose
and to all matters that could have been Q42: What matters may be the subject of
adjudged in that case. This is called ‘bar by appeal?
prior judgment’. [Sec 47(b) Rule 39] A42: An appeal may be taken from a judgment
2. The second action is upon a different claim or final order that completely disposes of the
or demand, the judgment in the first case case, or of a particular matter therein when
operates as an estoppel only with regard to declared by the ROC to be appealable [Sec. 1,
those issues directly controverted, upon Rule 41]
the determination of which the judgment
was rendered. This is called Note: Not every judgment or final order is
‘conclusiveness of judgment’ [Sec 47(c) appealable. An example of judgments or final
Rule 39] orders which do not completely dispose of a
case and are, hence, not appealable are
Q40: What are the requisites of res judicata several and separate judgments provided for
by bar by prior judgment? under Secs. 4 and 5 of Rule 36.
A40: The requisites of res judicata are:
1. A final judgment or order; Q43: What matters are not appealable?
2. Jurisdiction over the subject matter and the A43: The following matters are not appealable:
parties by the court rendering it; 1. An order denying a petition for relief or any
3. Judgment on the merits; similar motion seeking relief from
4. Between the two cases, there is: judgment;
a. Identity of parties 2. An interlocutory order;
b. Identity of subject matter; 3. An order disallowing or dismissing an
c. Identity of causes of action [Villarino v. appeal;
Avila, G.R. No. 131191 (2006)] 4. An order denying a motion to set aside a
judgment by consent, confession or
Q41: What must first be done before the compromise on the ground of fraud,
Courts can give effect to a foreign mistake or duress, or any other ground
judgment? vitiating consent;
A41: A valid judgment rendered by a foreign 5. An order of execution;
tribunal may be recognized insofar as the 6. A judgment or final order for or against one
immediate parties the underlying cause of or more of several parties or in separate
action are concerned so long as it is claims, counterclaims, cross-claims and
convincingly shown that: third-party complaints, while the main case
1. There has been an opportunity for a fair is pending, unless the court allows an
hearing before a court of competent appeal therefrom; and
jurisdiction, 7. An order dismissing an action without
2. Trial upon registered proceedings has prejudice. [Sec. 1, Rule 41, as amended by
been conducted, and A.M. No. 07- 7-12-SC]
3. There is nothing to indicate either a
prejudice in court and in the system of laws

Page 11 of 54

Q44: When can a Rule 45 petition be filed?

Rule 45 Rule 65
A44: The petition shall be filed within fifteen
(15) days from notice of the judgment or final or in excess of
order or resolution appealed from, or of the jurisdiction or with
denial of the petitioner's motion for new trial or grave abuse of
reconsideration filed in due time after notice of discretion
the judgment.
On motion duly filed and served, with full
payment of the docket and other lawful fees Court exercises Court exercises
and the deposit for costs before the expiration appellate jurisdiction original jurisdiction
of the reglementary period, the Supreme Court
may for justifiable reasons grant an extension Where Filed
of thirty (30) days only within which to file the
petition. [Sec. 2, Rule 45] Brought only before May be filed in the
the Supreme Court appropriate court
Q45: What kind of questions may be having jurisdiction
resolved under a Rule 45 petition? over the lower court,
A45: A Rule 45 petition may only deal with tribunal, board, or
questions of law, which must be distinctly set officer.
forth in the petition. [Sec. 1, Rule 45]
A question of law exists when there is a
Review of judgment, Directed against an
doubt/controversy as to what the law is on a
award or final order interlocutory order or
certain state of facts. There is a question of fact
on the merits where there is no
when the doubt/ difference arises as to the
truth/ falsehood of facts. [Ramos v. Pepsi, G.R. appeal or any other
No. L-22533 (1967)] plain, speedy, or
adequate remedy
If the test is whether the appellate court can
determine the issue raised without reviewing or
evaluating the evidence, it is a question of law. No need for Motion Motion for
The question must not involve the examination for Reconsideration Reconsideration is
of the probative value of the evidence required as a rule
presented. [Vda. De Arroyo v. El Beaterio, G.R.
No. L22005 (1968)] Time of Filing

Q46: Compare and Contrast Rule 45 vs. Appeal is taken Petition is filed not
Rule 65 within 15 days from later than 60 days
A46: notice of judgment, from notice of
Rule 45 Rule 65 final order, or judgment, order, or
resolution, or of resolution sought to
As to designation denial of be assailed. Fresh
petitioner’s motion period rule is
Petition for review on Petition for certiorari for new trial or applicable (Sec. 4)
certiorari reconsideration

Issues involved Parties

Issues involved are Issues of jurisdiction; Lower court or judge Tribunal, board, or
purely questions of i.e. whether the lower which rendered the officer has to be
law court acted without final order appealed impleaded as

Page 12 of 54

shall not be suspended where the extrinsic-

Rule 45 Rule 65
fraud is attributable to the plaintiff in the original
from shall not be nominal party action [Sec. 8, Rule 47]
impleaded in the respondent/public
appeal respondent Q51: Is the issuance of a writ of possession
and final deed of sale after the expiration of
the one year redemption period in an
Q47: Which court has exclusive original extrajudicial foreclosure of real estate
jurisdiction over actions to annul mortgage ministerial in nature?
judgments of the RTC? A51: Yes. In extrajudicial foreclosure of real
A47: It is the Court of Appeals that has estate mortgage, the rule is upon the expiration
exclusive original jurisdiction over actions for of the one year redemption period, it forecloses
annulment of judgments of the Regional Trial the obligors' right to redeem and that the sale
Court [Sec. 1, Rule 47; Sec. 9(2), B.P. 129] thereby becomes absolute. The time-honored
precept is that after the consolidation of titles in
Q48: When is the remedy of annulment of the buyer’s name, for failure of the mortgagor
judgments available? to redeem, the writ of possession becomes a
A48: It is available if the ordinary remedies of matter of right. Its issuance to a purchaser in
new trial, appeal, petition for relief, or other an extrajudicial foreclosure is merely a
appropriate remedies are no longer available ministerial function which cannot be enjoined or
through no fault of the petitioner. [Sec 1, Rule stayed, even by an action for annulment of the
47]. However, it is not a substitute for a lost mortgage or the foreclosure sale itself. The
appeal. [Mercado v. Security Bank, G.R. No. issuance of the final deed of sale, therefore, is
160445 (2006)] If the loss of the remedy of mere formality. [Erdenberger v. Aquino, A.M.
appeal is due to the party’s and his former No. P-10-2739, August 24, 2011)]
counsel’s fault, the remedy is not available.
[Sps Sanchez v. Vda de Aguilar, G.R. No. Q52: What are the grounds under which a
228680 (2018)] writ of preliminary attachment may issue?
A52: A plaintiff or any party may, at the
Q49: State the grounds for annulment of a commencement of the action or at any time
judgment of the Regional Trial Court thereafter, have the property of the adverse
A49: Annulment of judgment may be based on party attached as security for the satisfaction of
the ground of (1) extrinsic fraud; or (2) lack of any judgment that may be recovered in the
jurisdiction [Sec. 2, Rule 47] following cases:
1. In an action for recovery of money or
Q50: What is the effect of the action to annul damages on a cause of action arising from
judgment? contract, express or implied, against a
A50: A judgment of annulment shall set aside party who is about to depart from the
the questioned judgment or final order or Philippines with intent to defraud his
resolution and render the same null and void, creditors;
without prejudice to the original action being 2. In an action for money or property
refiled in the proper court. However, where the embezzled or fraudulently misapplied or
judgment or final order or resolution is set aside converted to his own use by a public officer,
on the ground of extrinsic fraud, the court may or an officer of a corporation, or an
on motion order the trial court to try the case as attorney, factor, broker, agent or clerk, in
if a timely motion for new trial had been granted the course of his employment as such, or
therein [Sec. 7, Rule 47] by any other person in a fiduciary capacity,
or for a willful violation of duty
The prescriptive period for the refiling of the 3. In an action to recover the possession of
aforesaid original action shall be deemed personal property unjustly detained, when
suspended from the filing of such original the property, or any part thereof, has been
action until the finality of the judgment of concealed, removed or disposed of to
annulment. However, the prescriptive period

Page 13 of 54

prevent is being found or taken by the attachment writ by simply availing himself of
applicant or an officer one way of discharging the attachment writ,
4. In an action against a party who has been instead of the other. The filing of a counter-
guilty of a fraud in contracting the debt or bond is merely a speedier way of discharging
incurring the obligation upon which the the attachment writ instead of the other way
action is brought, or in concealing or [Torres v. Satsatin, G.R. No. 166759 (2009)]
disposing of the property for the taking,
detention or conversion of which the action Q55: What is the effect of dissolution of
is brought; preliminary attachment on plaintiff’s
5. In an action against a party who has attachment bond?
removed or disposed of his property, or is A55: Dissolution of preliminary attachment
about to do so, with intent to defraud his upon security given, or a showing if its irregular
creditors; and issuance, does not operate to discharge the
6. In an action against a party who resides out sureties on the attachment bond [Davao Light
of the Philippines, or on whom summons and Power Co. v. CA, G.R. No. 93262 (1991)]
may be served by publication.
The bond is conditioned that the applicant will
Q53: What are the stages of attachment? pay all the costs which may be adjudged to the
A53: The Court laid out the procedure as adverse party and all damages which he may
follows in the case of Torres v. Satsatin [G.R. sustain by reason of the attachment, if the court
No. 166759 (2009)] shall finally adjudge that applicant was not
1. Court issues order granting application entitled thereto. [Sec. 4, Rule 57]
2. The writ of attachment issues pursuant to
the order Until that determination is made, as to
3. Implementation of the writ applicant’s entitlement to attachment, his bond
must stand and cannot be withdrawn.
For the first two stages, jurisdiction over the [Mindanao Savings & Loan Association Inc v.
defendant is not required. It is only required CA, G.R. No. 84481 (1989)]
during implementation of the writ. Such
jurisdiction may be acquired by service of Q56: What must an applicant for a writ of
summons, together with a copy of the preliminary injunction establish?
complaint, the application of attachment, the A56: The applicant must establish:
applicant’s affidavit and bond, and the order 1. The existence of a clear and unmistakable
and writ of attachment on the defendant within right that must be protected; that is, right in
the Philippines, prior to or contemporaneous esse
with the order for implementation. [Sec. 5, Rule 2. This right in esse is directly threatened by
57] an act sought to be enjoined
3. A material and substantial invasion of such
Q54: What are the means to discharge an right; and
attachment? 4. An urgent and paramount necessity for the
A54: There are two ways of discharging the writ to prevent serious damage. [Dulnuan
attachment. v. Metrobank, G.R. No. 196864 (2015)]
1. First, to file a counter-bond in accordance
with Section 12 of Rule 57. Q57: What kind of right must the applicant
2. Second, to quash the attachment on the have?
ground that it was irregularly or A57: The applicant's right must be clear or
improvidently issued, as provided for in unmistakable, that is, that the right is actual,
Section 13 of the same rule. clear and positive especially calling for judicial
protection. An injunction will not issue to protect
Whether the attachment was discharged by a right not in esse and which may never arise
either of the two ways indicated in the law, the or to restrain an act which does not give rise to
attachment debtor cannot be deemed to have a cause of action. [Marquez v. Sanchez, G.R.
waived any defect in the issuance of the No. 141849 (2007)]

Page 14 of 54

Q58: In what situations is an injunction not Q61: What is the proper remedy when a writ
allowed? of replevin is improperly implemented?
A58: Injunction is not allowed in the following A61: The proper remedy to an improperly
instances: implemented writ of replevin is to file a motion
1. Under RA 8975 (An Act to Ensure the to quash. [Siy v. Tomlin, G.R. No. 205998
Expeditious Implementation and (2017)]
Completion of Government Infrastructure
Projects); However, the failure of a party to file a motion
2. Under the Rule of Procedure in to quash does not prevent a party from
Environmental Cases, no court can issue a assailing the improper service via a petition for
TRO or a preliminary injunction against certiorari. The trial court is deemed to have
lawful actions of government agencies that acted without or in excess of its jurisdiction if
enforce environmental laws. [Sec. 10, Rule improperly served. It must restore the parties to
2, Part II, AM No. 09-6-8-SC] their former positions by returning the seized
3. No TRO or injunction in any case involving property and by discharging the replevin bond.
or growing out of a labor dispute shall be [Rivera v. Vargas, G.R. No. 165895 (2009)]
issued by any court except as otherwise
provided in Arts. 218 and 264 of the Labor Q62: What are the requisites for the
Code. It is the NLRC which may grant issuance of a writ of replevin?
injunctive relief. [Ravago v. Esso, 453 A62: For a writ of replevin to issue, the
SCRA 381 (2005)] requisites are:
4. No court shall have the authority to grant 1. The application for the writ must be filed at
injunction to restrain the collection of any the commencement of the action or at any
national internal revenue tax except when time before the defendant answers [Sec. 1,
special circumstances warrant. [Sarasola Rule 60]
v. Trinidad, 40 Phil. 252 (1919)] 2. The application must contain an affidavit
5. An injunction cannot be issued against where the applicant particularly describes
consummated acts. The established the property that he is the owner of the
principle is that when the events sought to property or that he is entitled to the
be prevented have already happened, possession thereof;
nothing more could be enjoined. [Ramos
Sr. v. CA, 173 SCRA 550 (1989)] The affidavit must contain the following:
1. That the applicant is the owner of the
Q59: What is the writ of replevin? property claimed, particular description of
A59: Replevin is the provisional remedy such entitlement to possession particularly
seeking for the possession of the property prior describing it, or is entitled to the possession
to the determination of the main action for thereof;
replevin. [BA Finance Corp. v. CA, G.R. No. 2. That the property is wrongfully detained by
102998 (1996)] the adverse party, alleging the cause of
detention according to applicant’s
Q60: What issues are determined by a writ knowledge, information and belief;
of replevin? 3. That the property has not been distrained
A60: Primarily, the action of replevin or taken for tax assessment or fine, or
determines nothing more than the right of seized by writ of execution, preliminary
possession. However, by way of exception, attachment, or placed in custodia legis, or
when the title to the property is distinctly put in if so seized, that is exempt or should be
issue by the defendant's plea, the question of released from custody;
ownership may be resolved in the same 4. Actual market value of the property [Sec. 2,
proceeding. [Chiao Liong v. CA, G.R. No. Rule 60]
106251 (1993)]

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Q63: What are the requisites of a petition for validity of a public officer’s appointment
certiorari under Rule 65? while the latter indicts him for so-called
A63: A petition for certiorari under Rule 65 can impeachable offenses without questioning
only be filed if the following requisites are his title to the office he holds [Republic v.
present: Sereno, G.R. No. 237428 (2018)]
1. Respondent is exercising judicial or quasi-
judicial function; 2. A public officer who does or suffers an
2. Respondent acted without or in excess of act, which, by the provision of law,
its jurisdiction or acted with grave abuse of constitutes a ground for forfeiture of office;
discretion amounting to lack of jurisdiction; or
and 3. An association which acts as a
3. There must be no appeal or no other plain, corporation within the Philippines without
speedy, and adequate remedy. [Sec. 1, being legally incorporated or without lawful
Rule 65; Barbers v. COMELEC, G.R. No. authority so to act. [Sec. 1, Rule 66]
165691 (2005)]
Q66: When are quo warranto petitions
Q64: When can certiorari be granted even if improper?
appeal is available? A66: When not proper
A64: The general rule is that where an appeal 1. Against persons who usurp an office in a
is available, certiorari will not lie [Jose v. private corporation [Calleja v. Panday, G.R.
Zulueta, G.R. No. L-16598 (1961)] No. 168696 (2006)]
2. If the dispute is as to the counting of votes
The exceptions are: or on matters connected with the conduct
1. Where appeal does not constitute a speedy of the election, a quo warranto is not the
and adequate remedy; proper remedy but an election protest.
2. Where orders were also issued either in [Cesar v. Garrido, G.R. No. 30705 (1929)]
excess of or without jurisdiction; 3. Acts or omissions, even if it relates to the
3. For certain special considerations, as qualification of integrity, being a continuing
public welfare or public policy; requirement but nonetheless committed
4. Where, in criminal actions, the court rejects during the incumbency of a validly
the rebuttal evidence for the prosecution appointed and/or validly elected official,
as, in the case of acquittal, there could be cannot be the subject of a quo warranto
no remedy; proceeding. [Republic v. Sereno, G.R. No.
5. Where the order is a patent nullity; and 237428 (2018)]
6. Where the decision in the certiorari case
will avoid future litigations. [Villarica Q67: What are the rules on jurisdiction over
Pawnshop v. Gernale, G.R. No. 163344 quo warranto petitions?
(2009)] A67: The jurisdiction over courts in quo
warranto petitions is as follows:
Q65: Against whom may a quo warranto 1. Original jurisdiction to issue the writ of quo
petition be brought? warranto is vested in the SC, CA, and RTC.
A65: A quo warranto petition may be brought [Sec. 5(1), Art. VIII, Constitution; Secs. 9
against: and 21, B.P. 129]
1. A person who usurps, intrudes into, or 2. Quo warranto actions against corporations
unlawfully holds or exercises a public with regard to franchises and rights granted
office, position, or franchise to them, as well as the dissolution of
corporations now fall under the jurisdiction
Note: Sec. 2, Article XI of the Constitution of the RTC. [Sec. 5.2, RA No. 8799 in
allows the institution of a quo warranto relation to P.D. 902-A; Unilongo v. CA,
action against an impeachable officer. After G.R. No. 123910 (1999)]
all, a quo warranto petition is predicated on 3. The usurpation of an office in a private
grounds distinct from those of corporation falls under the jurisdiction of
impeachment. The former questions the the RTC [Sec. 5.2, R.A. 8799 in relation to

Page 16 of 54

P.D. 902-A; Calleja v. Panday, G.R. No. condemnation declaring that the plaintiff
168696 (2006)] has a lawful right to take the property
sought to be condemned, for the public use
Q68: May a quo warranto petition be or purpose described in the complaint,
brought to the Supreme Court in all cases? upon the payment of just compensation to
A68: No. In cases where the Supreme Court be determined as of the date of the filing of
and the Regional Trial Court have concurrent the complaint.
jurisdiction, the same will not be entertained by 2. The second stage, which deals with the
the Supreme Court unless a justified showing payment of just compensation. This stage
is made as to why the petition is filed therein involves the determination by the Court of
instead of the Regional Trial Court (see Piit vs. "the just compensation for the property
De Lara, et al., 58 Phil. 765) Absent sufficient sought to be taken” with the assistance of
reasons, the action will be left for determination not more than three (3) commissioners.
by the Regional Trial Court which is better
equipped to take testimony and resolve factual Q72: What does the just compensation
questions involved therein [see Veraguth vs. stage involve?
Isabela Sugar Co., 57 Phil. 266]. A72:
1. This stage involves the determination by
Q69: What are the requisites of a valid the Court of "the just compensation for the
exercise of eminent domain? property sought to be taken” with the
A69: The requisites are: assistance of not more than three (3)
1. The property taken must be private commissioners.
property; 2. The order fixing the just compensation on
2. TThere must be genuine necessity to take the basis of the evidence before, and
the private property; findings of, the commissioners would be
3. The taking must be for public use; final, too. It would finally dispose of the
4. There must be payment of just second stage of the suit, and leave nothing
compensation; and more to be done by the Court regarding the
5. The taking must comply with due process issue. [National Power Corporation v.
of law. [Manapat v. CA, G.R. No. 110478 Posada, G.R. No. 191945 (2015)]
Q73: Where does RA 10752, or the Right of
Q70: When does taking occur? Way Act, apply?
A70: There is taking when the expropriator A73: Republic Act 10752, also known as “The
enters private property not only for a Right of Way Act” ensures that owners of real
momentary period but for a more permanent property acquired for national government
duration for the purpose of devoting the infrastructure projects are promptly paid just
property to a public use in such a manner as to compensation for the expeditious acquisition of
oust the owner and deprive him of all the the required right-of-way for the projects
beneficial enjoyment thereof. [Republic v.
Sarabia, G.R. No. 157847 (2005)] For non-government infrastructure projects If
expropriation is engaged in by the national
Q71: What are the two stages in every government for purposes other than national
action for expropriation? infrastructure projects, the assessed value
A71: The two stages in an expropriation suit standard and deposit mode prescribed in Rule
are: 67 continues to apply. In such a case, the
1. The stage dealing with the propriety of government is required only to make an initial
expropriation This stage involves the deposit with an authorized government
determination of the authority of the plaintiff depository. [2 Riano 297-298, 2016 Bantam
to exercise the power of eminent domain Ed.]
and the propriety of its exercise in the
context of the facts involved in the suit. It
ends with an order of dismissal or order of

Page 17 of 54

Q74: How is just compensation determined Q76: What are the requisites for a valid
and paid under the Right of Way Act? foreclosure?
A74: Upon the filing of the complaint or at any A76:
time thereafter, and after due notice to the 1. A finding of the amount due the plaintiff
defendant, the implementing agency shall including interest, cost and other charges
immediately deposit to the court in favor of the approved by the court;
owner the amount equivalent to the sum of 2. Order to defendant to pay said amount
1. 100% of the value of the land based on the within a period of not less than 90 days nor
current relevant zonal valuation of the BIR more than 120 days from entry of
issued not more than 3 years prior to the judgment; and
filing of the expropriation complaint 3. If the defendant defaults, the court should
2. The replacement cost at current market order the sale at public auction of the
value of the improvements and structures mortgaged property [Sec. 2, Rule 68].
as determined by
a. The implementing agency Q77: What is the difference between the
b. A government financial institution with right of redemption and equity of
adequate experience in property redemption?
appraisal, and A77: Equity of redemption is the right of the
c. An independent property appraiser mortgagor to extinguish the collateral and
accredited by the BSP. retain ownership of it by paying the debt before
3. The current market value of crops and the foreclosure sale. The court may set the
trees located within the property as equity of redemption to be exercised within a
determined by a government financial period of not less than 90 days and not more
institution or an independent property than 120 days [Sec. 2, Rule 68]. Right of
appraiser to be selected as indicated in redemption is a statutory right. In order to claim
Sec. 5(a) it, there must be a specific law that
exceptionally allows it such as RA 8791, which
Upon compliance with the guidelines above grants the mortgage debtor of a bank a right to
mentioned, the court shall immediately issue to redeem the property within 1 year after the sale
the implementing agency an order to take of the collateral in a judicial foreclosure.
possession of the property and start the
implementation of the project. [Sec. 6, R.A. Q78: Compare and Contrast Forcible
10752] Entry/Unlawful Detainer
Q75: What are the kinds of foreclosure?
Forcible Entry Unlawful Detainer
A75: The two kinds of foreclosure are:
1. Judicial foreclosure, which is foreclosure in Who May File
a court done pursuant to Rule 68 of the
Rules of Court. 1. A person who has been deprived of the
2. Extrajudicial foreclosure, which is done possession of any land or building by
outside of court and follows the provisions force, intimidation, threat, strategy, or
of Act No. 3135, as amended by Act No. stealth
4118 2. A lessor, vendor, vendee, or other
person against whom the possession of
Extrajudicial foreclosure is the mode to be used any land or building is unlawfully
if there is a special power inserted in the real withheld after the expiration or
estate mortgage contract allowing an termination of the right to hold
extrajudicial foreclosure sale. Where there is possession, by virtue of any contract,
no such special power, the foreclosure shall be express or implied
done judicially following Rule 68. [2 Riano 313, 3. The legal representatives or assigns of
2016 Bantam Ed.] any lessor, vendor, vendee, or other

Page 18 of 54

life imprisonment, admission to bail is

Forcible Entry Unlawful Detainer
discretionary [Sec. 5, Rule 114].
When to File
Q: When is bail not allowed?
The action must be The action must be A: No person charged with a capital offense, or
filed within one year filed within one year an offense punishable by reclusion perpetua or
from illegal entry from the date of the life imprisonment, shall be admitted to bail
last demand when evidence of guilt is strong, regardless of
the state of the criminal prosecution. [Sec. 7,
Where to File Rule 114]

METCs, MTCs, and MCTCs have exclusive Q: May bail be granted for humanitarian
original jurisdiction over cases of forcible reasons?
entry and unlawful detainer: provided, that A: Yes, the national commitment to uphold the
when, in such cases, the defendant raises fundamental human rights as well as value the
the question of ownership is his pleadings worth and dignity of every person has
and the question of possession cannot be authorized the grant of bail not only to those
resolved without deciding the issue of charged in criminal proceedings but also to
ownership, the issue of ownership shall be extraditees upon a clear and convincing
resolved only to determine the issue of showing:
possession. 1. that the detainee will not be a flight risk or
a danger to the community; and
2. that there exist special, humanitarian, and
compelling circumstances. [Enrile v.
CRIMINAL PROCEDURE Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 213847 (2015)]

In Enrile, the Court considered the accused’s

A. Bail old age and physical condition.

Q: Is the right to bail a constitutional right? Q: Is the accused required to present

A: Yes, it is provided for in the Bill of Rights. All evidence in the hearing for application for
persons, except those charged with offenses bail?
punishable by reclusion perpetua when A: No. The accused may file a petition for bail
evidence of guilt is strong, shall, before to determine whether evidence of guilt is
conviction, be bailable by sufficient sureties, or strong. If the judge finds that evidence of guilt
be released on recognizance as may be is not strong, bail may be granted. In such
provided by law. The right to bail shall not be determination, the prosecution has the burden
impaired even when the privilege of the writ of of showing that evidence of guilt is strong. [Sec.
habeas corpus is suspended. Further, 8, Rule 114]
excessive bail shall not be required. [Sec. 13,
Art. III, Constitution] Q: In what instances may bail be denied or
Q: When is bail a matter of right? A: If the penalty imposed by the trial court is
A: Bail is a matter of right: imprisonment exceeding six (6) years, the
1. before or after conviction, but pending accused shall be denied bail, or his bail
appeal, by the first-level courts; and cancelled upon a showing by the prosecution,
2. before conviction by RTC of an offense not with notice to the accused, of the following or
punishable by death, reclusion perpetua, or other similar circumstances:
life imprisonment [Sec. 4, Rule 114] 1. That he is a recidivist, quasi-recidivist, or
habitual delinquent, or has committed the
Q: When is bail a matter of discretion? crime aggravated by the circumstance of
A: Upon conviction by the RTC of an offense reiteration;
not punishable by death, reclusion perpetua, or

Page 19 of 54

2. That he has previously escaped from legal the validity of his arrest or the legality of the
confinement, evaded sentence, or violated warrant issued therefore, or from assailing the
the conditions of his bail without a valid regularity or questioning the absence of a
justification; preliminary investigation of the charge against
3. That he committed the offense while under him, provided that he raises them before
probation, parole, or conditional pardon; entering his plea. The court shall resolve the
4. That the circumstances of his case indicate matter as early as practicable but not later than
the probability of flight if released on bail; or the start of the trial of the case. [Sec. 26, Rule
5. That there is undue risk that he may 114]
commit another crime during the pendency
of the appeal. [Leviste v. Court of Appeals, B. Motion to Quash
G.R. No. 189122 (2010)]
Q: What are the grounds for a motion to
Q: In the absence of the above quash? Are they exclusive?
circumstances, will the court automatically A:
grant bail? 1. Facts charged do not constitute an offense;
A: No, a finding that none of the circumstances 2. Court trying the case has no jurisdiction
is present will not automatically result in the over the offense charged;
grant of bail. Such finding will simply authorize 3. Court trying the case has no jurisdiction
the court to use the less stringent sound over the person of the accused;
discretion approach. [Leviste v. Court of 4. officer who filed the information had no
Appeals, G.R. No. 189122 (2010)] authority to do so;
5. The information does not conform
Q: Is arraignment a requirement before any substantially to the prescribed form; (e.g. if
hearings on an application for bail? there is no certification);
A: No, the arraignment of an accused is not a 6. More than one offense is charged, except
prerequisite to the conduct of hearings on his when a single punishment for various
petition for bail. A person is allowed to petition offenses is prescribed by law;
for bail as soon as he is deprived of his liberty 7. Criminal action or liability has been
by virtue of his arrest or voluntary extinguished;
surrender. An accused need not wait for his 8. Averments which, if true, would constitute
arraignment before filing a petition for bail. a legal excuse or justification;
[Serapio v. Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 148468 9. Accused has been previously convicted or
(2003)] acquitted of the offense charged, or the
case against him was dismissed or
Q: After denial of the first, is a second otherwise terminated without his express
application for bail barred by res judicata? consent.
A: No, because res judicata does not apply to
criminal proceedings. Expressly applicable in These are exclusive.
civil cases, res judicata settles with finality the
dispute between the parties or their Q: Can matters of defense be raised in a
successors-in-interest. As found in Rule 39 of motion to quash?
the Rules of Civil Procedure, it is a principle in A: No, matters of defense cannot be raised in
civil law and “has no bearing on criminal a motion to quash. Matters of defense may be
proceedings.” [People v. Escobar, G.R. No. raised only during the presentation of evidence.
214300 (2017)] [People v. Odtuhan, G.R. No. 191566 (2013)]

Q: Does an application for bail amount to a Q: What is the effect of failure to move to
waiver of objections? quash or to allege any grounds therefor?
A: No, bail is not a bar to objections on illegal A: Generally, the failure of the accused to
arrest, lack of or irregular preliminary assert any ground of a motion to quash before
investigation. An application for or admission to he pleads to the complaint or information shall
bail shall not bar the accused from challenging

Page 20 of 54

be deemed a waiver of any objections. This convicted of all those offenses charged and
rule does not apply to the following objections: proved during trial.
1. The facts charged do not constitute an
offense; Q: Is the order denying the motion to quash
2. Lack of jurisdiction over the offense appealable?
charged; A: Generally, it is interlocutory and not
3. Extinguishment of criminal action or appealable. Certiorari and prohibition are not
liability; and the correct remedies against an order denying
4. Double Jeopardy. [Sec. 9, Rule 117] a motion to quash. The defendant should
instead go to trial and raise the special defense
Q: Under the Revised Guidelines for he had invoked in his motion. If after trial on the
Continuous Trial of Criminal Cases, when is merits, an adverse decision is rendered, the
a motion to quash meritorious? remedy is to appeal in the manner authorized
A: Motions that allege plausible grounds by law [Bulaong v. CA, G.R. No. 78555 (1990)].
supported by relevant documents and/or However, this does not apply when:
competent evidence, except those that are 1. the act has ceased to be an offense;
already covered by the Revised Guidelines, are 2. when intervention by higher court is
meritorious motions, such as a motion to quash required for the orderly administration of
the information on the grounds that the facts justice or in the interest of both the accused
charged do not constitute an offense, lack of and the public;
jurisdiction, extinction of criminal action or 3. it is unfair and unjust to make the accused
liability, or double jeopardy under Sec. 3, par. go to trial;
(a), (b), (g), and (i), Rule 117. If the grounds 4. when the circumstances warrant that
mentioned are not present, it is a prohibited technicalities of procedure should be set
motion that will be denied outright before the aside; and
scheduled arraignment without need of 5. if the court denying the motion to quash
comment and/or opposition. acted without or in excess of jurisdiction or
with grave abuse of discretion.
Q: May a complaint or information be
amended if a motion to quash such Note: In Macapagal-Arroyo v. People, it was
complaint or information is based on an held that an interlocutory order (in this case, an
alleged defect of such? order denying a demurrer to evidence) may be
A: If the motion to quash is based on an alleged questioned via a Rule 65 petition for certiorari
defect in the complaint or information which if the order was attended by grave abuse of
can be cured by amendment, the court shall discretion.
order the amendment to be made. [Sec. 4, Rule
117] Q: What is the remedy of the accused if his
motion to quash is denied?
Q: What is the exception to the rule A: When the motion to quash is denied, the
prohibiting duplicity of offenses in a single accused should:
information? 1. plead;
A: Excepted from rule prohibiting duplicity of 2. go to trial without prejudice to the special
offenses in a single information are special defenses he invoked in the motion; and
complex crimes or those crimes that may be 3. appeal from the judgment of conviction, if
complexed under Art. 48 of the Revised Penal any, and interpose the denial of the motion
Code. as an error.

Q: What is the effect if the accused does not C. Provisional Dismissal

file a motion to quash on the ground that the
information alleges more than one offense? Q: What is a provisional dismissal?
A: If the accused does not file a motion to A: Provisional dismissal is dismissal without
quash on the ground that the information prejudice to its being refiled or revived. Cases
alleges more than one offense, he may be

Page 21 of 54

are provisionally dismissed where there has d. said accused does not appear to be the
already been arraignment and the accused most guilty; and
consented to a provisional dismissal. e. said accused has not been at any time
convicted of any offense involving
Q: What are the requisites for a provisional moral turpitude. [Sec. 17, Rule 119]
A: E. Demurrer to Evidence
1. There must be express consent of the
accused; and Q: What is a demurrer to evidence?
2. There must be notice to the offended party. A: A demurrer to evidence is a motion to
dismiss due to the insufficiency of the evidence
Q: When does provisional dismissal presented by the prosecution to overturn the
become permanent? presumption of innocence in favor of the
A: The provisional dismissal of offenses accused. It can be done with leave of court and
punishable by imprisonment not exceeding six without leave of court.
(6) years or a fine of any amount, or both, shall
become permanent one (1) year after issuance Q: What is the effect of granting the
of the order without the case having been demurrer to evidence?
revived. With respect to offenses punishable by A: The court dismisses the action on the
imprisonment of more than six (6) years, their ground of insufficiency of evidence [Sec. 23,
provisional dismissal shall become permanent Rule 119] This amounts to acquittal and double
two (2) years after issuance of the order without jeopardy will attach. [People v.
the case having been revived. [People v. Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 164577 (2010)]
Lacson, G.R. No. 149453 (2003)]
Q: Is the order granting the demurrer
D. Discharge as State Witness appealable?
A: No, but it may be reviewed via certiorari
Q: What are the conditions to discharge an under Rule 65 [People v. Sandiganbayan, G.R.
accused as state witness? No. 164577 (2010)]
1. Two or more persons are jointly charged Q: What is the effect of the denial of the
with the commission of any offense; demurrer to evidence?
2. The motion to discharge is filed by the A: If filed with leave of court, the accused may
prosecution before it rests its case; still present evidence in his defense. If not filed
3. The prosecution is required to present with leave of court, the accused is deemed to
evidence and the sworn statement of each have waived his right to present evidence.
propose state witness at a hearing in [Sec. 23, Rule 119]
support of the discharge;
4. The accused gives his consent to be a Q: Is the order denying the demurrer
state witness; and appealable or reviewable via certiorari?
5. The trial court is satisfied that: A: No, it is not reviewable by appeal or by
a. there is absolute necessity for the certiorari before judgment [Sec. 23, Rule 119]
testimony of the accused (not merely
corroborative); F. Plea of Guilty
b. there is no other direct evidence
available for the proper prosecution of Q: What is required of the court when there
the offense committed, except the is a plea of guilty to a capital offense?
testimony of said accused; A: The three (3)-fold duty of the trial court in
c. the testimony of said accused can be instances where the accused pleads guilty to a
substantially corroborated in its capital offense is as follows:
material points;

Page 22 of 54

1. conduct a searching inquiry into the plead guilty to a capital offense. [People v.
voluntariness and full comprehension of Pagal, G.R. No. 241257 (2020)]
the consequences of the plea of guilt,
2. require the prosecution to prove the Q: What are the guidelines for the
accused's guilt and precise degree of ‘searching inquiry’ to be conducted?
culpability, and A:
3. inquire whether or not the accused wishes 1. Ascertain from the accused himself:
to present evidence in his behalf and allow a. how he was brought into the custody of
him to do so if he desires. [People v. Pagal, the law;
G.R. No. 241257 (2020)] b. whether he had the assistance of a
competent counsel during the custodial
Q: What is the essence of the ‘searching and preliminary investigations; and
inquiry’ requirement? c. under what conditions he was detained
A: The searching inquiry requirement means and interrogated during the
more than informing cursorily the accused that investigations.
he faces a jail term but also, the exact length of
imprisonment and the certainty that he will This is intended to rule out the possibility
serve time in jail. The searching inquiry of the that the accused has been coerced or
trial court must be focused on: placed under a state of duress either by
1. the voluntariness of the plea, and actual threats of physical harm coming
2. the full comprehension of the from malevolent quarters or simply
consequences of the plea. because of the judge's intimidating robes.

The inquiry must also expound on the events 2. Ask the defense counsel a series of
that actually took place during the arraignment, questions as to whether he had conferred
the words spoken and the warnings given, with with, and completely explained to, the
special attention to the age of the accused, his accused the meaning and consequences
educational attainment and socio-economic of a plea of guilty.
status as well as the manner of his arrest and 3. Elicit information about the personality
detention, the provision of counsel in his behalf profile of the accused, such as his age,
during the custodial and preliminary socio-economic status, and educational
investigations, and the opportunity of his background, which may serve as a
defense counsel to confer with him. These trustworthy index of his capacity to give a
matters are relevant since they serve as free and informed plea of guilty.
trustworthy indices of his capacity to give a free 4. Inform the accused the exact length of
and informed plea of guilt. Lastly, the trial court imprisonment or nature of the penalty
must explain the essential elements of the under the law and the certainty that he will
crime he was charged with and its respective serve such sentence. For not infrequently,
penalties and civil liabilities, and also direct a an accused pleads guilty in the hope of a
series of questions to defense counsel to lenient treatment or upon bad advice or
determine whether he has conferred with the because of promises of the authorities or
accused and has completely explained to him parties of a lighter penalty should he admit
the meaning of a plea of guilty. This formula is guilt or express remorse. It is the duty of the
mandatory and absent any showing that it was judge to ensure that the accused does not
followed, a searching inquiry cannot be said to labor under these mistaken impressions
have been undertaken. Simply, the because a plea of guilty carries with it not
requirement ensures that the plea of guilty was only the admission of authorship of the
voluntarily made and that the accused crime proper but also of the aggravating
comprehends the severe consequences of his circumstances attending it, that increase
plea. This means asking a myriad of questions punishment.
which would solicit any indication of coercion, 5. Inquire if the accused knows the crime with
misunderstanding, error, or fraud that may which he is charged and fully explain to him
have influenced the decision of the accused to the elements of the crime which is the basis

Page 23 of 54

of his indictment. Failure of the court to do Executive Judicial

so would constitute a violation of his Determination Determination
fundamental right to be informed of the evidence to support v. People, G.R. No.
precise nature of the accusation against an Information being 197293 (2014)]
him and a denial of his right to due process. filed. [Mendoza v.
6. All questions posed to the accused should People, G.R. No.
be in a language known and understood by 197293 (2014)]
the latter. Courts cannot
7. The trial judge must satisfy himself that the interfere, except
accused, in pleading guilty, is truly guilty. upon showing of
The accused must be required to narrate grave abuse of
the tragedy or reenact the crime or furnish discretion amounting
its missing details. [People v. Pagal, G.R. to lack or excess of
No. 241257 (2020)] jurisdiction (special
civil action for
Q: What is the effect of failure to follow the certiorari). [Callo-
‘searching inquiry’ requirement? Claridad v. Esteban,
A: The plea will be an improvident plea of G.R. No. 191567
guilty. The failure of the court to inquire into (2013)]
whether the accused knows the crime with
which he is charged and to fully explain to him Q: Can probable cause be established by
the elements of the crime constitutes a violation hearsay evidence?
of the accused's fundamental right to be A: Yes, probable cause can be established
informed of the precise nature of the with hearsay evidence, as long as there is
accusation against him and a denial of his right substantial basis for crediting the hearsay.
to due process. [People v. Pagal, G.R. No. Hearsay evidence is admissible in determining
241257 (2020)] probable cause in a preliminary investigation
because such investigation is merely
G. Determination of Probable preliminary, and does not finally adjudicate
rights and obligations of parties. However, in
Cause administrative cases, where rights and
obligations are finally adjudicated, what is
Q: Distinguish executive determination
required is "substantial evidence" which cannot
from judicial determination of probable
rest entirely or even partially on hearsay
evidence. Substantial basis is not the same as
substantial evidence because substantial
Executive Judicial evidence excludes hearsay evidence while
Determination Determination substantial basis can include hearsay
It is made during It is made by the evidence. [Estrada v. Ombudsman, G.R. Nos.
preliminary judge to ascertain 212140-41 (2015)]
investigation by the whether a warrant of
public prosecutor arrest should be
who has quasi- issued against the H. Arrests
judicial authority to accused. The judge
determine whether must satisfy himself Q: Is a warrantless arrest allowed?
probable cause that based on the A: Generally, no peace officer or person has
exists to charge evidence submitted, the power or authority to arrest anyone without
those whom he there is a necessity a warrant except in those cases expressly
believes to have for placing the authorized by law [Umil v. Ramos, G.R. No.
committed the crime accused under 81567 (1991)]. These are the exceptions:
as defined by law. It custody in order not 1. In flagrante delicto [Sec. 5(a), Rule 113];
determines whether to frustrate the ends 2. Hot pursuit arrest [Sec. 5(b), Rule 113];
there is enough of justice. [Mendoza

Page 24 of 54

3. Arrest of escaped prisoner [Sec. 5(c), Rule 1. An offense has just been
113]; and Committed. There must be a large
4. Other lawful warrantless arrests measure of immediacy between the time
specifically: the offense was committed and the time of
a. If a person lawfully arrested escapes or the arrest. [People v. del Rosario, G.R. No.
is rescued, any person may 127755 (1999); People v. Agojo , G.R. No.
immediately pursue or retake him 181318 (2009)]; and
without a warrant at any time and in any 2. The person making the arrest has probable
place within the Philippines [Sec. 13, cause to believe, based on Personal
Rule 113]; Knowledge of facts and circumstances,
b. For the purpose of surrendering the that the person to be arrested has
accused, the bondsmen may arrest committed it.
him or, upon written authority endorsed
on a certified copy of the undertaking, Q: What are the requisites for a warrantless
cause him to be arrested by a police arrest of an escaped prisoner?
officer or any other person of suitable A: A peace officer or a private person may
age and discretion [Sec. 23, Rule 114]; arrest when the person to be arrested is a
c. An accused released on bail may be re- prisoner who has escaped from a penal
arrested without the necessity of a establishment or place where he is serving final
warrant if he attempts to depart from judgment or temporarily confined while his
the Philippines without permission of case is pending; or while being transferred from
the court where the case is pending one confinement to another [Sec. 5(c), Rule
[Sec. 23, Rule 114] 113]

Q: What are the requisites for a warrantless Q: Is a person arrested or detained entitled
arrest under in flagrante delicto? to ask for preliminary investigation during
A: A peace officer or a private person may, inquest after a valid warrantless arrest?
arrest when, in his presence, the person to be A: Yes. When a person is lawfully arrested
arrested has committed or is actually without warrant involving an offense which
committing, or is attempting to commit an requires a preliminary investigation, where the
offense [Sec. 5(a), Rule 113]. These are the offense is at least 4 years, 2 months and 1 day,
requisites: the complaint or information may be filed by a
1. The person to be arrested executes an prosecutor without need of a preliminary
Overt Act indicating that he has just investigation provided an inquest has been
committed, is actually committing, or is conducted. In the absence or unavailability of
attempting to commit a crime, and an inquest prosecutor, the complaint may be
2. Such overt act is done in the Presence or filed by the offended party or a peace officer
within the View of the Arresting Officer, directly with the proper court on the basis of the
meaning the arresting officer sees the affidavit of the offended party or arresting
offense, even though at a distance, or officer or person. Before the complaint or
3. He hears the disturbances created by the information is filed by the prosecutor, the
offense and proceeds at once to the scene person arrested may ask for a preliminary
[People v. Evaristo, G.R. No. 93828 (1992)] investigation but he or she must sign a waiver
of the provision of Article 125 of the Revised
Q: What are the requisites for a warrantless Penal Code, in the presence of his counsel.
arrest under a hot pursuit? Article 125 provides penalties against the
A: A peace officer or a private person may public officer or employee who shall delay in
make an arrest when an offense has just been the delivery of detained persons to the proper
committed and the officer or private person has judicial authorities within the period of: 12
probable cause to believe, based on personal hours, 18 hours, or 36 hours, depending on the
knowledge of facts that the person to be gravity of the offense. Notwithstanding the
arrested has committed it [Sec. 5(b), Rule 113]. waiver, the person arrested may apply for bail
These are the requisites:

Page 25 of 54

and the investigation must be terminated within issue a commitment order (or warrant of
15 days from its inception. arrest) or dismiss the case outright for lack
of probable cause in accordance with
Q: Is a person arrested or detained entitled Section 5, Rule 112, Rules of Court.
to assistance of counsel? [People v. Lim, G.R. No. 231989 (2018)]
A: Yes, any person arrested, detained, or
under custodial investigation shall at all times I. Searches and Seizures
be assisted by counsel who is competent and
independent. Any public officer or employee, or Q: What is a search warrant?
anyone acting under his order or his place, who A: It is an order in writing; issued in the name
arrests, detains or investigates any person for of the People of the Philippines; signed by a
the commission of an offense shall inform the judge; and directed to a peace officer,
latter, in a language known to and understood commanding him to search for personal
by him, of his rights to remain silent and to have property described in the warrant and bring it
competent and independent counsel, before the court [Sec. 1, Rule 126]
preferably of his own choice, who shall at all
times be allowed to confer privately with the Q: What are the contents of a search
person arrested, detained or under custodial warrant?
investigation. If such person cannot afford the A: The search warrant must be in writing and
services of his own counsel, he must be contain:
provided with a competent and independent 1. Name of person against whom it is
counsel by the investigating officer. [Sec. 2(a) directed;
and (b), R.A. No. 7438] 2. Offense for which it was issued;
3. The place to be searched;
Q: What is required is an arrest or seizure 4. The description of the specific things to be
related to illegal drugs? seized;
A: The following should be enforced as a 5. A directive to law enforcement officers to
mandatory policy: search and seize and for them to bring in
1. In the sworn statements/affidavits, the court the things seized; and (6) Signature
apprehending/seizing officers must state of the judge issuing it. The absence of such
their compliance with the requirements of requisites will cause the search warrant’s
Section 21 (1) of RA 9165(Comprehensive downright nullification [Santos v. Pryce
Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002), and its Gases, Inc., G.R. No. 165122 (2007)]
Implementing Rules and Regulations
(IRR); Q: When is the description of the place to
2. In case of non-observance of the provision, be searched considered sufficiently
the apprehending/seizing officers must particular?
state the justification or explanation A: Description of the place to be searched is
therefor as well as the steps they have sufficient if the officer with the search warrant
taken in order to preserve the integrity and can, with reasonable efforts, ascertain and
evidentiary value of the seized/confiscated identify the place intended [People v. Veloso,
items; G.R. No. L-23051 (1925)]
3. If there is no justification or explanation
expressly declared in the sworn Q: What is the effect of a search warrant
statements/affidavits, the investigating containing both general and particular
fiscal must not immediately file the case descriptions of items to be seized?
before the court. Instead, he or she must A: The general description of the documents
refer the case for further preliminary listed in the search warrant does not render it
investigation in order to determine the void if it is severable, and those items not
(non) existence of probable cause; and particularly described may be cut off without
4. If the investigating fiscal filed the case destroying the whole [Uy v. BIR, G.R. No.
despite such absence, the court may 129651 (2000)]
exercise its discretion to either refuse to

Page 26 of 54

Q: What are the valid warrantless searches? reasonable or probable cause to believe,
A: before the search, that either:
1. Warrantless search incidental to a lawful 1. the motorist is a law-offender; or
arrest; 2. they will find the instrumentality or evidence
2. search of evidence in plain view; pertaining to a crime in the vehicle to be
3. search of a moving vehicle; searched [Caballes v. CA, G.R. No.
4. consented warrantless search; 136292 (2002)]
5. customs search;
6. stop and frisk; However, these searches would be limited to
7. exigent and emergency circumstances; visual inspection, and the vehicles or their
8. searches conducted in check points; occupants cannot be subjected to physical or
9. in flagrante delicto; body searches, except where there is probable
10. hot pursuit; and cause to believe that the occupant is a law
11. arrested escaped prisoner. offender or the contents of the vehicles are
instruments or proceeds of some criminal
Q: When is a search incidental to a lawful offense.
arrest allowed?
A: The rule assumes that the arrest is legal. If Q: What are the requirements of a plain view
the arrest is illegal, then the search is illegal search?
and as a result, the things seized are A:
inadmissible as evidence [People v. Aruta, 1. Police must have prior justification to a prior
G.R. No. 120195 (1998)] Even without a valid intrusion i.e., based on the valid
warrant, the person arrested may be searched warrantless arrest in which the police are
for: legally present in the pursuit of their official
1. Dangerous weapons; duties;
2. Anything which may have been used in the 2. Evidence was inadvertently discovered by
commission of an offense, or the police who have a right to be where
3. Anything which may constitute proof in the they are;
commission of the offense [Sec. 13, Rule 3. Evidence must be immediately and
126] apparently illegal (i.e., drug paraphernalia);
Q: What are the requirements of a 4. Plain view justified mere seizure of
consented search? evidence without further search [People v.
A: Martinez, G.R. No. 191366 (2010)]
1. The right exists;
2. The person involved had knowledge, either Q: When is a stop and frisk search
actual or constructive, of the existence of allowed?
such right; and A: Stop and frisk is a limited protective search
3. The said person had an actual intention to of outer clothing for weapons [Malacat v. CA,
relinquish the right. [People v. Nuevas, G.R. No. 123595 (1997)]. Where a police
G.R. No. 170233 (2007)] officer observes unusual conduct, which leads
him reasonably to conclude in the light of his
It is the State which has the burden of proving, experience that criminal activity may be afoot,
by clear and positive testimony, that the and that a person with whom he is dealing may
necessary consent was obtained and that it be armed and presently dangerous, he is
was freely and voluntarily given. entitled to conduct a stop and frisk search.

Q: When is a search of a moving vehicle Q: What is the chain of custody?

allowed? A: It is the duly recorded authorized
A: When a vehicle is stopped and subjected to movements and custody of seized drugs or
an extensive search, such a warrantless controlled chemicals or plant sources of
search should be constitutionally permissible dangerous drugs or laboratory equipment of
only if the officers conducting the search have each stage, from the time of

Page 27 of 54

seizure/confiscation to receipt in the forensic refer the case for further preliminary
laboratory to safekeeping to presentation in investigation in order to determine the
court for destruction. Such record of (non) existence of probable cause; and
movements and custody of seized items shall 4. If the investigating fiscal filed the case
include the identity and signature of the person despite such absence, the court may
who held temporary custody of the seized item, exercise its discretion to either refuse to
the date and time when such transfer of issue a commitment order (or warrant of
custody were made in the course of arrest) or dismiss the case outright for lack
safekeeping and use in court as evidence, and of probable cause in accordance with
the final disposition. [Sec. 1(b) of the Section 5, Rule 112, Rules of Court.
Dangerous Drugs Board Regulation No. 1 [People v. Lim, G.R. No. 231989 (2018)]
J. Promulgation of Judgment
Q: What links in the chain of custody must
be proven? Q: Is the presence of the accused required
A: The links in the chain of custody that must during promulgation of judgment?
be established are: A: Generally, yes. The presence of the
1. the seizure and marking, if practicable, of accused is mandatory. However, if the
the illegal drug recovered from the accused conviction is for a light offense, the judgment
by the apprehending officer; may be pronounced in the presence of his
2. the turnover of the seized illegal drug by the counsel or representative [Sec. 6, Rule 120]
apprehending officer to the investigating
officer; Q: What is the consequence of the
3. the turnover of the illegal drug by the accused’s absence?
investigating officer to the forensic chemist A: If the judgment is for conviction and the
for laboratory examination; and failure of the accused to appear was without
4. the turnover and submission of the illegal justifiable cause, he shall lose the remedies
drug from the forensic chemist to the court. available in the Rules of Court against the
[People v. Lim, G.R. No. 231989 (2018)] judgment and the court shall order his arrest.
However, within 15 days from promulgation of
Q: What is required is an arrest or seizure judgment, he may surrender and file a motion
related to illegal drugs? for leave of court to avail of these remedies. He
A: The following should be enforced as a shall state the reasons for his absence. If he
mandatory policy: proves his absence was for a justifiable cause,
1. In the sworn statements/affidavits, the he shall be allowed to avail of the remedies
apprehending/seizing officers must state within 15 days from notice [Sec. 6, Rule 120;
their compliance with the requirements of People v. De Grano, G.R. No. 167710 (2009)]
Section 21 (1) of RA 9165(Comprehensive
Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002), and its
Implementing Rules and Regulations K. Precautionary Hold Departure
(IRR); Order
2. In case of non-observance of the provision,
the apprehending/seizing officers must Q: What is a precautionary hold departure
state the justification or explanation order?
therefor as well as the steps they have A: It is an order in writing issued by a court
taken in order to preserve the integrity and commanding the Bureau of Immigration to
evidentiary value of the seized/confiscated prevent any attempt by a person suspected of
items; a crime to depart from the Philippines, which
3. If there is no justification or explanation shall be issued ex parte in cases involving
expressly declared in the sworn crimes where the minimum of the penalty
statements/affidavits, the investigating prescribed by law is at least 6 years and 1 day
fiscal must not immediately file the case or when the offender is a foreigner regardless
before the court. Instead, he or she must

Page 28 of 54

of the imposable penalty. [Sec. 1, A.M. No. 18- herself/himself from abuse, neglect,
07-05-SC] cruelty, exploitation or discrimination
because of a physical or mental disability
Q: What is the dissent of Justice Leonen or condition, the crime should be
regarding A.M. No. 18-07-05-SC? designated as "Lascivious Conduct under
A: Justice Leonen opines that the Rule is too Section 5(b) of R.A. No. 7610," and the
broad, as citizens will be surprised to discover imposable penalty is reclusion temporal in
that they have been subject to ex parte its medium period to reclusion perpetua.
proceedings when they want to travel. This
implicitly presumes guilt and denies due It is only when the victim of the lascivious
process to a person who has not yet been conduct is 18 years old and above that
subject to arrest, preliminary investigation, or such crime would be designated as "Acts
arraignment. The right to travel can only be of Lasciviousness under Article 336 of the
impaired in 2 instances: RPC" with the imposable penalty of prision
1. when Congress passes a statute correccional. [People v. Tulagan, G.R. No.
specifically restricting the right in the 227363 (2019)]
interest of national security, public safety,
or public health; and Q: What are the guidelines in designating or
2. upon an order of a court in a pending charging the proper offense in case rape is
criminal case. committed against a child, and in
determining the imposable penalty?
None of these instances is applicable to justify A: Sexual intercourse with a victim who is
the enactment of the Rule. Further, there is no under 12 years old or is demented is statutory
law allowing the issuance of a hold departure rape. Under Section 5(b) of R.A. No. 7610, the
order in a pending preliminary investigation. proper penalty when sexual intercourse is
The Rule amounts to judicial legislation. committed with a victim who is under 12 years
of age or is demented is reclusion perpetua,
L. Designation of Offense pursuant to paragraph 1(d), Article 266-A in
relation to Article 266-B of the RPC, as
Q: What are the guidelines in designating or amended by R.A. No. 8353, which in turn
charging the proper offense in case amended Article 335 of the RPC. [People v.
lascivious conduct is committed against a Tulagan, G.R. No. 227363 (2019)]
child, and in determining the imposable
1. The age of the victim is taken into
consideration in designating or charging
the offense, and in determining the Q: Differences between Burden of Proof and
imposable penalty. Burden of Evidence
2. If the victim is under twelve (12) years of A:
age, the nomenclature of the crime should
Burden of
be "Acts of Lasciviousness under Article Burden of Proof
336 of the Revised Penal Code in relation
to Section 5(b) of R.A. No. 7610." Pursuant As to definition
to the second proviso in Section 5(b) of
R.A. No. 7610, the imposable penalty is Duty of a party to Duty of a party to
reclusion temporal in its medium period. present evidence on present evidence
3. If the victim is exactly twelve (12) years of the facts in issue sufficient to establish
age, or more than twelve (12) but below necessary to or rebut a fact in
eighteen (18) years of age, or is eighteen establish his or her issue to establish a
(18) years old or older but is unable to fully claim or defense prima facie case
take care of herself/himself or protect

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5. When the original is not closely-related to

Burden of
Burden of Proof the controlling issue [Rule 130, Sec. 3, as
As to definition
Q: What is considered an “original”?
Never shifts May shift from one A: An “original” of a document is the document
party to the other itself or any counterpart intended to have the
same effect by a person executing or issuing it.
As to determination [Sec. 4(a), Rule 130, as amended]

Determined by the Determined by the An “original” of a photograph includes the

pleadings filed by the developments at trial negative or any print therefrom.
party or laws and rule
which may relieve If data is stored in a computer or similar device,
the party from any printout or other output readable by sight
presenting evidence or other means, shown to reflect the data
(e.g., presumptions, accurately, is an “original.” [Sec. 4(a), Rule
judicial notice, and 130, as amended]
Q: When is the Original Document Rule not
Q: What is the Original Document Rule?
A: Where the issue is only as to whether such
A: When the subject of inquiry is the contents
document was actually executed, or exists, or
of a document, writing, recording, photograph
on the circumstances relevant to or
or other record, no evidence is admissible other
surrounding its execution, the best evidence
than the original document itself. [Rule 130,
rule (now original document rule) does not
Sec. 3, as amended].
apply and testimonial evidence is admissible.
Any other substitutionary evidence is likewise
Q: What are the exceptions to the Original
admissible without need for accounting for the
Document Rule?
original. [Republic v. Gimenez, G.R. No.
A: The exceptions to such rule are the
174673 (2016)]
1. When the original has been lost or
Q: When is Secondary Evidence allowed?
destroyed, or cannot be produced in court,
A: When the original document has been lost
without bad faith on the part of the offeror;
or destroyed, or cannot be produced in court,
2. When the original is in the custody or under
the offeror, upon proof of its execution or
the control of the party against whom the
existence and the cause of its unavailability
evidence is offered, and the latter fails to
without bad faith on his or her part, may prove
produce it after reasonable notice, or the
its contents:
original cannot be produced by local
1. by a copy, or
judicial processes or procedures; [Rule
2. by recital of its contents in some authentic
130, Sec. 3, as amended]
document, or
3. When the original consists of numerous
3. by the testimony of witnesses in the order
accounts or other documents which cannot
be examined in court without great loss of
time and the fact sought to be established
The order stated must be followed.
from them is only the general result of the
Q: What is a “duplicate”?
4. When the original is a public record in the
A: A "duplicate" is a counterpart produced by
custody of a public officer or is recorded in
the same impression as the original, or from the
a public office [Rule 130, Sec. 3, as
same matrix, or by means of photography,
amended]; and
including enlargements and miniatures, or by
mechanical or electronic re-recording, or by

Page 30 of 54

chemical reproduction, or by other equivalent complete and enforceable agreement

techniques which accurately reproduce the embodied in a document.
original. [Sec. 4(b), Rule 130, as amended]
Q: When may Parol Evidence be allowed?
Q: When is duplicate admissible in A: A party may present evidence to modify,
evidence? explain, or add to the terms of the written
A: A duplicate is admissible to the same extent agreement if he or she puts in issue in his
as an original unless: verified pleading: (VISA)
1. a genuine question is raised as to the 1. Validity of a written agreement;
authenticity of the original, or 2. The failure of the written agreement to
2. in the circumstances, it is unjust or express the true Intent of the parties
inequitable to admit the duplicate in lieu of thereto;
the original. 3. Subsequent agreements or the existence
of other term; and
Q: When are summaries admissible in 4. Ambiguity (intrinsic), imperfection, or
evidence? mistake in the written agreement [Sec. 10,
A: When the contents of documents, records, Rule 130]
photographs, or numerous accounts are
voluminous and cannot be examined in court Q: When is the Parol Evidence Rule not
without great loss of time, and the fact sought applicable?
to be established is only the general result of A: It does not apply when third parties are
the whole, the contents of such evidence may involved or those not privy to the written
be presented in the form of a chart, summary, instrument in question and does not base a
or calculation. [Sec. 7, Rule 130, as amended] claim or assent to a right originating in the
instrument [Lechugas v. CA, G.R. No. L39972
Note: The originals shall be available for & L-40300 (1986)]
examination or copying, or both, by the adverse
party at a reasonable time and place. The court Q: Differences between Original Document
may order that they be produced in court. Rule and Parol Evidence Rule
Q: What is the Parol Evidence Rule?
Original Document Parol Evidence
A: It provides that when the terms of an
Rule Rule
agreement have been reduced to writing, it is
considered as containing all the terms agreed As to applicability
upon and there can be, as between the parties
and their successors-in-interest, no evidence Applies only to Applies only to
of such terms other than the contents of the written agreements written agreements,
written agreement. [Sec. 10, Rule 130, as with the exception of
amended] wills

It forbids any addition to or contradiction of the As to availability of original document

terms of a written agreement by testimony or
other evidence purporting to show that different Contemplates a Presupposes that
terms were agreed upon by the parties, varying situation where the the original is
the purport of the written contract. Whatever is original is not available in court
not found in the writing is understood to have available in court
been waived and abandoned. [Edrada v. and/or there is a
Ramos, G.R. No. 154413 (2009)] dispute as to whether
said writing is the
Q: What is Parol Evidence? original
A: Parol evidence refers to any evidence
aliunde, whether oral or written, which is As to purposes
intended or tends to vary or contradict a

Page 31 of 54

implied charge against the declarant of

Original Document Parol Evidence
recent fabrication or improper influence or
Rule Rule
motive; or
Prohibits the Prohibits 3. one of identification of a person made after
introduction of modification of the perceiving him or her. [Sec. 37, par. 2, Rule
substitutionary terms of the written 130, as amended]
evidence in lieu of contract
the original Q: What is the Principle of Independently
document regardless Relevant Statements?
of W/N it varies the A: The doctrine on independently relevant
contents of the statements holds that conversations
original communicated to a witness by a third person
may be admitted as proof that, regardless of
As to persons who may invoke the rule their truth or falsity, they were actually made.
Evidence as to the making of such statements
Can be invoked by Can be invoked only is not secondary but primary, for in itself it (a)
any party to an action when the constitutes a fact in issue or (b) is
regardless of controversy is circumstantially relevant to the existence of
whether such party between the parties such fact. [Republic v. Heirs of Alejega, G.R.
participated or not in to the written No. 146030 (2002)]
the writing involved agreement, their
privies, or any party Q: What are the exceptions to the hearsay
directly affected rule and their requisites?
thereby. A: The following are the exceptions to the
hearsay rule:
1. Dying declaration
Q: What is the Hearsay Rule?
a. That death is imminent and the
A: Hearsay evidence is inadmissible, except as declarant is conscious of that fact;
otherwise provided in these Rules. [Sec. 37,
b. That the declaration refers to the cause
par. 1, Rule 130, as amended]
and the surrounding circumstances of
such death;
Q: What is hearsay?
c. That the declaration relates to facts
A: Hearsay is a statement other than one made
which the victim is competent to testify
by the declarant while testifying at a trial or
hearing, offered to prove the truth of the facts
d. That the declaration is offered in a case
asserted therein.
wherein the declarant’s death is the
subject of the inquiry [People v.
A statement is
Serenas, G.R. No. 188124, 29 June
1. an oral or written assertion or
2010; People v. Umapas, G.R. No.
2. a non-verbal conduct of a person, if it is
215742, 22 March 2010].
intended by him or her as an assertion. 2. Statement of decedent or person of
unsound mind
Q: What is NOT hearsay? a. An action upon a claim or demand
A: A statement is not hearsay if the declarant
against the estate of the deceased
testifies at the trial or hearing and is subject to person or against the person of
cross-examination concerning the statement,
unsound mind;
and the statement is:
b. The action is against an executor or
1. inconsistent with the declarant’s testimony,
administrator or other representative of
and was given under oath subject to the
a deceased person, or against a
penalty of perjury at a trial, hearing, or other
person of unsound mind;
proceeding, or in a deposition;
c. A party or assignor of a party or a
2. consistent with the declarant’s testimony
person in whose behalf a case is
and is offered to rebut an express or
prosecuted testifies on a matter of fact

Page 32 of 54

occurring before the death of the consanguinity, affinity, or adoption, of

deceased person or before the person the same family as the subject;
became of unsound mind; b. Such tradition or reputation must have
d. the statement was made upon the existed in that family ante litem motam.
personal knowledge of the deceased or [Rule 130, Sec. 42, as amended; see
the person of unsound mind; also People v. Soriano, G.R. No.
e. at a time when the matter had been 154278, 27 December 2002].
recently perceived by him or her and 6. Common reputation
while his or her recollection was clear; a. The subject of inquiry must be facts as
and to boundaries of or customs affecting
f. such statement should not be made lands in the community, and reputation
under circumstances indicating its lack as to events of general history
of trustworthiness [Rule 130, Sec. 39, important to the community, or
as amended] respecting marriage or moral
3. Declaration against interest character;
a. The declaration is made by: b. The evidence must refer to facts ante
i. a person deceased; or litem motam;
ii. a person who is unable to testify c. The facts may be established by:
[i.e., in foreign country or with i. Testimonial evidence of competent
physical/mental impairments]; witness;
b. The declaration is against the interest ii. Monuments and inscription in
of the declarant; public places;
c. The fact asserted in the declaration iii. Documents containing statements
was at the time it was made so far of reputation.
contrary to declarant's own interest, 7. Part of the Res Gestae
that a reasonable man in his position a. For spontaneous statements:
would not have made the declaration, i. the principal act, the res gestae, is
unless he believed it to be true [Rule a startling occurrence;
130, Sec. 40; Fuentes v. Court of ii. the statements were made before
Appeals, G.R. No. 111692, 9 February the declarant had time to contrive
1996]. or devise;
4. Act or declaration about pedigree iii. the statements were under the
a. The actor or declarant is dead or stress of excitement caused by the
unable to testify; occurrence; and
b. The act or declaration is made by the iv. the statements concerned the
person related to the subject by birth, occurrence in question and its
adoption, or marriage or, in the immediately attending
absence thereof, with whose family he circumstances (prior or
or she was so intimately associated as subsequent) [Rule 130, Sec. 44;
to be likely to have accurate People v. Calinawan, G.R. No.
information concerning his or her 226145, 13 February 2017]
pedigree; b. For verbal acts:
c. The relationship between the declarant i. The principal act to be
or the actor and the subject is shown by characterized must be equivocal;
evidence other than such act or ii. The equivocal act must be relevant
declaration; to the issue;
d. The act or declaration was made prior iii. The verbal act must be
to the controversy. [Rule 130, Sec. 41, contemporaneous with the
as amended] equivocal act;
5. Family reputation or tradition regarding iv. The verbal act must give legal
pedigree significance to the equivocal act
a. Witness testifying as to reputation or [Talidano v. Falcom Maritime &
tradition must be a member, by

Page 33 of 54

Allied Service, Inc. G.R. No. unavailable or otherwise unable to

172031, 14 July 2008]. testify;
8. Records of regularly conducted b. His testimony or deposition was given
business activity in a former case or proceeding, judicial
a. Testimony of a custodian or other or administrative, between the same
qualified witness; parties or those representing the same
b. On a memorandum, report, record or interests;
data compilation of acts, events, c. The former case involved the same
conditions, opinions, or diagnoses, subject as that in the present case,
made by writing, typing, electronic, although on different causes of action;
optical or other similar means; d. The issue testified to by the witness in
c. The memorandum, report, record, or the former trial is the same issue
data compilation was made at or near involved in the present case; and
the time of or from transmission or e. The adverse party had an opportunity
supply of information; to cross-examine the witness in the
d. Such are kept in the regular course or former case. [Rule 130, Sec. 48, as
conduct of a business activity; amended]
e. It was a regular practice to make the 12. Residual Exception
memorandum, report, record, or data a. the statement is offered as evidence of
compilation; and a material fact;
f. The person testifying has personal b. the statement is more probative on the
knowledge thereof [Rule 130, Sec. 45, point for which it is offered than any
as amended] other evidence which the proponent
9. Entries in official records can procure through reasonable
a. Entries were made by: efforts; and
i. a public officer in the performance c. the general purposes of these rules
of his or her duties; or and the interests of justice will be best
ii. by a person in the performance of served by admission of the statement
a duty specially enjoined by law; into evidence.
b. The entrant had personal knowledge of
the facts stated by him or such facts Q: What is the Residual Exception to the
were acquired by him or her from Hearsay Rule?
reports made by persons under a legal A: A statement not specifically covered by any
duty to submit the same; and of the foregoing exceptions, having equivalent
c. Such entries were duly entered in a circumstantial guarantees of trustworthiness, is
regular manner in the official records admissible if the court determines that:
[Alvarez v. PICOP Resources, G.R. 1. the statement is offered as evidence of a
No. 162243, 3 December 2009]. material fact;
10. Learned treatises 2. the statement is more probative on the
a. The court takes judicial notice of point for which it is offered than any other
published treatise, periodical or evidence which the proponent can procure
pamphlet on a subject of history, law, through reasonable efforts; and
science or art; or 3. the general purposes of these rules and the
b. A witness expert in the subject testifies, interests of justice will be best served by
that the writer of the statement in the admission of the statement into evidence.
treatise, periodical or pamphlet is
recognized in his profession or calling However, a statement may not be admitted
as an expert in the subject [Rule 130, under this exception unless the proponent
Sec. 47]. makes known to the adverse party sufficiently
11. Testimony or deposition at a former trial in advance of the hearing, or by the pre-trial
a. Witness is dead or out of the stage in the case of a trial of the main case, to
Philippines or cannot, with due provide the adverse party with a fair opportunity
diligence, be found therein, or is to prepare to meet it, the proponent’s intention

Page 34 of 54

to offer the statement and the particulars of it, to be licensed to engage in the practice of
including the name and address of the law;
declarant. [Rule 130, Sec. 49] 2. Privilege is invoked with respect to a
confidential communication between them
Q: Difference between Marital in the course of, or with the view of
Disqualification (Spousal Immunity) Rule professional employment; and
and Marital Privilege Rule 3. Client has not given his consent to the
A: disclosure of the communication [Rule 130,
Sec. 24(b); Disini v. Sandiganbayan, G.R.
Marital Privilege No. 180564, 22 June 2010]

As to who can invoke Q: What are the exceptions to the Attorney-

Client Privilege Rule?
Can be invoked only Can be claimed A: These are the exceptions:
if one of the spouses whether or not the 1. Furtherance of crime or fraud.
is a party to the spouse is a party to a. If the services or advice of the lawyer
action. the action. were sought or obtained to enable or
aid anyone to commit or plan to commit
As to applicability what the client knew or reasonably
should have known to be a crime or
Applies only if Can be claimed even fraud;
marriage is existing after the marriage 2. Claimants through the same deceased
at the time the had been dissolved. client.
testimony is offered. a. As to a communication relevant to an
issue between parties who claim
As to prohibition through the same deceased client,
regardless of whether the claims are by
Constitutes a total Applies only to testate or intestate or by inter vivos
prohibition against confidential transaction;
any testimony communications 3. Breach of duty by lawyer or client.
against the spouse of between the a. As to a communication relevant to an
the witness. spouses. issue of breach of duty by the lawyer to
his or her client or by the client to his or
Q: What is the Attorney-Client Privilege her lawyer;
Rule and its requisites? 4. Document attested by the lawyer.
A: An attorney or person reasonably believed a. As to a communication relevant to an
by the client to be licensed to engage in the issue concerning an attested document
practice of law cannot, without the consent of to which the lawyer is an attesting
the client, be examined as to any witness; or
communication made by the client to him or 5. Joint clients.
her, or his or her advice given thereon in the a. As to a communication relevant to a
course of, or with a view to, professional matter of common interest between
employment, nor can an attorney’s secretary, two or more clients if the
stenographer, or clerk, or other persons communication was made by any of
assisting the attorney be examined, without the them to a lawyer retained or consulted
consent of the client and his or her employer, in common, when offered in an action
concerning any fact the knowledge of which between any of the clients, unless they
has been acquired in such capacity. [Rule 130, have expressly agreed otherwise.
Sec. 24] [Rule 130, Sec. 24(b)]

The following are the requisites of such rule: Q: Who are the persons covered by the
1. Relationship of lawyer and client or when a Attorney-Client Privilege Rule?
person is reasonably believed by the client A: These are the covered persons of the rule:

Page 35 of 54

1. The attorney; 1. A person licensed to practice medicine

2. Person reasonably believed by the client to engaged in the diagnosis or treatment of a
be licensed to engage in the practice of mental or emotional condition, or
law; 2. A person licensed as a psychologist by the
3. The attorney's secretary, stenographer, or government while similarly engaged. [Rule
clerk, or other persons assisting the 130, Sec. 24(c)]
attorney, without the consent of the client
and his employer, concerning any fact the Q: What is the effect of the presence of third
knowledge of which has been acquired in parties?
such capacity [Rule 130, Sec. 24(b)]. A: Under the Amended Rules, the privilege
also applies to persons, including members of
Q: What is the Physician-Patient Privilege the patient's family, who have participated in
and its requisites? the diagnosis or treatment of the patient under
A: A physician, psychotherapist or person the direction of the physician or
reasonably believed by the patient to be psychotherapist. [Rule 130, Sec. 24(c)]
authorized to practice medicine or
psychotherapy cannot in a civil case, without Q: What is the Minister/Priest-Penitent
the consent of the patient, be examined as to Privilege Rule?
any confidential communication made for the A: A minister, priest or person reasonably
purpose of diagnosis or treatment of the believed to be so cannot, without the consent
patient’s physical, mental or emotional of the affected person, be examined as to any
condition, including alcohol or drug addiction, communication or confession made to or any
between the patient and his or her physician or advice given by him or her, in his or her
psychotherapist. This privilege also applies to professional character, in the course of
persons, including members of the patient’s discipline enjoined by the church to which the
family, who have participated in the diagnosis minister or priest belongs. [Rule 130, Sec.
or treatment of the patient under the direction 24(d), as amended]
of the physician or psychotherapist. [Rule 130,
Sec. 24(c)] Q: What is the State Secrets Rule?
A: A public officer cannot be examined during
Its requisites are the following: or after his or her tenure as to communications
1. The physician, psychotherapist is made to him or her in official confidence, when
authorized to practice medicine or the court finds that the public interest would
reasonably believed by the patient to be suffer by the disclosure.
authorized to practice medicine or
psychotherapy; The communication shall remain privileged,
2. The information was acquired or the advice even in the hands of a third person who may
or treatment was given by him in his have obtained the information, provided that
professional capacity for the purpose of the original parties to the communication took
treating and curing the patient; reasonable precaution to protect its
3. The information, advice or treatment, if confidentiality. [Rule 130, Section 24, last par.]
revealed, would blacken the reputation of
the patient; Q: What is the Parental and Filial Privilege
4. The privilege is invoked in a civil case Rule?
whether the patient is a party thereto or not A: No person shall be compelled to testify
[Rule 130, Sec. 24 [c], as amended]. against his or her parents, other direct
ascendants, children or other direct
Note: This privilege only applies to civil cases. descendants, except when such testimony is
indispensable in a crime against that person or
Q: What is a psychotherapist? by one parent against the other. [Rule 130,
A: A “psychotherapist” is: Sec. 25, as amended].

Page 36 of 54

No descendant shall be compelled, in a 1. Partner’s or Agent’s Admission [Sec. 30,

criminal case, to testify against his parents and Rule 130]
grandparents, except when such testimony is a. Evidence aliunde of the partnership or
indispensable in a crime against the agency apart from the act or
descendant or by one parent against the other declaration;
[Family Code, Article 215] b. Authority from the party to make a
statement on the subject or the act or
Q: What is the rule on the privilege relating declaration was within the scope of the
to trade secrets? authority; and
A: A person cannot be compelled to testify c. Existence of the partnership or agency
about any trade secret, unless the non- at the time of the act or declaration
disclosure will conceal fraud or otherwise work 2. Admission by conspirator [Sec. 31, Rule
injustice. When disclosure is directed, the court 130]
shall take such protective measure as the a. Evidence aliunde of the conspiracy
interest of the owner of the trade secret and of apart from the act or declaration of a
the parties and the furtherance of justice may conspirator;
require. [Rule 130, Sec. 26] b. The admission relates to a common
Q: What is the Res inter alios acta Rule? c. The admission was made while the
A: “Res inter alios acta alteri nocere non debet” declarant was engaged in carrying out
— Things done between strangers ought not to the conspiracy [People v. Tena, G.R.
injure those who are not parties to them No. 100909 (1992)]
[Black’s Law Dictionary] 3. Admission by privies [Sec. 32, Rule 130]
a. There must be an act, declaration, or
This principle provides that the rights of a party omission by a predecessor-in-interest
cannot be prejudiced by an act, declaration, or b. The act, declaration, or omission of the
omission of another. Consequently, an predecessor-in-interest must have
extrajudicial confession is binding only upon occurred while he was holding the title
the confessant, is not admissible against his or to the property;
her co-accused, and is considered hearsay c. The admission relates to the property.
against them. [Tamargo v. Awingan, G.R. No. 4. Interlocking confession [People v. Muit,
177727 (2010)] G.R. No. 181043 (2008)]
5. Admission by silence [Sec. 33, Rule 130]
This rule has two branches: a. He must have heard or observed the
1. First branch: Admission by a third party act or declaration of the other person;
[Sec. 29, Rule 130] b. He must have had the opportunity to
2. Second branch: Similar acts as evidence deny it;
[Sec. 35, Rule 130] c. He must have understood the act or
Q: What is the rule on Admissions by a d. The facts are within his knowledge;
Third Party? e. He must have an interest to object, as
A: The general rule is that the rights of a party he would naturally have done if the act
cannot be prejudiced by an act, declaration, or or declaration was not true; and
omission of another. [Sec. 29, Rule 130] f. The fact admitted or the inference to be
drawn from his silence is material to the
Admission by a third party is inadmissible as issue [People v. Coral y Pabrua, G.R.
against another. The act, declaration or No. 86220 (1990)]
omission of another is generally irrelevant, and
that in justice, a person should not be bound by Q: What is the rule on similar acts as
the acts of mere unauthorized strangers. evidence?
A: Evidence that one did or did not do a certain
The exceptions to this rule and their requisites thing at one time is not admissible to prove that
are the following:

Page 37 of 54

he or she did or did not do the same or similar Q: When is judicial notice mandatory?
thing at another time. [Sec. 35, Rule 130] A: A court shall take judicial notice, without the
introduction of evidence, of the existence and
Evidence is nor admissible when it shows, or territorial extent of states, their political history,
tends to show, that the accused in a criminal forms of government and symbols of
case has committed a crime independent from nationality, the law of nations, the admiralty and
the offense for which he is on trial. A man may maritime courts of the world and their seals, the
be a notorious criminal, and may have political constitution and history of the
committed many crimes, and still be innocent Philippines, official acts of the legislative,
of the crime charged on trial. [People v. Pineda, executive and judicial departments of the
G.R. No. 141644 (2004)] National Government of the Philippines, the
laws of nature, the measure of time, and the
Q: What are the exceptions to the rule on geographical divisions.
similar acts as evidence?
A: Such evidence may be received to prove the Note: While courts are required to take judicial
following: notice of the laws enacted by Congress, the
1. Specific intent rule with respect to local ordinances is different.
2. Knowledge Ordinances are not included in the
3. Identity enumeration of matters covered by mandatory
4. Plan judicial notice under Section 1, Rule 129 of the
5. System Rules of Court. [Social Justice Society v. Hon.
6. Scheme Atienza, Jr., G.R. No. 156052, February 13,
7. Custom 2008]
8. Habit
9. usage Q: When may extrajudicial confession of
10. The like [Sec. 35, Rule 130] guilt be considered a ground for
Q: What is the rule on presumptions in civil A: As a general rule, an extrajudicial
cases? confession made by an accused, shall not be a
A: In all civil actions and proceedings not sufficient ground for conviction.
otherwise provided for by the law or these
Rules, a presumption imposes on the party Exception: When corroborated by evidence of
against whom it is directed the burden of going corpus delicti [Sec. 3, Rule 133]
forward with evidence to rebut or meet the
presumption. Corpus delicti refers to the substance of the
crime; the fact that a crime has actually been
If presumptions are inconsistent, the committed. [People v. De Leon, G.R. No.
presumption that is founded upon weightier 180762 (2009)]
considerations of policy shall apply.
Q: What is the rule on DNA evidence vis-a-
If considerations of policy are of equal weight, vis a person’s right against self-
neither presumption applies. [Sec. 5, Rule 131] incrimination?
A: Obtaining DNA samples from an accused in
Q: What is the rule on presumptions in a criminal case or from the respondent in a
criminal cases? paternity case, contrary to the belief of
A: If a presumed fact that establishes guilt is an respondent in this action, will not violate the
element of the offense charged, or negates a right against self-incrimination. [Herrera v.
defense, the existence of the basic fact must Alba, G.R. No. 148220 (2005)]
be proved beyond reasonable doubt and the
presumed fact follows from the basic fact
beyond reasonable doubt. [Sec. 6, Rule 131]

Page 38 of 54

referred to in Section 3(c) of this Rule,

SPECIAL PROCEEDINGS the protection may be extended to the
officers concerned [Sec. 14(a)]
● Different from the inspection and
Q: What is the remedy to the convict or production order in that the temporary
prosecution if the results of a post- protection order and the witness
conviction DNA testing are favorable to the protection order do not need a
convict? verification and may be issued motu
A: Under the Rules on DNA testing, the convict proprio or ex parte
or the prosecution may file a petition for a writ 2. Inspection Order
● Issued only upon verified motion and
of habeas corpus in the court of origin. In case
the court, after due hearing, finds the petition to after due hearing
be meritorious, it shall reverse or modify the ● Directed to any person in possession or
judgment of conviction and order the release of control of a designated land or other
the convict, unless continued detention is property, to permit entry for the
justified for a lawful cause. purpose of inspecting, measuring,
surveying, or photographing the
A similar petition may be filed either in the property or any relevant object or
Court of Appeals or the Supreme Court, or with operation thereon.
any member of said courts, which may conduct ● The order shall expire five (5) days
a hearing thereon or remand the petition to the after the day of its issuance, unless
court of origin and issue the appropriate orders. extended for justifiable reasons [Sec.
[Sec. 10, A.M. No. 06-11-5-SC] 14(b)]
● Requires hearing, may be availed of
Q: When is a Writ of Habeas Corpus In both the petitioner and the respondent
Relation to Custody of Minors granted? ● If the court, justice or judge gravely
A: The grant of the writ depends on the abuses his or her discretion in issuing
concurrence of the following requisites: the inspection order, the aggrieved
1. that the petitioner has the right of custody party is not precluded from filing a
over the minor; petition for certiorari with the SC
2. that the rightful custody over the minor is 3. Production Order
being withheld from the petitioner by the ● Issued only upon verified motion and
respondents; and after due hearing
3. that it is to the best interest of the minor ● Directed to any person in possession,
concerned to be in the custody of petitioner custody or control of any designated
and not that of the respondents. [Masbata documents, papers, books, accounts,
v. Relucio, G.R. No. 235498 (2018)] letters, photographs, objects or
tangible things, or objects in digitized or
Q: What are the interim reliefs available to electronic form which constitute or
the petitioner in a petition for a writ of contain evidence relevant to the
amparo? petition or the return, to produce and
A: permit their inspection, copying or
1. Temporary Protection Order photographing by or on behalf of the
● Issued upon motion or motu proprio movant.
● That the petitioner or the aggrieved ● In case of opposition, the court, justice
party and any member of the or judge may conduct a hearing in
immediate family be protected in a chambers to determine the merit of the
government agency or by an opposition [Sec. 14(c)] Opposition may
accredited person or private institution be had on the following grounds:
capable of keeping and securing their a. National security
safety. If the petitioner is an b. Privileged nature of the information
organization, association or institution 4. Witness protection order
● Issued upon motion or motu proprio

Page 39 of 54

● Order may refer the witnesses to

a. The Department of Justice for Q: What are the interim reliefs available to
admission to the Witness the respondent in a writ of amparo?
Protection, Security and Benefit A:
Program. 1. Inspection Order
b. Other government agencies, or to 2. Production Order [Sec. 15]
accredited persons or private
institutions capable of keeping and
securing their safety [Sec. 14(d)]

Q: Distinguish writ of habeas corpus, writ of amparo, and writ of habeas data.
Habeas corpus Amparo Habeas data
Involves the right to
1. All cases of illegal privacy in life, liberty
confinement and Involves right to life, or security violated or
detention by which liberty and security threatened by an
any person is violated or threatened unlawful act or
deprived of his with violation by an omission of a public
liberty unlawful act or omission official or employee, or
2. Deprivation of of a public official or of a private individual or
Nature, scope,
rightful custody of employee or a private entity engaged in the
any person including individual or entity gathering, collecting or
minors from the storing of data or
person entitled [Sec. Covers extralegal information regarding
1] killings and enforced the person, family,
disappearances or home and
Actual violation before threats thereof [Sec. 1] correspondence of the
writ issues. aggrieved party [Sec.
May not be suspended
except in cases of Shall not diminish, Shall not diminish,
invasion or rebellion increase or modify increase or modify
when public safety substantive rights [Sec. substantive rights [Sec.
requires it [Sec. 15, Art. 23] 23]
III, 1987 Const.]
Petition filed by the Any aggrieved party
aggrieved party or by any may file a petition.
qualified person or entity
in the following order: However, in cases of
1. Any member of the extralegal killings and
immediate family enforced
By a petition signed and
2. Any ascendant, disappearances, the
verified by the party for
descendant or petition may be filed by
whose relief it is
Who may file collateral relative of (also successive):
intended, or by some
the aggrieved within 1. Any member of the
person on his behalf
the 4th civil degree of immediate family of
[Sec. 3]
affinity or the aggrieved
consanguinity 2. Any ascendant,
3. Any concerned descendant or
citizen, organization, collateral relative of
association or the aggrieved party
institution within the fourth

Page 40 of 54

Habeas corpus Amparo Habeas data

Filing by the aggrieved civil degree of
suspends the right of all consanguinity or
others [Sec. 2] affinity [Sec. 2]
1. At the option of
1. SC or any member
petitioner, RTC
thereof, on any day
and at any time
a. Petitioner
2. CA or any member
resides or
thereof in instances
b. Respondent
authorized by law 1. SB, CA, SC, or any
resides or
3. RTC or a judge justice of such courts
c. That which has
thereof, on any day 2. RTC of place where
jurisdiction over
and at any time, the threat, act or
Where filed the place
enforceable only omission was
where the data
within his judicial committed or any of
or information
district [Sec. 2] its elements occurred
is gathered,
4. MTC or first level [Sec. 3]
collected or
courts in the
absence of RTC
2. SC, CA, or SB – If
judges in a judicial
public data files of
region [Sec. 35, B.P.
government offices
[Sec. 3]
If SC/CA issued,
anywhere in

If granted by the RTC or

judge thereof, it is
Where Anywhere in Philippines Anywhere in
enforceable in any part
enforceable [Sec. 4] Philippines [Sec. 3]
of the judicial region
[Sec. 21, B.P. 129 which
modified the term judicial
district in Sec. 2, Rule
102 into judicial region]
where the judge sits
If issued by: If issued by:
1. SC or any of its 1. SC or any of its
justices, returnable justices, before
If issued by: before such court or such Court or any
1. SC/CA, or a member any justice thereof, or justice thereof, or
thereof, returnable before the CA/SB or CA/SB or any of its
before such court or any of their justices, or justices, or the RTC
Where any member thereof to any RTC of the of the place where
returnable or an RTC place where the the petitioner or
2. RTC, or a judge threat, act or omission respondent
thereof, returnable was committed or any resides/has
before himself [Sec. of its elements jurisdiction over the
2] occurred place where the
2. CA/SB or any of their data or information
justices, returnable is gathered, stored
before such court or or collected

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Habeas corpus Amparo Habeas data

any justice thereof, or 2. CA/SB or any of its
to any RTC of the justices, before
place where the such court or any
threat, act, or justice thereof, or
omission was RTC (same with
committed or any of scenario SC issued
its elements occurred and then returned
3. RTC or any judge in RTC)
thereof, returnable 3. RTC, returnable
before such court or before such court
judge [Sec. 3] or judge [Sec. 4]
None for indigent
Petitioner shall be
exempted from the
Upon the final Petition shall be
payment of the docket
disposition of such docketed and acted
and other lawful fees
proceedings the court or upon immediately,
Docket fees
judge shall make such without prejudice to
Court, justice or judge
order as to costs as the subsequent
shall docket the petition
case requires [Sec. 19] submission of proof of
and act upon it
indigency not later than
immediately [Sec 4]
15 days from filing
[Sec. 5]
Verified and written
petition shall contain
Signed and verified and
1. Personal
shall allege
Signed and verified circumstances of
1. The personal
either by the party for petitioner and
circumstances of the
whose relief it is respondent
intended or by some 2. Manner the right to
2. Name or appellation
person on his behalf, privacy is violated
and circumstances of
setting forth or threatened and
the respondent
1. The person in whose its effects
3. The right to life,
behalf the 3. Actions and
liberty, and security
application is made recourses taken by
Essential violated or threatened
is imprisoned or the petitioner to
allegations/ with violation
restrained of his secure the data or
Contents of 4. The investigation
liberty information
petition conducted, if any, plus
2. Name of the person 4. The location of the
circumstances of
detaining another or files, registers, or
assumed appellation databases, the
5. The actions and
3. Place where he is government office,
recourses taken by
imprisoned or and the person in
the petitioner
restrained of his charge or control
6. Relief prayed for
liberty 5. The reliefs prayed
4. Cause of detention for
May include a general
[Sec. 3] 6. Such other relevant
prayer for other just and
reliefs as are just
equitable reliefs [Sec. 5]
and equitable [Sec.

Page 42 of 54

Habeas corpus Amparo Habeas data

Court or judge must,
Upon filing of the
when a petition is
petition, the court,
presented and it appears
justice, or judge shall
that it ought to issue,
Upon the filing of the immediately order the
grant the same and then:
petition, the court, justice, issuance of the writ if
1. the clerk of court
or judge shall immediately on its face it ought to
(CoC) shall issue the
order the issuance of the issue:
writ under the seal of
writ if on its face it ought to 1. CoC shall issue the
the court or
issue: writ under the seal
2. in case of
1. CoC shall issue the of the court and
emergency, the
writ under the seal of cause it to be
judge may issue the
When proper the court or served within 3
writ under his own
2. In case of urgent days from issuance
hand, and may
necessity, the justice or
deputize any officer
or the judge may 2. In case of urgent
or person to serve it
issue the writ under necessity, the
his or her own hand, justice or judge
Also proper to be issued
and may deputize any may issue the writ
when the court or judge
officer or person to under his or her
has examined into the
serve it [Sec. 6] own hand, and may
cause of restraint of the
deputize any officer
prisoner, and is satisfied
or person to serve it
that he is unlawfully
[Sec. 7]
imprisoned [Sec. 5]
Writ may be served in
any province by the (a)
sheriff, (b) other proper
The writ shall be served
officer, or (c) person The writ shall be served
upon the respondent by
deputed by the court or upon the respondent by a
a judicial officer or by a
judge. judicial officer or by a
person deputized by
person deputized by the
the court, justice or
Service is made by court, justice or judge who
judge who shall retain a
leaving the original with shall retain a copy on
copy on which to make
the person to whom it is which to make a return of
Service a return of service.
directed and preserving service.
a copy on which to make
In case the writ cannot
return of service. In case the writ cannot be
be served personally
If that person cannot be served personally on the
on the respondent, the
found, or has not the respondent, the rules on
rules on substituted
prisoner in his custody, substituted service shall
service shall apply
service shall be made on apply [Sec. 8]
[Sec. 9]
any other person having
or exercising such
custody [Sec. 7]
A public official or
Respondent is a public employee or a private
May or may not be an official or employee or individual or entity
officer [Sec. 6] private individual or entity engaged in gathering,
[Sec. 1] collecting or storing
data [Sec. 1]

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Habeas corpus Amparo Habeas data

The officer to whom the
writ is directed shall
convey the person so
imprisoned or restrained
1. the judge allowing
the writ, or
2. in his absence or
disability, before
some other judge of
the same court

How executed on the day specified in Respondent files the Respondent files the
and returned the writ, unless person return [Sec. 9] return [Sec. 10]
directed to be produced
is sick or infirm, and
cannot, without danger,
be brought therein.

Officer shall then make

the due return of the writ,
with the day and cause
of the caption and
restraint according to the
command thereof [Sec.
Within 5 working days
When to file On the day specified on Same as Amparo [Sec.
after service of the writ
return the writ [Sec. 8] 10]
[Sec. 9]
When the person to be Within 5 working days 1. Lawful defenses
produced is imprisoned after service of the writ, such as national
or restrained by an the respondent shall file a security, state
officer, the person who verified written return secrets, privileged
makes the return shall together with supporting communications,
state, and in other cases affidavits which shall, confidentiality of
the person in whose contain the source of
custody the prisoner is 1. Lawful defenses information of
found shall state in 2. The steps or actions media etc.
writing to the court or taken to determine the 2. In case of
judge before whom the fate or whereabouts of respondent in
Contents of
writ is returnable: the aggrieved party charge, in
1. Truth of 3. All relevant possession or in
custody/power over information in the control of the data
the aggrieved party possession of the or information
2. If he has custody or respondent pertaining subject of the
power, or under to the threat, act or petition
restraint, the omission against the a. A disclosure of
authority and the aggrieved party the data or
cause thereof, with a 4. If the respondent is a information
copy of the writ, public official or about the
order, execution or employee, the return petitioner, the
other process, if any shall further state acts nature of such

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Habeas corpus Amparo Habeas data

upon which the party a. To verify identity data or
is held of aggrieved party information,
3. If the party is in his b. To recover and and the
custody or power, preserve purpose for its
and is not produced, evidence collection
particularly the c. To identify and b. The steps or
nature and gravity of collect witness actions taken
the sickness or statements by the
infirmity d. To determine respondent to
4. If he has had the cause, manner, ensure the
party in his custody location, and time security and
or power, and has of death or confidentiality
transferred such disappearance of the data or
custody or restraint e. To identify and information
to another, apprehend c. The currency
particularly to whom, persons involved and accuracy
at what time, for f. To bring of the data or
what cause, and by suspected information
what authority such offenders before a held
transfer was made competent court d. Other
[Sec. 10] [Sec.9] allegations
relevant to the
resolution of
the proceeding
Return or statement
shall be signed and
sworn to by the person Respondent shall file a
Respondent shall file a
who makes it if the verified written return
Formalities of verified written return
prisoner is not produced, together with
return together with supporting
unless the return is supporting affidavits
affidavits [Sec. 9]
made and signed by a [Sec. 10]
sworn public officer in his
official capacity [Sec. 11]
1. CoC who refuses to 1. Contempt without
1. Contempt without
issue the writ after prejudice to other
prejudice to other
allowance and disciplinary actions
disciplinary actions
demand, or a. CoC who
a. CoC who refuses
2. A person to whom a refuses to issue
to issue the writ
writ is directed, who the writ after its
after its
a. neglects/refuses allowance, or
Penalties for allowance, or
to obey or make b. A deputized
refusing to b. A deputized
return of the person who
issue or serve person who
same according refuses to
OR for faulty refuses to serve
to the command serve the writ
return the writ [Sec. 7]
thereof, [Sec. 8]
2. Contempt punishable
b. or makes false 2. Contempt
by imprisonment or a
return, punishable by
c. or upon demand imprisonment or a
a. A respondent who
made by or on fine
refuses to make a
behalf of the a. A respondent
return, or
prisoner, refuses who refuses to

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Habeas corpus Amparo Habeas data

to deliver to the b. A respondent who make a return,
person makes a false or
demanding, return, or b. A respondent
within 6 hours a c. Any person who who makes a
true copy of the otherwise false return, or
warrant or order disobeys or resist c. Any person
of commitment, a lawful process who otherwise
or order of the disobeys or
shall forfeit to the party court [Sec. 16] resist a lawful
aggrieved the sum of process or
P1000, recoverable in a order of the
proper action, and may court [Sec. 11]
also be punished for
contempt [Sec. 16]
No, not even on highly
meritorious grounds.
Is period of
Yes, for justifiable
return Note: Motion for
reasons [Sec. 10]
extendable? extension of time to file a
return is a prohibited
pleading [Sec. 11]
Is a general
Not allowed [Sec. 9] Not allowed [Sec. 10]
denial allowed?
Court, judge, or justice
shall hear the motion
ex parte, granting the
petitioner such reliefs
Court or justice shall as the petition may
Effect of failure
proceed to hear the warrant
to file return
petition ex parte [Sec. 12]
Unless the court in its
discretion requires the
petitioner to submit
evidence [Sec. 14]
Summary. Summary.

However, the court, With possibility of

justice, or judge may call preliminary conference
for a preliminary similar to Amparo [Sec.
The writ does not act
conference to simplify the 14]
upon the prisoner who
issues and look at the
Nature of seeks relief, but upon the
possibility of obtaining Hearing in chambers
Hearing person who holds him in
stipulations and may be conducted
what is alleged to be
admissions from the where respondent
unlawful authority
parties. invokes the defense of
[Caballes v. CA, G.R.
national security or
No. 163108 (2005)
Same priority as petitions state secrets, or the
for Habeas corpus [Sec. data is of privileged
13] character [Sec. 12]
Date and time of As specified in the writ As specified in the writ, As specified in the writ,
hearing [Sec. 8] not later than 7 days from not later than 10

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Habeas corpus Amparo Habeas data

the issuance of the writ working days from the
[Sec. 6] date of issuance of the
writ [Sec. 7]
1. Motion to dismiss
2. Motion for extension
of time to file
opposition, affidavit,
position paper and
other pleadings
3. Dilatory motion for
4. Motion for bill of
In custody of minors a
5. Counterclaims or
motion to dismiss,
Prohibited except on the ground of Same as Amparo [Sec.
6. Third-party complaint
pleadings lack of jurisdiction [Sec. 13]
7. Reply
6, Rule on Custody of
8. Motion to declare
Minors and WHC]
respondent in default
9. Intervention
10. Memorandum
11. Motion for
reconsideration of
interlocutory orders or
interim relief orders
12. Petition for certiorari,
mandamus, or
prohibition [Sec. 11]
Substantial evidence
1. if respondent is a
private individual or
Clear and convincing Substantial evidence
Burden of entity, ordinary
evidence [Dizon v. required to prove the
proof/Standard diligence
Eduardo, G.R. No. L- allegations in the
of diligence 2. if public official or
59118 (1988)] petition [Sec. 16]
diligence [Sec. 17]
Yes. If warrant of Public official or employee
commitment is in cannot invoke the
Presumption of
pursuance with law, it presumption that official
official duty
serves as prima facie duty has been regularly
cause of restraint. performed [Sec. 17]
Upon filing of the petition
or at any time before final
judgment, the court,
justice or judge may grant
Interim reliefs any of the following
1. temporary protection
2. inspection order

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Habeas corpus Amparo Habeas data

3. production order
4. witness protection
order [Sec. 14]
Within 10 days from the Within 10 days from the
time the petition is time the petition is
submitted for decision submitted for decision
[Sec. 18] [Sec. 16]
5 working days from
Within 48 hours from 5 working days from the
the date of notice of
notice of the judgment of date of notice of adverse
Appeal adverse judgment to
final order appealed judgment to the SC under
the SC under Rule 45
[Sec. 39, B.P. 129] Rule 45 [Sec. 19]
[Sec. 19]
Institution of
separate Not precluded
Consolidated with a Consolidated with a
Consolidation criminal action filed criminal action filed
of actions subsequent to the petition subsequent to the
[Sec. 23] petition [Sec. 21]
No more separate petition
Effect of filing shall be filed. Reliefs Same as Amparo [Sec.
criminal action available by motion in the 21]
criminal case [Sec. 22]

Q: What is a strategic lawsuit against public government agency, on behalf of persons

participation (SLAPP)? whose constitutional right to a balanced and
A: This refers to an action whether civil, healthful ecology is violated, or threatened with
criminal or administrative, brought against any violation by an unlawful act or omission of a
person, institution or any government agency public official or employee, or private individual
or local government unit or its officials and or entity, involving environmental damage of
employees, with the intent to harass, vex, exert such magnitude as to prejudice the life, health
undue pressure or stifle any legal recourse that or property of inhabitants in two or more cities
such person, institution or government agency or provinces. [Sec. 1, Rule 7, A.M. No. 09-6-8-
has taken or may take in the enforcement of SC]
environmental laws, protection of the
environment or assertion of environmental Q: What is a writ of continuing mandamus?
rights. [Sec. 4, Rule 1, A.M. No. 09-6-8-SC] A: It is a writ issued by a court in an
environmental case directing any agency or
Q: What is a writ of kalikasan? instrumentality of the government or officer
A: The writ is a remedy available to a natural or thereof to perform an act or series of acts
juridical person, entity authorized by law, decreed by final judgment which shall remain
people’s organization, non-governmental effective until judgment is fully satisfied. [Sec.
organization, or any public interest group 4, Rule 1, A.M. No. 09-6-8-SC]
accredited by or registered with any

Page 48 of 54

Q: How is a writ of kalikasan distinguished from a writ continuing mandamus?

Writ of Kalikasan Writ of Continuing Mandamus
[Rule 7] [Rule 8]
Directed against
1. the unlawful neglect in the
performance of an act specifically
Available against an unlawful act or
enjoined by law in connection with
omission of a public official or employee, or
the enforcement/ violation of an
private individual or entity, involving
Subject environmental rule or
environmental damage of such magnitude
Matter 2. the unlawful exclusion of another
as to prejudice the life, health or property
from the use or enjoyment of such
of inhabitants in two or more cities or
right and in both instances, there
provinces [Sec. 1]
is no other plain, speedy and
adequate remedy in the ordinary
course of law. [Sec. 1]
1. Natural and juridical persons
2. Entities authorized by law
Who May 3. POs, NGOs, PIG, on behalf of persons Person personally aggrieved by the
File whose right to a balanced and healthful unlawful act or omission [Sec. 1]
ecology is violated or threatened to be
violated [Sec. 1]
May be public or private individual or entity
Respondent Government or its officers [Sec. 1]
[Sec. 1]
Docket Fees Exempted [Sec. 4] Exempted [Sec. 3]
1. RTC exercising territorial
Venue SC or CA [Sec. 2]
2. CA
3. SC [Sec. 3]
Discovery Ocular Inspection and Production or
Measures Inspection Order [Sec. 12]
Damages Not allowed [Sec. 17] Allowed [Sec. 1]

Q: What is the precautionary principle? In applying the precautionary principle, the

A: It states that when human activities may following factors, among others, may be
lead to threats of serious and irreversible considered:
damage to the environment that is scientifically 1. threats to human life or health;
plausible but uncertain, actions shall be taken 2. inequity to present or future generations; or
to avoid or diminish that threat. [Sec. 4, Rule 1, 3. prejudice to the environment without legal
A.M. No. 09-6-8-SC] consideration of the environmental rights of
those affected. [Sec. 2, Rule 20]
When there is a lack of full scientific certainty in
establishing a causal link between human
activity and environmental effect, the court
shall apply the precautionary principle in
resolving the case before it. The constitutional
right of the people to a balanced and healthful
ecology shall be given the benefit of the doubt.
[Sec. 1, Rule 20]

Page 49 of 54

A: Yes, Mr. Roberto law can qualify to take the

LEGAL AND JUDICIAL bar examinations. Under the 1987 Constitution,
ETHICS he is considered a natural-born Filipino since
both his parents remain Filipino citizens at the
time of his birth. He also completed his law
I. Qualifications for new lawyers degree from a local school in Metro Manila.
(including reacquisition of
citizenship) II. Code of Professional
Responsibility (Lawyer’s
General Qualifications [Section 2, Rule 138]
Requirements for all applicants for admission
Oath duties)
to the bar. - Every applicant for admission as a
member of the bar must be “I, ________________ do solemnly swear that
1. a citizen of the Philippines; I will maintain allegiance to the Republic of the
2. at least twenty-one years of age; Philippines; I will support its Constitution and
3. of good moral character; and obey the laws as well as the legal orders of the
4. resident of the Philippines; and duly constituted authorities therein; I will do no
5. must produce before the Supreme Court falsehood, nor consent to the doing of any in
satisfactory evidence of good moral court; I will not wittingly or willingly promote or
character, and that no charges against him, sue any groundless, false or unlawful suit,
involving moral turpitude, have been filed neither give aid nor consent to the same; I will
or are pending in any court in the delay no man for money or malice, and will
Philippines. conduct myself as a lawyer according to the
best of my knowledge and discretion, with all
Qualifications under RA 9225 (Citizenship good fidelity as well to the courts as to my
Retention and Reacquisition Act of 2003): clients; and I impose upon myself this voluntary
● declares that natural-born citizens of the obligation without any mental reservation or
Philippines who become citizens of another purpose of evasion. So help me God.” [Rules
country shall be deemed not to have lost of Court, Form 28]
their Philippine citizenship.
● Only natural-born citizens of the Philippines A. The Lawyer and Society
who have lost their Philippine citizenship by
reason of their naturalization as citizens of ● Canon 1 – A lawyer shall uphold the
a foreign country may retain/reacquire their Constitution, obey the laws of the land and
Philippine citizenship under this Act. promote respect for law and legal
● RA 9225 does not apply to dual citizens, processes.
i.e., those who have both Philippine as well ● Canon 2 – A lawyer shall make his legal
as foreign citizenship not acquired through services available in an efficient and
naturalization. convenient manner compatible with the
● The provisions of R.A. No. 9225 may be independence, integrity and effectiveness
used by an applicant seeking admission of the profession.
to the practice of law. ● Canon 6 – These Canons shall apply to
lawyers in government service in the
Q: Roberto Lo was born in Australia of Filipino discharge of their tasks.
parents. After completing his degree in
Business Administration in Australia, he Q: The Office of the Ombudsman suspended
obtained his law degree in a Manila law school. Ceniza for six months for disgraceful and
He successfully graduated with a law degree immoral conduct for cohabiting with a woman
and is now processing his documents to be other than his wife while serving legal officer of
able to take the bar. Can he qualify to take the Mandaue City. Can a separate disbarment
bar examinations? case be filed against Ceniza?

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A: Yes, a separate disbarment case may be impropriety which tends to influence or give
filed against him. Canon 6 of the CPR applies the appearance of influencing the court.
to government lawyers. A disbarment case is
sui generis and may be pursued independently Q: Atty. Ramon represented to De Jesus and
from any other action. Based on the facts, Aquino that she could secure the acquittal of
Ceniza is guilty gross immoral conduct as a Fajardo and even used the names of three
member of society. He should be disbarred. Associate Justices to accomplish her ill
[Amalia Ceniza v. Atty. Eliseo B. Ceniza, A.C. motives. She drafted a fake decision regarding
No. 8335, April 10, 2019, Per Curiam] the supposed acquittal of Fajardo. She placed
the names of three Associate Justices in the
B. The Lawyer and the Legal fake decision even though the criminal case of
Profession Fajardo was raffled in a different division and
assigned to a different Associate Justice as
● Canon 7 - A lawyer shall at all times uphold ponente. What liability, if any, did Atty. Ramos
the integrity and dignity of the legal incur?
profession and support the activities of the
integrated bar. A: By her acts, she eroded public confidence in
● Canon 9 - A lawyer shall not, directly or the judiciary. She is not fit to remain a member
indirectly, assist in the authorized practice of the bar. [Justices Fernanda Lampas-
of law. Peralta, Stephen Cruz and Ramon Paul
Hernando v. Atty. Marie Frances Ramon, A.C.
Q: Atty. Bancolo allowed his secretary to sign No. 12415, March 05, 2019]
the Complaint he filed for a client before the
Office of the Ombudsman. Can a lawyer Q: Atty. Cruz requested Mrs. Agaton, her client,
delegate to his secretary to sign a pleading on to procure a P2M Manager’s check as
his behalf? consignation in the pending case for the titling
of the family’s ancestral home. Agaton
A: No, Atty. Bancolo cannot delegate to his discovered that the consignation case was
secretary the signing of a pleading. The already dismissed and that Atty. Cruz instead
permissive right conferred on the lawyer is an applied the proceeds of the P2M check to settle
individual and limited privilege subject to another civil case for another client. What
withdrawal if he fails to maintain proper duties, if any, did Atty. Cruz violate?
standards of moral and professional conduct.
[Rodrigo Tapay v. Attys. Charlie Bancolo and A: Atty. Cruz clearly violated her Lawyer’s Oath
Janus Jarder, A.C. No. 9604, March 20, 2013, and the Canons of Professional Responsibility
Carpio, J.] through her dishonest, deceitful and fraudulent
conduct.” She defrauded the complainant by
C. The Lawyer and the Courts misappropriating her manager’s check as
settlement for the obligation of a client in
another civil case. She likewise deceived the
● Canon 10 - A lawyer owes candor,
RTC into believing that the complainant’s
fairness, and good faith to the court.
● Canon 11 - A lawyer shall observe and manager’s check was issued for a civil case, to
which she was not a party but another client
maintain the respect due to the courts and
to judicial officers and should insist on she represented.
similar conduct by others.
● Canon 12 - A lawyer shall exert every effort She should be disbarred and be ordered to
return to Mrs. Agaton the amount of P2 million
and consider it [their] duty to assist in the
plus 6% interest per annum [Gracita P.
speedy and efficient administration of
justice. Domingo-Agaton v. Atty. Nini D. Cruz, A.C. No.
11023. May 4, 2021 (Date Uploaded:
● Canon 13 - A lawyer shall rely upon the
merits of [their] cause and refrain from any

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D. The Lawyer and The Client III. Disqualifications, inhibitions

● Canon 14 - A lawyer shall not refuse [their]
for judges
services to the needy.
These are the qualities a judge must possess.
● Canon 15 - A lawyer shall observe candor,
1. Canon 1. Independence
fairness, and loyalty in all [their] dealings
2. Canon 2. Integrity
and transactions with [their] clients.
3. Canon 3. Impartiality
● Canon 16 - A lawyer shall hold in trust all
4. Canon 4. Propriety
moneys and properties of [their] client that
5. Canon 5. Equality
may come into [their] profession.
6. Canon 6. Competence and Diligence [A.M.
● Canon 20 - A lawyer shall charge only fair
No. 03-05-01-SC]
and reasonable fees.
● Canon 21- A lawyer shall preserve the
Canon 3: Impartiality
confidence and secrets of [their] client even
SECTION 5. Judges shall disqualify
after the attorney-client relation is
themselves from participating in any
proceedings in which they are unable to decide
the matter impartially or in which it may appear
Q: Atty. Regala and the other lawyers of their
to a reasonable observer that they are unable
office were directed to disclose to the
to decide the matter impartially. Such
Sandiganbayan the identity of their clients in
proceedings include, but are not limited to,
the documents presented by the prosecution
instances where –
for the recovery of alleged ill-gotten wealth,
a. The judge has actual bias or prejudice
which includes shares of stocks under the
concerning a party or personal knowledge
name of undisclosed principals. Can Atty.
of disputed evidentiary facts concerning
Regala be compelled to reveal the identity of
the proceedings;
the true owners of the shares of stocks under
b. The judge previously served as a lawyer or
was a material witness in the matter in
A: No, Atty. Regala cannot be compelled to
c. The judge, or a member of his or her family,
reveal the identity of his clients. Encouraging
has an economic interest in the outcome of
full disclosure to a lawyer by one seeking legal
the matter in controversy;
services opens the door to a whole spectrum of
d. The judge served as executor,
legal options which would otherwise be
administrator, guardian, trustee or lawyer in
circumscribed by limited information
the case or matter in controversy, or a
engendered by a fear of disclosure. An
former associate of the judge served as
effective lawyer-client relationship is largely
counsel during their association, or the
dependent upon the degree of confidence
judge or lawyer was a material witness
which exists between lawyer and client which
in turn requires a situation which encourages a
e. The judge’s ruling in a lower court is the
dynamic and fruitful exchange and flow of
subject of review;
information. It necessarily follows that in order
f. The judge is related by consanguinity or
to attain effective representation, the lawyer
affinity to a party litigant within the sixth civil
must invoke the privilege not as a matter of
degree or to counsel within the fourth civil
option but as a matter of duty and professional
degree; or
responsibility. [Teodoro R. Regala v.
g. The judge knows that his or her spouse or
Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 105938, 1996-09-
child has a financial interest, as heir,
legatee, creditor, fiduciary, or otherwise, in
the subject matter in controversy or in a
party to the proceeding, or any other
interest that could be substantially affected
by the outcome of the proceedings.

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Inhibition under Rule 137 of the Rules of IV. Direct and indirect contempt
“SECTION 1. Disqualification of judges. — No Sanctions for practice or appearance
judge or judicial officer shall sit in any case - in without authority
which he, or his wife or child, is pecuniarily 1. Lawyers without authority - Contempt of
interested as heir, legatee, creditor or Court under Rule 71
otherwise, or in which he is related to either 2. Persons not lawyers - Indirect contempt for
party within the sixth degree of consanguinity unauthorized practice of law
or affinity or to counsel within the fourth degree
computed according to the rules of the civil law, Acts Constituting Contempt:
or in which he has been executor, 1. Misbehavior
administrator, guardian, trustee or counsel, or 2. Disobedience
in which he has presided in any inferior court 3. Publication concerning pending litigation
when the ruling or decision is the subject of 4. Publication tending to degrade the court;
review, without the written consent of all parties disrespectful language in pleadings
in interest, signed by them and entered upon 5. Misleading the court or obstructing justice
the record.” 6. Unauthorized practice of law
7. Belligerent attitude
The rule contemplates two kinds of inhibition 8. Unlawful retention of client’s funds
1. Voluntary - left to the judge's discretion
whether [they] should desist from sitting in
a case for other just and valid reasons with
only [their] conscience to guide [them] PRACTICAL EXERCISES
2. Compulsory - conclusively presumes that
a judge cannot actively or impartially sit on
a case A. Parts of conveyancing,
A judge may not be legally prohibited from
sitting in litigation without any valid ground. But
when suggestion is made of record that he
1. Parts of Conveyancing
might be induced to act in favor of one party or
a. Document Title - Deed of Absolute Sale/
with bias or prejudice against a litigant arising
Contract of Lease/Memorandum of
out of circumstances reasonably capable of
inciting such a state of mind, he should conduct
b. Preamble - used to easily show important
a careful self-examination. A judge who serves
details of the document. These include the
the cause of law must forestall the miscarriage
name of the agreement, the date of
of justice.
execution, and the involved parties.
c. Parties - refers to the persons, whether
Prejudice is not to be presumed. Especially if
natural or juridical persons, executing the
weighed against a judges legal obligation
under his oath to administer justice without
d. Recitals - an optional form, called recitals,
respect person and do equal right to the poor
may be included to include background
and the rich. To disqualify or not to disqualify
information to the agreement.
himself then, as far as respondent judge is
concerned, is a matter of conscience."
Recitals can be a valuable resource for
[Pimentel v. Hon. Salanga, 21 SCRA 160
contract interpretation. They provide terms
that show intent on the part of the parties.

e. Agreement - legally called the

consideration is a general statement of
what is expected from the parties to fulfill
the contract.

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2. Parts of Affidavits, four main needlessly increase the cost of

parts litigation; and
c. The factual allegations therein have
a. A statement that the affiant is swearing evidentiary support or, if specifically so
under oath to the truthfulness of the identified, will likewise have evidentiary
information contained in the affidavit. support after a reasonable opportunity
b. The information that is being sworn to; for discovery.
c. The signature of the affiant; d. The signature of the affiant shall further
d. The attestation of a notary public or other serve as a certification of the
official authorized to administer oaths. truthfulness of the allegations in the
B. Parts of pleadings, motions 5. Certification against forum shopping
Certify under oath in the complaint or other
1. Parts of a pleading initiatory pleading asserting a claim for
relief, or in a sworn certification annexed
1. Caption thereto and simultaneously filed therewith:
The caption sets forth: a. that he has not theretofore commenced
a. the name of the court any action or filed any claim involving
b. the title of the action, and the same issues in any court, tribunal
c. the docket number if assigned or quasi-judicial agency and, to the
best of his knowledge, no such other
2. The Body action or claim is pending therein;
The body of the pleading sets forth: b. if there is such other pending action or
a. its designation, claim, a complete statement of the
b. the allegations of the party’s claims or present status thereof; and
defenses, c. if he should thereafter learn that the
c. the relief prayed for, and same or similar action or claim has
d. the date of the pleading been filed or is pending, he shall report
that fact within five (5) days therefrom
3. Signature and address to the court wherein his aforesaid
The signature of counsel constitutes a complaint or initiatory pleading has
certificate by him or her that he or she has been filed.
read the pleading and document; that to the
best of his or her knowledge, information, 2. Motions
and belief, formed after an inquiry
reasonable under the circumstances ● All motions shall be in writing except those
made in open court or in the course of a
4. Verification hearing or trial.
A pleading is verified by an affidavit of an ● A motion shall state the relief sought to be
affiant duly authorized to sign said obtained and the grounds upon which it is
verification. The authorization of the affiant based, and if required by these Rules or
to act on behalf of a party, whether in the necessary to prove facts alleged therein,
form of a secretary's certificate or a special shall be accompanied by supporting
power of attorney, should be attached to affidavits and other papers.
the pleading, and shall allege the following ● Parts:
attestations: 1. Captions
a. The allegations in the pleading are true 2. Nature of Motion – relief sought and
and correct based on his or her grounds to support the relief
personal knowledge, or based on 3. Notice of Hearing on Litigious Motions
authentic documents; 4. Signature
b. The pleading is not filed to harass, 5. Proof of Service
cause unnecessary delay, or

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